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View Full Version : Bridge City/Newton-two cultures clash Friday

Old Cardinal
09-18-2002, 01:20 PM
Two towns could not be any different than BC and Newton. Newton has a low income per capital income: characterized by hard working folks in the pulpwood and lumber industry. The biggest thing going on at school is FOOTBALL and BASKETBALL. They have maybe the poorest baseball programs in 3A. Other sports, like tennis, softball, cross-country, golf, barely exist. Football reigns supreme!.......Bridge City, on the other hand, is a upward-mobility culture. New giant homes are going up everywhere, It's hard to believe, but the bulk of these new homes are "the dream homes" of technically trained College grads, who have finished raising their families. Thus, the school enrollment drops, while the town is growing! Professional people, in the area choose this town because of low crime. The array of sports available span the whole spectrum. Golf, tennis, softball, basketball, baseball, cross-country, weight lifting, track-all have a high number of followers. Football is very important, but not the only sport drawing athletically inclined youth. I think it is quite interesting, to see the apparent good attitude toward their competitive nature, exibited by Newton and Bridge City. Both of the teams are good, and both of them will give their all Friday night. I salute both towns for fielding some of the better teams on the gridiron. What a contrast between a high-tech town and a hard working blue collar town. I wish them both the best in Div I and Div.II.

09-18-2002, 06:45 PM
And my question would be.....W-H-O C-A-R-E-S?How are you gonna diss somebody like that? But that's O.K. the biggest diss is that BC couldn't beat Newton in their dreams.Cut the talk, take it to the field.

09-18-2002, 09:02 PM
Old Card, Why do you constantly down Newton? Do you really think that its just a bunch of poor folks with no education that haul pulp wood and play football? I have saw several posts you have made similiar to this one about Newton and they are very distasteful. Newton will win BIG friday.

09-18-2002, 09:02 PM
Old Card, Why do you constantly down Newton? Do you really think that its just a bunch of poor folks with no education that haul pulp wood and play football? I have saw several posts you have made similiar to this one about Newton and they are very distasteful. Newton will win BIG friday.

Newton Fan
09-18-2002, 10:52 PM
I didn't take Old Card as putting down Newton in this post. What he says is true.

Some of the reasons people live here are the slower pace, naturel beauty in our forests, lakes are a short drive and fishing is abundunt.

I read recently that Newton county has the lowest percentage of any county in Texas of adults with a 4 yr college degree. We aren't bad because of that. What we need is some more industry that equals jobs in Newton county.

Timber is the dominant industry in Newton county. Just think, all those techies (sp)in BC and other areas would still be using a corn cob next to the ceramic throne in the bathroom if we didn't supply the pulpwood to make paper :-)

09-19-2002, 09:36 AM
Old Card is not dissing (did I really say dissing?) Newton. I am reading respect and understanding in his post. It is hard to explain, but there is so many factors stacked against the kids who go to school and live in Newton (poverty level, high teen preganancy rate, lack of jobs, etc.)it is almost as if the only way that you can BE someone in Newton is if you play football. I have lots of friends who graduated from high school who were great football players and should have gone on to college, but went on to follow in their father's footsteps to work in the woods, and every Friday night you will see them at that stadium, watching the games and remembering when they stood on that field and was everybody's hero. It was probably the best time of their lives.

09-19-2002, 10:04 AM

Old Cardinal
09-19-2002, 12:32 PM
I am not a racist, nor was I downing Newton. Several of you from Newton got the correct idea- of a simple comparison of different life-styles, meeting on the gridiron. Look back through the years at my post, and you will find that I pull for Newton hard when they hit the playoffs. I respect Coach Barbay, and his teams, and sometime marvel when they hold their own against Ozen, WO-S, Jasper and the like.... Newton, needs "finished product industry", such as Cabinetry Manufacturing etc: There are no viable higher paying, jobs for young folks in Newton. When I see the Gulley's, Anthony Byerly's, get out of town via football scholarships, I applaude them....This post was intended to inform many folks across Texas of the uniqueness of the "College Scout's Bowl's" and bring in other information to the Message Board than the "We gunna kick ya'lls butt", that we all read, all to often, on this board.

09-19-2002, 12:39 PM
oldcardinal you are so very right newton's industry is dead. all of the younger kids are not wanting to go and work in the woods as their parents did and this is causing our school numbers to drop. i applaude youngster who tries to leave newton and do better for him or herself.

