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Super Joe
11-15-2001, 02:53 PM
Coach Mark Cunningham, in a ridiculous move, sent the Alvarado Indians orange folwers, with paw ribbon, and a not which read "sorry for your short lived playoff season." Well, Hamm, you just fired up our whole team. The last thing you want to do is piss off the Alvarado Indians. I believe that we'll come more fired up about this game than Kennedale. So, look out because the Indians are gonna bring the hat this Friday. Watch out Bearcats. Your streak at Pennington Field will shortly come to an end!!

the claw
11-15-2001, 03:02 PM
Hey Joe, was there any stuttering in the note? He should know better than to do something like that, if it was in fact him. But you know what, it doesn't matter. Everything said and done before the game will not matter once you go out there. So just get ready, strap it on, and hit them harder than they have ever been hit before. That should do all the talking for you. Get 'em once for me.

11-15-2001, 03:06 PM
Surely Coach Cunningham isnt dumb enough to do that, i would just about bet it was meant to look like it came from him but really was from someone in the Alvarado group that had it sent to get ya'll fired up

BTW..I figure Alvarado by 7

11-15-2001, 04:38 PM
Surely no coach is that stupid!(although I've met a few I wonder about!) That would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull. My money would be on some fan forging a coach's name--either way--dumb, dumb, dumb. Alvarado, you've got my vote! Good luck Indians!

11-15-2001, 04:43 PM
If anyone would do it, it would be Cunningham. But I cant see Buchanan condoning it, or even allowing it to happen. If in fact, Cunningham did do this, Im sure he'll be joining the ranks of the unemployed very shortly.
"He who laughs last, thinks slowest."

[This message has been edited by Jacket2000 (edited November 15, 2001).]

11-15-2001, 05:21 PM
Sounds like you have fallen for the oldest coaches trick in the book. I will bet you a month's pay that the flowers were paid for by someone in Alvarado. Our coach pulled the same thing on us in 1972. A couple of us figured it out and some detective work proved we were correct. We did keep our mouth shut until we kicked the dog out of our opponents on Friday night!!!

Super Joe
11-15-2001, 05:54 PM
A great teacher once told me "the majority rules because they are physically stronger." The fact that Cunningham ddnt really send them doesnt matter. Deep down we all know it probably wasnt him. But, the majority in this case does not care. I do not care. The thought that it might've been him gets me fired up enough to go out there and romp on the Bearcats. Anyway, we'll use it for fuel anyway. Go Indians!!

11-15-2001, 08:04 PM
Super Joe,

So if you know that it's not Cunningham then why get on here and rag on him like he did send it. And I agree with Birdman in the fact that you have fallen for the oldest coaching trick in the book. I figured that y'all could get up for this game without using some stunt like this but we see how low some people will go these days.

11-15-2001, 08:17 PM
It would be nice to hear from you on this topic though Super Joe. It sounds like you kind of like talking about Cunningham. Makes me wonder if you are just putting up a front and scared to stand up to those people in alvarado.????

the claw
11-15-2001, 09:13 PM
Trust me the Indians don't need that to get them fired up. But why not add to the fire that is already burning? And what people in Alvarado would joe have to stand up to? That didn't make much sense to me.

Super Joe
11-15-2001, 09:26 PM
Thank You Claw. What people??? Scared of what? Aledo? Cunningham?? Yeah right. Explain that one and then I'll be able to give you an answer. Also, what would you like to hear from me on this subject? I'm game to talk football.

11-15-2001, 09:41 PM
The fact that you keep talking about Cunningham. It has been a while since he left right? So why are y'all still ragging on the man and knowing that he didn't send the flowers still get on here and accuse him of it and bad mouth him. And I'm sure that if you want to talk to him at the game (since you do talk about him enough) and share some of the stuff you have to say he won't mind at all.

11-15-2001, 11:02 PM
hehe, That is kinda funny. If Cunningham did that, I didn't know about it thats for sure. I doubt he did, but hey it's a great idea to get fired up to, I can't wait to play ya'll tomorrow. good luck.

11-15-2001, 11:17 PM
Super Joe you can go ahead and answer this question when you answer the other. You have given us your jersey number and claim to be this football expert, but I think that you have become this "expert" from being on the sideline with what i have heard "a broken leg." I am sure that you have gained all this supposed knowledge about other players and football itself not from being on the field but rather on the sidelines with the reporters. Is that how you get all your stats and info?

Before i go are you the team spokesperson or are you just a typical high school kid that doesn't play but talks as if he does and just loves to be on the team and be able to wear the jersey and tell little high school girls that you play football?

11-15-2001, 11:22 PM
hey Delirious,

From what I have heard and seen on film you won't be going up against him tomorrow night because he doesn't get much "pt" as the saying goes. I guess he just self appointed himself as the team spokesperson.

11-16-2001, 08:37 AM
Blitz, you are the redundant man of redundancy in that last post.

People from Alvarado talk about Cunningham so much because his tenure as coach was a dark time for Alvarado athletics. We're still trying to get over it, and talking about it helps. Never has somebody done so little with so much. My 8 year-old daughter could have coached the Indians to as many victories as he did. She probably would have done a better job of getting the team prepared and would have reduced the number of delay of game and illegal substitution penalties. I never met the guy. He may be a great man, but he sucks as a head coach. Anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of football who saw his Alvarado teams play can make that judgment. Unfortunately, the administration in Alvarado didn't have enough cajones to just fire the guy for poor performance. Instead, they reassigned him and created an uproar in the media. The town is glad he's gone, but you wouldn't know it if all you did was read the Forth Worth Startlegram.

Aledo and Alvarado are big rivals, and the flower stunt is the kind of thing that happens during the week of big games like the one coming up tonight. It's worth talking about on this forum.

As for the attacks on SuperJoe, you won't see him on film unless you watch the La Vega or Cleburne games from week 0 and 1. He got hurt and has been out.

11-16-2001, 11:04 AM

I heard about the hometown newspaper's coverage of the incident last fall (not the paper that was biased, from what i have heard, on the issue of having connection with part of the coaching staff) but from what i heard there were alot of supporters that were shown on the front page and that wrote letters to the editor in his support.

I'll agree with you on the fact that there was a lot of talent when Cunningham was there,from what i have seen, but I think that you have mistaken his "rudimentary knowlede of football", as you call it, with his coaching staff or should I say lack of coaching staff. I should clear myself up by saying the coaching staff that was "left over" from the previous head coach. Your daughter might of worked well with those characters except for the cussing, but even she an eight year old would of learned something that you would have to quickly set straight. Not all coaches risk the players season by coniving against the head coach in hopes that he will get fired and all coaches aren't BACK STABBERS and a blow to the coaching profession.

Everbody around that part of the state knows that y'all didnt get much of a Superintendent and he definitely doesnt have the cajones to make a decision.

And I have seen recent film and i guess he has decided to suit up and go through warm ups but so yes you will still see him but he will be in the same spot as he was hurt and that is on the sideline next to the reporters thinking of his next "logically" posting to make.

the claw
11-16-2001, 11:19 AM
You have no clue what you are talking about blitz. Cunningham had a great coaching staff, most of them are still coaching with Oden. So how would you explain their success? I know most of the coaches personally, and I could never see them putting the team at risk for their personal benefit. They dedicate their lives to their players.
As for Joe, he has had a broken leg and has worked his way back to his starting position. Believe me, he will be on the field plenty tonight. It would help if you knew what you were talking about before you try and trash talk a person.

11-16-2001, 12:32 PM

As for this season you can give the wins and the development of the players to Cunningham and the loyal and GOOD coaches that he brought in. From what I have heard the town of alvarado got stuck with the "left overs" and the head coach there is the one living off Cunningham's investment and teaching.

11-16-2001, 02:24 PM

Thanks for the info. I had no idea I was so mistaken about Cunningham. He clearly is a magnificent coach who should be in the hall of fame. I haven't taken any kinesiology or education courses, so I can't tell the difference between poorly and well coached teams. I apologize.

11-16-2001, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the apology and understanding AlvaradoBacker. I am glad that you are man enough atleast to realize your wrong (although sarcastically) about bashing a guy you don't even know. Yeah so you and your fellow alvaradians might want to take those "kinesiology and education classes" that you were talking about so that y'all can tell the difference. But first i would suggest like a morals class or a religion class because the coaches y'all got know are jokers compared to what Cunningham brought in. But thanks again for the apology.

11-16-2001, 02:58 PM
Hey claw not only does it sound like you know the coaches personally but it also sounds like you know Super Joe as well. I bet you he is your brother and you are getting on and trying to protect him and make him sound like he "actually" broke his leg, fought back for his position (if he had one to fihgt back for), and is now starting. I doubt that 100% because of the film that I have seen you don't call it starting when you go in during the third/fourth quarter or only go in so the coach can talk to the "starter". So if you want to get on here and boost his morale thats fine with me.

Cunningham did have a great coaching staff. The ones that he brouhgt in. The "left overs" should have left him alone and do what assisstant coaches are supposed and that is keep your players as a team and not lobby the players and town against a man that is just trying to his job.

11-16-2001, 03:28 PM
I'm not bashing the guy as a person because I don't know him personally. As I stated earlier, I'm sure he is a wonderful human being. He was, however, terrible as the head coach at Alvarado. I know that for a fact because I watched the 25 games he coached there. Whether the assistant coaches stabbed him in the back or not, I don't know. If they did, he should have put them in their place. He was, after all, the head coach and athletic director. I have no ill will toward the guy, but I'm glad he's no longer the coach in Alvarado. It was very frustrating as a fan to watch him fail to give the players the best chance to win.

the claw
11-16-2001, 03:54 PM
His assistant coaches did not try and turn the players and town against Cunningham. Cunningham was not good with people, which led to the town not liking him. Add the fact that he wasn't a good head coach and the players didn't like him. Trust me I was one of them.
The coaches that Cunningham brought in were not bad coaches with the exception of one.(if you look at his record as a head coach in West texas you will see what I mean.) A few of them are also still in Alvarado so Cunningham couldn't have been that good or else they would have went with him.
Also, if you watch film of La Vega, Cleburne, and Ferris joe was starting. His leg was broken in the first series of the Cleburne game. If he didn't start how would he have been in there? Just go to the game tonight and see if he is starting for yourself. If he is not I will apologize for being wrong. If he is I would expect you to be man enough to do the same.

11-16-2001, 05:15 PM
Im guessing you're referring to Coach Scott, who now coaches at Ralls. Now, I know nothing about the man, but I do know that Ralls has been EXTREMELY down for over a decade. Im not real sure that G.A. Moore could turn that one around.

11-17-2001, 02:25 AM

You hit the nail on the head. Yes he should have gotten rid of the back stabbers or old coaches but he wasn't given the opportuntiy. Had the administration let Cunningham do his job and work with a coaching staff that worked with him and didn't go behind his back this year as well as the two previous would have been totally different. And you unknowingly have just sided with the man you are degrading. So you might want to take this as a lesson. You can't always trust what you hear and especially in alvarado.

You have also stated the obvious again and that is regarding coaches. Cunnigham is not a terrible coach at all. He may have appeared that way to you and a couple of your alvarado indians and that is only because the problem is with you and those fans of alvarado. But i really don't consider "front runner fans" as real fans so that practically gets rid of the whole town. And trust me after seeing the fan support switch from the regular season to tonight against aledo was embarassing. I am definitely glad I am not associated with those fans from alvarado. So that right there solves pretty much all of y'alls coaching problems in a nutshell. So the town of alvarado might want to consider that it is not the coaches fault (Cunningham in paerticular) but instead the "fair weather" fans that y'all have there.

11-17-2001, 02:56 AM

I don't know if you saw but I stayed for the whole game and then the presentation of the trophy afterwards and saw something that totally contradicts what you posted earlier. I saw alvarado players, cheerleaders, and students go over to Cunningham and shake his hand and talk to him. So to me that is a sign of respect and liking the man. In no way does that resemble what you and your "brother" have posted about the players and studnents not liking him. So if you did happen to stay for the whole game unlike the rest of your fans (the poorest excuse for fans that i have ever seen) from alvarado you would have definitely saw the same thing. So go ahead and be a man and admit it.

I do apologize. Super Joe did start but that is about all he did. He was out there for what a couple of plays, not even a whole series and then was pulled and then was sent back to where he has spent the whole season. On the sideline next to the reporters. I am sure he will have thought of some good excuse by now. He definitley had enough time during the game.

But you now need to admit your wrongs and that is your prediction on the game and the fact that Cunningham was going to bring down the aledo bearcats and that alvarado was going to outcoach them because of it. Not only were you way off on the score but also on the other category. Alvarado got totally outcoached by aledo. So apparently Cunningham wasn't the problem. It actually proved that. With Cunningham they lose a good game that could have gone either way. Without Cunningham they get embarassed by an aledo team that is down from last year. So make your assumptions now because you have definitely made an a** out of yourself all ready. And Cunningham definitely affected the aledo coaching staff in a positive manner. So stick your foot in your mouth now. If it is Coach Scott, who wouldn't of wanted to leave alvarado after seeing what fellow coaches and administraion did to you. I certainly wouldn't of wanted to stay in any town like that. And by the way, who stayed? I fell sorry if they had to stay with the jokers there and why did they stay?

11-17-2001, 04:36 AM
Hey blitz39 do you think that Cunningham had any real coaching input in that game? It's my understanding that he is a 9th grade coach. The Aledo kids did a great job and they are a talented bunch. Give the kids some credit. I am not sure how many starters Alvarado had that could have started for the Bearcats. Your ole boys play hard. And we give them credit.

Super Joe
11-17-2001, 11:17 AM
Blitz, what the hell is your deal with the freakin ""'s? Everything I have said on here has been the truth. It's hard as hell to come back from a broken leg, but I never used that as an excuse. Last night we were not outcoached, we were outplayed. We didnt expect Aledo to be anything difficult and they surprised us. Oh and the few who did go shake Cunninghams's hand, were just a few. You must not have seen the guys who just looked at him and walked away when he stuck out his hand. Or the few that simply said "F*** You." There were a couple of people who liked Cunningham, but it was only a few. Yes, our fans suck. But we've know that for years. I'm quite surprised that most of them stayed through the first half. But, we dont play for them anyway. And as for the coaches, the "leftovers" as you call them are anything but. The coaches who stayed were coaches that every player on the team trusted and respected. Brad Oden is ten times the coach of Cunningham. Also, I don't thik Hamm had anyhting to do with the game. I think nauya1 was correct in saying that he's a 9th grade coach. I am not our team spokesperson. The fact that I am an intellegent person and know football, gives me the ability to talk football on here. Don't start up with crap you don't know about. If I weren't who I said I was, I would've told you I was Marcus B, or Billy W. I am in no way ashamed of myself or what I have done this year. So, as far as that goes KISS MY ASS. This is a place to talk football, not trash talk someone you dont knoe from adam. Aledo beat us, probably shouldn't have but didn't. There's no excuse for last night's game. We just got beat.

11-17-2001, 12:21 PM
I am glad that you have realized that this is not the place to trash talk someone. It is not fun when it gets a little personal. So how about YOU start talking football and leave Cunningham out of your postings. And if you want to make yourself sound like you are a bad *&# go ahead. I bet you didn't go up to Cunningham like a true man after the game and voice your opinion face to face. But I guess that is one thing that you have learned from those "GREAT" (hahaha) coaches that are in alvarado. But y'all were definitely outcoached and Cunningham wasn't totally responisble for the bearcats victory but i can assure you that he definitely had his part in it. But if that takes too much pride away or too much of an embarassment for you alvarado people then go ahead that just proves how low life people that y'all really are. As for nauya1 it just sounds like another wannabe Cunningham hater and can't face that he not only beat y'all but embarassed y'all.

Yeah so you are giving credit really to Cunningham and the other bearcat coaching staff because whenever you have a game plan like aledo anybody could of gone out there and executed it like they did. But the ol' boys from Aledo actually spanked y'all this time. What comment to do you have for that. I don't recall Cunningham getting emabrassed like that last year.

Oh good job last night Super "i really did break my leg" Joe. I really did like those nice wrap-ups on defense. Or was it because your leg was hurting. I am sorry. Now you have the rest of your senior year and on into real life to heal from that devastating broken leg you had.

And about only a few going to shake Cunningham's hand, I guess you definition for few is alot but they are the real men an the ones with the cajones. I am sure that you and the rest fo the people that didn't go shake his hand wasn't out of hatred but out of fear of what sly and rude comments that those "left over" coaches would of made to you.

the claw
11-17-2001, 02:22 PM
First of all Blitz, if you read my earlier posts I said that niether coach would be outcoached. And Cunnungham had very little to do with their success, they had a game plan and their team executed it. They came to play and simply outplayed the Indians.
Second, If you agree that this board should be about football and not personal attacks on people why do you conitinually harrass a kid who broke his leg in his senior season? I only wish you knew what that feels like. It would have killed me to have an injury of that magnitude during my senior year.
And I always stay for the entire game. I am not a fair weather fan as some of the rest are. I didn't bother to look for Cunningham after the game, but then again why would I? I could care less if people go shake his hand after the game. But i promise you that the majority of the people here do not like Cunningham. There will always be people with different of opinions about certain people but that does not mean that everyone likes him.
As for the coaches that stayed, Coach Oden ,the new a.d., and Coach Toney, secondary. How would I know the reason for staying? Like I don't know the reason for the others leaving. And how can you call the other coaches jokers and leftovers when you don't even know them or how they coach?

Super Joe
11-17-2001, 02:54 PM
Blitz, how many times are you going to tell me to not talk trash and then proceed to mouth me. I really dont care what you think about me, or my athletic ability. The fact of the matter about Cunningham is that there were a few, and by a few I mean a few, people who turned a 180 when he gave us this sob speech about being fired. They fought to get him reinstated. They ae the ones who went and talked to him after the game. The majority of the team and town wanted him gone. He lied, and cheated in almost everything he did. Why don't you ask him about Avery Buckley's drug test. The one he failed but Cunningham let him play anyway. Or about him giving letter jackets to kids who already had them and saying "dont worry, I'll take care of it." But when UIL came down on him, he didnt know anything about it. Also, ask him about the 20 grand that came up missing from our school athletic fund. We all thought it was wierd that a week before school was out, we all of the sudden need to raise 20,000 dollars for a "fund raiser." These are the reasons I dont like Cunningham. As far as me not being a man and telling him this to his face. I did while he was still the A.D. I was the one who told Administrators that we didn't want him here. While the others were fighting for his reinstatement, I was fighting for his resignation. So, don't try and act like you know what went on. The people in our town who liked Hamm were just people who didnt have a clue. I'm sure this is some information that you didn't know. So, now when you defend Hamm, you'll know who youre defending. Not a nice guy, but a lying, fat a** cheater. This is not trash talking, this is fact. Also, if you knew anyhting about football and the way it is played, then you would know how hard it is physically and mentally to try to come back from a broken leg. My senior year was much less than what I wanted it to be because of it. The fact that you continue to rub that in my face shows that you're just a sorry bastard like Hamm, which shows why you defend him like he's your daddy. So, once again I say, KISS MY ASS. I'll have satifaction watching you lose next week vs. Vernon.

11-17-2001, 07:48 PM
WOW, I'm not getting into this war of words so to say, but i will set the record straight, as being a football player from Aledo. Coach Cunningham is the Middle Linebacker and Tight End coach for Aledo. Not the 9th grade coach. He doesn't even coach 9th graders at all, only Varsity and JV Middle Linebackers and Tight Ends. He is a very good coach, why don't you ask the bridgewaters or whatever how many times o'll 44 popped them? That is the product of his coaching. Ohh and SuperJoe thanks for the suppor in the Vernon game, I'm glad to hear your not a Sore Loser. Anywho, good try Alvarado, i guess it is a tradition to lose to Aledo in the first round of the playoffs.

[This message has been edited by deliriousmaniac (edited November 17, 2001).]

11-18-2001, 01:51 AM
Thanks deliriousmaniac. Well said. Congrats on last night and good luck next week.

Super Joe
11-18-2001, 02:03 AM
How do you expect me to show any sort of courtesy to blitz? He constantly has made comments about my having broken my leg, something I couldn't help, and mocked the fact that I dint get to contribute in 8 out of the 11 games my senior season. I will gladly be a sore loser when some bastard gloats and talks trash about something he doesn't know anything about, meaning my efforts, ability, and playing time. But, even with all that, I will say congratulations to you. Coach Oden doesn;t only teach football, he teaches life. He teaches respect and character. So, mouth all you want. I can't believe that someone would ever mock the pain, physically and mentally, that someone has to go through. But I will no longer stoop to your level of insloence. Good Luck in round 2. And as football is know over for me, good luck in life. Give Stallons my best. We used to play baseball together.

11-18-2001, 10:02 AM
I can see why your mad at blitz he did make some pretty rough comments about your leg and playing time. I was just responding to the "So, once again I say, KISS MY ASS. I'll have satifaction watching you lose next week vs. Vernon." It's ok i can understand you were kinda mad. Allright, Stallons got some stitches in his nose after the game friday, but will be ready to go on Friday. Besides that we are all healthy and are looking ahead to Vernon this week. Should be a good game. Good luck to you SuperJoe, Ya'll had a great season.

Super Joe
11-18-2001, 02:58 PM
Who the hell is blitz anyway? Probably some old man who gets his kicks from reliving his football days through your team. Well, if he had any sense then he would know how much every player of every team puts in to a season. My comments were geared toward Blitz, not the Aledo team. You taught us a lesson. Never underestimate an opponent or a task in life. Tell Kyle Trent said "hey and to go get em next week" I wont be able to come since I will be hunting. I wish ya'll luck, and pray that Blitz can somehow gain a sense of understanding. He obviously doesn't know how hard it was for me this year. No one wants to have to sit out 90% of thier senior season. And to make it worse he rubbed it in my face on numerous occasions. Anyway, good luck next week.