View Full Version : Let's Support Corey Fullbright Fund

Phil C
12-17-2002, 12:11 PM
It is for a great cause for the family in need right now. Please refer to the Corey Fullbright Fund post. I know not everyone may be able to give financially but those of us that can let's give what we can afford no matter what the amount. The sky is the limit as you are able but even if you can only send $1.00 please send it. If 200 people can only send $1.00 that would be $200.00 and would be a big help whereas if they all decided it wasn't enough to make any difference the amount would be $0.00 so let's send as we can afford. I didn't put any pressure on anyone but at the office where I worked I asked if anyone would like to contribute a little bit and I got several more dollars to send just by asking and some of the donations were not by football fans but concerned individuals that want to help. So let's support this fund if you are able and send what you can. God bless you all.

12-17-2002, 02:16 PM
Thanks again Phil C.....

12-17-2002, 03:41 PM
Phil C, thank you so much for your efforts, they will be rewarded! If we can just chip in a little bit it will add up. Corey and his family face a difficult road ahead, and will need all the financial and spiritual help we can give them. Once again, thanks, and may God Bless