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09-20-2012, 10:21 AM
How the hell can a man that got a 26 MILLION dollar signing bonus be freaking broke ? Folks I can assure you that I could walk out the door and never again work for half that much.

09-20-2012, 10:30 AM
Pretty simple, he is not financially intelligent.

Saggy Aggie
09-20-2012, 10:32 AM
Lol I read an article about him spending money on TGI Fridays and Cheesecake Factory. Lmao

Was gonna post it here but figured big country would've gotten his feelings hurt :)

09-20-2012, 10:59 AM
maybe there really is something to that Wonderlic Test :thinking:

09-20-2012, 11:11 AM
i always find it funny when people say well If I had that money I would never lose it....none of us know until in that situation how we would react and spend and invest..

09-20-2012, 11:43 AM
i always find it funny when people say well If I had that money I would never lose it....none of us know until in that situation how we would react and spend and invest..

I think the distinction can be made when money is blown rather than just poorly invested. I agree that it is a completely different experience when you see all of those 0's in your bank account. Another reason to surround yourself with those that have the financial sense to give you guidance.

09-20-2012, 11:47 AM
Easy. And yes, race will play a part of my answer. Why? Because I'm black and from a similar part of Houston Vince is from. I was in high school at the same time his uncle was a quarterback (he was good, too). Okay back to the answer.

See, when black kids who have never much and come from such areas, particular the ones who are athletes or popular, they always have a crew. The crew is usually made of guys they grew up with, but nonetheless, a crew. Now everyone is looking up to that kid to succeed, you know, be one who will make it. But one thing that’s difficult for kids like Vince to do is separate from their crew. Fair or not, to do so carries the stigma of “dissing” the folks you hung out with before you made it. Guys like Vince want to avoid being labeled “an uppity Negro.” So what do they do? When guys like Vince by a tailor made suit, a new car, cell phone, house, or meal at a nice restaurant, they feel a sense of obligation to do the same for their crew. That’s just the way it is in my culture. Now if you have only one member of your crew, you could probably swing it. But a guy like Vince could have easily had a crew of 7 or 8. That adds up quickly. And if he had total authority of his spending, I could see how that got out of hand. And the crew is looking out only for its best interest. If you think that’s crazy, next time you watch a young black athlete or entertainer, count the number of the entourage who don’t seem to be doing anything but leeching off the star. And notice, I didn’t mention the number of girlfriends and women available. That astronomically adds to the cost! And in all cases, once the money is gone, so is the crew. I don’t agree with that philosophy, but that’s just the way it is. Some folks manage better than others. If the reports are correct, Vince did not manage well at all.

09-20-2012, 12:01 PM
Easy. And yes, race will play a part of my answer. Why? Because I'm black and from a similar part of Houston Vince is from. I was in high school at the same time his uncle was a quarterback (he was good, too). Okay back to the answer.

See, when black kids who have never much and come from such areas, particular the ones who are athletes or popular, they always have a crew. The crew is usually made of guys they grew up with, but nonetheless, a crew. Now everyone is looking up to that kid to succeed, you know, be one who will make it. But one thing that’s difficult for kids like Vince to do is separate from their crew. Fair or not, to do so carries the stigma of “dissing” the folks you hung out with before you made it. Guys like Vince want to avoid being labeled “an uppity Negro.” So what do they do? When guys like Vince by a tailor made suit, a new car, cell phone, house, or meal at a nice restaurant, they feel a sense of obligation to do the same for their crew. That’s just the way it is in my culture. Now if you have only one member of your crew, you could probably swing it. But a guy like Vince could have easily had a crew of 7 or 8. That adds up quickly. And if he had total authority of his spending, I could see how that got out of hand. And the crew is looking out only for its best interest. If you think that’s crazy, next time you watch a young black athlete or entertainer, count the number of the entourage who don’t seem to be doing anything but leeching off the star. And notice, I didn’t mention the number of girlfriends and women available. That astronomically adds to the cost! And in all cases, once the money is gone, so is the crew. I don’t agree with that philosophy, but that’s just the way it is. Some folks manage better than others. If the reports are correct, Vince did not manage well at all.

