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View Full Version : Atlanta vs Gilmer Game Location - Bad Information

08-29-2013, 10:20 AM
The Longview News-Journal in today's print edition and ET Varsity website have incorrectly listed the location of the Atlanta/Gilmer game as being at Rose Stadium in Tyler. The game will be played in Gilmer. The ET Varsity website has recently been updated with the correct location, Gilmer Buckeye Stadium @ 7:30.

08-29-2013, 10:31 AM
I noticed that this morning in Longview News-Journal. Does their sports editor even proof-read his own newspaper? Good grief. There's gonna be some mighty UPSET fans if they show up in Tyler this evening. Who knows, the LNJ may be their only source of info.

Aesculus gilmus
08-29-2013, 11:20 AM
Well, maybe there'll be more of a crowd in Tyler (although there'll be no game to watch) than there was this time last year.

Most of our fans were just SURE a tropical storm was going to track over TMF Rose Stadium that night and so they stayed at home in droves.

Instead, it tracked a couple of hundred miles east of here and created a perfect cloudy-and-mild weather scenario for the game. I think it was in the lower 80s at kickoff.

This game tonight is going to need more water breaks than usual. Hell, some of the senior citizen fans may well keel over dead from the heat. I'd advise having more than one ETMC ambulance on standby.