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View Full Version : Happy belated Hump Day

06-13-2013, 01:03 PM
Cam must'a forgot to take his Geritol... Or Greendawg didn't let him out of his Gimp Suit long enough to start the thread yesterday. :bigcry:

06-13-2013, 02:31 PM
Where's the camel???


06-13-2013, 02:46 PM
Cam must'a forgot to take his Geritol... Or Greendawg didn't let him out of his Gimp Suit long enough to start the thread yesterday. :bigcry:

Sorry just been kinda busy....I totally let G2 down!!:bigcry:......It's good to know somebody else is watching out for Hump Day...even on a Thursday!.....and even more impressive is it's somebody from the Ville....cause they're usually out chasin' UFO's or milkin' cows and don't have time for this!.....

As for the Geritol, that stuff don't work orally...if you read the fine print on the bottle, it saids,

"The makers of Geritol and the FDA have not yet proven this supplement works when taken orally. Well, actually, we at Geritol think the FDA is full of crap! But anyway, studies on laboratory rats have shown that when given high doses of Geritol orally, the rats became less active and grew more grey hair. Tooth loss and/or staining also became apparent. Ongoing studies are now indicating that Geritol works miraculously when taken up the ass. However, the FDA has AGAIN not approved this method since the labs could not find enema tubing small enough for a rats ass, and testing on human volunteers has come to a screeching halt as well! So, you're on your own on this one baby!"

....anybody got an old enema bag still hangin' over your shower curtain? :doh: