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View Full Version : What you didn't SEE on the webcast of the Burnet/Jasper game!

12-07-2002, 08:29 PM
I want to apologize if this post offends anyone. But I am calling it like I see it.

I have read alot of negative posts this week concerning the game played today. I posted once because I was tired of reading all the negative things being said. And then after that, I just read and then starting Thursday I didn't even come to 3ADL.

But I want to say something about the game today for those of you who were NOT at the game. I had a made a promise to my daughter that I would be good and keep quiet but that was yesterday and after the things that happened today...I have to post.

When the band came over to perform their halftime show they made a ton of smart comments to our band and to any Burnet person who happened to be standing down on the field. I will not even stoop so low as to repeat what was said. When Shipley was hurt, the Jasper fans were yelling and cheering, and most of the jasper players ON THE FIELD did not take a knee until it was obvious that this was extremely serious. The players were obnoxious EVERY time they did something good. I am sorry but I think that is the epitomy of poor sportsmanship. Again this is all totally my opinion of the game.

I want to thank the burnet players for holding their cool and doing what needed to be done. You guys were awesome out there this afternoon. You took some hard hits but kept playing with the same grit and determination you had at the beginning of the game. Each week you have stepped up to that next level and have not let us down.

And I have one more thing to say.
It's Burnet, durnit, DID YOU learn it?

12-07-2002, 08:38 PM
Aggiemom, it amazes me that a team or band or fan down 33-7 at the half would have the brass to even open their mouth. But judging by their posts this week on 3adownlow, it shouldnt suprise me. This is a perfect case of letting your alligator mouth overload your jaybird @$$.

classof 90
12-07-2002, 08:57 PM
all you could hear on the radio was the roar of the burnet crowd ..sounds as if it was an awesome game... the crickets and enjoyed it( as that is all that was in town)
and to those who doubted burnet
1 4 4 000000
1 4 4 0 0
1 44444 --- 0 0
1 4 0 0
1 4 0 0
1 4 000000


classof 90
12-07-2002, 09:02 PM
oh well.....

14 down.... one to go.....
DO IT TO IT GUYS!!!!! eek! eek! eek!

12-08-2002, 12:04 AM

When the band came over to perform their halftime show they made a ton of smart comments to our band and to any Burnet person who happened to be standing down on the field. I will not even stoop so low as to repeat what was said.Aggiemom, if it's possible, could you private message me with more details (what was said, if you know who said it or even what instrument they play). My little brother is a freshman in the Jasper band and although I don't think he would mouth off like that, I'll have a nice chat with him if he or any of his friends are involved, because that is totally unacceptable. I'm proud to have been a Jasper band nerd back in my day and we learned to stand back, watch the other band, and smile and clap when they were done. We were not to say anything to the other band besides "Nice job." I'm not above approaching the band director about this sort of behavior...they may be kids, but they need to learn now how to have some class.

12-08-2002, 12:34 AM
Aggiemom please pm me as well and let me know exactly what happened and what was said. I was in the locker room but I will for sure take this to the director.

12-08-2002, 03:39 AM
Hey...and what about the "U LOSE" sign a Jasper fan was holding up? That was kinda dumb considering we were 3+ TDs ahead...

12-08-2002, 07:30 AM
I concur with my friends from Jasper and that kind of conduct is just flat-out unacceptable. This is one of those times I just think about where I came from and feel bad that people I probably have had friendships and acquaintances with in my past could conduct themselves like classless cowards. There are lots of really great folks in that little town I love so much, but there are also some really bad apples, too, that should think for once before they act or speak. Jasper has a less than sparkling reputation as it is and actions like these don't help at all. People need to look in the mirror before they cast any stones. How can something so simple like common courtesy and respect be so hard to grasp? I don't get it.

12-08-2002, 07:33 AM
Aggiemom...I know there isn't much I can do from here in Washington, but would you be willing to PM me and let me know what happened as well? I'm sorry that you had to be subjected to such buffoonery.

