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View Full Version : Springtown Mom Mad About Daughter Getting Swats

09-23-2012, 07:45 AM


LH Panther Mom
09-23-2012, 09:06 AM
So, DD's grades are so important to her that she wanted someone else to have them? :rolleyes: And, she CHOSE to take licks, and is now upset that her butt hurts & is red? Cry me a river. :bigcry: :bigcry:

Ernest T Bass
09-23-2012, 10:02 AM
Pretty stupid to have a male swing the board while a female watched. I think they have reason to be upset, especially since the district has a same-gender policy in place for corporal punishment. Someone blatantly disregareded district policy and should lose their job.

varsity parent
09-23-2012, 10:37 AM
Pretty stupid to have a male swing the board while a female watched. I think they have reason to be upset, especially since the district has a same-gender policy in place for corporal punishment. Someone blatantly disregareded district policy and should lose their job.

Good god man! That's part (notice I said part) of the reason that kids and schools are the way they are now. That very mentality is why the kids have no respect for their teachers, parents or any authority these days. They are pampered. It starts at home. We all know that back in the day when the coaches, ag teachers, or any other teachers broke out the paddle that it was gonna hurt. Most of us turned out fine. We also drank from a water hose, and rode bicylcles without helmets too. C'mon man! A good paddlin build character

09-23-2012, 10:43 AM
Good god man! That's part (notice I said part) of the reason that kids and schools are the way they are now. That very mentality is why the kids have no respect for their teachers, parents or any authority these days. They are pampered. It starts at home. We all know that back in the day when the coaches, ag teachers, or any other teachers broke out the paddle that it was gonna hurt. Most of us turned out fine. We also drank from a water hose, and rode bicylcles without helmets too. C'mon man! A good paddlin build character
They aren't mad she got swats, they are a mad that a male was the one that gave them out. You would be fine with your daughter getting swats from a grown man?

Reading. It helps.

varsity parent
09-23-2012, 10:47 AM
They aren't mad she got swats, they are a mad that a male was the one that gave them out. You would be fine with your daughter getting swats from a grown man?

Reading. It helps.

If it was deserved and she requsted it, yes I would.

09-23-2012, 11:33 AM
Two things come to my mind after READING the story. First, anytime that any person, male or female, gets swats they are gonna have a red bottom that looks like it was badly sunburned, if it was done for disciplinary reasons. If you are not gonna hit hard enough to send a message, you just as well punish them by making them eat ice cream. Second, the argument that a man is too strong to be swatting a 96 pound girl is pretty sexist. If the man hits a 96 pound boy is he weaker, or is the boys bottom naturally more genetically designed endure the swat with less harm?

Granted, if the school violated their own policies of males swatting males and females swatting females there is an internal issue that needs to be addressed. However, I know that the current structure of most schools is to have vice principals that are in charge of discipline. That is their job assignment, to determine proper discipline and make sure it is enforced. I also know that many teachers, both male and female, refuse to give swats because of personal beliefs. If this was the case with this female teacher, should another female teacher administer the discipline and thereby cause another class to be disrupted so that the "requested" discipline can be carried out?

It really all boils down to whether the discipline, in this case the swats, were enough to be considered abusive. A red bottom is not abusive in my mind.

09-23-2012, 11:44 AM
similar story out of barbers hill this week

09-23-2012, 12:06 PM
If it was deserved and she requsted it, yes I would.

:ditto: Both my son and daughter have had pops in school, and I have no problem if it is deserved.

09-23-2012, 01:40 PM
again..this is not about the licks..it is the fact the teachers BROKE SCHOOL POLICY..the parent has a right to be upset about that

Ernest T Bass
09-23-2012, 01:46 PM
Definitely some reading comprehension issues, here.

09-23-2012, 03:01 PM
Should the vice principal get licks?

09-23-2012, 03:14 PM
Boo Hoo.. She messed up, got caught and paid the price. why did she even have an option? when I was in school (a long time ago) I wasn't given an option, I knew what was going to happen if I got caught before i did. Male-female, didn't matter they would take us to the front of the class room with everyone watching and lay into our butts. Once we hit jr high and above female teachers would call in a coach or the ag teacher.. Anytime I knew it was coming I always hoped the ag teacher was busy and I got a coach.. Our ag teacher could seriously light your butt up!
My kids know if they do something in school,whatever happens at school is way easier than what will happen when they get home..
Don't get me wrong I wasn't abused. But I knew better 100% of the time when i did something wrong.

09-23-2012, 03:20 PM
Ag teachers must go through special training, everyone I had could swing a paddle with some serious force!

09-23-2012, 03:31 PM
even way back when I was in school males paddled the boys female paddled the females and a witness had to be there

amazed how so many of you are ok with them breaking school policy

09-23-2012, 03:35 PM
how about don't cheat - if you have to cheat to pass high school classes, go ahead and start practicing your 'would you like fries with that' delivery...

09-23-2012, 03:39 PM
how about don't cheat - if you have to cheat to pass high school classes, go ahead and start practicing your 'would you like fries with that' delivery...

come on..read it..she was not the one cheating, she allowing someone to copy( which is bad)

but again..that does not excuse the School official from breaking one of their own policies.

09-23-2012, 03:52 PM
I am a father of three and I have no problem with this. To ensure nothing funny went down there was a female employee there to watch. I also agree this is exactly what is wrong with today's youth, they get away with everything with a strong sense of entitlement.

09-23-2012, 04:11 PM
I am a father of three and I have no problem with this. To ensure nothing funny went down there was a female employee there to watch. I also agree this is exactly what is wrong with today's youth, they get away with everything with a strong sense of entitlement.

America's youth has a sense of entitlement because these parents didn't want their young daughter got swats from a male when the policy clearly stated that it would be a female that gave them to her?

LH Panther Mom
09-23-2012, 04:20 PM
come on..read it..she was not the one cheating, she allowing someone to copy( which is bad)

but again..that does not excuse the School official from breaking one of their own policies.
Here, it doesn't matter if you're the one copying or allowing someone to copy. They both get the same result.

The article says " As far as Jorgensen knew, she said, school policy mandated that males spanked males and females spanked females." Do we know if there is a female Vice Principal that could have given the licks? When I look at their website, I see a male principal and two male vice principals. So, it seems if they do have such a policy, then they need to hire a female Vice Principal. The Student Code of Conduct mentions corporal punishment as one of the options. It says nothing about male/female.

09-23-2012, 05:56 PM
America's youth has a sense of entitlement because these parents didn't want their young daughter got swats from a male when the policy clearly stated that it would be a female that gave them to her?

No they are B****ing about it because their little girl is spoiled and she got swats. That's what this all comes down to. They would have been upset if a woman did it, with it being a male it just gave them a loophole to use to gripe about it. Did the female employee see anything wrong occur? A swat is a swat is a swat no matter who gave it to her. Policy isn't always ran to the T so lets not act like EVERYTHING is always enforced according to the policy.

09-23-2012, 06:05 PM
No they are B****ing about it because their little girl is spoiled and she got swats. That's what this all comes down to. They would have been upset if a woman did it, with it being a male it just gave them a loophole to use to gripe about it. Did the female employee see anything wrong occur? A swat is a swat is a swat no matter who gave it to her. Policy isn't always ran to the T so lets not act like EVERYTHING is always enforced according to the policy.

So let me get this straight...you think the girl is spoiled when she so worried about her grades she asked to take the paddling? That does not seem spoiled to me

and sorry but how do you expect these people to lead a school and teach not to break rules when they break one of their own

09-23-2012, 06:14 PM
she asked to take the paddling

and now she is griping about it isn't she? In life you make decisions and live with the consequences, she made her decision and now she has to live with it. Like I said a swat is a swat is a swat. Did she ask about the policy before she got her swats? Did she care? She asked for it, and got what she wanted. End of story.

09-23-2012, 06:21 PM
Bottom line is if there wasn't any cheating going, none of this would have ever happened. No cheating=no pops=no rule infraction=no story

09-23-2012, 06:23 PM
If you have a policy then you have a policy. I'm just wondering what its about? Is our P.C. world at the point that they think there is some kind of sexual gratification? These are our teachers and administrators.

09-23-2012, 06:39 PM
come on..read it..she was not the one cheating, she allowing someone to copy( which is bad)

but again..that does not excuse the School official from breaking one of their own policies.

Allowing someone else to copy your work IS cheating. Plain and simple, the girl facilitated it, was accessory to, and is complicit in the act. Get serious, man.

09-23-2012, 06:43 PM
No they are B****ing about it because their little girl is spoiled and she got swats. That's what this all comes down to. They would have been upset if a woman did it, with it being a male it just gave them a loophole to use to gripe about it. Did the female employee see anything wrong occur? A swat is a swat is a swat no matter who gave it to her. Policy isn't always ran to the T so lets not act like EVERYTHING is always enforced according to the policy.

Well said ZRO. How mad would Mommy have been if the Assistant Principal would have stood his ground and told Liitle Miss Princess, "No, I'm not giving you swats, you're going to be suspended instead"?

I say shut up, take your punishment, and learn your lesson.

09-23-2012, 07:17 PM
i love those saying take your punishment...well the principal who BROKE A RULE should face punishment as well right?

09-23-2012, 07:24 PM
If you have a policy then you have a policy. I'm just wondering what its about? Is our P.C. world at the point that they think there is some kind of sexual gratification? These are our teachers and administrators.

and teachers on a daily basis are getting in trouble for sexual relations. with students .like I said even back in the 80's when I was in schoo it was gender specific on the paddling.

09-23-2012, 07:48 PM
i love those saying take your punishment...well the principal who BROKE A RULE should face punishment as well right?

how do we know the principal broke a rule? nobody has come up with documentation that it was male/male or female/female - the mom just thought it would be...

09-23-2012, 07:59 PM
how do we know the principal broke a rule? nobody has come up with documentation that it was male/male or female/female - the mom just thought it would be...

from the story

Springtown ISD Superintendent Mike Kelley, was available for comment by ABC News. But according to WFAA, Kelley is going to ask the school board to abolish the same gender policy, since adhering to it can be difficult on some campuses.

09-23-2012, 08:16 PM
Broadcaster, read the sentence again. the Supt was not available. WFAA says that they believe the super will ask to change the policy.

09-23-2012, 08:22 PM
Broadcaster, read the sentence again. the Supt was not available. WFAA says that they believe the super will ask to change the policy.

which says the policy is in place right now and the asst principal broke the policy

09-23-2012, 09:01 PM
Which means WFFA believes that there is a policy. NO ONE from the school has said there is even a policy. The vice principal says he was not aware of a policy. The Supt. is not available. The only person that says there is a policy is the mom.

09-23-2012, 09:15 PM
While a woman was present in the room, a male vice principal swatted Taylor. Springtown ISD policy states "corporal punishment shall be administered only by an employee who is the same sex as the student."


09-23-2012, 09:53 PM
They are getting their 15 minutes on the ch 8 Dallas news at 10.

09-23-2012, 10:02 PM

09-23-2012, 10:12 PM
Broadcaster- I would like to see the policy or have someone with the school verify it. I looked at the District's website (www.springtown.isd), where I found Student Handbooks and Student Code of Conduct, but no Corporal Punishment policies for the staff. If an Administrator violated a written policy, I agree that's an issue and should be dealt with accordingly.

The Code of Conduct does address cheating, however. If Springtown is handling their business professionally, each student and a parent or guardian has to sign this document at the beginning of each school year. Basically, Little Miss Princess knows what she did was wrong and so does her mommy. She got her butt busted for it, because she didn't want the grade reduction spelled out in the District's Student Code of Conduct Policy, so she opted for the more severe punishment.

The only possible gripe they have is IF the Assistant Principal violated its own policy or not. The lesson Little Miss Princess should be learning is not to cheat. Instead, her mommy is insulating her from the consequences of her decisions and actions.

In football terms, you know if you jump offsides, it's a five yard penalty. By your logic, the penalty shouldn't be enforced unless the referee is the same age, gender, physical build, ethnicity, and shoe size as the Student-Athlete in question. This is flawed political correctness crap at its worst. I'm proud that the administrators in our district are disciplinary hard asses and that you live wherever you do.

09-23-2012, 10:17 PM
Broadcaster- I would like to see the policy or have someone with the school verify it. I looked at the District's website (www.springtown.isd), where I found Student Handbooks and Student Code of Conduct, but no Corporal Punishment policies for the staff. If an Administrator violated a written policy, I agree that's an issue and should be dealt with accordingly.

The Code of Conduct does address cheating, however. If Springtown is handling their business professionally, each student and a parent or guardian has to sign this document at the beginning of each school year. Basically, Little Miss Princess knows what she did was wrong and so does her mommy. She got her butt busted for it, because she didn't want the grade reduction spelled out in the District's Student Code of Conduct Policy, so she opted for the more severe punishment.

The only possible gripe they have is IF the Assistant Principal violated its own policy or not. The lesson Little Miss Princess should be learning is not to cheat. Instead, her mommy is insulating her from the consequences of her decisions and actions.

In football terms, you know if you jump offsides, it's a five yard penalty. By your logic, the penalty shouldn't be enforced unless the referee is the same age, gender, physical build, ethnicity, and shoe size as the Student-Athlete in question. This is flawed political correctness crap at its worst. I'm proud that the administrators in our district are disciplinary hard asses and that you live wherever you do.

no my logic is..the school must follow the policies they have in place...I never have once said she should not have been paddled, she stepped and said I did the crime I will take this punishment.

If the policy is not same gender then I have no problem with it.if it is same gender and they broke it they are no better than the student they are punishing.

09-23-2012, 10:36 PM
But my point is that you don't know what the policy is or even if there is a policy. Do the research- it's public record and there for the asking. Until you or someone gets the policy or a statement from the district, all you're doing is speculating. Liberal PC BS at its worst, as I previously stated. Instead of taking the side of Little Miss Princess automatically, why not support the Administrator until you have evidence that allows otherwise? These guys (and ladies) make many decisions just like this every day. And those decisions have to be made quickly, decisively, and confidently. Otherwise, the kids will view them as weak and insecure, which renders discipline ineffective or counterproductive. Sniffly, whiny parents who second guess those decisions should have to walk a mile, so to speak. The girl should have gotten her ass busted again when she got home and told to shut up- that's what happened at my house when I got in trouble at school (which was a lot).

Like I said, my district doesn't play silly games with discipline. I've put three kids through the system here and they all learned their lessons and learned to respect the rules, the teachers, and the administrators. Works well here without any of that touchy-freely, put-you-in-timeout crap.

Ernest T Bass
09-23-2012, 11:58 PM
Yes, they have a same gender policy. EVERY school that still administers corporal punishment does. It only makes sense. If I have a daughter, I have no problem with her getting swats from a female. But I dont want a male principal doing it. But, the principal that did it should be fired for not following district policy.

09-24-2012, 01:42 AM
Yes, they have a same gender policy. EVERY school that still administers corporal punishment does. It only makes sense. If I have a daughter, I have no problem with her getting swats from a female. But I dont want a male principal doing it. But, the principal that did it should be fired for not following district policy.

Would you be ok if it was a butch lesbian woman who swatted your daughter?

So, if we are going by the book.....and the school policy doesn't allow for corporal punishment for cheating, then the swatter, male or female should be disciplined, and the girl still needs to have her grade reduced.

Ernest T Bass
09-24-2012, 05:10 AM
Would you be ok if it was a butch lesbian woman who swatted your daughter?

So, if we are going by the book.....and the school policy doesn't allow for corporal punishment for cheating, then the swatter, male or female should be disciplined, and the girl still needs to have her grade reduced.

Yes to both. It's not a sexual thing, it's a strength thing.

09-24-2012, 07:05 AM
Definitely some reading comprehension issues, here.

I comprehend fine. I realize that a rule was broken.....but to fire the guy? C'mon? ETB, surely you've never broken a school policy to think that way?

09-24-2012, 07:06 AM
As ETB said schools that still administer corporal punishment still have the policy as same gender administering the corporal punishment. I'd be stunned if Springtown ISD didnt have that policy also. It's very likely the district broke their own policy in this instance. Just like the kid got punished, the administrator should face punishment (firing may be extreme) for violating district policy. It's a pretty hollow lesson to the child if the kid is punished for breaking rules but the adult isn't?? Do as I say not as I do?

09-24-2012, 07:12 AM
As ETB said schools that still administer corporal punishment still have the policy as same gender administering the corporal punishment. I'd be stunned if Springtown ISD didnt have that policy also. It's very likely the district broke their own policy in this instance. Just like the kid got punished, the administrator should face punishment (firing may be extreme) for violating district policy. It's a pretty hollow lesson to the child if the kid is punished for breaking rules but the adult isn't?? Do as I say not as I do?

Write him up, Suspend him for a couple days.... but fire him? I think punishment is due, but not firing.

09-24-2012, 07:46 AM


:thumbsup:http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/stock/smiley-fighting0056.gif (http://www.smileyvault.com/)

09-24-2012, 07:57 AM
Write him up, Suspend him for a couple days.... but fire him? I think punishment is due, but not firing.


Ernest T Bass
09-24-2012, 08:32 AM
I comprehend fine. I realize that a rule was broken.....but to fire the guy? C'mon? ETB, surely you've never broken a school policy to think that way?

Ha! Touche! But, this seems different to me. Hell, there was a female witness, how hard would it have been to have her give the swats? This just seems like an extremely stupid and potentially harmful disregard. Plus, I tend to have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to admin disregarding district policy. I'd be willing to bet that you or I would be fired for something similar.

09-24-2012, 08:57 AM
Ha! Touche! But, this seems different to me. Hell, there was a female witness, how hard would it have been to have her give the swats? This just seems like an extremely stupid and potentially harmful disregard. Plus, I tend to have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to admin disregarding district policy. I'd be willing to bet that you or I would be fired for something similar.

I am not sure that he blatantly disregarded the policy. He says that he wasn't aware of it. Plus in most school districts, only admins are allowed to give swats. They only have male administrators. He called the parents and they agreed, wasn't until the precious baby whined about her poor red bottom that they got mad.

pancho villa
09-24-2012, 09:03 AM
I want to spank the mom!!!!!!

09-24-2012, 09:08 AM
I want to spank the mom!!!!!!

Why? Is she hot? lol

pancho villa
09-24-2012, 09:14 AM
Why? Is she hot? lol

She looked good to me(nice computers) but I did'nt have my "cheaters" on. Get ti!

Ernest T Bass
09-24-2012, 10:05 AM
I am not sure that he blatantly disregarded the policy. He says that he wasn't aware of it. Plus in most school districts, only admins are allowed to give swats. They only have male administrators. He called the parents and they agreed, wasn't until the precious baby whined about her poor red bottom that they got mad.

You don't think you or I would be fired for something similar? Especially in your new digs?

09-24-2012, 10:25 AM
Hold on a minute there fellas. I still haven't heard for sure that anyone has independent evidence that the district actually has a same gender policy. Again, all I have heard is rampant speculation that EVERY district has this policy. I doubt that very seriously- every district probably SHOULD have this policy, but I doubt very, very seriously if each and every single district in the state has adopted one.

Until there is verification of this somewhere, all this discussion is just consumption of bandwidth.

The fact remains that Little Miss Princess asked for the punishment so she wouldn't have her precious grades reduced. Cheating is wrong and she should be punished for it.

09-24-2012, 10:56 AM
You don't think you or I would be fired for something similar? Especially in your new digs?

I'm sure I would here!!!!! These precious angels certainly don't need spanking or any type of correction..... And their Momma's will definitely let us know just that! LOL

09-24-2012, 10:57 AM
Hold on a minute there fellas. I still haven't heard for sure that anyone has independent evidence that the district actually has a same gender policy. Again, all I have heard is rampant speculation that EVERY district has this policy. I doubt that very seriously- every district probably SHOULD have this policy, but I doubt very, very seriously if each and every single district in the state has adopted one.

Until there is verification of this somewhere, all this discussion is just consumption of bandwidth.

The fact remains that Little Miss Princess asked for the punishment so she wouldn't have her precious grades reduced. Cheating is wrong and she should be punished for it.
Watch the channel 8 report......They show the policy in writing.

09-24-2012, 11:02 AM
Here's my take.

I am real iffy about corporal punishment in school to begin with. First off, a male should never strike a female so that goes for corporal punishment. PERIOD. Unacceptable.

Secondly, we have examples everyday of teachers (adults) using poor judgement with regards to really important things (sex w students, etc.). I can't help but think there's some lapses in judgement with regards to smaller issues, also. When I look back at my time in school and how some of the adults seemed to get too much enjoyment out of the licks thing, I frankly don't want my children subjected to it. Now, I've spanked my children so I'm not necessarily opposed to it, but it must be used very sparingly.

I know that the job of a public school teacher is a difficult one, but I've had enough exposure to them that I don't want them hitting my kids.

pancho villa
09-24-2012, 11:06 AM
We need to start punishing the parents when their kids do wrong. They would change their tune awful quick.

09-24-2012, 11:32 AM

Another female student spanked by the same principle.

09-24-2012, 12:12 PM
School Board meets tonight to discuss the policy. I'm guessing there will be more news cameras there than ever before. It will be interesting to read about it tomorrow. Fifty bucks says they send the Assistant Principal packing.

Pancho- the first mom is definitely hotter, just sayin'

09-24-2012, 12:18 PM
She makes a good point. If the parent had left bruises on her daughter, she would be in hot water.

pancho villa
09-24-2012, 12:21 PM
School Board meets tonight to discuss the policy. I'm guessing there will be more news cameras there than ever before. It will be interesting to read about it tomorrow. Fifty bucks says they send the Assistant Principal packing.

Pancho- the first mom is definitely hotter, just sayin'

Yeah I would spank her!

09-24-2012, 01:02 PM
Ok so now we've got multiple accounts of the administrator violating district policy....not gonna end well..

09-24-2012, 01:23 PM
Ok so now we've got multiple accounts of the administrator violating district policy....not gonna end well..

I may have missed it, but has anybody posted where it says this in the policy?

09-24-2012, 01:42 PM
After a little research it does state it in their policies.

In the Student handbook it states "Prohibiting the Use of Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment—spanking or paddling the student—may be used as a discipline management technique in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and policy FO(LOCAL) in the district’s policy manual."

http://www.springtownisd.net/98010912135023273/lib/98010912135023273/Student_Handbook_2012-2013_with_Index.pdf via http://www.springtownisd.net/98010912135023273/site/default.asp?980Nav=|&NodeID=1094 under Student Handbook

So then I went and looked up the Board Policy Manual and it states:


Corporal punishment may be used as a discipline management
technique in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of


Corporal punishment shall not be administered to a student whose
parent has submitted to the principal a signed statement for the
current school year prohibiting the use of corporal punishment with
his or her child. The parent may reinstate permission to use corporal
punishment at any time during the school year by submitting
a signed statement to the principal.


Corporal punishment shall be limited to spanking or paddling the
student and shall be administered in accordance with the following
1. The student shall be told the reason corporal punishment is
being administered.
2. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by the principal
or designee.
3. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by an employee
who is the same sex as the student.
4. The instrument to be used in administering corporal punishment
shall be approved by the principal.
5. Corporal punishment shall be administered in the presence of
one other District professional employee and in a designated
place out of view of other students."

http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/983?filename=FO%28LOCAL%29.pdf via http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Code/983?filter=FO

Ok so we now know that it states this for a fact. Did he break policy? Yes. Should he be punished? Yes. However, seeing as how she asked for this punishment and he contacted the girls parents I don't think he should be fired. Suspended for a few days without pay sure, but not fired.

FWIW I still think the girl is upset that she got licks and was just looking for a loophole to gripe about. However, policy is policy.

09-24-2012, 01:47 PM
What about the fact said administrator has violated policy multiple times?? That to me is the biggie...once is a mistake but we've got it more than once now...

09-24-2012, 01:50 PM
What about the fact said administrator has violated policy multiple times?? That to me is the biggie...once is a mistake but we've got it more than once now...

YEah, that makes this look even worse, IMO.

09-24-2012, 02:05 PM
After a little research it does state it in their policies.

In the Student handbook it states "Prohibiting the Use of Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment—spanking or paddling the student—may be used as a discipline management technique in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and policy FO(LOCAL) in the district’s policy manual."

http://www.springtownisd.net/98010912135023273/lib/98010912135023273/Student_Handbook_2012-2013_with_Index.pdf via http://www.springtownisd.net/98010912135023273/site/default.asp?980Nav=|&NodeID=1094 under Student Handbook

So then I went and looked up the Board Policy Manual and it states:


Corporal punishment may be used as a discipline management
technique in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of


Corporal punishment shall not be administered to a student whose
parent has submitted to the principal a signed statement for the
current school year prohibiting the use of corporal punishment with
his or her child. The parent may reinstate permission to use corporal
punishment at any time during the school year by submitting
a signed statement to the principal.


Corporal punishment shall be limited to spanking or paddling the
student and shall be administered in accordance with the following
1. The student shall be told the reason corporal punishment is
being administered.
2. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by the principal
or designee.
3. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by an employee
who is the same sex as the student.
4. The instrument to be used in administering corporal punishment
shall be approved by the principal.
5. Corporal punishment shall be administered in the presence of
one other District professional employee and in a designated
place out of view of other students."

http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/983?filename=FO%28LOCAL%29.pdf via http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Code/983?filter=FO

Ok so we now know that it states this for a fact. Did he break policy? Yes. Should he be punished? Yes. However, seeing as how she asked for this punishment and he contacted the girls parents I don't think he should be fired. Suspended for a few days without pay sure, but not fired.

FWIW I still think the girl is upset that she got licks and was just looking for a loophole to gripe about. However, policy is policy.

Good job ZRO. I was looking for this last night, but didn't think it was on their website. I guess I didn't drill down into the School Board area far enough.

The Administrator appears to have violated policy at least twice. He should definitely be punished. The problem now is that the Board is going to feel backed into a corner and they may not have any choice but to fire him.

It's a shame that kids like this Little Miss Princess all over the country and their enabling parents cause this kind of problem. I know the Asst Principal caused his own problem, but if she wouldn't have cheated in the first place, then she wouldn't have had to try to sweet talk her way into a more favorable punishment.

Arghhhhhh :foul:

09-24-2012, 02:06 PM
What about the fact said administrator has violated policy multiple times?? That to me is the biggie...once is a mistake but we've got it more than once now...

What about the fact that he called the parents and told them he was going to give them to her, they agreed, then got mad?

They both consented.....then got mad when it happened. C'mon man!

Also the dude said he didn't realize it was in the policy.... if you do it once and no one complains, then its safe to assume that it is ok. Now if he paddled the first girl, they complained and made him aware of the policy and he did it again. That is blatant disregard.

09-24-2012, 02:06 PM
If you read through the policy it seems like he followed everything else by the guidelines. I wonder if he made the parents aware of this (that he was going to be doing the spanking) and they approved before he spanked them? (Just a thought). I still don't think he should be fired, after all it isn't like he was trying to do anything perverted seeing as how he made sure another employee was present, and its not like he did anything else punishment wise besides spanking them (as approved by the parents). If the other employee thought he went overboard wouldn't you think they would have reported him? Suspend him for a while without pay and get over it, no reason to ruin this mans career over something like this.

09-24-2012, 02:07 PM
Just like we ask the kids to take accountability we as adults have to do the same thing. The child was held accountable for her actions with the punishment, the administrator now needs to be held accountable for his action.

09-24-2012, 02:07 PM
What about the fact that he called the parents and told them he was going to give them to her, they agreed, then got mad?

They both consented.....then got mad when it happened. C'mon man!


09-24-2012, 02:10 PM
Where are you guys seeing the fact that the administrator called the parents ahead and said he was doing the paddling? Is there another article stating that because the quote in the article doesn't say so:

So Santos went to the vice principal's office to request a paddling. She called her mom, who said that as long as her daughter was OK with it, so was she. According to school policy, parents who don't want their children to subject to corporal punishment must submit a written statement each year.
What neither Jorgenson nor Santos knew was that a man - the vice principal - would be doing the swatting, while a female watched. As far as Jorgensen knew, she said, school policy mandated that males spanked males and females spanked females.

09-24-2012, 02:11 PM
Just like we ask the kids to take accountability we as adults have to do the same thing. The child was held accountable for her actions with the punishment, the administrator now needs to be held accountable for his action.

I don't disagree...punish the man. But firing is too much. If he wouldn't have called the parents right before he did it and was told it was ok...... maybe. But I don't think even then.

09-24-2012, 02:14 PM
Again, where are we seeing he called and told the parents ahead of time he was doing the paddling?? I dont see that anywhere..

09-24-2012, 02:17 PM
Where are you guys seeing the fact that the administrator called the parents ahead and said he was doing the paddling? Is there another article stating that because the quote in the article doesn't say so:

So Santos went to the vice principal's office to request a paddling. She called her mom, who said that as long as her daughter was OK with it, so was she. According to school policy, parents who don't want their children to subject to corporal punishment must submit a written statement each year.
What neither Jorgenson nor Santos knew was that a man - the vice principal - would be doing the swatting, while a female watched. As far as Jorgensen knew, she said, school policy mandated that males spanked males and females spanked females.

I see what you are saying.... but why would you not ask? My daughter is sitting in the male principal's office saying she is about to get swats is that ok? I think i'd ask if i was concerned.

My second question...... if my daughter was so consumed with her grades, then why did she share her work. If I were her momma I would've been in the office cheering him on!!!! I ain't saying that as a hypothetical, I personally witnessed my kids get their butts whipped and told the principle when it was not hard enough to please me.

Bottom line......don't do wrong and you don't get swats!

09-24-2012, 02:21 PM
Nonetheless it is not against state law and should be treated as a minor violation with corrective action unless there is some reason to believe it was carried out with immoral intentions.

09-24-2012, 02:21 PM
Thats a good question on why you wouldn't ask, you know what they say when you assume!

All I am saying is that doesn't remove the administrator from accountability, he did wrong violated policy (multiple times) and does deserve some sort of punishment. The kid screwed up, but thats what kids do, is the mom being a helicopter parent? Yes..but if the administrator followed policy, this is a non-issue

09-24-2012, 02:21 PM
Again, where are we seeing he called and told the parents ahead of time he was doing the paddling?? I dont see that anywhere..

ok....he had the daughter call, and it says that, he had the daughter call. Again, if my daughter is in the male principal's office asking if its ok to get swats, then if I was concerned I'd make sure that I asked. Or better yet, I'd ask to talk to the AP myself.

Be concerned before the fact and you don't have to deal with it after.

09-24-2012, 02:22 PM
ok....he had the daughter call, and it says that, he had the daughter call. Again, if my daughter is in the male principal's office asking if its ok to get swats, then if I was concerned I'd make sure that I asked. Or better yet, I'd ask to talk to the AP myself.

Be concerned before the fact and you don't have to deal with it after.

Bad parenting yes...bad "adminstrating" is that a word? Yes...

09-24-2012, 02:25 PM
Thats a good question on why you wouldn't ask, you know what they say when you assume!

All I am saying is that doesn't remove the administrator from accountability, he did wrong violated policy (multiple times) and does deserve some sort of punishment. The kid screwed up, but thats what kids do, is the mom being a helicopter parent? Yes..but if the administrator followed policy, this is a non-issue

Punish him....but don't fire him. That's all I'm saying. Sure kids screw up, and when they do you punish them and they learn from that. What is the kid learning from this incident? All the bad publicity is on the Admin, and she looks like a victim. No one is looking at her as anything else. Poor little girl with the sore red bottom! How about poor little sore red bottomed cheater?

09-24-2012, 02:28 PM
And don't even start on the 2nd girl. She back talked the principal, was made to call her mom for permission too. Then didn't complain about it....... wait for it...... until they were gonna get the chance to be on TV like the other girl. Give me a break.

09-24-2012, 02:29 PM
If I were her momma I would've been in the office cheering him on!!!! I ain't saying that as a hypothetical, I personally witnessed my kids get their butts whipped and told the principle when it was not hard enough to please me.

Bottom line......don't do wrong and you don't get swats!

This is exactly why I don't want someone at the school hitting my kids. :(

09-24-2012, 02:30 PM
And don't even start on the 2nd girl. She back talked the principal, was made to call her mom for permission too. Then didn't complain about it....... wait for it...... until they were gonna get the chance to be on TV like the other girl. Give me a break.


09-24-2012, 02:32 PM
This is exactly why I don't want someone at the school hitting my kids. :(

Why? Because I as a parent want my kids held accountable and want it done right? What does that have to do with you not wanting it done at school?

Ernest T Bass
09-24-2012, 02:34 PM
"adminstrating" is that a word? Yes...

Isn't that what girls do once a month?

09-24-2012, 02:34 PM
The district’s superintendent told ABC News that administrators followed Texas law.

“The Texas Education Code and our local policies state that if a parent or guardian does not want corporal punishment administered to his/her child, for each school year the parent or guardian must provide the district a separate written and signed statement to that effect. Otherwise, the use of corporal punishment is permissible,” Mike Kelley, superintendent for the Springtown Independent School District said in a statement.

“In practice, our district goes one step further. It does not administer corporal punishment unless the parent or guardian requests that it be administered,” the statement read. “There has been no deviation from that practice. Any deviation from the district’s policy by district staff will be corrected. ”


This is my thing, it is state law, the parents requested it, and the districts policy (not state law) was followed to the T minus a same sex administrator being there. Hell a cop was in the room for one of those spankings, so obviously they were trying to do the best they could to protect the student(s).

09-24-2012, 02:37 PM
Why? Because I as a parent want my kids held accountable and want it done right? What does that have to do with you not wanting it done at school?

As I said in my previous post, I encountered way too many 'educators' that got their jollies by hitting on kids. Sometimes it was deserved, but I think there was more paddling going on than need to be. I've seen first hand poor judgment used in the schools on a regular basis.

As I said, I'm not against corporal punishment, in general, but I would like to think that's a last resort and certainly wouldn't celebrate it.

09-24-2012, 02:39 PM
Wow.. still talking about spankings?

There is always a reaction to your actions. There is always a consequence to pay for your mistakes.

As long as the requirements were defined at the beginning and all parties agreed to them, then case closed.

We were told in freshman basketball that if your locker was left unlocked, you received spats the next day. Got to practice bright and early one morning to only noticed my locker was empty and I had left the locker unlocked. :eek:. Got 3 of the hardest spats I ever received from my coach, who was also my cousin. Waited until I had my gym shorts and jock on to call me in. Left a purple mark that stayed for the next 2 days across my butt. Do you think I ever left the locker unlocked again?? Hell no!!

09-24-2012, 02:41 PM
As I said in my previous post, I encountered way too many 'educators' that got their jollies by hitting on kids. Sometimes it was deserved, but I think there was more paddling going on than need to be. I've seen first hand poor judgment used in the schools on a regular basis.

As I said, I'm not against corporal punishment, in general, but I would like to think that's a last resort and certainly wouldn't celebrate it.

No....what you said was that since I, a parent, wanted my kid spanked and would be cheering the principal on.... is exactly why you don't want someone at the school hitting your kids.

I don't understand the correlation.

09-24-2012, 02:44 PM
As I said in my previous post, I encountered way too many 'educators' that got their jollies by hitting on kids. Sometimes it was deserved, but I think there was more paddling going on than need to be. I've seen first hand poor judgment used in the schools on a regular basis.

As I said, I'm not against corporal punishment, in general, but I would like to think that's a last resort and certainly wouldn't celebrate it.

And in further rebuttal....this girl was not assigned swats, she was assigned ISS and after one day in ISS came and asked for swats. So it seems it was a last resort.

pancho villa
09-25-2012, 08:06 AM
This is exactly why I don't want someone at the school hitting my kids. :(

People like you are the reason kids don't act right these days. The girl went from CHEATER to victim, because of your kind!

09-25-2012, 08:16 AM
my wife is from springtown, said she got swats from the same guy...

09-25-2012, 09:13 AM
Was she still in school?

pancho villa
09-25-2012, 09:20 AM
Was she still in school?

Is she hot?

09-25-2012, 09:22 AM
People like you are the reason kids don't act right these days. The girl went from CHEATER to victim, because of your kind!

Nice. My kids are quite well behaved. And if you would read the thread, I actually said I'm not against corporal punishment, in theory. I just don't like administrators and coaches going around whipping kids everyday.

And I still stand by my comment that a male teachers/administrators should never give licks to a female student. Period. You think there's a reason why the school would have that policy in the first place?

09-25-2012, 09:26 AM
Was she still in school?
yeah, she was a trouble maker in high school

09-25-2012, 09:51 AM
Nice. My kids are quite well behaved. And if you would read the thread, I actually said I'm not against corporal punishment, in theory. I just don't like administrators and coaches going around whipping kids everyday.

And I still stand by my comment that a male teachers/administrators should never give licks to a female student. Period. You think there's a reason why the school would have that policy in the first place?

Not gonna respond to my post? How does my saying I want my kids paddled make you not want your kids paddled?

09-25-2012, 09:53 AM
Not gonna respond to my post? How does my saying I want my kids paddled make you not want your kids paddled?

I went back and reread your post. I misread it. I apologize because when I read it the first time, I thought you were talking about cheering on the male admisitrator paddling a female student. My apologies.

09-25-2012, 10:28 AM
I went back and reread your post. I misread it. I apologize because when I read it the first time, I thought you were talking about cheering on the male admisitrator paddling a female student. My apologies.

Thank you!

Phantom Stang
09-25-2012, 04:41 PM
I took my share of paddlings back in the day, and I'm sure glad my parents didn't humiliate me by taking pictures of my bare butt and show em to a news crew.:doh: But then again, if one student had allowed another to copy off them back then, both kids would have gotten zeros, and that would have been the end of it, without having to involve the administrators. Of course, front offices weren't as overstaffed as they are now.

Ragin Red
09-25-2012, 04:45 PM
Two things come to my mind after READING the story. First, anytime that any person, male or female, gets swats they are gonna have a red bottom that looks like it was badly sunburned, if it was done for disciplinary reasons. If you are not gonna hit hard enough to send a message, you just as well punish them by making them eat ice cream. Second, the argument that a man is too strong to be swatting a 96 pound girl is pretty sexist. If the man hits a 96 pound boy is he weaker, or is the boys bottom naturally more genetically designed endure the swat with less harm?

Granted, if the school violated their own policies of males swatting males and females swatting females there is an internal issue that needs to be addressed. However, I know that the current structure of most schools is to have vice principals that are in charge of discipline. That is their job assignment, to determine proper discipline and make sure it is enforced. I also know that many teachers, both male and female, refuse to give swats because of personal beliefs. If this was the case with this female teacher, should another female teacher administer the discipline and thereby cause another class to be disrupted so that the "requested" discipline can be carried out?

It really all boils down to whether the discipline, in this case the swats, were enough to be considered abusive. A red bottom is not abusive in my mind.
:iagree: We've gotten away from the general format that most of us grew up with and knowing what would happen to us if we did mess up. There was very little gray area.

09-25-2012, 08:20 PM
People like you are the reason kids don't act right these days. The girl went from CHEATER to victim, because of your kind!

Way to go Pancho. I think we need to hang out, have a few adult beverages, and find some MILFs who need swatting. Hahaha.

09-25-2012, 08:21 PM
Is she hot?

:funny post: and by funny post, I mean funniest thing I've seen all day.

09-25-2012, 09:19 PM
Updates to the story..


09-25-2012, 09:32 PM
The problem with this debate is that there are some on here that think if you don't agree with what the school did, you automatically are in favor of no discipline and letting kids run wild. As the mom said in the article, there is a time and place when paddling is appropriate. I just don't think it's right for a male teacher to paddle females.

I also find it odd that the school now changes their policy. The old policy was in effect when this took place so the policy was still violated. Frankly, I think they had the policy right to begin with. You punish the violation; don't just change the policy. Weird.

Eagle 1
09-25-2012, 09:35 PM
People like you are the reason kids don't act right these days. The girl went from CHEATER to victim, because of your kind!


09-25-2012, 09:36 PM

Exactly wrong. The point he made was not only wrong but idiotic.

Eagle 1
09-25-2012, 09:55 PM
exactly wrong. The point he made was not only wrong but idiotic.


09-25-2012, 11:44 PM
The problem with this debate is that there are some on here that think if you don't agree with what the school did, you automatically are in favor of no discipline and letting kids run wild. As the mom said in the article, there is a time and place when paddling is appropriate. I just don't think it's right for a male teacher to paddle females.

I also find it odd that the school now changes their policy. The old policy was in effect when this took place so the policy was still violated. Frankly, I think they had the policy right to begin with. You punish the violation; don't just change the policy. Weird.

I'm curious why you think it's wrong for a male administrator to paddle a female student?

Saggy Aggie
09-26-2012, 12:08 AM
Who cares?

You cheated. You got caught. Take your ass whoopin and learn from it.

She's lucky all she got was a red butt. Do that in college and much much worse stuff can happen to you.

pancho villa
09-26-2012, 08:03 AM
Cathi looks like she got a big ol butt to paddle.But I would do the job if need be! http://www.chron.com/news/article/Texas-district-expands-corporal-punishment-policy-3892504.php

pancho villa
09-26-2012, 08:04 AM
Exactly wrong. The point he made was not only wrong but idiotic.

I'll bet you throw like a girl!

pancho villa
09-26-2012, 08:06 AM
Way to go Pancho. I think we need to hang out, have a few adult beverages, and find some MILFs who need swatting. Hahaha.

I'm in

09-26-2012, 08:32 AM
Ok, I get it. Pancho is doing schtick. I'll admit, I got drawn offsides.

09-26-2012, 09:50 AM
I'm curious why you think it's wrong for a male administrator to paddle a female student?

Me too. I'm just so over all these people trying to get 5 minutes of "fame" everytime you turn around. Now, the teacher in Louisana that duck taped a 6 years old mouth...NOW that's a story! WTH did that 6 year old do?! oops, he was 9


pancho villa
09-26-2012, 10:13 AM
Me too. I'm just so over all these people trying to get 5 minutes of "fame" everytime you turn around. Now, the teacher in Louisana that duck taped a 6 years old mouth...NOW that's a story! WTH did that 6 year old do?! oops, he was 9


Maybe you need a spanking?

pancho villa
09-26-2012, 10:16 AM
Ok, I get it. Pancho is doing schtick. I'll admit, I got drawn offsides.

I still say she got what she deserved Cheat=punishment not victim

09-26-2012, 11:26 AM
Springtowns football team is gonna get swatted this fri night! :vrycnfsd:

09-26-2012, 11:26 AM
People like you are the reason kids don't act right these days. The girl went from CHEATER to victim, because of your kind!

You are right on the money, Pancho. Parents make too many excuses for their kids nowdays. Take the punishment you ask for and keep your mouth shut!

09-26-2012, 01:17 PM
Maybe you need a spanking?

:spitlol: NO!

09-26-2012, 03:38 PM
There is a lot of poor reading comprehension on here.

I have never advocated against corporal punishment. Although, I find the 'I got spanked and look how I turned out argument absurd'. Prisons are filled with folks that got their butt beat. And there are tons of well adjusted productive members of society that were never spanked.

I simply think it's absurd that a male administrator would hit a female. Sorry for having an outrageous stance. I really don't know why I have to explain why. It seems pretty self evident that men should not be hitting women under any circumstances. For all the 'old timer's syndrome' on here, it's weird that I'm having to defend chivalry.

Not to mention that the school admitted that they violated school policy. Of course violating school policy is okay as long as it aligns with your personal beliefs?

09-26-2012, 04:05 PM
I simply think it's absurd that a male administrator would hit a female. Sorry for having an outrageous stance. I really don't know why I have to explain why. It seems pretty self evident that men should not be hitting women under any circumstances.

By your reasoning dads shouldn't spank their daughters either :weeping::crazy:

09-26-2012, 04:39 PM
By your reasoning dads shouldn't spank their daughters either :weeping::crazy:

Except for the fact that it's their child. I'm the one with faulty reasoning here? wow.

And, BTW, a parent could get in huge trouble for doing what they did at the school. Let's say the girl was changing in the locker room and someone reported to the coach that the girl had bruises on here butt and she had told her friends that her parents had whipped her. That could cause some problems for the parents. Now, I'm not saying that's right, but I find it odd that our system is set up to put those parents in a difficult situation yet the majority of folks are okay with her getting busted at school.

09-26-2012, 07:12 PM
Except for the fact that it's their child. I'm the one with faulty reasoning here? wow.

And, BTW, a parent could get in huge trouble for doing what they did at the school. Let's say the girl was changing in the locker room and someone reported to the coach that the girl had bruises on here butt and she had told her friends that her parents had whipped her. That could cause some problems for the parents. Now, I'm not saying that's right, but I find it odd that our system is set up to put those parents in a difficult situation yet the majority of folks are okay with her getting busted at school.

If it is SOOOOOOOO bad, why hasn't CPS or law enforcement stepped in? It's not like they haven't heard about it! :thinking:

Eagle 1
09-26-2012, 07:34 PM
I'm the one with faulty reasoning here?


09-26-2012, 08:19 PM
By your reasoning dads shouldn't spank their daughters either :weeping::crazy:

When I was in HS, boys and girls both got paddled, by the Assistant Principal. He was also a coach and you knew you were gonna get your butt whipped. Of course male coaches should be in charge of paddling. WTH kind of reasoning says men should not met out discipline to females?? And visa versa for that matter. Right on Z-RO.

09-26-2012, 08:49 PM

I take that as a compliment

09-26-2012, 10:22 PM
Maybe you need a spanking?

Now you really did Pancho!http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd185/garciap77/super-mean-girl_2-1-1.jpg

pancho villa
09-27-2012, 07:51 AM
So does anyone know if the sweet innocent victim got a 0 for cheating? Or was this a plan to get out of trouble for cheating. I heard her Mom paddled her untill she was bruised. Now who is playing the system?