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11-12-2012, 04:37 PM
I know that the Bulls have struggled at times this year, could this possibly be a trap game for Argyle? Bridgeport has always gave us all we wanted and several times more than we wanted. I hope that our kiddos stay focused.

11-12-2012, 04:41 PM
We've had some pretty good battles in the past, I'm hoping we give you guys another good one.

11-12-2012, 04:48 PM
I know that the Bulls have struggled at times this year, could this possibly be a trap game for Argyle? Bridgeport has always gave us all we wanted and several times more than we wanted. I hope that our kiddos stay focused.

We have gotten better late in the season, firstdown, as is our historical personality, but I don't know about Argyle-beating better. No doubt the Bulls will be the heavy underdog in this one---I don't think we can match Argyle on offense or defense---but both of these coaches know each other very well, and will try to test each other's weaknesses right out of the gate. Argyle will have a decided speed and experience advantage. I just hope the Bulls can make a good showing and maybe even sneak up on the Eagles with some plays, plus play hard and well enough for 4 quarters to have a shot at the upset.

11-12-2012, 06:15 PM
That Huerta kid Bridgeport has is a really good football player. He alone should be good for a couple of scores at least. And the Bulls are catching Argyle after an emotional game against Celina. The worst thing that could have happened to this team......happened last Friday in Celina. Argyle ruled all phases, was not pushed, and now it is natural for teenage boyz to approach the next game like they are Kings of the Gridiron, which we all know is just not true. Maybe the Bulls will do something early in the game to bring our players back down to reality to get their attention. I'm not saying this is what the Eagles are gonna come out like, but experience says they might. I'm thinking the Bulls will play with alot of intensity and desire, play smart football, and make few mistakes. I'm hoping Argyle will do the same, and that no injuries will occur for either team. It should be a good quality football game. Good luck to both teams.

11-12-2012, 10:36 PM
Look for the Bulls to put up a good fight, but Argyle is rolling and just too tough for the Bulls to stop. Argyle by 2-3 td's

11-12-2012, 11:00 PM
Unfortunately for the Bulls, this one gets ugly. I love the Bulls but Argyle will win big.

11-12-2012, 11:04 PM
i hope Huerta has another record breaking night!!

11-14-2012, 10:20 AM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.

11-14-2012, 10:49 AM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.

Sure glad most of the Argyle posters I know would never post something this classless. Knock on the Bulls team all you want---but leave the kids alone.

11-14-2012, 11:21 AM
Sure glad most of the Argyle posters I know would never post something this classless. Knock on the Bulls team all you want---but leave the kids alone.

Eagle11 is just thankful that its not his blue eagles that get to play us this Friday.

Good luck to the Bulls I hope y'all come healthy and prepared on Friday.

11-14-2012, 11:30 AM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.

That first sentence would have been alright since it's just a fan of a rival team talking smack, but that second one is just plain classless. Remind me again who Decatur is playing on Friday?

11-14-2012, 11:46 AM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.

Wow, not a little upset your teams playing roundball are u?

11-14-2012, 01:24 PM
Eagle 11 that was complete BS and i hope the mods take care of that post asap!!!!

11-14-2012, 01:39 PM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.

not cool, man!! totally uncalled for..not to mention, classless!!:dispntd:

11-14-2012, 06:15 PM
I sure hope that this website does not turn into a place where people can come and use it in the wrong way with all the negativity and people bashing. Lets remember these are young men between 15-18 we are talking about. I hate seeing these kids get bashed on by any other person. It's not right to judge. Also remember these boys are chasing a dream, that most will not ever reach. But just to get the chance too is a blessing for all of those involved including us( the fans). Good luck to everyone in the playoffs . I wish the best of luck on all players from all teams

11-14-2012, 06:31 PM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.
All kids make a mistake.. Dont air laundry like that.. wow..

11-14-2012, 06:46 PM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.Eagle11, I'm going to tell it like it is. Your comment was ridiculous and you sir are a horse's ass!

11-14-2012, 07:00 PM
Eagle11, I'm going to tell it like it is. Your comment was ridiculous and you sir are a horse's ass!


11-14-2012, 07:18 PM
dont kid yourself the bulls dont have a chance in hell. let hope Huerta doesnt get another MIP or DUI like he did the week before Gainesville.
Bitter much? The Bulls took it to Decatur and all you can do is run that head. Classy comment but then again you are from Decatur. Shouldn't expect more from you.

11-15-2012, 01:24 AM
Eagle11, I'm going to tell it like it is. Your comment was ridiculous and you sir are a horse's ass!
its not ridiculous is a fact. the football coach and school have chosen to play a student that should not be on the field. everyone in the county knows when he was stopped and the outcome of it.

11-15-2012, 01:28 AM
and yes i know that decatur is not playing this week. the boys didnt earn it.

11-15-2012, 08:47 AM
its not ridiculous is a fact. the football coach and school have chosen to play a student that should not be on the field. everyone in the county knows when he was stopped and the outcome of it.

Fact or not you have no business putting it on here. I couldn't care less period. Everyone makes mistakes in life and it's very unfortunate that some numb skull (you) decides to make it their point of emphasis. I only hope that when you make some mistake in your life that someone returns the favor to you. Enjoy thump thump.

11-16-2012, 01:11 PM
Look, I'm a Decatur native. Currently not a resident but do keep up with local events. Every town has idiots and you have seen one of ours. Whether it be right or wrong, the post was uncalled for. The huerta kid is a great player and will learn from this mistake. The Bport folks can attest that most of the Decatur fans arn't classless. Rivalries are awesome and ours with Bport is one of the greatest. G'luck bulls, your gonnaneed alot of it! ;)

11-16-2012, 02:11 PM
Look, I'm a Decatur native. Currently not a resident but do keep up with local events. Every town has idiots and you have seen one of ours. Whether it be right or wrong, the post was uncalled for. The huerta kid is a great player and will learn from this mistake. The Bport folks can attest that most of the Decatur fans arn't classless. Rivalries are awesome and ours with Bport is one of the greatest. G'luck bulls, your gonnaneed alot of it! ;)

Thanks, 5wide. I don't paint whole towns with the "idiot" brush, and that includes the vast majority of the fans of our old rivals in Decatur. Our rivalry is one of the oldest, and best, and I wouldn't trade it for any other. Best of luck to the Eagles, also. I know they will get the football program turned around and back into playoff form quickly.

11-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Sure hope the Bull kicker keeps punts and KO's away from the Argyle kick returner. He is a Shipley-class kick returner.

11-16-2012, 02:22 PM
Is Huerta getting any offers to play college ball? I always thought he was pretty impressive

11-16-2012, 02:40 PM
Is Huerta getting any offers to play college ball? I always thought he was pretty impressive

Haven't heard yet. Probably no big schools--he is just not very big.

11-16-2012, 03:16 PM
Sure hope the Bull kicker keeps punts and KO's away from the Argyle kick returner. He is a Shipley-class kick returner.

Saddler is a great athlete. I would venture to say the best to come thru Argyle yet. He makes "stuff" happen every time he touches the ball be it on special teams, offense or the occasional defensive snaps he plays.

11-17-2012, 10:59 AM
Argyle is a very good football team. They are a complete team with good players in all areas. It will take an equally complete team to stop them short of an SC. The Bulls were not that team last night in Flower Mound, and were not ever able to threaten Argyle in any phases of the game. Still, the Bulls will improve and be back to the levels that we have enjoyed in several seasons over the last 20 years under coach Henson, and I appreciate the efforts made by all of the players this season.

Best of luck to the Argyle Eagles in their quest for a SC.

11-17-2012, 11:11 AM
You shouldn't bring up the dirty laundry but if its true he shouldn't have played.

11-17-2012, 11:15 AM
It sets a bad example for the other kids. That was a poor coaching decision if so. Life is about choices and kids have to understand that.