09-19-2002, 05:53 PM
I really hate to pour gasoline on this flame, but...I honestly don't think that "Old Cardinal" was intentionally trying to mock or make racial slurs about Newton. HOWEVER, I do believe that those from the southern part of Southeast Texas have always felt like they were a notch above the those from the northern part of Southeast Texas. Growing up, so many of my friends from that part of Southeast Texas ALWAYS made(and still make) insulting remarks about our part of Southeast Texas. Maybe I'm still a little sensitive, but it's not like Bridge City is even close to being another Silicon Valley or even a Telecom Corridor (Dallas) with its "Techies". Just be more sensitive when making such comments in the future. And to the Newton Eagles, please win this one not just for your town, but all the little sawmill towns in our part of Southeast Texas!

09-19-2002, 06:33 PM
I agree with the few in here that old card was not talking down about NEWTON. He seems to respect everyones FB team but, he is just extremely passionate about his BC cardinals. :-)
Pulpwood haulers or not N Eagles play some pretty bad to the bone football! I might go see this game. Goodluck to both teams!

Newton Fan
09-19-2002, 06:55 PM
Here's one for all the "Big" schools to match. In our graduating class of 2001 we had around 90 graduating seniors. Of those I think it was 10 total athletes we put into college. That's over 10% of our total graduating class!

6 Football
2 Basketball
1 Baseball
1 Softball

Old Cardinal
09-19-2002, 07:35 PM
To Whatusay2 I never thought of the "South" SE Texas and "North" SE Texas situation; and if that appeared to be an "sensitive" issue, I apologize......To Newton Fan, 10% getting scholarships sounds just great! I had no idea that your HS was placing that many into Colleges, on scholarships. I don't know what will happen to the sawmill towns of SE Texas, but we can only hope that Economic Development Committees, can access the raw material potentials, and bring in or creat new profitable industries......Newton Fan, "South" SE Texas has their economic problems too. Big layoffs, cutbacks on job hiring plagues this area too. When our folks retire are or forced to retire, they don't stay in the mosquitoes. They move up to the Lakes and contribute their money to your "Northern" SE Texas economy. In a way, both these towns, playing Friday, are in transition. Both have a desire for the best for their children-be it sports or better jobs in the future.

[This message has been edited by Old Cardinal (edited September 19, 2002).]

09-19-2002, 09:51 PM
Whatsusay2 and Big_Unit.....are you honestly trying to make this into a racial statement? I read the post and the post has no overtones of racism or says that anyone is stupid. It makes a comparison of what is true. When I went to Bridge City it was no where at like it is now. Go to the parking lot on a Monday morning at that school, you will see "kids" driving cars that are probably better than the ones you and I drive. The whole town has become a magnet for people that used to live in Port Arthur. Newton has some great people in it, just because someone says that the town is made up of blue collar hardworking folks, doesn't make it a racist statement or derogatory in nature....so lighten up, and quit being so sensitive.

09-19-2002, 10:03 PM
This isn't any different than in any other part of Texas. Take parts west of Dallas/Ft. Worth, most jobs are in the Oil & Gas industry or farming/ranching.
Some towns have more money and income per family than others, it's that simple. I didn't see any bad remarks in Old Cardinal's statements. Being racist? Gimme' a break.
Don't sit here and whine about decling enrollment.. look at the numbers in Region 1. Region 1 leads the state in enrollment drop. Borger, Snyder, Sweetwater, Canyon, Monahans, all have dropped from 4A to 3A. Heck, even the schools in Wichita Falls that used to be 5A (W.F. High and W.F. Rider) are now 4A.

09-19-2002, 10:14 PM
BigRed01, please re-read my post. I said that Old Cardinal was NOT making a racial slur. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with race [I think]. I am not going to get into an e-mail battle with you, or anyone else over this issue. I've said what I had to say, and I'm finished...next thread...

Old Cardinal
09-20-2002, 12:35 PM
To Whatusay 2: You are correct, racism is totally incompatable with my Christian ethics. I have stayed in trouble with some folks because I support Title IX, whereby women should not be denied Coaching jobs in HS's. I help escort the first blacks to class in the College I attended in the late 1950s. I do prison ministry-once I was with 11 inmates in a Prison mentoring(Discipleshiping) situation and after two hours, I noticed that I was the only white in the group. What's a gift of grace, to find yourself totally color-blind. To talk of economic situational comparisons, and find people irrate, because they assume somehow racial slurs are involved, really saddens me. I would be heading up a Economic Development Committee, if I lived in a low-income area of Texas. I do what I can to try to help people to help themselves in upgrading their situation......This is my last entry on the subjest, believe what you want....I wish the Cardinals and Eagles a great contest tonight and I hope this contest somehow works to each teams benefit in preparing them for a good run in the Playoff!

09-20-2002, 06:24 PM
"Old Cardinal", I apologize for any confusion that my post caused. And, I usually do cheer on the BC Cardinals.

08-12-2003, 10:43 PM
I hate to add to the Marlin debate. But I have to ask...Does anybody remember this thread from last year? Old Cardinal upset quite a few people from Newton last year with similar remarks. One time can be excused and forgiven. But, twice? Now come on, Old Cardinal, I know you know better!

08-13-2003, 07:40 AM
The last two days has proven to me that whether Old Card knows what he's doing or not, he's gonna continue because, according to him, if it's "true" it should be said. And, according to supporters, if what he says is true, people who disagree should "lighten up", even if their disagreement is "true" as well.

Reminds me of one brother irritating another with his hand in front of the other's face, but being able to tell his mom truthfully "I'm not touching him". He's being truthful about the touching, just not honest with himself about being intentionally irritating.

It's too bad the same "grace" allowing blindness to skin color couldn't work on socio economic differences as well.

Lastly, as OC brought up the subject, that same Bible speaks of peacemakers being children of God. Many times Christ achieved being a peacemaker by keeping some truths that He knew to Himself so others could be blessed.

08-13-2003, 09:43 AM
I do not have a problem with people wanting to disagree. That's what makes this board so great and interesting to follow. What I have a problem with is when people twist words into what they want to believe and use terms like "racist" or "bigot". Trust me. Being from Jasper has a stigma attached to it. It's not as bad as it once was, but nevertheless, people have taken my comments out of context before and judged me by a different standard just because of where I'm from.

OC is no different. People think that since he's from a more affluent area, that when he talks about some of these subjects, he must be making racial remarks. Give me a break! :mad:

If you want to disagree, then disagree. Let's stop short of name calling though. That benefits nobody.

<small>[ August 13, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: JasperDog94 ]</small>

Old Cardinal
08-13-2003, 10:40 AM
I have said nothing wrong by comparing the various towns playing 3A football across the state. It's tragic that people attempt to try to distort what has only been-- to show relative comparisons. I was so careful to word these comparisons to not put down any town-but only to compare. Whether you like it of not, towns like Barbers Hill will boom and grow to be the biggest 3As(or 4As), and many other towns will drop out of 3A because of lack of jobs and industry. To make these comparisons is not racist or mean-spirited, or unacceptable: it just gives the reality to what is happening across Texas' economy. Therefore, 3A football is directly affected in this timeframe of events. If you want to agitate, go ahead, but I think that most reasonable football fans are aware that economics will have a lot to do with UIL re-classifications next time. And to put this open opinion and/or info out, is just another facet of the 3A football big picture!

08-13-2003, 11:00 AM
Geez, you folks need to relax... No put down there, just stating a fact in the difference between the two communities that will face off on a football field...

08-13-2003, 12:53 PM
Amazing.........oh well........

To have started a string one day that he plainly saw offended some, only to repeat the exact same type the next day is sad, not bad, just sad.

It's not a clash of two cultures, the less caustic description is of two 3A teams playing.

Oh well, nothing I can say that's gonna get change done with him. Just glad we're not on BC's schedule this year.

Old Cardinal
08-13-2003, 01:28 PM
You know TrojanDad, you have been trying to stir the pot every since you came on this board. And critize, why don't you consider lightening up. You are trying to fabricate when there is really nothing there to fabricate from.

08-13-2003, 01:39 PM
To borrow a line, I said what I saw. If the medicine tastes bad, don't give it.

Was in the process of seeing how much the other polls have Cleveland losing to Bridge City by their strength ratings.

08-13-2003, 05:21 PM
I,also, back other teams from this area that make the playoffs. I come from a town that from a town that depended on pulpwood for years. I understand how it effects people when mills close down. I hope that Newton,Bridge City,and Jasper make the playoffs this year. That shows the quality of the programs we have in this area.

Old Cardinal
08-13-2003, 06:27 PM
I agree exCardsMom, I always pull for Newton and Jasper to make it big. Newton just shocks me how they can have such a bunch of great athletes, from such a small enrollment base. They are keeping the hype down up there, but insider friends, at Newton, are quitely confident that they can make a deep run in Division II. I am so glad Bridge City doesn't play some weak teams in preseason. Newton has that "big play" technique down pat, and you need to get your kids exposed to that early, if you are going to have them ready to rock-and-roll in Postseason.