Good post.

to the OP, it's not how much you make; it's about how much you spend. :)

09-20-2012, 12:25 PM
Good post.

to the OP, it's not how much you make; it's about how much you spend. :)


"Sure NBA players make a lot of money, but we spend a lot too." - Patrick Ewing

Dumbest shiot I ever heard! :ack!:

09-20-2012, 12:39 PM
Easy. And yes, race will play a part of my answer. Why? Because I'm black and from a similar part of Houston Vince is from. I was in high school at the same time his uncle was a quarterback (he was good, too). Okay back to the answer.

See, when black kids who have never much and come from such areas, particular the ones who are athletes or popular, they always have a crew. The crew is usually made of guys they grew up with, but nonetheless, a crew. Now everyone is looking up to that kid to succeed, you know, be one who will make it. But one thing that’s difficult for kids like Vince to do is separate from their crew. Fair or not, to do so carries the stigma of “dissing” the folks you hung out with before you made it. Guys like Vince want to avoid being labeled “an uppity Negro.” So what do they do? When guys like Vince by a tailor made suit, a new car, cell phone, house, or meal at a nice restaurant, they feel a sense of obligation to do the same for their crew. That’s just the way it is in my culture. Now if you have only one member of your crew, you could probably swing it. But a guy like Vince could have easily had a crew of 7 or 8. That adds up quickly. And if he had total authority of his spending, I could see how that got out of hand. And the crew is looking out only for its best interest. If you think that’s crazy, next time you watch a young black athlete or entertainer, count the number of the entourage who don’t seem to be doing anything but leeching off the star. And notice, I didn’t mention the number of girlfriends and women available. That astronomically adds to the cost! And in all cases, once the money is gone, so is the crew. I don’t agree with that philosophy, but that’s just the way it is. Some folks manage better than others. If the reports are correct, Vince did not manage well at all.

One of the biggest negative impacts of the African American culture is they run down those that try to better themself and claim they are turning their back on where they grew up and those they grew up with....So instead of embracing the succes they instead bring the un fair pressure

09-20-2012, 12:48 PM
I don't know if some of you are privy to this , but VY did invest lots of his money in creating, marketing, and producing his name brand sausage called VY Sausage much like Earl Campbell did. Unfortunately, it failed and I'm sure millions invested went down the drain. It was available for a short time in some Tom Thumbs around the Metroplex. I haven't seen it in several years, so I assume it bit the dust.....along with all the money it took to launch it. Poor decision to go up against a name like Earl with the career and love and admiration he garnered. Hollywood Henderson had a similar thing happen to him(going broke)....but then hit the Texas Lotto TWICE!!! That's a true story.....he actually has been a jackpot winner TWICE!!! Some people get more than their fair share of opportunities. That's life.

P.S. Remember the words of the immortal Ed McMahon: If you don't enter(play), you can't win!

09-20-2012, 12:52 PM
I thought his steak house was doing very well

09-20-2012, 01:20 PM

even older white folk get into money problems

09-20-2012, 01:25 PM
I remember hearing a couple years ago that Vince's financial advisors weren't exactly top notch. In fact if I'm not mistaken, one of them (or someone associated with them) actually "impersonated" Vince as a way to meet women. I'm not making this up.

09-20-2012, 01:26 PM
I remember hearing a couple years ago that Vince's financial advisors weren't exactly top notch. In fact if I'm not mistaken, one of them (or someone associated with them) actually "impersonated" Vince as a way to meet women. I'm not making this up.

I dont think that was an advisor, just a random dude who tried to be him

09-20-2012, 01:31 PM

even older white folk get into money problems

You're right---I seem to lose some money every time I visit you and G2.....:D

Another sad pro-athlete-gone-bad story. People like Vince need the proper mentors which they never had growing up. Should be a mandtory part of their contracts once they get into financial or criminal trouble.

09-20-2012, 02:03 PM
One of the biggest negative impacts of the African American culture is they run down those that try to better themself and claim they are turning their back on where they grew up and those they grew up with....So instead of embracing the succes they instead bring the un fair pressure

You make a valid point! I attended a mostly white magnet program within a mostly black high school but was criticized by the black kis for not using terms like "we is" and "they was" and trying to be white. And I'll tell you it was tough. I was too dark to be white and not dark enough to be black. But I made up my mind I didn't care what anyone thought. I was going to get the best education I could so I could make a better life for mine and me. I'm not rich, but I'm living much better than what I grew up in and my kids have better opportunities than I. I think it worked out!

1st and goal
09-20-2012, 03:14 PM
You make a valid point! I attended a mostly white magnet program within a mostly black high school but was criticized by the black kis for not using terms like "we is" and "they was" and trying to be white. And I'll tell you it was tough. I was too dark to be white and not dark enough to be black. But I made up my mind I didn't care what anyone thought. I was going to get the best education I could so I could make a better life for mine and me. I'm not rich, but I'm living much better than what I grew up in and my kids have better opportunities than I. I think it worked out!

Great post again and good for you to have the maturity when you were in school to think of your future. I wish there was something America could do to help young blacks excel without being called poindexters and bullied by the other kids. There are numerous prominent people that have tried to be somewhat or some kind of a leader. It just seems like they get largely ignored or worse yet, called names.

09-20-2012, 03:23 PM
Great post again and good for you to have the maturity when you were in school to think of your future. I wish there was something America could do to help young blacks excel without being called poindexters and bullied by the other kids. There are numerous prominent people that have tried to be somewhat or some kind of a leader. It just seems like they get largely ignored or worse yet, called names.

Good post , would just change young blacks to ALL young would look at the future instead of right now.

09-20-2012, 03:51 PM
I'm going to preach to the "choir" a little bit. IMO, the decay of the American family unit among all races has contributed more to the demise of more young people like Vince Young than any other single factor. Single, overworked, and physically overmatched mothers, plus some help from our public school systems, are left to guide their children the best they can without benefit of a male "enforcer" or proper male role model at home. If the fathers of these kids would accept their reponsibility, take ownership of their familes, teach by example, and enforce the proper values-- then our society and these kids would not be troubled by all the problems that broken homes with no leadership or guidance present and endure. I also realize that it is easier for me---an older white male who has had benefit of higher education and a proper environment growing up--to talk about overcoming this problem. Still, someone in every community needs to step up to take the reponsibility of making sure that these kids are imprinted with the proper values, have pride in their accomplishments, and become productive, responsible members of our society. Then, and only then, this vicious cycle of low-confidence, low esteem problem kids, has a chance of being broken.

09-20-2012, 03:57 PM
Not surprised at all, this sort of thing happens all the time to sports stars, musicians, actors, lottery winners etc..of all races. It's the shock of one day wondering if the extra 30 cents for cheese on your burger is a good idea, and the next finding an absurdly large number in your bank account. Everyone thinks that having more money would solve all their problems without taking into account the problems that money itself brings with it....and the larger the amount the larger the problems. Whenever someone comes into a large sum of money (by whatever means) the natural tendency is to match their lifestyle to the money....large sum + living large = EXPENSIVE. Some people handle it better than others, but human nature takes over for most.

Old Tiger
09-20-2012, 04:13 PM
I dont think that was an advisor, just a random dude who tried to be him

Yes but Vince fired the financial advisor he had 2 years ago because he was basically stealing money from vince somehow.

09-20-2012, 04:57 PM
Sad really. Does Vince need a job? He can come work in the Eagle Ford Shale down here in South Central Texas. Plenty of jobs. :)

09-20-2012, 05:00 PM
Isn't there some sort of financial training these guys get now going into pro sports?

09-20-2012, 05:40 PM
maybe there really is something to that wonderlic test :thinking:lmao

Eagle 1
09-20-2012, 08:30 PM
maybe there really is something to that Wonderlic Test :thinking:

You think? :D


09-20-2012, 10:40 PM
You think? :D


LOL! Great picture!!!

09-20-2012, 10:41 PM
You make a valid point! I attended a mostly white magnet program within a mostly black high school but was criticized by the black kis for not using terms like "we is" and "they was" and trying to be white. And I'll tell you it was tough. I was too dark to be white and not dark enough to be black. But I made up my mind I didn't care what anyone thought. I was going to get the best education I could so I could make a better life for mine and me. I'm not rich, but I'm living much better than what I grew up in and my kids have better opportunities than I. I think it worked out!

Very well said. Congratulations to you.

09-21-2012, 01:47 PM
vy is a da

09-21-2012, 03:38 PM
Easy. And yes, race will play a part of my answer. Why? Because I'm black and from a similar part of Houston Vince is from. I was in high school at the same time his uncle was a quarterback (he was good, too). Okay back to the answer.

See, when black kids who have never much and come from such areas, particular the ones who are athletes or popular, they always have a crew. The crew is usually made of guys they grew up with, but nonetheless, a crew. Now everyone is looking up to that kid to succeed, you know, be one who will make it. But one thing that’s difficult for kids like Vince to do is separate from their crew. Fair or not, to do so carries the stigma of “dissing” the folks you hung out with before you made it. Guys like Vince want to avoid being labeled “an uppity Negro.” So what do they do? When guys like Vince by a tailor made suit, a new car, cell phone, house, or meal at a nice restaurant, they feel a sense of obligation to do the same for their crew. That’s just the way it is in my culture. Now if you have only one member of your crew, you could probably swing it. But a guy like Vince could have easily had a crew of 7 or 8. That adds up quickly. And if he had total authority of his spending, I could see how that got out of hand. And the crew is looking out only for its best interest. If you think that’s crazy, next time you watch a young black athlete or entertainer, count the number of the entourage who don’t seem to be doing anything but leeching off the star. And notice, I didn’t mention the number of girlfriends and women available. That astronomically adds to the cost! And in all cases, once the money is gone, so is the crew. I don’t agree with that philosophy, but that’s just the way it is. Some folks manage better than others. If the reports are correct, Vince did not manage well at all. I agree with this is how it works.....................I will just say that REAL friends don't hold there hands out. Those guys that helped him spend it are probably no where to be found now.

09-21-2012, 07:54 PM
Easy. And yes, race will play a part of my answer. Why? Because I'm black and from a similar part of Houston Vince is from. I was in high school at the same time his uncle was a quarterback (he was good, too). Okay back to the answer.

See, when black kids who have never much and come from such areas, particular the ones who are athletes or popular, they always have a crew. The crew is usually made of guys they grew up with, but nonetheless, a crew. Now everyone is looking up to that kid to succeed, you know, be one who will make it. But one thing that’s difficult for kids like Vince to do is separate from their crew. Fair or not, to do so carries the stigma of “dissing” the folks you hung out with before you made it. Guys like Vince want to avoid being labeled “an uppity Negro.” So what do they do? When guys like Vince by a tailor made suit, a new car, cell phone, house, or meal at a nice restaurant, they feel a sense of obligation to do the same for their crew. That’s just the way it is in my culture. Now if you have only one member of your crew, you could probably swing it. But a guy like Vince could have easily had a crew of 7 or 8. That adds up quickly. And if he had total authority of his spending, I could see how that got out of hand. And the crew is looking out only for its best interest. If you think that’s crazy, next time you watch a young black athlete or entertainer, count the number of the entourage who don’t seem to be doing anything but leeching off the star. And notice, I didn’t mention the number of girlfriends and women available. That astronomically adds to the cost! And in all cases, once the money is gone, so is the crew. I don’t agree with that philosophy, but that’s just the way it is. Some folks manage better than others. If the reports are correct, Vince did not manage well at all.

Thanks for the insight, Cougar. But I keep going back to one thing I heard when he was at the combines before his rookie year, and then into his rookie year. I heard that VY is just not that bright of a guy. In fact, they said he was actually below average IQ. Yhis leads to bolster those claims.