12-08-2002, 08:52 AM
AggieMom there is sumthing I can do so please let me know exactly what happened.

12-08-2002, 09:27 AM
When the Burnet Band went over to introduce themselves they Jasper Band didn't even comeback with them. Now how if you ask me Jasper is a sore loser.

12-08-2002, 11:00 AM
Aggie Mom, I have to say that your were right on the mark. I sat near the 50 yd line on the 2nd row and I saw first hand some of the Jasper band members smarting off to our students when they came to our side. I would also like to point out that my wife had to take my youngest son to the car after he became ill. she tried to ask some Jasper fans who were leaving what quater it was and they just rudley turned their heads and continued on with out giving her an answer to the simple question she asked. Come on Jasper, your representing your community! Do you not know any better or do you just not care! If I were a resident of Jasper, or if I was part of the Jasper School system, I would be furious at these people. Maybe a course in how to carry yourself with class would be a good idea for your highschool. And you might want to make a few (or more) of your fans attend.

12-08-2002, 06:35 PM
Howdy everyone...I just want you to know that I am still in Aggieland, right now on my daughter's computer. As soon as I get back to Burnet I will PM those who asked me too and I will also post something else concerning this matter and then I will drop it. Thank you everyone for listening. It will be late tonight when I am able to respond.

12-09-2002, 03:40 AM
Thanks for the PM Aggiemom. Jason1725, if you're going to talk to the director, I'll just talk to my brother and his friends when I go home tomorrow. I doubt he was involved but if it was quite a few people (and it sounds like it was) he will probably know some more details about it.
I think in most cases, these kids HAVE been taught better...why they choose to act like this, I have no idea. Unfortunately it makes the whole of Jasper look bad.

12-09-2002, 10:57 AM
AggieMom??? I laughed when I read this. Jasper fans cheered when Shipley was injured? Jasper players didn't even take a knee until the realized how seriously he was injured? Come on. I can't speak for what happened to the gentleman's wife in the parking lot, but there was NO cheering when your player was "seriously injured". You just converted a 4th down for 32 yds to the 5 yd line. And the Jasper players DID take a knee. The only one's who weren't taking a knee were subbing in or out of the game at that point. You know, someone else posted a message saying the Jasper fans booed Burnet coming out of the locker room and that didn't happen either. And you are going to judge a community on what a handful of immature band members say? Burnet outplayed Jasper. Period. I have been watching or coaching high school football for a long time and trust me, I have seen Jasper take superior athletes and squander championships b/c of poor preparation and gameplanning. Your guys executed a gameplan and Jasper didn't have one. You won, Jasper lost...leave it at that.

I think your message is very exaggerated to try and make it look like the "great Burnet Bulldogs" beat those "mean, disrespectful Jasper Bulldogs". Prime example--you talk about how seriously injured Shipley was. If he was so injured, why was he on the field in the fourth quarter of a 20+ point game?

And to you Jasper folks worried about what happened with the band...don't. How many times have you seen the Jasper High School band get aggressive? Probably never. My point, when you are getting crushed by 26 points at halftime, you don't talk trash unless provoked. Remember, you are hearing one side of the story and it's a little biased.

12-09-2002, 11:26 AM
Dawgfan91 you asked "How many times have you seen the Jasper High School band get aggressive? Probably never." Then you stated "My point, when you are getting crushed by 26 points at halftime, you don't talk trash unless provoked. Remember, you are hearing one side of the story and it's a little biased." Well let me tell you something buddy, prior to the game, before anyone was getting "crushed" and before as you say anyone was "provoked" the school songs were played by each team. If you will remember both teams share the same song, Jasper played their song first, the Burnet fans 10,000+ plus stood up removed their hats and listened with quiet respect. Then Burnets band immediately followed playing the same song in which during the middle of this song the entire Jasper band saw fit to yell in unison, "GO BIG RED". If you think that is nothing for the Jasper fans to "worry" about, then I suggest the disrespect has deeper roots than with just the kids in Jasper. frown

Billy Boy
12-09-2002, 11:33 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Aggiemom:
<strong>I want to apologize if this post offends anyone. But I am calling it like I see it.

