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09-16-2012, 12:06 PM
Always seems these two have great games. Both enter 2-1.

09-16-2012, 12:20 PM
Yoakum really has played one solid game (Sinton) out of the three thus far. Hoping we would of seen progress over the 3 games? 30 something total offensive yards in the first half against H'V, not good. While giving up around 200 by the "D" in the same time frame just as bad. We have the potential to be very good, but--they seem to fear what it takes to win. Hard, committed work with leadership inspired practices during the week leading to Friday night performances. Easier for them to just talk the talk, then walk the walk. Talking don't make ya sweat and get sore. We had players hurting Friday, and wanted out when we needed them the most. You play hurt during crunch time, just not when your injured. If your not hurting, your not putting out. Suck it up. They have not grasped that understanding yet. Play hurt, out when injured.

Curious which Dog's will appear in Edna. Pretenders or contenders? Talkers or Do'ers?

09-16-2012, 12:31 PM
Was nice seeing "Big Willie" play more defense. He makes our D-line so much better. I rather see more of him on "D", then offense. Don't get me wrong, he's a beast on both lines. Yoakum has more quality back-up for his position on the O-line, than the D-line IMO. Be really nice if he could get in shape to play both ways, huh?

I seen some leadership quality in him denying to exit the game at crunch time and anchor that D-line. I thought the light off, and he wanted that role. Then, he fails to be with his team when shaking the opponents hand and failed to show up to Saturday film study and be with his teammates. I don't get it!!!!

But, all that said. He's a tremendous athlete, and by FAR makes our D-line MUCH better IMO.

The 3 starters (2 of which was our best D-player and best "O" athlete) out played an effect too Friday. H'V earned the win regardless.

09-16-2012, 03:00 PM
This game will be much like last week for Yoakum, Edna always has athlete's on the field. Game will be very close, could go either way. I will go with the home team by 3.

09-16-2012, 08:26 PM
I think these two schools have been playing this game for a very long time. Been pretty even the last few years, 2-2 I believe in the last 4 meetings.
I have Yoakum favored. Partly because I have a feeling they may just be a little better this year, and partly because it seems like the Edna coaching staff really doesn't go all out to win pre-district games. I'm not being critical about that, since it probably make sense as we play in a very tough district...just like Yoakum.

Cowboy offense has speed, and has corrected some issues since the Refugio game. But, it seems like all our speed in on offense and none of our guys are going both ways. Refugio gashed us with big plays, and so did Goliad. certainly not to the same extent, but still too many big plays. Until our stud defensive player returns, or until we let some of our better players play some D, I think the big plays will continue. Run it up the middle and we'll stuff you. Get outside and you might go 80.
Our O will put up some points, and best not to kick it to our return guys, but our D needs help.
I'm taking the Cowboys 34-30

09-16-2012, 08:33 PM
I think these two schools have been playing this game for a very long time. Been pretty even the last few years, 2-2 I believe in the last 4 meetings.
I have Yoakum favored. Partly because I have a feeling they may just be a little better this year, and partly because it seems like the Edna coaching staff really doesn't go all out to win pre-district games. I'm not being critical about that, since it probably make sense as we play in a very tough district...just like Yoakum.

Cowboy offense has speed, and has corrected some issues since the Refugio game. But, it seems like all our speed in on offense and none of our guys are going both ways. Refugio gashed us with big plays, and so did Goliad. certainly not to the same extent, but still too many big plays. Until our stud defensive player returns, or until we let some of our better players play some D, I think the big plays will continue. Run it up the middle and we'll stuff you. Get outside and you might go 80.
Our O will put up some points, and best not to kick it to our return guys, but our D needs help.
I'm taking the Cowboys 34-30

Good assessment CU. Just watched Edna on HUDL, and yes---they have some burners on offense. Like always, should be a good game. No way in the world Edna put's 34 on us.

09-16-2012, 09:27 PM
CU, must clarify a little bit of why I don't see Edna putting 34 on us. You might win by that 4 point margin, but--no way 34 goes up against us. Not saying we have a dominating "D". We don't. Our D-line isn't able to put pressure on the QB alone. And, we don't blitz enough IMO to make up for that. So, QB's have more time than they should to find a receiver. When we do blitz, I think we are pretty successful. I think our only sacks on the year came from the few times we did blitz. Now, one of your receiver's will not catch a ball all night if he line's up with #2 Ratley on him. That's a given, period!!! H'V leading receiver McGee can confirm that. Zippo catches all night I believe. But, our other CB is out, and we been trying to find another CB to compliment Ratley, and just have not found it on a consistent bases. We should get 2 starters from our "D" back this week. That CB (Hights) will still be out a few more weeks however. Has not played all year in a game. Broke finger nearly healed.

