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View Full Version : Where are all the cry babies??

10-08-2012, 07:39 AM
It got to the point that every single call made by the replacement refs was complained about, bitch about and criticized to the point of ridiculousness. All the cry babies finally got what they wanted and the old refs were brought back in. Outrageous money and benefits being paid to get them back but W.T.H., apparently 150.00 cheap seats at the stadium doesn't bother some people. But I can't help but wonder where all these cry babies are at today after the Chargers get screwed out of their opportunity to win last night against the Saints. On the final drive of the game the refs called 4 drive killing penalties on the Chargers. They called a offensive pass interference penalty on the Chargers that called back a HUGE play. You see more offensive contact on almost every single play of the game yet the refs chose to call it at this point in the game? This was 100% a case of the refs deciding who would win this game. I couldn't care less either way and don't really like either team but I was just wondering where all the crying about the refs was this morning............
BTW: Happy Monday morning everyone! :wave:

10-08-2012, 08:10 AM
The "old" refs don't make bad calls, ... Well, except against Packers!!!

Expect to win, Play to win!!! Go Graham Steers
Go # 5

10-08-2012, 09:07 AM
I'll use your post to again voice my opinion on the PI penalty---it needs to be abolished altogether, or changed to a 15yd penalty at the very least. PI is the single biggest "game changer' penalty their is, and is far too subjective and broadly interpreted. PI is the equivalent of having a 6x6 strike zone in baseball.

BTW--I'll take the regular NFL refs any day---even when they blow a few calls.

10-08-2012, 01:42 PM
I'll use your post to again voice my opinion on the PI penalty---it needs to be abolished altogether, or changed to a 15yd penalty at the very least. PI is the single biggest "game changer' penalty their is, and is far too subjective and broadly interpreted. PI is the equivalent of having a 6x6 strike zone in baseball.

BTW--I'll take the regular NFL refs any day---even when they blow a few calls.

what cracks me up is the difference in penalty yardage for defensive PI and offensive PI

Phil C
10-08-2012, 02:18 PM


10-08-2012, 04:41 PM
I like the real refs no matter what calls they make.

10-08-2012, 07:32 PM
I'll use your post to again voice my opinion on the PI penalty---it needs to be abolished altogether, or changed to a 15yd penalty at the very least. PI is the single biggest "game changer' penalty their is, and is far too subjective and broadly interpreted. PI is the equivalent of having a 6x6 strike zone in baseball.

BTW--I'll take the regular NFL refs any day---even when they blow a few calls.

Then all a defender needs to do when beaten down field it tackle the WR..give up 15 instead of 60

10-08-2012, 07:32 PM
I'll use your post to again voice my opinion on the PI penalty---it needs to be abolished altogether, or changed to a 15yd penalty at the very least. PI is the single biggest "game changer' penalty their is, and is far too subjective and broadly interpreted. PI is the equivalent of having a 6x6 strike zone in baseball.

BTW--I'll take the regular NFL refs any day---even when they blow a few calls.

Then all a defender needs to do when beaten down field it tackle the WR..give up 15 instead of 60

10-08-2012, 08:18 PM
Then all a defender needs to do when beaten down field it tackle the WR..give up 15 instead of 60

But the WR can also push off or knock down the DB BEFORE he can make the tackle. Sort of evens the playing field on pass plays. It is the WR's job to separate by any means short of holding. There is chicken fighting going on now on every pass play with each player trying to disguise it. Sometimes this is called---sometimes not, with major game implications. Let em' play without worrying about if PI is called or not.

10-09-2012, 10:28 AM
But the WR can also push off or knock down the DB BEFORE he can make the tackle. Sort of evens the playing field on pass plays. It is the WR's job to separate by any means short of holding. There is chicken fighting going on now on every pass play with each player trying to disguise it. Sometimes this is called---sometimes not, with major game implications. Let em' play without worrying about if PI is called or not.

Exactly! either let them play with all the bumping and holding or throw a flag on every single contact!!! Either way is fine with me. the problem I have is when the refs decide to call it at a point where it cost one team the game when they have not been calling it the entire game. Just like the refs in hockey and the umpires in baseball they have been given far too much leeway in their interpretation of the rules. The leagues have already determined what is PI, Holding, cross checking and a strike. The refs need to call it that way. If they can't then they should not be hired to officiate the games....... Ever watch a hockey game where one team gets a really lopsided amount of power plays in 1 period? You can rest assured the other team will get the lopsided amount in the next period and in the end the power plays will usually be about even. This requires a actual intent to even out the penalties which means for a period of time the refs intentionally ignore the breaking of the rules by one team.