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Spanish Camp
10-23-2012, 11:11 PM
So is he back? How will the Tigers use him? Whatever they do, Sealy is light years better with RSJ!!

10-24-2012, 09:44 AM
Really? "light years better". I don't know why the coaches just don't put him out there by himself. Why would even start this thread? lets talk playoffs the last two years. Navasota beat them out first round each time. Jones was QB at last years playoff and preferred to run it himself instead of passing or handing it off to a more than capable running back (selfish). Wimberley got'em as well and then there was st pius. When Jones went down, Sealy was behind by two scores, I think,. It's really unfair to the rest of the players who bust their butts at practice and contribute so much to the team. Whoever you are "Spanish Camp", sounds to me like youre only here to tout the touted with a personal agenda . Let's see, Sealy plays Columbus Friday. I'm predicting he'll get all the offensive plays. (unless Columbus buys a vowel and double teams him) Why? You do the math Seņor. One day Mr Jones will get the opportunity to be the standout among standouts. It wont be at UT tho. He better enjoy High School FB.,,

10-24-2012, 10:14 AM
Really? "light years better". I don't know why the coaches just don't put him out there by himself. Why would even start this thread? lets talk playoffs the last two years. Navasota beat them out first round each time. Jones was QB at last years playoff and preferred to run it himself instead of passing or handing it off to a more than capable running back (selfish). Wimberley got'em as well and then there was st pius. When Jones went down, Sealy was behind by two scores, I think,. It's really unfair to the rest of the players who bust their butts at practice and contribute so much to the team. Whoever you are "Spanish Camp", sounds to me like youre only here to tout the touted with a personal agenda . Let's see, Sealy plays Columbus Friday. I'm predicting he'll get all the offensive plays. (unless Columbus buys a vowel and double teams him) Why? You do the math Seņor. One day Mr Jones will get the opportunity to be the standout among standouts. It wont be at UT tho. He better enjoy High School FB.,,

You are right. It won't be at UT because he decided not to go there. BUT he will be a standout at whatever university is lucky enough to have his commitment. If you call Ricky selfish you obviously don't know the young man and therefore need to get from behind your keyboard trying to talk down on kids playing a sport. I agree that people need to realize that Sealy is a great team without him but to deny they aren't better with him on the field is asinine.

10-24-2012, 10:19 AM
Sealy will roll into playoff's with RSJ.

10-24-2012, 10:27 AM
You can always count on the good folks from North of the Creek to hate on Sealy. Yep the 16 y/o kid did not have a good game during his playoff appearences. That big school division is tough as El Campo will soon find out. There are teams all across Texas that rely on their studs every Friday night. If he goes down the team suffers as did Sealy when they lost RS-J. Having talked with him on numerous occasions I've never heard him say it's all about me. He is at most jr. high games and jv games talking to the younger players. That's call being a role model ,something thats missing badly in today's sports world. Now before yoy say that you have nothing against him I'm just pointing out he is a big time player on both sides of the ball. That intensity he shows can and does spread to his teamates. The team gets along well with RS-J . They know what he's capable of. As far as him getting all the offensive attention against Columbus or anyone else for that matter. I don't see that happening. Kris Brown came back from his knee injury and became an impact player scoring two touchdowns and played tough defense all night. AJ Vertiel returns from a broken hand and makes several big catches. If I'm Coach Mitchell I've got a whole new offense to play with.

10-24-2012, 10:33 AM
You are right. It won't be at UT because he decided not to go there. BUT he will be a standout at whatever university is lucky enough to have his commitment. If you call Ricky selfish you obviously don't know the young man and therefore need to get from behind your keyboard trying to talk down on kids playing a sport. I agree that people need to realize that Sealy is a great team without him but to deny they aren't better with him on the field is asinine.

I know more than you. jus sayin. HIs play at the navaaota game was selfish.. Don't make anymore out of it than that! I was there. The rest of my comments are fact.. You're behind a keyboard as well pot.. Love kettle.

Spanish Camp
10-24-2012, 10:46 AM
Anyone that doesn't believe that one of the top recruits in the nation makes a team better is a fool: Millcreek.

Anyone who calls out the individual character of a highschool player (whom he doesn't really know) behind a message board user name is a coward: Millcreek

I started this thread because he is a 3a football player (likely the top 3a player in the state) and this happens to be a site for 3a football discussions.

This has been one of the top recruiting stories across the nation for a number of reasons and his injury on a nationally televised game only added to the drama of his recruitment.

So, how does his probable return impact the remaining district schedule?