Yes, like Edna, Yoakum is trying to gain depth in preparation for our district. Being so much smaller than the other teams in district, that will be vital. Yes, would of loved to have beaten a very, very good H'V team, but--we didn't make the play's and made some boneheaded mistakes that cost us. We had a 18-14 lead, and then allowed a late TD. Hopefully they learn to keep their emotions in check next time and not make a mistake, or drop a easy INT just prior to the late hit on the QB that kept that game winning drive alive.

That said, H'V in my judgment is better than the Cowboy's currently. We had 3 starters out, found out "Big Willie" has to be used on a weaker than normal D-line more often, and spell him if need be when we have the ball. I seen a couple backup O-liners step up and did pretty well and could relieve Willie a few series when we have the ball. A perfect world, Willie Hights get's in shape and can go both ways the entire game. He, along with Tre' Hights (that other CB/QB/WR who has not played a game this year), are by far the best athletes we have on the team.

Last year Edna had one hell of a offensive team, and they didn't score 34 on us when we beat them. And, yes--this year's Yoakum team is better than last years. So, I just don't see Edna scoring much. But, who know's which teams will show up Friday, huh?

Just my take. I'll know more come Weds evening. I knew better than pick Yoakum this past Friday, 41-21, cause it wasn't in the Dog's preparedness all week. My heart, like I think your's is, made that prediction. Yoakum got what they put in it, a "L".

09-16-2012, 10:24 PM
Last year's Edna team was not very strong offensively until later in the season. They broke thru at Hallettsville with 40+ and did OK from there. they were not good in the pre-district games.

This years O is better, maybe not as explosive, but more evenly spread out. The 34 pts is pure homer talk, but I believe our O is better then either Hallettsville or Columbus. Doesn't mean we'll beat the brahmas as they are tough, but against like opponents, I'd wager we put up more points. Now...defense is another story

09-16-2012, 11:02 PM
I'm with YT on this one. Depends on which Yoakum team shows up. And I think if we can get consistent play from our QB position, we'll be alright. At times, our QB shows signs of excellence, and at other times, it looks like he's never played the position before. This will be his 4th varsity start and lets hope he's a little more consistent on Friday night. I also think we need to get it in our playmakers hands. We are talented in the skill positions and we need to get them the ball. I think our defense will be alright, especially with the return of our NG and DE. I too think we need to blitz more. I think the Yoakum coaches, like Edna, are just trying to get a feel for what all of the players can and can't do, hence a lot of players seeing the field the first few weeks. It also helps to keep your studs healthy. I know a lot of the kids get frustrated when they don't get the ball as much as they'd like, but the coaches know what they're doing. They're looking at the big picture and want those studs fresh and healthy when district starts in October. I'd be shocked if we didn't have more kids going both ways and the 3 or 4 speed burners touching that ball at least 8 times per game once district starts. Some of the kids say they can't get into a rhythm when they only get 1 or 2 touches a quarter (or half) and I can totally understand that, but it will change come district. Trust me. By then, all of our guys should be in shape and ready to carry a heavier load. A non-district loss doesn't mean jack squat. Those 5 district games are the big ones and the coaches know that. Some of the kids may not fathom that, but the coaches know. That's when it will be gut-check time and the best kids will be on the field and shouldn't come out until they ask for a breather. We got two more non-district games and a bye week to get ready for Smithville and that's the way our coaches will handle it. Prep games for Smithville. If we beat Edna and Rice Consolidated, great. If not, oh well. Our coaches know what they're doing.

P.S. And since people make predictions on here, I'll go ahead and say Yoakum wins 34-20. The 'Dogs are upset about last week and will be focused on getting back on the winning track.

09-17-2012, 06:28 AM
Last year's Edna team was not very strong offensively until later in the season. They broke thru at Hallettsville with 40+ and did OK from there. they were not good in the pre-district games.

This years O is better, maybe not as explosive, but more evenly spread out. The 34 pts is pure homer talk, but I believe our O is better then either Hallettsville or Columbus. Doesn't mean we'll beat the brahmas as they are tough, but against like opponents, I'd wager we put up more points. Now...defense is another story

I just see a slobber knocker here. Low scoring more likely than a high scoring affair. We are still playing by a script, instead of what works and have not really deviated from that. Like it's been noted, when we have the slant open, and Ratley/TJ can get there, come district I see us making an adjustment and off the play script, and get Ratley/TJ the ball. Yes, the QB must get better at the routine throws. The 10 yard outs and curls to wide open receivers must be completed. Not a fastball 4 yards short in the dirt. I still say that will come. If not, throw all deep ball's then. Proven he throws a pretty deep ball, up the sideline. Gotta get the ball into the playmakers hand on those short routes. They prevent those 3 and out's. With the talent on that "O", we should threaten each time we have the ball. Not 3 and a punt.

