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View Full Version : Hope everyone had a great Christmas

12-30-2012, 01:38 PM
As I used to do back in the day (when I first posted) I just wanted my 3aDL family to know I hope they had a great Christmas and that their New Years is celebrated safely and brought in well.

As we enter the second season of our year (because everyone knows in Texas there are really only two seasons, football season and almost football season) does anyone have any resolutions/football predictions/ comments they'd like to make to bring in the new year?

And let's keep it classy guys.

12-30-2012, 01:51 PM
im excited about next year!! Alvarado returning 9 on defense, including our entire DLine rotation...3 O-lineman return on offense, and some hungry players from an undefeated JV team chomping at the bit to make a difference..should be a great 2013!!