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Saggy Aggie
07-30-2013, 10:54 AM

New Taiton
07-30-2013, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Old Tiger

Kid is an idiot for driving drunk but he's not a heisman leader is he? He's competing for 3rd receiver position. Since then you won't hear much of him as far as that stuff goes.


Pooooooooor Old Troll.

It would make you a bigger person to come out and say that you hate Texas A&M and you hate the success Johnny Manziel has had rather than continuing to act like such a bish.

07-30-2013, 11:36 AM
Is a private house "public"?

What about when you're mother is sitting next to you? Other than hookanddumber, are you going to question her parenting?

Typical immature rsponse to change my name, New Taiton- you would think better people come out of that town. You just do not get it, just keep it up till something really bad happens. That is a shame.

07-30-2013, 11:40 AM
Here's a note to any college student who happens be play for their collegiate football team:

Do not drink beer before you're 21. That is not the right decision. We know all of your friends do it, but that is irrepsonsible.

You're an idiot.

You are such a tool , he is not any college student. He is not like you ,Talking about ignorance . You are blessed ,Wake up and smell the coffee .

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 11:43 AM
I never felt the taste of beer till the day I turned 21. I remember i was in a pasture just outside of Rockdale when the golden nectar of the gods first touched my lips.

07-30-2013, 12:15 PM
And once again.... HookandLadder and Old Tiger gloss right by a factual quote. I can't believe neither of you are going to respond to my question and statements.

I'm sure its because both of you know deep down inside how self-righteous, yet oddly Hypocritical, y'all actually sound.

Saggy Aggie
07-30-2013, 12:17 PM
I never felt the taste of beer till the day I turned 21. I remember i was in a pasture just outside of Rockdale when the golden nectar of the gods first touched my lips.

hahaha and lemme guess, you never smoked weed before either right?

Ole H&L prolly needs to smoke some pot. he'd lighten up a bit, and maybe be a little more realistic. Has your son left for college yet? couple more weeks? That 'angel' of a son you think you've got bout to start drinkin, smoking and trying to nail some honeys.

07-30-2013, 12:17 PM
You are such a tool , he is not any college student. He is not like you ,Talking about ignorance . You are blessed ,Wake up and smell the coffee .

Great quote..... It is OK for normal college students to party and drink underage, only famous people shouldn't. Hypocritical!!!! Wow.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 12:51 PM
Sounds like his dad and parents can't control him according to what I saw on ESPN. Sounds like A&M has even less control than his parents.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 12:53 PM
hahaha and lemme guess, you never smoked weed before either right?

Ole H&L prolly needs to smoke some pot. he'd lighten up a bit, and maybe be a little more realistic. Has your son left for college yet? couple more weeks? That 'angel' of a son you think you've got bout to start drinkin, smoking and trying to nail some honeys.

Someone told me the cigarette was a hand rolled cigarette. I never knew the difference until that night when what I thought was a cigarette made me feel way different than just a normal smoke. Since that night I have never smoked a cigarette or weed again.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 12:56 PM


07-30-2013, 12:57 PM
hahaha and lemme guess, you never smoked weed before either right?

Ole H&L prolly needs to smoke some pot. he'd lighten up a bit, and maybe be a little more realistic. Has your son left for college yet? couple more weeks? That 'angel' of a son you think you've got bout to start drinkin, smoking and trying to nail some honeys.

Never say never, he is starting his 4th week of college already and has been practicing for 4 weeks. All players had to report 2nd session of summer school and take classes,I can say as much as they are running in practice he better have an iron gut if he wants to drink and play ball. I am sure all players are drinking, smoking and the coaches have no problem with that, right guys. All athletes drink and smoke whatever and whenever they want, just because they can. Give me a freaking break , you guys still living in the 70's. Your normal everyday student that has nothing to do other then homework ( Non Athletes ) still live college like you and I did back in the day, not saying Athletes are saints but they have to be responsible for their actions. Ward Out.

07-30-2013, 01:00 PM
Great quote..... It is OK for normal college students to party and drink underage, only famous people shouldn't. Hypocritical!!!! Wow.

You will never get it, untill you have been there.

07-30-2013, 01:01 PM


Wow- How did you make this up, you have great talents . This cannot be from his real Dad, no way.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 01:08 PM
How dare manziel wish Texas players good luck...


Could you imagine if this happened...


07-30-2013, 01:11 PM
You will never get it, untill you have been there.

Been where? What are you implying? That I don't have sons that are 20 and 21? That they weren't college athletes? That I don't know what is going on on College campuses with College athletes?

What exactly are you saying?

Let me say this. My sons were both members of College football teams. They both were scholarship players. They both can tell you stories about the partying going on in college among the football teams. Your son has been a part of a college team for 3 weeks, don't even pretend you have an idea what is going on in college campuses...... And don't presume you know a DAMN thing about me or my life!!!!!

I hope your son has a successful and party free life, but if you think his teammantes aren't partying after ever game then you are the most Naive person on earth!

07-30-2013, 01:13 PM
How dare manziel wish Texas players good luck...


Could you imagine if this happened...


What is your point here? It has nothing to do with any point you are trying to make. Just proves that the kids on those 2 teams don't have the hatred for the opposing team as you have!

New Taiton
07-30-2013, 01:22 PM
Could you imagine if this happened...



JFF is trolling the internet and you two idiots are taking the bait.


07-30-2013, 01:29 PM
Been where? What are you implying? That I don't have sons that are 20 and 21? That they weren't college athletes? That I don't know what is going on on College campuses with College athletes?

What exactly are you saying?

Let me say this. My sons were both members of College football teams. They both were scholarship players. They both can tell you stories about the partying going on in college among the football teams. Your son has been a part of a college team for 3 weeks, don't even pretend you have an idea what is going on in college campuses...... And don't presume you know a DAMN thing about me or my life!!!!!

I hope your son has a successful and party free life, but if you think his teammantes aren't partying after ever game then you are the most Naive person on earth!

I am saying most likely that you like myself and our kids will never know what Manziel is going thru with his fame and bottom line I am saying he is not handling it very well. Now his Dad has made it public about him drinking to take the stress away , when that happens you have a problem. Also his slam on A&M cannot be good for Johnny, his Dad is even worried that something bad could very well happen in the near future. Out of control from the horses mouth, who are the ignorant ones now. After hearing from his Dad you can tell he is very worried about what could happen, all the money in the world does not give you complete happiness. Also I am not Naive about players partying after games but you know as an athlete you can be a follower or you can be a leader and beleive it or not there are still some out there, you try to raise your kids to be leaders and some do and some don't.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 01:30 PM

JFF is trolling the internet and you two idiots are taking the bait.

Classic.The irony of your middle sentence is strong.

07-30-2013, 01:32 PM

JFF is trolling the internet and you two idiots are taking the bait.


So give us your take on what Paul Manziel had to say about his son, I am sure it is all lies. You know ESPN has no truth to their storys.

07-30-2013, 02:06 PM
This tread sure got real quiet , Manziel top story on ESPN.com. I think it is safe to say his Dad is well aware of were Johhny is headed if he does not wake up, you have to give his dad credit for stepping up and speaking out. Mom and Dad seem to be worried for good reason, I have said it before a number of times he is a great talent and fun to watch. I hope he can turn this around , even though some think he has no problem. Good thing his parents do not feel the same way, good to see them at least try to help him out which the Dad said A&M is not going to do.

07-30-2013, 02:24 PM
This tread sure got real quiet , Manziel top story on ESPN.com. I think it is safe to say his Dad is well aware of were Johhny is headed if he does not wake up, you have to give his dad credit for stepping up and speaking out. Mom and Dad seem to be worried for good reason, I have said it before a number of times he is a great talent and fun to watch. I hope he can turn this around , even though some think he has no problem. Good thing his parents do not feel the same way, good to see them at least try to help him out which the Dad said A&M is not going to do.

You can lead a horse to the water..........

I wonder why mom and dad are so concerned now but wasnt when they took him gambling and bought him booze?


Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 02:31 PM
You can lead a horse to the water..........

I wonder why mom and dad are so concerned now but wasnt when they took him gambling and bought him booze?

BEASTOr bought him that mercedez...

07-30-2013, 02:41 PM
Wow- How did you make this up, you have great talents . This cannot be from his real Dad, no way.

After reading the article I have not changed my opinion. This is a kid who has had his life magnified for the world to see and he does not know how to handle it! He is immature and going through something that is totally out of control. Instead of all of us sitting around waiting for the next Johnny headline, why don't we all just let this kid live his life and quit trying to make him what WE want him to be.

Like the writer said, he wrote this article to show the pressures that Johnny Manziel has to live with, pressures brought on from the media over publicizing everything he does. Now he is on ESPN adding to the problem!!!

I think very poignant words....

But Im sure all OT and H&L got out of it was...."see we are right, he had to go into counseling!!!!" Never once thinking that they are a much bigger problem than a 20 yr old kid who never asked for any of this. He just wants to be a kid!

07-30-2013, 02:42 PM
This tread sure got real quiet , Manziel top story on ESPN.com. I think it is safe to say his Dad is well aware of were Johhny is headed if he does not wake up, you have to give his dad credit for stepping up and speaking out. Mom and Dad seem to be worried for good reason, I have said it before a number of times he is a great talent and fun to watch. I hope he can turn this around , even though some think he has no problem. Good thing his parents do not feel the same way, good to see them at least try to help him out which the Dad said A&M is not going to do.

Wait a second..... not very many posts back you were saying his parents were enabling him and didn't raise him right!!!!! Really?

07-30-2013, 02:44 PM
Or bought him that mercedez...

Still waiting on the MERCEDES story you seem to know the truth about!!!!

07-30-2013, 03:11 PM
It is really sad that his parents have admitted he has some serious problems and still people on here are just wanting to overlook them so he can just be a normal college student , continue drinking to make his problems go away. That is just down right pitiful , really sad that this kid is reaching out for help with the way he is acting and most all just wanting one thing out of him . Yes just keep looking the other way and the problems will go away. Hopefully his parents can get thru to him because there are many just letting him slide by, some people.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 03:14 PM
Still waiting on the MERCEDES story you seem to know the truth about!!!!
begged his dad for it while in HS dad told him if he stopped drinking till after grad he would get it for him...setting short term goal then enabling him

07-30-2013, 03:24 PM
It is really sad that his parents have admitted he has some serious problems and still people on here are just wanting to overlook them so he can just be a normal college student , continue drinking to make his problems go away. That is just down right pitiful , really sad that this kid is reaching out for help with the way he is acting and most all just wanting one thing out of him . Yes just keep looking the other way and the problems will go away. Hopefully his parents can get thru to him because there are many just letting him slide by, some people.

I guess I am one of those people you are talking about. Problem is, I haven't condoned or condemned Johnny Manziel's action. I admit he is 20 and making mistakes. What I HAVE condemned is all the self-righteous MEN I have seen on this thread taking shots at the kid. Really seems that y'all are looking for him to fail, hoping that he falls so that you can prove yourselves in the right. Why else would y'all post the stuff said on ESPN every day to back up your position. I for one think that the mistakes of a 20 yr old are far less telling of the state our society is in than the words of grown men on here are. Let the kid, his family, and people around him take care of Johny Manziel....

You are absolutely right with your Statements in Bold..... It is a shame that you are so busy pointing out every flaw and helping create this problem. I read the article, the author points out time and again that all the kid wants is to live his life. To Not be in the fish bowl. He feels that everyone is looking to get him, to catch him screwing up and you don't see that as a problem with US? Really? The first statement the man makes in his interview is this 1) Johnny is a great dude and 2) the kid is live in a seige, he has gone from anonymous to being the most famous athlete in America in a year.....He is struggling to deal with the change.

How would you deal with it?

Do you really think that all this undue attention and overexposure isn't a big problem?

07-30-2013, 03:25 PM
begged his dad for it while in HS dad told him if he stopped drinking till after grad he would get it for him...setting short term goal then enabling him

Rumor or fact? Unless you were there....rumor!!!!

You really are enjoying tearing this kid and his family down aren't you? What did they do to you to deserve so much venom?

07-30-2013, 03:29 PM

Some people love the big spoon in pot.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 03:33 PM
Rumor or fact? Unless you were there....rumor!!!!

You really are enjoying tearing this kid and his family down aren't you? What did they do to you to deserve so much venom?

The way it sounds is he has no support system and his family enables him instead of providing structure.


07-30-2013, 03:37 PM
The way it sounds is he has no support system and his family enables him instead of providing structure.


Did you read the article..... Sounds to me that his family is doing everything they can to keep the kid from having the pressure consume him.... If you can't see that in the article, you are truly a moron!!

07-30-2013, 03:39 PM

Some people love the big spoon in pot.

You are right....time to quit worrying about Old Tiger, he is either the biggest moron in the world or he has learned to push my buttons. I don't want to think anyone can be that big of a Moron.... So I am gonna take my leave of this conversation!

07-30-2013, 03:40 PM

Some people love the really big spoon in really big pot.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 03:42 PM
You are right....time to quit worrying about Old Tiger, he is either the biggest moron in the world or he has learned to push my buttons. I don't want to think anyone can be that big of a Moron.... So I am gonna take my leave of this conversation!

Just like manziels family you are quitting on him

07-30-2013, 03:43 PM
You are right....time to quit worrying about Old Tiger, he is either the biggest moron in the world or he has learned to push my buttons. I don't want to think anyone can be that big of a Moron.... So I am gonna take my leave of this conversation!

Pot stirrer's heaven on this thread. ;)

07-30-2013, 03:54 PM
Just like manziels family you are quitting on him

Not giving up on Manziel..... giving up on you! Thanks for the entertainment.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 03:55 PM
Is it right that his parents are worried about him drinking? Dad is with him when he's ordering beers at the golf course? Dad and Mom are with him when he's ordering beers at the steakhouse? Ever thought about going with, "please don't serve my underage son alcohol."

07-30-2013, 04:00 PM
Is it right that his parents are worried about him drinking? Dad is with him when he's ordering beers at the golf course? Dad and Mom are with him when he's ordering beers at the steakhouse? Ever thought about going with, "please don't serve my underage son alcohol."
They ain't gonna do that. That's their gravy train. Whatever he wants.

07-30-2013, 04:31 PM
They ain't gonna do that. That's their gravy train. Whatever he wants.

Don't think they are hurting for $.

07-30-2013, 05:35 PM
The way social media is and ESPN showing all the signs of PED usage...probably should have never awarded the Heisman to a freshman. This most likely will never happen again.

07-30-2013, 06:04 PM
Don't think they are hurting for $.

Dern sure don't think so HW. Kinda like those getting mailbox money around here now with the oil boom. Lil' Johnny paycheck in their pocket.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 06:13 PM
Tebow was the award at the same age as manziel. Tebow was a true soph when he won manziel a rs freshmen

Saggy Aggie
07-30-2013, 07:08 PM
My mom used to buy me drinks. Terrible parenting, and it obviously screwed me up for life.

I can't wait for football. It's just gonna be that much sweeter when Johnny dominates college football again :)

Can't wait for him to tell all the haters (and trolls) to suck it

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 07:35 PM
My mom used to buy me drinks. Terrible parenting, and it obviously screwed me up for life.

I can't wait for football. It's just gonna be that much sweeter when Johnny dominates college football again :)

Can't wait for him to tell all the haters (and trolls) to suck it

What will be interesting to watch is how they react if the ags lose...

They have a fairly easy schedule this year.

07-30-2013, 07:42 PM
The way it sounds is he has no support system and his family enables him instead of providing structure.


My first thought after reading the article, "Why would his parents air these concerns publicly?"

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 07:48 PM
My first thought after reading the article, "Why would his parents air these concerns publicly?"


Only thing I can think of.

07-30-2013, 07:52 PM
A recap of Johnny's weekend...:D


Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 07:54 PM
A recap of Johnny's weekend...:D


Those japenese videos kill me....

07-30-2013, 08:03 PM
I hate to bring this up for all you Aggie faithful out there, but there is a such thing known as the sophomore slump. And that don't even count all the "D"s out there this season keying on him and having their gameplan set up to stop him. I'm not trying to be negative against Johnny Boy, just being realistic. He'll encounter much, much more difficulty against defenses this season than last, imo. I sure hope he's seriously ready to lead the Ags with all their weapons, because it's gonna get downright physical out there this season in the good 'ol SEC, I promise you. I'm looking forward to see how Sumlin and Staff gets this team ready for those big games. Who's the back-up if Johnny Boy gets knocked out, anyway?

07-30-2013, 08:55 PM
I hate to bring this up for all you Aggie faithful out there, but there is a such thing known as the sophomore slump. And that don't even count all the "D"s out there this season keying on him and having their gameplan set up to stop him. I'm not trying to be negative against Johnny Boy, just being realistic. He'll encounter much, much more difficulty against defenses this season than last, imo. I sure hope he's seriously ready to lead the Ags with all their weapons, because it's gonna get downright physical out there this season in the good 'ol SEC, I promise you. I'm looking forward to see how Sumlin and Staff gets this team ready for those big games. Who's the back-up if Johnny Boy gets knocked out, anyway?

Kevin sumlin is a BAMFer.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 08:58 PM
Kevin sumlin is a BAMFer.