10-24-2012, 10:53 AM
I know more than you. jus sayin. HIs play at the navaaota game was selfish.. Don't make anymore out of it than that! I was there. The rest of my comments are fact.. You're behind a keyboard as well pot.. Love kettle.

I would bet every cent in my bank account you don't know more then me. And I was at that game as well. He was not selfish. You have no idea what is being told to a kid by a coaching staff nor the game plan. If you would like to meet in person I am cool with not being behind this keyboard. Also, I am not bashing kids behind a keyboard, that is your forte.

10-24-2012, 10:54 AM
Anyone that doesn't believe that one of the top recruits in the nation makes a team better is a fool: Millcreek.

Anyone who calls out the individual character of a highschool player (whom he doesn't really know) behind a message board user name is a coward: Millcreek

I started this thread because he is a 3a football player (likely the top 3a player in the state) and this happens to be a site for 3a football discussions.

This has been one of the top recruiting stories across the nation for a number of reasons and his injury on a nationally televised game only added to the drama of his recruitment.

So, how does his probable return impact the remaining district schedule?

It makes Sealy a very dangerous contender.

10-24-2012, 10:56 AM
Duly noted El Capitan Obvious.


10-24-2012, 11:10 AM
I know more than you. jus sayin. HIs play at the navaaota game was selfish.. Don't make anymore out of it than that! I was there. The rest of my comments are fact.. You're behind a keyboard as well pot.. Love kettle.

I am kinda curious how you think you know him better. LoL

10-24-2012, 11:11 AM
Best to luck with this young man but I be lying if I said I wanted him to go to Lsu. A&M will treat him right just saying....

Football fan
10-24-2012, 11:20 AM
Somebody has an agenda.

10-24-2012, 12:51 PM
It is good to hear people in the "know" tell us about the quality of RSJ. Good to hear, and that is the impression I will go with as we watch him grow in his career (until something is proven otherwise). It is definitely a positive thing to hear he is this kind of person....kudos to him and his family and coaches.

As far as RSJ handling the ball too much...well, unless he is going against the calls of his coach, I would look at the coaches when it comes to play calling. And its possible that the other players on the team WANT HIM to handle the ball. I would bet this is the case...they want to win, and you can win with RSJ. But...on the other hand...you pay a price with too much focus on one extraordinary player. Either way...be wary of Sealy.

10-24-2012, 01:10 PM
So, is he back yet? I think that was the original question. If not, what is the projected date of his return?

10-24-2012, 01:34 PM
I am from Navasota and watched him play against us more than once. RSJ is an outstanding athlete and is capable of putting the team on his back. He has been stopped in the games against Navasota the last two years--that is stopped from beating Navasota but not stopped producing at a high level. Navasota found that with him at the QB position, he could hurt you with his legs more than his arm. They dared him to pass. and came with a contained rush every play. In my opinion, RSJ is the type of athlete that can be used in so many ways that he seems to be the central focus of the team. However, he is also a team player and will do what his coaches tell him to do.

RSJ WILL be a top college player wherever he ends up. You can't keep that much talent off the field. I alsoagree that Sealy automatically becomes more dangerous when RSJ is in the lineup.

10-24-2012, 01:56 PM
Speaking as a young person who has grown up with this kid and played with him his freshman and sophomore year, Ricky has never been a selfish player. He has always been a team oriented player. But of course leave it to the Bellville haters to try and bash the character of a hard working kid who they don't know anything about. I don't care if you "know" him or not, don't bad mouth a defenseless young kid on here.

10-24-2012, 02:07 PM
Speaking as a young person who has grown up with this kid and played with him his freshman and sophomore year, Ricky has never been a selfish player. He has always been a team oriented player. But of course leave it to the Bellville haters to try and bash the character of a hard working kid who they don't know anything about. I don't care if you "know" him or not, don't bad mouth a defenseless young kid on here.

Totally Agree 100%. Over the last 3 years, I have heard nothing but good things about this young man. It's always refreshing to see "hometown kid does good". Of course, he is no "kid"...but you get my drift.

10-24-2012, 02:37 PM
I read this article on chron.com last week. Hints that he may return against Columbus. Hope so.

"Like the eighth-graders from Sealy and Wharton in front of him, Seals-Jones is ready to get on the field. He'll have to wait another week - the Tigers are off Friday before playing Columbus at home seven days later."


10-24-2012, 02:43 PM
He's a great kid from a good family. He will do well on the next level. He is one of the most exciting players to watch on the high school level. Yes, he instantly makes Sealy (or any team for that matter) a better team, but, KUDOS to those kids who have stepped up their play to keep the Tigers competitive.

Good Luck to Sealy!!

10-24-2012, 03:22 PM
Not sure how he can be selfish either. He don't call the plays, does he? If I had a back/QB/WR like he or Gonzales Cecil Johnson, I'd be having them with the ball as much as possible myself. Great athletes, and yes--hat's off to the others holding the fort down while he was out. Without him, I think they still make the playoffs, with him, they can go deep.

Old Tiger
10-24-2012, 03:25 PM
Not sure how he can be selfish either. He don't call the plays, does he? If I had a back/QB/WR like he or Gonzales Cecil Johnson, I'd be having them with the ball as much as possible myself. Great athletes, and yes--hat's off to the others holding the fort down while he was out. Without him, I think they still make the playoffs, with him, they can go deep.

Just needs to get rid of that AAU coach of his and he'd be alright.

Football fan
10-24-2012, 06:59 PM
Will be back this week and is supposed to get the majority of his snaps at WR.

10-24-2012, 07:42 PM
Use him at WR, a little time in direct snap formation, throw in a few option type plays. Wherever you put him on offense is good. I really think what he brings to the defense is pretty special too.

10-24-2012, 09:21 PM
JMHO- If I were him, my HS career(football) would be over. I would heal in full, play BB, stay healthy, and take the best college path possible. Best of luck to Ricky in whatever he decides (hoping for the ags), he is in fact a fine young man...

10-24-2012, 11:24 PM
Speaking as a young person who has grown up with this kid and played with him his freshman and sophomore year, Ricky has never been a selfish player. He has always been a team oriented player. But of course leave it to the Bellville haters to try and bash the character of a hard working kid who they don't know anything about. I don't care if you "know" him or not, don't bad mouth a defenseless young kid on here.

There you go with the Bellville hate stuff again. I understand that it is frustrating to realize you had to grow up in what is essentially a big truck stop, but get over it.

This Bellville hater thing is just in your mind!

Most Bellville people support Sealy teams when they aren't playing the Brahmas.
I see Sealy kids up here all the time, at football games when Sealy has a bye week, at volleyball and baseball games when Sealy teams are playing out of town, etc.

BTW, I have always thought Ricky was a good kid.
Of course he lives up here but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.

10-24-2012, 11:29 PM
Couldn't have said it better manso. All I have heard have been good things about him. Best of luck to his future ad well

10-24-2012, 11:31 PM
There you go with the Bellville hate stuff again. I understand that it is frustrating to realize you had to grow up in what is essentially a big truck stop, but get over it.

This Bellville hater thing is just in your mind!

Most Bellville people support Sealy teams when they aren't playing the Brahmas.
I see Sealy kids up here all the time, at football games when Sealy has a bye week, at volleyball and baseball games when Sealy teams are playing out of town, etc.

BTW, I have always thought Ricky was a good kid.
Of course he lives up here but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.
A town that is essentially a big truck stop?? I'm not even gonna get into that. If Sealy is just a big truck stop then what exactly is Bellville??

10-25-2012, 01:09 AM
I really liked the article and thought it did a good job communicating to the readers the kind of person RSJ really is. It also gave us a snapshot of some of the obstacles he has encountered and the decisions in front of him. All the best wishes for RSJ....he's an exciting athlete to watch. And sounds like he is really intelligent and grounded as well.

10-25-2012, 11:00 AM
Why would someone from North of Mill Creek attend all of these Sealy events? They go to Sealy sports banquets and games every week. I would like to know which side is the "Rite Side of Mill Creek" because I am not quite sure that they aren't from Sealy. To further my point, why wouldn't this poster have been in College Station last year during the first week of the playoffs supporting the Brahmas against Giddings if they are in fact from Bellville.

Luv My Tigers
11-04-2012, 04:06 AM

Luv My Tigers
11-04-2012, 04:13 AM
I would bet every cent in my bank account you don't know more then me. And I was at that game as well. He was not selfish. You have no idea what is being told to a kid by a coaching staff nor the game plan. If you would like to meet in person I am cool with not being behind this keyboard. Also, I am not bashing kids behind a keyboard, that is your forte.

well said STAggie!!

11-04-2012, 10:28 AM
Hey, I love it when idiots post stuff about kids and say things that are not true.

If you remember, someone made a post about RGIII about how bad of a young man he was because he got thrown out of a game in High School.

Because of these idiots, we hear all of the great stuff. I did not know much about RSJ other than the high level stuff. Now I have a new found respect for him! And I will root for him unless he is playing China Spring and he will be my 6th favorite receiver on the field!