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Ranger Mom
09-25-2003, 09:42 PM
Why do coaches pull sophomore kids off of the J.V. team only to have them stand on the sidelines up on the varsity squad!

What are they learning?

The reason I ask this is because last week 2 of our biggest kids "moved up" and our JV is dying without them! But...those kids aren't seeing any playing time. Before the season even started they moved a sophomore up to varsity, and he has barely played at all.(if any) He was all pumped up to be on varsity, but after 4 games, I think he wishes he was playing on JV again.
I just don't understand why they do this if they aren't gonna get to play.
I'm sure all of my knowledgable friends on here will give me some kind of concept that I can grasp!

Thanks a bunch!!

09-25-2003, 09:47 PM
Maybe the coaches feel those sophmores will give the 1st team varsity O and D hell on scout D or O... Their reward for practicing with the Varsity is being on Varsity...

With most programs, if the kid wants to be on JV so he can accually play, he'll ask and they'll let him... But who knows, maybe they had to move around some players and now the soph's moved up are back-ups...

You never know, but I'd bet on them being good scout teamers... As a lot of people say, you're only as good as the people you practice against.. That might not be 'totally' accurate, but it sure does help to have comp. in practice...

09-25-2003, 09:51 PM
Rangermom...I am thinking that the coaches may want some quality depth backing up the first teamers. Granted, they are not getting to play as much...but with the injury bug that has hampered the Rangers the coaches may want backups on varsity that can tow the line if they have to. Just my .02.

09-26-2003, 01:05 AM
My sophomore year I was an OT on varsity and I think that really prepared me to start the following year. When I played scout "D" it was across from the senior starting tackle that was 280lbs. and next to the TE who was 6'7" 280 lbs. and went on a full ride to OU. I got double teamed most of the time because our bread and butter play went right outside the TE. I think that even though they don't play, working with the varsity starters will prepare them more than dominating the same kids over and over again.

09-26-2003, 06:47 AM
you can never tell what is going to happen in football. my son was varsity his sophmore year, and stood on the sideline for all but 3 games. the player he was backup for sustained a injury, then he started for 3 games.

Commerce Fan
09-26-2003, 07:02 AM
When District play starts and the games are not as close he will play. The time spent on the sideline gives the kids more desire to play and also takes away the AW of the big games. Later in the playoffs sometimes the size of the crowds and the size of the fields will put players in aw. Just call it mentoring a kid!!!

09-26-2003, 10:41 AM
The main reason is for the experience. There's a huge different between playin' on Thursday nights and playin' on Friday nights. When the coaches can tell that an underclassman is going to be a key player the next season, they'll usually go ahead and move him up. At some point, there are probably going to be a few blowouts the he'll get to play in.
Or, it could be that the kid is just to good to not play on varsity. But, he wouldn't be watching the game then.

09-26-2003, 10:59 AM
it has it's advantages for the team as well as for the kid. it allows the kid preparation time maybe not for that year but for the remaining years of high school. usually these kids have some talent the coaches see and like. for the team it allows the starters some breathing room when needed with out the team missing a beat. just my take.

Bandera YaYa
09-26-2003, 11:25 AM
I'm with you, RangerMom....doesn't seem logical...but you know what they say about men and logic!! eek! .......... :D

09-26-2003, 11:26 AM
Hey, Ranger Mom, I hear that you guys have some injuries... That may be why your players have been moved up...

Chief Woodman
09-26-2003, 02:44 PM
The tactic can backfire. I have seen coaches move players up and they get no playing time. The kids knows they do not stand a chance of going to college and playing, so to the kid in frustration quits altogether. Seems nobody wins in that situation.

09-26-2003, 02:52 PM
Hey Woodman, who do you guys play tonight? Good luck whoever it is.

09-26-2003, 03:30 PM
Thanks for posting a interesting topic actually relating to football. I get tired of seeing so many posts about other things. I always enjoy your posts. Go luck tonight, its going to be a tough one I think.