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View Full Version : Good, Bad, and the Ugly: Win vs a Loss

10-30-2013, 10:15 PM
So how does your weekend go after a Friday night loss... or win?

Here is my weekend after a tough loss (luckily only one). Of course the drive home is tough. You kind of repeat to yourself "all that work they put in... But it sure hurts to lose...". You get home after a long ugly road trip. Can't sleep, pretty crappy, what are people going to think... Is this a trend.... How will we respond? No matter how many times you remind yourself it was only 5 or 6 points.. Doesn't really matter. Get up the next morning, somewhat dreading the newspaper. Anticipating how they will write the story. My wife, who is every bit of a sports fan as me, will start watching the film. She can somehow see the good in most all the plays, while I tend to pick it apart. So while watching the replay, I hear her simultaneously listening the the radio replay from the night before. I really don't want any part of it on Saturday. I'm just hoping Johnny Football can do some magic and give a little glimmer of sunshine on the weekend. My wife calls from the other room "come look at this...". I love my wife, will usually find some thing the ref missed and yell "oh my gosh....". "Honey, not now... If I wanted to watch it, I would be watching it...". Beautiful Sunday morning rolls around after another long night. See good friends at church, we shoot the breeze about the game a little... Watch a little NFL... Cowboys and Houston get me down again, but by Sunday evening begin coming out of my funk. A little too bummed to swing by practice, but remind my self it's his Senior year.. Not many left. Finally watch film about Wednesday, my feet back under me, looking forward to another Friday night, reminding myself that I should be able to live with 5-1 for now.

Contrast that with the evening of a huge win... Spend an hour on the field after the game talking to the boys and parents, waiting for the coaches to draw straws to come out and yell "get y'all's buts in here, we got a full day tomorrow, getting ready for xxxxxxx". Throw the inflatable in the back of the truck. Remind myself to get my butt home for the first highlights on channel 25... Though they suck and they end up showing 10 minutes of your opponents only good plays (none of yours) and flip the score up as a victory of your team. Wait till 11:30 for channel 10 to do their Friday Night Lights show and watch some sweet highlights. Call my boy and remind him to be home at a decent hour (sometimes he and friends drop by for the 11:30 highlights - extra sweet). Can't sleep again, but in a good way. 12:15 and watching for the boy to get home.. Talk about the game for an hour, getting the inside scoop on it all... Then he's off to bed. I start winding down, but no sleep possible (maybe has to do with being 50 also). Then I realize..... Head to the computer to login to the local newspaper.... "Sweet" the sports writer who was sitting behind you at the game has already filed his story for Saturday morning! Read the headlines, savering every word. Take care of chores at the house while the boy hits the field house for a few hours. On a good day, he'll meet mom and dad at Schlotskies for late lunch, giving mom a chance to get some of the juicy stuff. Watch the film three times before Sunday afternoon, listen to the audio once. Extra sweet win finds yourself at Monday practice, smelling the sweeter air... Could swear I see things in Colorvison like a cartoon, with little birds swirling around wrapping little ribbons around the trees..... Swapping stories with other dad's and and occasional coach in an extra good mood.

10-31-2013, 07:57 AM
Since I'm not a social butterfly:

Win: Visit after the game for a short time, Head home, pop a top, tune into the game on the interweb, stay up til boy gets home (if road trip) to make sure he gets home, all the while replaying the game in my head while I listen to the broadcast.

Lose: Visit less, drink more!!!

Next morning: Usually starts really early (5 or so) cause daughter has to be at some softball tournament, and wonder why I stayed up til 2 and had that last beer.