11-17-2012, 01:12 PM
Argyle is a very good football team. They are a complete team with good players in all areas. It will take an equally complete team to stop them short of an SC. The Bulls were not that team last night in Flower Mound, and were not ever able to threaten Argyle in any phases of the game. Still, the Bulls will improve and be back to the levels that we have enjoyed in several seasons over the last 20 years under coach Henson, and I appreciate the efforts made by all of the players this season.

Best of luck to the Argyle Eagles in their quest for a SC.

Good luck to you guys too! I'm sure you guys will be fine Coach Henson will coach'em up. I'll give y'all credit you refused to kick the ball to Sadler.

11-17-2012, 01:20 PM
Good luck to you guys too! I'm sure you guys will be fine Coach Henson will coach'em up. I'll give y'all credit you refused to kick the ball to Sadler.

Yep--Coach Henson said our kicker would not want to come back to our sideline if he kicked the ball to Sadler instead of out of bounds.

Sadler is a very good athlete. Enjoyed watching him. He can do it all--run or throw from the Wildcat, catch and run good patterns with good RAC, play some good defense, and kick return.

11-17-2012, 02:24 PM
I think the Argyle coaching staff is steadily working on schemes to include some other players in the touches knowing full well Sadler will get his. There is much speed and talent on both sides of the ball, and you will see some of this talent emerge in the playoffs and next season. Early on, it's just been the Ian Sadler and Brandon Boyzuick show, along with Nick Ralston pounding out over 1300 yds. in 11 games. Little by little Boyzuick is finding a comfort level with this offense, trusting himself and spreading the ball to some of the other talent on the offensive side. This will be necessary to keep Sadler from being doubled every play. Other threats will make this team even that much more difficult to defend when the Eagles have the ball. The defense is just one of the best in all of 3A, end of story. More plays for lost yardage, more takeaways off of fumbles, more interceptions, lots of 3 and outs....I'd love to see stats on how the top teams rank in these categories. I wonder if anyone has those stats to report. I'm thinking Argyle has something in the neighborhood of 15 interceptions for the season. One player alone has 8. This is a team that COULD return to Jerryworld this year, and certainly next year as well.

11-17-2012, 02:38 PM
Not getting the cart ahead of the horse, I am confident Coach Rodgers and his Staff will keep these players focused on the task at hand each week. For the most part, this is a young team with few seniors. Luckily many underclassmen last season saw action and played in some of the playoff games, so are aware of what is involved this time of the season. Melissa is our next opponent, and they will be a formidable opponent. I'm sure they will present some problems for Argyle one way or another....we shall see. So far, it's been almost too smooth for the Eagles....they need a run-in with a tough team NOW. I think Melissa will be that team.

11-17-2012, 03:03 PM
Congrats regal and your Argyle team. Hope to see ya in Victoria tonight? Will you be with Bro. Richard? If so, have him point me out. Love to meet ya.

11-17-2012, 03:15 PM
regal, clean your box, trying to send you a PM.

11-17-2012, 03:17 PM
Yeah, YT. I'm here now at my brother's house. He lives a stone's throw away from the stadium. Last nite I could hear some of the noise from the El Campo game, but didn't go over to watch it. I was tired from the drive, and followed the Argyle and other games on the downlow, and saw what was going on over at the stadium from being on here. It was just too one-sided. I figure tonite's matchup will be a much better game to watch. Maybe cousin Richard will be there. I'll call him and see if he's coming.

11-17-2012, 03:30 PM
Yeah, YT. I'm here now at my brother's house. He lives a stone's throw away from the stadium. Last nite I could hear some of the noise from the El Campo game, but didn't go over to watch it. I was tired from the drive, and followed the Argyle and other games on the downlow, and saw what was going on over at the stadium from being on here. It was just too one-sided. I figure tonite's matchup will be a much better game to watch. Maybe cousin Richard will be there. I'll call him and see if he's coming.

Bro. Richard will not miss this one. Look me up. I'll have a black jacket on with YT listed on the back.