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View Full Version : PI not good enough against other DIV I or II

Big Tarp 74
07-24-2002, 03:37 PM
I have seen several Div I and Div II team, I beleive that on any given Friday, you can be beaten by the worst of teams. I have never herd that Port Isabel was not good enough to play with Div I or Div 2 teams. Port Isabel does not get the credit it truly deserves. They generaly have a hard preseason schedule. They tend to play the 4A district Champs in the Rio Grande Valley as well as playing against 5A district champs. I would never under estimate them. Edinburg once stated they have never been hit so hard by a small school, and they tend to be very fast. As for ratings, I can see no one know the valley football teams. Rio Hondo is a good ball club, but had real trouble with Port Isabel, and I expect this will continue. Raymondville beat Port Isabel, but should have lost, the difference was Raymondville did not give up when they were behind by 21 points. I beleive that Raymondville should be rated higher, as well as La Feria. Please keep in mine when judging this team base on last year, they were plaged with spider bites, and a serious bridge accident.
Port Isabel could be a big supprise due to it speed, and size which greatly increase since last year. One wide receive is the states fast 400 meter sprinter. Their are 4 just about as fast. In the 7 on 7 Port Isabel even beat Harlingen South, which is a power house in 5A. I never under estimate any team, wheather they are from Div I,II,III, or IV, please do not think I am braging about Port Isabel, but so many teams have been beaten by them for thinking they are an easy team to beat because they are from the RGV. Also keep in mine that Cureo, Hallettsville, and Edna have all lost to them. In 1994 I was told by college scouts, that this team has speed. We were not small and we were not real large. Scouts have told me it is the speed that beats big teams. If Port Isabel finished third, I will still be happy, if they finish first, I will still feel the same way. The biggest problem with preseason rating is so many of these teams get beat by bigger schools and rating change. The teams that will make it to the playoffs are the teams that can stay healthy. Port Isabel all most did not make it due to the serious spider bites, and other factors that none of us can see. As for District 32 AAA:

1. Port Isabel
2. Raymondville
3. La Fera
4. Rio Hondo
5. Lyford
6. Hidalgo
7. Progresso


1. Raymondville
2. La feria
3. Port Isabel
4. Rio Hondo
5. Lyford
6. Hidalgo
7. Progresso

[This message has been edited by Big Tarp 74 (edited July 24, 2002).]

07-24-2002, 04:54 PM
huh???? Anyone elses head still spinning after that??????/

07-24-2002, 05:17 PM
Spider Bites? Did one of you ever talk to someone named Polysemus (or something like that) last year? http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif

07-24-2002, 06:03 PM
BigTarp74, who were you posting to? Most of the folks on this board agree that Port Isabel is the class of the RGV. I wasn't real clear on who it was you thought wasn't giving respect to PI.

Big Tarp 74
07-24-2002, 06:11 PM
I was stating that the district finishes for this upcomming season, are some what out of touch in district 32-AAA. I am not saying on this board we are not getting respect. I very impressed what different schools have to say about us. Sorry for the miscommunication.

07-24-2002, 06:35 PM
Ok, my bad. I guess I guess I just wasn't following your train of thought, sorry.

07-24-2002, 08:38 PM
Big Tarp 74 I am interested to know why you think that Raymondville could come out first as you noted on one of your predictions? Last year's match-up I thought that Brian Wolf, (Raymondville QB) was one of the big reason why they came back and beat the Tarpons, as he single handedly brought them back and won the game for them and well he was a senior and not playing this year.

Big Tarp 74
07-25-2002, 10:14 AM
Why do I think Raymondville could come out on top, well they have a well developed football program. They JV are generaly at the top of the district. They tend to have a good track program. They also have the students to choose from. Yes, they have loss some players, but they always seem to have backups. Another team to watch would be Lyford, the reason is they are very big, and have a good group returning. Lyford could be the big supprise in district 32-AAA.

Big Tarp 74
07-25-2002, 10:18 AM
Sinton66, I know Sinton has a great ball club, this goes without question. I hope them the best of luck this year. I know it hard meeting school such as Cuero, Commerce and Sealy, but they can be beat. From the look of thinks you all might just win state.