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View Full Version : Kindergarten kicked my butt!!!

Ranger Mom
05-31-2013, 11:22 PM
It seems like forever since I have sat down and just read threads!!

I see lots of oldtimers and a few names I don't remember!

I don't see how those "Hollywood people" have kids in to their 40s and 50s....I guess having unlimited money and nannies helps!! Just raising one busy 6 year old is kicking my butt! She's a lot "busier" than my kids were!!!

Anyway...now that school is out, hopefully I will be able to participate more...I have missed you guys!!!

06-01-2013, 08:18 AM
She's a lot "busier" than my kids were!!!
LOL Nah we are just older. Good to see you have survived!

06-01-2013, 10:20 AM
We babysit our 3 1/2 year old granddaughter for one day and I'm wore out. I couldn't imagine keeping her full time.

06-01-2013, 10:45 AM
It seems like forever since I have sat down and just read threads!!

I see lots of oldtimers and a few names I don't remember!

I don't see how those "Hollywood people" have kids in to their 40s and 50s....I guess having unlimited money and nannies helps!! Just raising one busy 6 year old is kicking my butt! She's a lot "busier" than my kids were!!!

Anyway...now that school is out, hopefully I will be able to participate more...I have missed you guys!!!

How the heck will having her all day help you have more time? Seems you at least have a few hours of peace while she is in school!

We (too) often keep our 2 year old granddaughter for one or two nights and it is a full time job. At this age she still needs to be entertained and demands your attention or she will be in the trash, make-up, or anything in the cabinet. Giving her a writing instrument and paper requires full-time attention or the writing will be anywhere other than the paper you give her.

06-01-2013, 05:45 PM
It seems like forever since I have sat down and just read threads!!

I see lots of oldtimers and a few names I don't remember!

I don't see how those "Hollywood people" have kids in to their 40s and 50s....I guess having unlimited money and nannies helps!! Just raising one busy 6 year old is kicking my butt! She's a lot "busier" than my kids were!!!

Anyway...now that school is out, hopefully I will be able to participate more...I have missed you guys!!!

Welcome back!......the exotic & mysterious high-heeled ankle avatar is back!........way better to stare at than Old Tiger's crazy dancin' chick or Manso/V8's solo cup flippin' gal!!!.......:D

Old Tiger
06-02-2013, 09:34 AM
Hey what's up

Sent from Heaven using Tapatalk

06-03-2013, 11:01 AM
Howdy, RM---longtime no hear---glad you dropped by for a visit. Come back every chance you get now that school is out.

06-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Hey RM nice to have you back!