I have read alot of negative posts this week concerning the game played today. I posted once because I was tired of reading all the negative things being said. And then after that, I just read and then starting Thursday I didn't even come to 3ADL.

But I want to say something about the game today for those of you who were NOT at the game. I had a made a promise to my daughter that I would be good and keep quiet but that was yesterday and after the things that happened today...I have to post.

When the band came over to perform their halftime show they made a ton of smart comments to our band and to any Burnet person who happened to be standing down on the field. I will not even stoop so low as to repeat what was said. When Shipley was hurt, the Jasper fans were yelling and cheering, and most of the jasper players ON THE FIELD did not take a knee until it was obvious that this was extremely serious. The players were obnoxious EVERY time they did something good. I am sorry but I think that is the epitomy of poor sportsmanship. Again this is all totally my opinion of the game.

I want to thank the burnet players for holding their cool and doing what needed to be done. You guys were awesome out there this afternoon. You took some hard hits but kept playing with the same grit and determination you had at the beginning of the game. Each week you have stepped up to that next level and have not let us down.

And I have one more thing to say.
It's Burnet, durnit, DID YOU learn it?</strong>[/QUOT

This is a football fourm I thought. But this site has turn into a garage site. All I hear is he did this and she did this you all out there need to grow up and I mean all of you. Talking about fans and how they act there is bad ones on both sides so get a life and move on all of you.
Turn the other cheek and those who live in glass houses don't throw rocks

12-09-2002, 11:39 AM
Dawgfan91, I know I'm only hearing one side of the story...perhaps something was said by someone that did provoke the band, perhaps not. The fact that we were losing so badly also probably had a lot of the band members in a bad mood and ready to take it out on someone. Does this make it okay for them to make rude comments to people on the Burnet side, even if it is a rare occasion for them to do something like that? No. I still say that no matter what was going on, the kids needed to keep their mouths shut before they go onto the field and perform. I take it personally since I am a big JHS band supporter. Something like this should be nipped in the bud so that it doesn't happen again next year.
No disrespect to you, Dawgfan91, this is just my opinion and I wanted to explain it.

12-09-2002, 11:41 AM
Hey Dawgfan don't worry I am not just taking her word as to what happened. I know and will check several people and find out what really happened. I know there is always two sides to every story. I know a lot of the seniors in this band who are the leaders and I just don't see them letting this happen. I will find out what the story is good or bad.

12-09-2002, 11:52 AM
I think Billy Boy summed up pretty much what I wanted to say. Why come to a forum about football and try and make a community look like they raised a bunch of thugs. Since I had to park halfway to Huntsville I didn't hear the fight song incident, but if I'm Burnet and that happened to me, I just got fired up. I was at a 2A game in round two where the losing team's band played their fight song while the winning team's band tried to play their school song.

The group I was with had the utmost respect for Burnet. The coaches, the players, and we even commented on the fans being great. But like Billy Boy said, keep it to football. I had never posted on here b/c I just liked reading what people thought about Jasper and their upcoming opponents and then we get beat and we get people basically saying we have no class. Whatever. IF all that happened with the Jasper band, yeah it is something to "worry" about. I was just telling the two Jasper people that were talking about going to the band director to find out a little more before they do so. I just feel that if Aggiemom can say Jasper "cheered" when Shipley was hurt and didn't take a knee and all that garbage, that what happened with the band may have been exaggerated too.