Has he ever won with talent he recruited himself? Has lived off the talent Briles and Sherman recruited

07-30-2013, 09:12 PM
Has he ever won with talent he recruited himself? Has lived off the talent Briles and Sherman recruited

We're about to find out.

Old Tiger
07-30-2013, 09:19 PM
We're about to find out.

It would be 2-3 years down the road before we know but by then he will be onto the next job IMO.

This BAMF took his Houston staff to scout Johnny in HS and decided they shouldn't offer him as a QB.

07-30-2013, 11:07 PM
It would be 2-3 years down the road before we know but by then he will be onto the next job IMO.

This BAMF took his Houston staff to scout Johnny in HS and decided they shouldn't offer him as a QB.

The funny thing is, he took Sherman and brides guys and won more games than either of those guys did.

Old Tiger
07-31-2013, 12:13 AM
The funny thing is, he took Sherman and brides guys and won more games than either of those guys did.

Easy to take an already built team to victories. Not easy to build a team that Briles did at both Houston and Baylor. And the talent Sherman accumulated is showing in these recent drafts.

07-31-2013, 12:53 AM
Easy to take an already built team to victories. Not easy to build a team that Briles did at both Houston and Baylor. And the talent Sherman accumulated is showing in these recent drafts.

You really can't stand that the Aggies had success last season, are a big topic this year, and no one is talking about the Longhorns.

Hang in the there Tiger, it might swing back the other way in a year or two.

Old Tiger
07-31-2013, 01:10 AM
You really can't stand that the Aggies had success last season, are a big topic this year, and no one is talking about the Longhorns.

Hang in the there Tiger, it might swing back the other way in a year or two.

What does talking about what Briles built and Houston prior to Sumlin taking over and the talent Sherman recruited to A&M prior to Sumlin taking over have to do with Texas?

07-31-2013, 07:37 AM
The funny thing is, he took Sherman and brides guys and won more games than either of those guys did.

Yes and Barry Switzer took Jimmy Johnson players and won a Super Bowl and we all know how that turned out for old Barry.

07-31-2013, 08:49 AM
Easy to take an already built team to victories. Not easy to build a team that Briles did at both Houston and Baylor. And the talent Sherman accumulated is showing in these recent drafts.

No, it's not easy.

I don't think you understood what I said. He took their players and did BETTER than they did. And something tells me sumlin will do just fine with the top 5 recruiting class he reeled in last year and most certainly will pull in again this year.

Your bias here is amazing. You can't even acknowledge that sumlin is a good one. By some reports , 3 nfl teams came sniffing around college station to gauge his interest.

07-31-2013, 08:53 AM
No, it's not easy.

I don't think you understood what I said. He took their players and did BETTER than they did. And something tells me sumlin will do just fine with the top 5 recruiting class he reeled in last year and most certainly will pull in again this year.

Your bias here is amazing. You can't even acknowledge that sumlin is a good one. By some reports , 3 nfl teams came sniffing around college station to gauge his interest.

Time will tell if he is an elite coach, one or two year wonders are out there. Give him 3 or 4 years to see if he is anywhere close to Saban , no one close to him as far winning year in and year out right now.

07-31-2013, 09:09 AM
Time will tell if he is an elite coach, one or two year wonders are out there. Give him 3 or 4 years to see if he is anywhere close to Saban , no one close to him as far winning year in and year out right now.

Hell, I never said he was better than saban. Good grief.

07-31-2013, 10:12 AM
Hell, I never said he was better than saban. Good grief.

I never mention anything about him being better then Saban either, just saying if he can win big every year like last year then he proves he is an Elite coach. OT is right you will not really know what kind of coach he is for 3 or 4 years, remember old Mack has had great recruiting classes year in and year out and look what has happened. Talent is everywhere, you got to have good coaching now days to compete at the highest level every year.

07-31-2013, 11:19 AM
quote of the Texas DI coaches round table at coaching school Sunday Night... from the head coach at UNT...
recruiting services and their stars are overrated... Barry Sanders was a 1 star recruit, as was Reggie Wayne, Ed Reed was a no star, Eric Fisher was a 2 star...

Sumlin and the other coaches seemed to have a nice time talking about social media and the need for recruits and players to stay off of it... several of the coaches, like TCU's Patterson and Baylor's Briles, were not fans at all... interesting what they all had to say...

07-31-2013, 02:18 PM

Old Tiger
08-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Uh oh