09-17-2012, 06:34 AM
In regards to getting in shape to play both ways. If they are not getting into shape in practice, play them in the ND game till their tongue drags. We are not a 500+ enrollment 3A school and have the luxury of having players just play 1 way. Six or seven must play both ways IMO come district. It's important we get them in game shape so they can play both ways.

09-17-2012, 07:33 AM
Shucks YT, it sounds like your Bulldogs got just the kind of medicine they needed to get em motivated. My guess is they'll wake up and smell the coffee come Friday nite and play like the team they can be. I'm betting your coaches will show them the way to better preparation and that winning is alot sweeter than losing, esp. when you do the work anyway. Sometimes with high school boyz the light has to come on upstairs for them to realize their full potential. Sounds like the case here. I'm pulling for Yoakum in this one to win a big one on the road. You know as well as I do what a road win can mean to a team in a big rivalry game early in the season. This game could be a real difference-maker for your Bulldogs for the rest of the season. Good Luck

09-17-2012, 12:01 PM
Edna past three games:
Won 35-7 over Needville
Lost 56-0 to Refugio
Won 35-28 over Goliad

Yoakum past three games:
Won 27-25 over Columbus
Won 34-20 over Sinton
Lost 20-18 to Hallettsville

I know it was just a scrimmage, but Yoakum's first team tied Refugio. I say Yoakum wins 42-14 if they play all 4 quarters. If not, they win 21-7.

09-17-2012, 12:26 PM
Edna past three games:
Won 35-7 over Needville
Lost 56-0 to Refugio
Won 35-28 over Goliad

Yoakum past three games:
Won 27-25 over Columbus
Won 34-20 over Sinton
Lost 20-18 to Hallettsville

I know it was just a scrimmage, but Yoakum's first team tied Refugio. I say Yoakum wins 42-14 if they play all 4 quarters. If not, they win 21-7.

And Edna's first team played pretty even with Columbus. That who vs who crap in HS football doesn't work as the individual player matchups from one team to the next are usually vastly different. Then throw in the fact those were scrimmages and it means absolutely nothing. We just couldn't match up with two of Refugio's stud WRs. Of course having our best defensive player (safety) doesn't help that any. He wont be healthy until district. Anyway, this game will not be a large margin win for either team. Since we are playing in Edna, I'm going with the Cowboys in a 1 or 2 point win. If it were in Yoakum, I'd go with Yoakum by 4 or 5 points.

09-17-2012, 02:36 PM
We just couldn't match up with two of Refugio's stud WRs.

If you didn't match up with their WR's, what you going to do against our two? Both with blazing speed, 6'2" and 6'3" respectfully, and both have some up's? Refugio has one of the states best QB's, who can get them the ball at anytime, while ours is struggling, unless it's a bomb route. I think Chase get's it going eventually. If not, we will have to try someone else that can get these guys the ball on those easy, shorter routes consistently, and let their play making abilities takeover once they get the ball. "O" is way too talented to get derailed by inaccurate passing.

09-17-2012, 02:39 PM
Shucks YT, it sounds like your Bulldogs got just the kind of medicine they needed to get em motivated. My guess is they'll wake up and smell the coffee come Friday nite and play like the team they can be. I'm betting your coaches will show them the way to better preparation and that winning is alot sweeter than losing, esp. when you do the work anyway. Sometimes with high school boyz the light has to come on upstairs for them to realize their full potential. Sounds like the case here. I'm pulling for Yoakum in this one to win a big one on the road. You know as well as I do what a road win can mean to a team in a big rivalry game early in the season. This game could be a real difference-maker for your Bulldogs for the rest of the season. Good Luck

Thanks RE. We shall soon see as they hit the field for practice. I told someone Friday, they earned this loss and maybe it's a good loss for them.

09-17-2012, 03:24 PM
Thanks RE. We shall soon see as they hit the field for practice. I told someone Friday, they earned this loss and maybe it's a good loss for them.

Did everyone show up for film sat. in Yoakum?

09-17-2012, 03:35 PM
Did everyone show up for film sat. in Yoakum?

All but 1 did.:2thumbsup

I think they got the message loud and clear buff4ever. Coach told them last Tuesday, "your going to get their teeth kicked in by H'V, thinking they done accomplished something by beating a talented Sinton team, and just going through the motions in practice after that win". Like normal, he was right.

09-17-2012, 03:37 PM
I see the Bulldogs at a crossroads right now. I think if we pull off convincing wins against Edna and Rice Consolidated in these next two games, then we'll head into district with some confidence and a real shot at earning a playoff spot. If we struggle in the next two games (win or lose), I really don't like our chances in a very tough District 26-3A race. It's time for these Bulldogs to step up and man up. Enough pussy-footin around. If a loss to Hallettsville doesn't wake us up, then put a fork in us. It's time to shut our mouths and let our actions on the football field speak for themselves. We can be a very dominant team if we put the work in and show some HEART, DESIRE & DETERMINATION. These boys need to understand that hard work WILL pay off in the end. We can't just go through the motions each week. If we don't get better week-to-week, then we'll get destroyed in district play. IMO, we should throttle Edna and Rice Consolidated. But, I just can't figure our team out right now. These boys just need to turn it on and our seniors need to be leaders. If someone is slacking, then these leaders need to fix it. If someone is a no-show at a practice or film session, then one of our leaders needs to call or go pick them up. Period. Don't be scared to lead. After all, it's your team that they're letting down. It's your goals they're messing with. ONE HEARTBEAT!

So, let's show everyone what the 2012 Bulldogs are all about and let's take care of business.

09-17-2012, 03:45 PM
I see the Bulldogs at a crossroads right now. I think if we pull off convincing wins against Edna and Rice Consolidated in these next two games, then we'll head into district with some confidence and a real shot at earning a playoff spot. If we struggle in the next two games (win or lose), I really don't like our chances in a very tough District 26-3A race. It's time for these Bulldogs to step up and man up. Enough pussy-footin around. If a loss to Hallettsville doesn't wake us up, then put a fork in us. It's time to shut our mouths and let our actions on the football field speak for themselves. We can be a very dominant team if we put the work in and show some HEART, DESIRE & DETERMINATION. These boys need to understand that hard work WILL pay off in the end. We can't just go through the motions each week. If we don't get better week-to-week, then we'll get destroyed in district play. IMO, we should throttle Edna and Rice Consolidated. But, I just can't figure our team out right now. These boys just need to turn it on and our seniors need to be leaders. If someone is slacking, then these leaders need to fix it. If someone is a no-show at a practice or film session, then one of our leaders needs to call or go pick them up. Period. Don't be scared to lead. After all, it's your team that they're letting down. It's your goals they're messing with. ONE HEARTBEAT!

So, let's show everyone what the 2012 Bulldogs are all about and let's take care of business.

Pud, is this you? Did you move to Yoakum?

Maybe not, man you are being pudlike. It isn't your job to get on here and think that you can peptalk the team through this site. You are welcome to tell us how you feel, but this looked more like a peptalk to the guys. Hopefully this doesn't work for your team, the coaches do this stuff, anyone else would prolly make their eyes roll. If they can't understand everything you said from being a athlete and listening to their coaches, then they aren't going to hear it from you any better. If you would have stopped after the shut our mouths and let actions speak sentence, I wouldn't have posted this, but from there on you started talking to the boys not us on the board.

You prolly don't care what I think, and you shouldn't. Just my pet peave on here, I have given pudlugger this speach a few times. I should let it go, but...

Love ya pud!

09-17-2012, 03:46 PM
I see the Bulldogs at a crossroads right now. I think if we pull off convincing wins against Edna and Rice Consolidated in these next two games, then we'll head into district with some confidence and a real shot at earning a playoff spot. If we struggle in the next two games (win or lose), I really don't like our chances in a very tough District 26-3A race. It's time for these Bulldogs to step up and man up. Enough pussy-footin around. If a loss to Hallettsville doesn't wake us up, then put a fork in us. It's time to shut our mouths and let our actions on the football field speak for themselves. We can be a very dominant team if we put the work in and show some HEART, DESIRE & DETERMINATION. These boys need to understand that hard work WILL pay off in the end. We can't just go through the motions each week. If we don't get better week-to-week, then we'll get destroyed in district play. IMO, we should throttle Edna and Rice Consolidated. But, I just can't figure our team out right now. These boys just need to turn it on and our seniors need to be leaders. If someone is slacking, then these leaders need to fix it. If someone is a no-show at a practice or film session, then one of our leaders needs to call or go pick them up. Period. Don't be scared to lead. After all, it's your team that they're letting down. It's your goals they're messing with. ONE HEARTBEAT!