12-09-2002, 12:00 PM
Message to Billy Boy, let's see, you became a member 7 days ago, your 4 messages are; 1)you offered an opinion about Bellvilles basketball team, 2)you advised BurnetBalla06 to use a telephone, 3)you informed us that Jasper had 33 playoff appearances to Burnets 17, 4) now you call 3a downlow a "garage site" and tell us "we need to get a life", seems like your making the best of your new membership to me.

12-09-2002, 12:18 PM
While we're on the topic of disrespect, how come nobody has mentioned Burnet's #32. When there was a "no call" on the Jasper side, the fans started booing the refs. #32 proceeds to look at the crowd and raise his hands in the air like he wants more of it. This kid is undoubtedly a great player if he's a soph. and starting defense, but he still has a lot to learn about respect.

12-09-2002, 12:25 PM
As far as the bands go, it looks like most bands could take a lesson from Burnet. I wasn't sure what was going on when the band started playing during the moment of silence. Way to take a stand :D Have you guys been doing this all year?

12-09-2002, 12:32 PM
Sure have. Just our little way of showing respect for those fallen and defeated. God bless everyone and happy holidays to all the posters. Make it a good one and tell your family you love them. It's been a fun semester.

12-09-2002, 12:53 PM
The only thing that really upset me also was when the Jasper Band yelled out "Go Big Red" during the school song. No excuse for that!! Now with all the "trash" talk going on just before the half time show, although not a good thing, I can tolerate a little better. Like others have said they were probably upset about the game and let's face it, if they've read any of the posters before this game, we did not set a real good example for anyone from either team. I also heard a few of the comments made, some pretty crude, but our Band and Drill Team handled it just fine. Great half-time performance again. You kept the fans fired up and on thier feet even during half-time. Looking forward to this weeeks show!!

12-09-2002, 02:33 PM
The only thing that really upset me also was when the Jasper Band yelled out "Go Big Red" during the school song. No excuse for that!! Now with all the "trash" talk going on just before the half time show, although not a good thing, I can tolerate a little better. Like others have said they were probably upset about the game and let's face it, if they've read any of the posters before this game, we did not set a real good example for anyone from either team. I also heard a few of the comments made, some pretty crude, but our Band and Drill Team handled it just fine. Great half-time performance again. You kept the fans fired up and on thier feet even during half-time. Looking forward to this weeeks show!!It's amazing to me that everyone from Burnet seems to think the only people saying anything are from Jasper. I am in no way excusing the behavior that may have gone on, but I was not on that side to hear it. You guys and gals make it sound like the Jasper band is a bunch of hooligans trying to start something. While on the other hand, you act like your band and drill team are shining examples of what all kids should be.

I would bet that if the bands were on the Jasper side, we would be hearing stories the other way around. Maybe not, but let's get real people. There was trash talking on both sides, on this message board and at the game. BUT most of the fans, band members and football players are great kids that don't deserve this kind of label.

"You guys played a great game, congratulations on the win and good luck next week."

You see guys, that's how it's done. :cool:

12-09-2002, 02:42 PM
Dawgfan91--I totally agree about the fact that he was seriously hurt but was playing with a 21 point lead.

12-09-2002, 02:58 PM
As far as the bands go, it looks like most bands could take a lesson from Burnet. I wasn't sure what was going on when the band started playing during the moment of silence. Way to take a stand :D Have you guys been doing this all year?Burnet is a very religious little community- all, if not, MOST of our kids are the type of kids that would most definately want to hear, or say a prayer before a game. This is just our way of "getting around the system," and bringing a little of most everyone's faith back into the ballgame. I think that there are many people who forget what that moment of silence or reflection used to be. This just makes everyone remember; and I think it centers everyone on prayer, when there can't be one publically.

Our band program is run very well. Thanks for the compliment.

As far as the trash talking at the football game--- I've said it before and I'll say it again. . . that is just part of what happens sometimes. There is no reason to sit here and blame the entire community of Jasper. Though I am, at least one of the people who mentioned Burnet getting booed as they took the field in the 3rd. That did happen- it wasn't my imigination- but you can't hold an entire community responsible for what a few people do. Those Jasper kids have pride, and their pride was hurting- in all honesty, we've all let our pride get in the way of our actions and attitudes at some point or another.

I enjoyed the game, and enjoyed the rivalry. My instincts tell me we will meet again!

12-09-2002, 03:10 PM
In reference to the Moment of Silence, although I have not been to all of Jasper's home games, the ones I have been to the cheerleaders "lead" the Lord's Prayer during the moment of silence. That is nice to hear. Once again, Great Game, maybe next year.

12-09-2002, 07:18 PM
Burnet. Don't even talk about about sportsmanship. Your players cussed and mouthed just as bad as Jasper players. And I just cant get over this little post i read on texas rivals message board the other day. I think it went something like this "go drag someone *******" so dont even talk about jasper until u anylize yourself. everyone is guilty of talking their share but dont point the finger at us to get the pressure off of yall

12-09-2002, 07:39 PM

Were you sitting on the Jasper side. I was, and when YOUR team came out of YOUR tunnel after halftime there was NO booing. How could you have heard a boo over your fans yelling and your band playing the fight song? Heck, as loud as your fans were, how could you have heard anything? Now, when Jasper came limping out for the second half you may have heard some fans doing the bulldog bark which may be confused with a boo...but there was no booing of the Burnet boys I can assure you.

Good luck...

Bulldog Fan
12-09-2002, 07:42 PM

Were you sitting on the Jasper side. I was, and when YOUR team came out of YOUR tunnel after halftime there was NO booing. How could you have heard a boo over your fans yelling and your band playing the fight song? Heck, as loud as your fans were, how could you have heard anything? Now, when Jasper came limping out for the second half you may have heard some fans doing the bulldog bark which may be confused with a boo...but there was no booing of the Burnet boys I can assure you.

Good luck...This is true. I was on the 50 yard line on Jasper's side and there was no booing. I don't know how this stuff gets started.

12-09-2002, 08:55 PM
When Shipley was hurt, the Jasper fans were yelling and cheering, and most of the jasper players ON THE FIELD did not take a knee until it was obvious that this was extremely serious. The players were obnoxious EVERY time they did something good. I am sorry but I think that is the epitomy of poor sportsmanship. Again this is all totally my opinion of the game.

[QB]Your opinion of the game shows that you don't know much about football. Whether or not players on the field take a knee is irrelevant. It's a physical game and often hard hits get cheered before the fans even realize that a player is hurt. If he had been carried off on a stretcher, then the fans would have gotten real quiet and the fun would have gone out of the game. He was playing again in a few minutes, so how bad could it have been? What players were obnoxious when they did something good? You must be talking about Burnet because they did more good things than Jasper. I did not see either team's players acting obnoxious after a good play. Just spirited, that's all. I have heard about "poor losers", but this is the first time I have ever seen a "Poor Little Winner".

12-09-2002, 09:16 PM
The dragging Statement was from an Andrews Fan. Does anyone have a pistol that I can stick in my mouth. Shut up about this Aggiemom crap. Let her go bake some cookies are eat some or something. You mind you're own business and I'm sure jasper will mind theirs. This is why there will never be a woman President. The phrase is Burnet Durnit Can't you Learn it.(coined by Camp Longhorn) Get it right if you're going to recite something.

12-09-2002, 09:34 PM
Dear JasperDog94,
I did not intend to make it sound like Burnet's kids were any better than anybody. I was actually trying to stick up for the Jasper kids a little. Geez, you try to be nice and still get in trouble!!! As a matter of fact, after the game on the field I only heard good things from everyone I saw from Jasper. I guess I was one of the lucky ones who didn't hear anything bad while I was out there. The football guys from Jasper were especially nice to me when I would tell them "Good Game!!". Anyways, see ya next year!!


