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01-28-2013, 01:50 PM
put up a street sign?......

Well, I found out this mornin' on the way to work!....and the answer is 6!.....It probably could've been done by two men...but I saw:

3 Hispanic guys. One was holding the stop sign, the other was on his hands and knees turning a wrench. Looked like he was the only one workin'....Now the third guy....I'm not sure what he was doin'. But by the way he was rubbin' his belly and frownin', I'm gonna guess that refried-bean-mixed-with-chorizo taco he had for breakfast, and chased by a Schlitz beer, messed this fella up! I'll bet he was not too long for the porta potty!......
The 4th fella was this tall Black man with a hard hat. Probly 6'6". He was wanderin' around the pole and checkin' for straightness...I guess!........somebody get that guy a level!.........go figure.....
The 5th fella was about a 110 lb. Asian baby-faced kid......All he had was a pencil and a pad.....so, I'm gonna have to guess he was calculatin' the angle of the dangle or something to that effect......cause everybody knows them sons bitches can do some serious math......
The 6th fella....well, let's just say this red-headed Irish lookin' boy looked mighty un-interested......He had this look on his face that said one of two things: "Maybe I shoulda bought some extra rounds of ammo at the Saxon Gun Show afterall"..........or he was thinkin', "How did I get mixed up with all this riff-raff?"........anyways, sure wish I had my camera with me this mornin'!......That woulda made a funny pic.........:D:crazy: ....I just love this country!.....carry on men.....and ya'll have a fine day!......and remember: I ain't racist, I hate everybody equally!.......:taunt:......

01-28-2013, 01:58 PM
:spitlol: Typical Gubment workers. :wave:

01-28-2013, 02:16 PM
:spitlol: Typical Gubment workers. :wave:
What I'm wonderin is where the 4 supervisors were?

01-28-2013, 02:23 PM
What I'm wonderin is where the 4 supervisors were?

In the truck watching of course.

Phantom Stang
01-28-2013, 02:52 PM
How come there wasn't a middle aged white guy with a belly bigger than Santa Claus' sitting atop a parked bulldozer watchin 'em work?

Yeah, I know you shouldn't need heavy equipment for that job, but it's never seemed to matter in the past.:D

01-29-2013, 09:23 AM
7 men total , Cam was the Supervisor ......

01-29-2013, 09:26 AM
7 men total , Cam was the Supervisor ......

The 5th fella was about a 110 lb. Asian baby-faced kid - was G-dawg in disguise.

pancho villa
01-29-2013, 09:28 AM
Some of my people

01-29-2013, 10:15 AM
The 5th fella was about a 110 lb. Asian baby-faced kid - was G-dawg in disguise.

nice try panfan....but Greendawg would have a hard time pullin' that one off!......:D

01-29-2013, 10:23 AM
nice try panfan....but Greendawg would have a hard time pullin' that one off!......:D

BTW - was in Boulder last week- put out an all out CAM alert to the good citizens there. Spread it all the way down the Boulder turnpike to make sure it included Lewisville.

The alert read:
Rough looking, slightly derainged fella been seen ridin' green 3 wheel harley trike, with ice chest for seat, dressed in bad Camo. If seen call the authorities immediately - shoot on site with non lethal force. May be accompained by "G-dawg" - wears huge trench coat that rattles when moved due to abundance of smuggled natural lights.

01-29-2013, 10:35 AM
BTW - was in Boulder last week- put out an all out CAM alert to the good citizens there. Spread it all the way down the Boulder turnpike to make sure it included Lewisville.

The alert read:
Rough looking, slightly derainged fella been seen ridin' green 3 wheel harley trike, with ice chest for seat, dressed in bad Camo. If seen call the authorities immediately - shoot on site with non lethal force. May be accompained by "G-dawg" - wears huge trench coat that rattles when moved due to abundance of smuggled natural lights.

Rough looking?.....shoot, I'm pretty as hell!.....Hey, ya think I can get snow chains for my trike? I'd just hate to give it up.......

01-29-2013, 10:57 AM
Rough looking?.....shoot, I'm pretty as hell!.....Hey, ya think I can get snow chains for my trike? I'd just hate to give it up.......

Pretty as hell, huh. http://hipaustinmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/leslie-austin-6th-street-texas1.jpg

01-29-2013, 11:05 AM
Pretty as hell, huh. http://hipaustinmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/leslie-austin-6th-street-texas1.jpg

....How in the world did you get me mixed up with Leslie?....May he rest in peace......Actually ran into him at Waterloo Records in Austin....I quite frankly didn't know who or what I was lookin' at!......

01-29-2013, 11:10 AM
....How in the world did you get me mixed up with Leslie?....May he rest in peace......Actually ran into him at Waterloo Records in Austin....I quite frankly didn't know who or what I was lookin' at!......

c'mon now - we all know that ugly Camo you wear on the trike is just a cover up for this.

01-29-2013, 11:37 AM
BTW - in case ya'll burnetites have forgotten, there is a little matter of a score to settle this evening when panthers play the bull pups in some b-ball. Last I heard, bull-pups snuck in a W in the waining seconds on their last meeting. I doubt that will happen again this evening.

01-29-2013, 11:40 AM
BTW - in case ya'll burnetites have forgotten, there is a little matter of a score to settle this evening when panthers play the bull pups in some b-ball. Last I heard, bull-pups snuck in a W in the waining seconds on their last meeting. I doubt that will happen again this evening.

Dawgs: Undefeated!.....went to last Friday's game. What time is the game tonight? I may try to make it.

01-29-2013, 11:44 AM
Dawgs: Undefeated!.....went to last Friday's game. What time is the game tonight? I may try to make it.

in district - which will change tonight. Sorry!

01-29-2013, 12:30 PM
Game time is 8:00

01-29-2013, 01:48 PM
in district - which will change tonight. Sorry!

....hmmm, where have I heard that before?.....

01-29-2013, 01:54 PM
....hmmm, where have I heard that before?.....

different sport. Stay on topic man.

01-29-2013, 04:52 PM
different sport. Stay on topic man.

.....still mad huh?.....get used to it!.....

01-30-2013, 08:52 AM
.....still mad huh?.....get used to it!.....

No not mad. Like I said different sport. How did ya'll like that game last night. Bull pups looked like they didn't know what hit em. Get used to it! I looked for you at the game last night, but didn't see you. I was working concessions all night right up til the second quarter.

I'll say this, not a big fan of round ball, all the fans hollerin about he pushed off, he's holding, blah, blah. Get over it already, put on some pads and run someone over, then all that stuff is a non issue!

01-30-2013, 10:26 AM

01-30-2013, 10:28 AM
No not mad. Like I said different sport. How did ya'll like that game last night. Bull pups looked like they didn't know what hit em. Get used to it! I looked for you at the game last night, but didn't see you. I was working concessions all night right up til the second quarter.

I'll say this, not a big fan of round ball, all the fans hollerin about he pushed off, he's holding, blah, blah. Get over it already, put on some pads and run someone over, then all that stuff is a non issue!

I'm the guy who asked for ketchup on my nachos!........nah, I wasn't there. Got stuck in Austin in late mtg's......What was the score?.....If LH won, I'm sure it was cause they cheated!!:taunt::D......yea, I'm not a big BB fan either, but I love watchin' the kids play it. You'll never catch me watchin' an NBA game....

01-30-2013, 10:30 AM
I'm the guy who asked for ketchup on my nachos!........nah, I wasn't there. Got stuck in Austin in late mtg's......What was the score?.....If LH won, I'm sure it was cause they cheated!!:taunt::D......yea, I'm not a big BB fan either, but I love watchin' the kids play it. You'll never catch me watchin' an NBA game....

I left with 1:30 left, but I saw something this morning that said 67-34.

01-30-2013, 04:53 PM
All you old white guys need to chill on the smack talk about gubmint workers. We are nothing more than a sampling of all you guys who have been put into a position to take advantage of our situation. None of you guys would be installing that sign yourself if you had "mexicans" and you were the supervisor. Talk all the smack you want but you wouldn't be any different....................... Put that in your pipe and smoke it! :wave:

Help me out here BBDE!!!!!!!!

01-30-2013, 05:31 PM
All you old white guys need to chill on the smack talk about gubmint workers. We are nothing more than a sampling of all you guys who have been put into a position to take advantage of our situation. None of you guys would be installing that sign yourself if you had "mexicans" and you were the supervisor. Talk all the smack you want but you wouldn't be any different....................... Put that in your pipe and smoke it! :wave:

Help me out here BBDE!!!!!!!!

Right on farmersfan!.....pinche gringos!....Shoot! I'm proof. Although I'm not a gringo. If I were the supervisor, I'd be back at the office trailer cruisin' the Downlow and learnin' politics.....By the way, if you must be proper, "mexican" should be capitalized. It's one of them whatchamacallits, a proper noun.....and I think "white" should be capitalized as well cause:

You can says the Black dude is black
And the White guy is white
And the Arabs speak Arabic not only in Arabia so the Arabs is not an ethnic group but a linguistic group because the Black dudes in Sudan they are Arabs the White people in Lebanon they are Arabs and some Barberian people in Morocco and Algeria, Tunisia they are Arabs too.
Do you know what, it just occurred to me I realized that the Islam it's the only whatsoever that resolves the ethnic issue. thank you very much...........I'm so confused!...:vrycnfsd: