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View Full Version : Gatesville 49 La Vega 48 2OT Final

09-28-2012, 11:00 PM
nm nm

09-28-2012, 11:02 PM

Tin Cup
09-28-2012, 11:02 PM
Didn't Gate soundly beat Connally and Connally just beat Alvarado? Wow

09-28-2012, 11:05 PM

09-28-2012, 11:10 PM

09-28-2012, 11:12 PM
And SV beat LV. The "football math" will make your head swim.

09-28-2012, 11:18 PM
And SV beat LV. The "football math" will make your head swim.
Oh we'll..it could be worse...I could be stuck in hotel room in NYC,,I don't know, that may be better right now

09-28-2012, 11:20 PM
Oh we'll..it could be worse...I could be stuck in hotel room in NYC,,I don't know, that may be better right now

Touche. You going to listen to the SV game tomorrow?

09-28-2012, 11:25 PM
Yep!! It will be a tough game, but I think the Jackets will come out on top.

Pirate Fan
09-28-2012, 11:26 PM
Replacement refs showed up in Gatesville. Plus Gober didn't play but one play in second half

Rabid Cougar
09-29-2012, 08:23 AM
Or LaVega isn't all they are cracked up to be.

09-29-2012, 08:27 AM
Or LaVega isn't all they are cracked up to be.

Nope I just think Gatesville is a lot better than people think this year.

Rabid Cougar
09-29-2012, 10:23 AM
Nope I just think Gatesville is a lot better than people think this year.

Sorry, Not possible. The game was in Gatesville, unexplainable things happen to visitors in Gatesville. It's the black hole of referees.

09-29-2012, 11:50 AM
It IS unexplainable...for a CS backer to make a statement like THAT. Never has a questionable call been made in CS...and especially not one that's been influenced from the Cougar sideline.
"Sorry" is right.

Rabid Cougar
09-29-2012, 12:30 PM
It IS unexplainable...for a CS backer to make a statement like THAT. Never has a questionable call been made in CS...and especially not one that's been influenced from the Cougar sideline.
"Sorry" is right.

Obviously never played a game at Gatesville. What's with the red ass about Bell? Coaches never referee a game.

09-29-2012, 08:57 PM
Obviously, but why the red ass about Gatesville not possibly being better than expected?
We can agree, coaches don't referee games, but they DO influence referees.
I guess his actions on the sideline make you proud...that's cool.

09-29-2012, 09:16 PM
You can spin it any way you want, but LaVega got beat. And yes, Gatesville is a tough place to play, more because they usually play much better at home than because there is some alien mystery there. Face it, there are alot of good teams in 3A this year and on any given night a pretty good team will lose for whatever reason. If you are playing well, refs should not be able to make enough calls to beat you no matter what. Navasota had five touchdowns called back against a pretty good Lexington team and still won big.

09-30-2012, 01:14 AM
It IS unexplainable...for a CS backer to make a statement like THAT. Never has a questionable call been made in CS...and especially not one that's been influenced from the Cougar sideline.
"Sorry" is right.

I get a kick out of those that love to take shots at Coach Bell. Whether an outsider likes him or not, I am proud of the discipline and sportsmanship that my son and the other boys on the team show each and every year.

I would rather have a coach that pisses everyone off (including refs/officials) and coaches to win or lose with class than Have a coach that is politically correct and not respected by there own team or community.

So b:;>< & moan all you want about Bell, but my family & I are proud to be Cougars and I would venture to say our loyalty is shared by most (if not all) in China Spring.

Go Cougars!

Rabid Cougar
09-30-2012, 11:39 AM
Obviously, but why the red ass about Gatesville not possibly being better than expected?
We can agree, coaches don't referee games, but they DO influence referees.
I guess his actions on the sideline make you proud...that's cool.

Because it is Gatesville and I am from China Spring. That is the natural order of things.

He's very intense and has been at it for a long time. I certainly don't think he has more influence than any other coach.

10-01-2012, 11:07 PM
RC, I respect that...
bp, you lost me after "...with class"
Sorry I redirected the "black hole of referees" comment back to CS and the quality of officiating that you guys get...not much "b:;>< & moan" going on other than to compare homefield advantage...I'm proud for you...most, if not all, of the Cougar family deserves him.