12-09-2002, 09:42 PM
Dear JasperDog94,
I did not intend to make it sound like Burnet's kids were any better than anybody. I was actually trying to stick up for the Jasper kids a little. Geez, you try to be nice and still get in trouble!!! As a matter of fact, after the game on the field I only heard good things from everyone I saw from Jasper. I guess I was one of the lucky ones who didn't hear anything bad while I was out there. The football guys from Jasper were especially nice to me when I would tell them "Good Game!!". Anyways, see ya next year!!


12-10-2002, 12:04 AM
in response to the statement made by espn1, not to anyone else.

ok, first of all, what makes you such a bigot that you have to insult a woman? you are no better than that puppetmaster moron. get over yourself. and also, the quote she said was in a rhetorical sense, can you not understand the sarcasm in what she typed? everyone who lives in burnet knows what the phrase originally is, her response was obviously made to the jasper mouth that was saying burnit instead of burnet. so next time before you go off shooting your mouth make sure you know what youre talking about. she may not know a lot about football, but you obviously dont know a lot about talking with respect to a parent. i happen to know this parent, and even though neither one of her daughters plays football, she still does a lot for the team. so what if she bakes for the team? i would consider it a compliment if a parent whos kids didnt play football would contribute snacks for the team. if you are a player or a coach from the burnet team, you need to realize that you are lucky bc shes willing to do this for the team. statements like this, im sure, make her feel like maybe she shouldnt do that anymore. oh well, i feel sorry for your mom. maybe she could come on here and post as moronmom?

sorry if this post offends anyone other than espn1. if it does, just realize that it was meant only for the reading of espn1.

12-10-2002, 01:52 AM
I've forgotten more about Burnet Football then you will ever know, remember that punk Spangoli. Hopefully you get my sarcasm. If you want to put down other schools then do it. But don't act like you're a Scout Master in charge of the Pack. or should I say Den Mother. What a bunch of cry babies! I'm sure you're proud of this whole Post and it's minimal accuracies. Grow up and quit trying to act like you're the ethics Police. What a Goof Troop!

12-10-2002, 11:41 AM
I would like to know who made the programs that were passed out on the Burnet side. I thought the Bulldog that they put on Jasper's helmet, while funny, was disrespectful. So don't think too high and mighty of yourself.

12-10-2002, 11:32 PM
ENOUGH! STOP, STOP, STOP! Im sorry I even said anything about the problems at the game. Enough said, lets put it behind us.

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-10-2002, 11:58 PM
OK, the teams are great, but the fans stink.

12-11-2002, 12:26 PM
Howdy everyone! I know this is my first post but I have been reading this board for quite a long time and I felt a need to reply to this post. I have to say that the way some of you have reacted to the first post was a little childish in my opinion. Aggiemom was just posting what she saw, as were the other people. It just upsets me to see that some people would attack a mom who trys to encourage the team with snacks and goodies, even when there is no one on the team that is her child. That dissapoints me. :rolleyes: But that is beyond the point. Both teams played their hearts out on Saturday. :p I wish Burnet luck on Saturday against Everman and I wish Jasper luck next season, y'all will go far! :D

12-11-2002, 06:27 PM
Okay, as promised, I talked to my little brother who is in the band. What he told me is that he heard some Burnet fans (mostly kids I think) taunting the band about how Jasper sucked. He didn't hear band members say anything to any Burnet people, but maybe that was because of where he was on the field.
At any rate, this stuff happens on both sides. Nothing we can do about it now, so I'll post this and go on my merry way. Happy Holidays and good luck to Burnet and Everman!

12-11-2002, 11:04 PM
has anyone seen aggiemom? she sent me a private message and i haven't been on this site very long so it took me a little while to figure out how to do this crap!! :) I finally figured it out ( i think) and now i think she ran off!! Thanks!!

12-12-2002, 09:36 AM
Maybe she couldn't stand the heat in this kitchen,
like old Harry Truman used to say. :)

12-12-2002, 01:48 PM
Maybe it wasn't the "heat in the kitchen" as you say. Maybe there are other things going on in her life right now. She does have a family and has to help them. Plus, even though she is a stay at home mom, she has other issues to deal with outside of this website. She isn't on it 24/7 but drops in every now and then to see what is being said. She is a true supporter of her daughters and go wherever she needs to to support them. She is also there for her husband whenever he needs her to be. She is on this site because, like everyone else, she wants to read and hear the 411. Some people don't come on here every chance they have so cut her some slack. And maybe some of you should think, possibly the reason she hasn't been back is because of your comments on how she is a supporter, no matter who she is supporting. How would you like it if all year you had been doing something for an athletic team (buying them little presents or making them snacks) and then someone tells you that you don't know much about football. Who cares how much you know about the actual game? Most people are there to cheer their team on anyway. (as a side note, I was at the game and I was impressed that everytime any player was down, the Burnet team went on a knee, even the guys on the sidelines. And I know for a fact that I was disappointed that Jasper didn't take a knee. Who cares if the player was out for just a few minutes, they were still down.) Anyway, I hope all the football teams have great seasons next year! And Burnet, I hope you enjoy a snackless game this weekend! frown

12-12-2002, 02:26 PM
Easy there Aggiechick. Someone just asked a legit question. No sense in getting all uptight. You do need to understand however that when you come on this board and make accusations that it's going to ruffle some feathers.

That said, yes people do have a life outside this message board so I hope to hear from her soon on these latest comments and see if she "might" have heard someone on the Burnet side taunting the band. :cool:

12-12-2002, 02:37 PM
Sorry everyone for not posting sooner. The cold bug has paid me a visit. I have posted a new topic and hope you all will read it and accept my apologies. I do not want to "ruffle any more feathers" so I am not going to say any more about what happened on this forum. I am not going to say any more about it anywhere, period!

12-12-2002, 02:41 PM
I would like to know who made the programs that were passed out on the Burnet side. I thought the Bulldog that they put on Jasper's helmet, while funny, was disrespectful. So don't think too high and mighty of yourself.I agree, I thought it was disrespectful as well. I can't believe anyone did that.

12-12-2002, 02:49 PM
Bulldog Fan:


Now, when Jasper came limping out for the second half you may have heard some fans doing the bulldog bark which may be confused with a boo...but there was no booing of the Burnet boys I can assure you.

Good luck...This is true. I was on the 50 yard line on Jasper's side and there was no booing. I don't know how this stuff gets started.Hmmmmm. that bulldog bark may be a possibility, but there were many people who were making comments as to why ya'll were booing. Oh well- the truth of the matter is that it was a dogfight. Pride was hurt on one side, heads were big on the other. I am SURE that while our players are for the most part great kids- they talked plenty of trash on the field (most teams do)but guess what guys- it is all irrelevant isn't it?

Burnet Dawg06
12-12-2002, 07:05 PM
Hi everyone. This is my first post but I have been looking at what everyone has been talking about lately. I am in the Burnet band and to inform you guys the Jasper Band was kinda disrespectiful to the Burnet Band during our school song when they said "Go Big Red". :( But it wasn't their fault that some of their band members didn't come back to meet the Burnet band. It was b/c our director told our band members not to bring Jaspers back w/ them b/c it was the very end of the 4th quarter and the game was just about over. Not the he didn't want them to come back over. Jasper band was great! Oh yeah anybody in the Jasper band, did you know that Burnet was on the same channel on the intercom? :)

12-14-2002, 12:38 PM
Burnet Dawg06:
Oh yeah anybody in the Jasper band, did you know that Burnet was on the same channel on the intercom? :) </strong>
Hey! Yeah, my little brother (he's also a freshman) is in the Jasper band and he mentioned that the bands were on the same channel...everybody in the Jasper band got a kick out of it!