10-02-2012, 12:04 AM
RC, I respect that...
bp, you lost me after "...with class"
Sorry I redirected the "black hole of referees" comment back to CS and the quality of officiating that you guys get...not much "b:;&gt;&lt; &amp; moan" going on other than to compare homefield advantage...I'm proud for you...most, if not all, of the Cougar family deserves him.

Redzone, after that I expected I know u r bur what am I?

Rabid Cougar
10-02-2012, 08:32 AM
Sorry I redirected the "black hole of referees" comment back to CS and the quality of officiating that you guys get....

Sometimes you do wonder if we are the home team. It's Waco Chapter. I think Gatesville uses Temple Chapter. I really don't think that has anything to do with it. I think some refs and line judges deal with Bell better than others. It seems if you know your stuff and are decisive with your calls, the less he tries to influence. If you are not and he senses that, you are in for a long night if you let him get to you. LOTS of college and pro coaches are the same way. It was never more evident than when the replacement refs were calling NFL games.

10-02-2012, 09:05 AM
I get a kick out of little worms that talk #$*& about a persons character and hide behind a screen name.....bunch of losers if you ask me

10-02-2012, 10:54 PM
I know u r bur what am I?
Thanks for that, bp
Agree with a lot of what you said, RC
Seriously, not sure where anybody's character has been questioned. Started with Gatesville not getting credit, digressed to referees, then devolved to influencing refs...with some adamant defense of Coach Bell being thrown in...sorry for that "attack" on your coach's character.
I apologize for being the only little worm on here to defend what i believe to be a worthy win...guess I should just let the CS screen names have your say without any dissenting opinion.
Good luck to ya in district.

10-02-2012, 10:54 PM
I know u r bur what am I?
Thanks for that, bp
Agree with a lot of what you said, RC
Seriously, not sure where anybody's character has been questioned. Started with Gatesville not getting credit, digressed to referees, then devolved to influencing refs...with some adamant defense of Coach Bell being thrown in...sorry for that "attack" on your coach's character.
I apologize for being the only little worm on here to defend what i believe to be a worthy win...guess I should just let the CS screen names have your say without any dissenting opinion.
Good luck to ya in district.

Rabid Cougar
10-03-2012, 10:44 AM
I know u r bur what am I?
guess I should just let the CS screen names have your say without any dissenting opinion.

There is no fun in doing that.

10-03-2012, 12:33 PM
I know u r bur what am I?
Thanks for that, bp
Agree with a lot of what you said, RC
Seriously, not sure where anybody's character has been questioned. Started with Gatesville not getting credit, digressed to referees, then devolved to influencing refs...with some adamant defense of Coach Bell being thrown in...sorry for that "attack" on your coach's character.
I apologize for being the only little worm on here to defend what i believe to be a worthy win...guess I should just let the CS screen names have your say without any dissenting opinion.
Good luck to ya in district.

When you said "you lost me after...with class" your implication was that my son and the other young men on the team don't have class. To question the character of my son, spend a day with him and talk to him then you have the right to question the class of the young people of China Spring.

On the flip side, you have made all of 9 posts on this board and to me your class/character is probably the one that is question here.

varsity parent
10-03-2012, 02:36 PM
When you said "you lost me after...with class" your implication was that my son and the other young men on the team don't have class. To question the character of my son, spend a day with him and talk to him then you have the right to question the class of the young people of China Spring.

On the flip side, you have made all of 9 posts on this board and to me your class/character is probably the one that is question here.

Dang man! He apologized for that. Read the entire post.

10-03-2012, 08:32 PM
Thanks varsity parent...
but to clarify, I especially NEVER meant to question young people's character. I'll take the blame for misunderstanding that statement.
I do, however, believe that student-athletes are a direct reflection of their coaching....and good parenting can enhance/overcome the coach's influence.

10-03-2012, 08:36 PM
sorry...just trying to add to the number of times I post so that my character improves.

10-03-2012, 09:21 PM
I especially NEVER meant to question young people's character. .


Sorry had to

10-03-2012, 10:49 PM
oooh...and another character builder...
"So, all of that said, no disrespect intended. Just my perception and as long as you are not my wife I am entitled!"