So, let's show everyone what the 2012 Bulldogs are all about and let's take care of business.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Here Here!!!! Damn, I'm ready to hit somebody.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

09-17-2012, 03:48 PM
Is Sinton really that talented, I have not seen them ranked in the top 10 in Region 4. I see this game as a very important game for Yoakum , they need to come out and make a statement that last week was a fluke. The Rice game should be over at half for them next week, Rice is very down this year. Edna beat Needville pretty handedly , so Edna seems to be a decent team this year so Yoakum needs to come away with a good win against this 2A team.

09-17-2012, 03:49 PM
well, you got yt all fire up I guess, hopefully he isn't on the team though, so you wasted your breath, fingers, something.:wave:

09-17-2012, 03:54 PM
Yeah, I thought Sinton was pretty solid myself. Large group returning on both sides of the ball and a 38-2 (something crazy like that) record. H'V IMO could of beat them. H'V is going deep in playoffs.

Yeah, I seen that Edna/Needville game. If ya'll don't beat them by 60, something's wrong H&L.

09-17-2012, 03:57 PM
well, you got yt all fire up I guess, hopefully he isn't on the team though, so you wasted your breath, fingers, something.:wave:

It's all good buff4ever. You type your 3ADL post's as you see fit, and txsportswriter as he does. No harm, no foul, huh?

09-17-2012, 04:28 PM
Yeah, I thought Sinton was pretty solid myself. Large group returning on both sides of the ball and a 38-2 (something crazy like that) record. H'V IMO could of beat them. H'V is going deep in playoffs.

Yeah, I seen that Edna/Needville game. If ya'll don't beat them by 60, something's wrong H&L.

I do not think our coach will allow us to score 60 points unless it is needed to win a game, if we are up by 4 or 5 Td's in the 4th quarter I am sure the 2nd team will be in. Halletsville is a decent 2A team but they still barely beat Shiner who is 1A, I was more surprised with your game with Columbus. Columbus just did not do anything offensively against us, their only score came after a bad snap on our only punt which was on our 20 yard line.

09-17-2012, 06:07 PM
This will be a good challenge for Yoakam. Looks like a pretty tough road the next two weeks. I might need a pep talk looking at that too.

09-17-2012, 06:14 PM
This will be a good challenge for Yoakam. Looks like a pretty tough road the next two weeks. I might need a pep talk looking at that too.

This week might be a good game however next week against Rice should not be, pretty sure Columbus just beat up on Rice last week.

09-17-2012, 07:42 PM
Edna/Yoakum, H'V/Yoakum--never know for sure the outcome in these annual meetings.

Descent Monday practice. H'V happenings done and over with. I think they got the message loud and clear. Edna should be the fastest team we've played to date. Maybe the fastest until Giddings last game of the season? Good test for us on the road.

09-17-2012, 07:45 PM
This week might be a good game however next week against Rice should not be, pretty sure Columbus just beat up on Rice last week.

Hope your right H&L? Dumont would love nothing more than spank Yoakum. So---I think he'll have something for us in the works. Love to have a Needville type blowout breather though.

09-17-2012, 07:57 PM
Yoakum by 14

09-18-2012, 12:01 AM
Well...what I've learned from reading this thread is, if Yoakum wins, it will because they played well and are the better team. If they lose, it will be because they are the better team, but played poorly. Apparently, the 11 young men across the line have no input in the outcome.
And all this time I thought Hallettsville was just better than Yoakum.

09-18-2012, 12:20 AM
Don't get me wrong. Hallettsville is pretty salty, but if we played 10 times, we win 8 of them. That game was ours. We had more superior athletes on each side of the ball. Just a bad night for the 'Dogs. Period. The Brahmas will go far in the 2A playoffs and will easily defeat Edna IMO. Again, IMO, Yoakum will be the better team in their final two non-district games, no doubt, but if that leads to wins is anybody's guess. I just know what Yoakum has and I know what the Bulldogs are capable of. These are 16-18 year old young men we're talking about and it's totally upon them to decide the outcome of every game. We can sit here and type back and forth, make predictions and all that crap, but it comes down to the play between the lines on Friday night. Yes, I'm a homer and will back my 'Dogs 110% no matter what. And if someone out there beats us hands down, I will stand up and pat that team on the back and let them know they're the better team that night. The Bulldogs went 6-4 last year and only two of those losses were against teams that were just better than us, hands down (Gonzales and Sam Houston). We may have lost to Hallettsville and we may lose down the road, but as I see it right now, we should hold our own against every single team from here on out with a legitimate shot at beating everybody. Again, that's just this homers opinion. Just remember-- you heard it here first!

09-18-2012, 06:18 AM
Hope your right H&L? Dumont would love nothing more than spank Yoakum. So---I think he'll have something for us in the works. Love to have a Needville type blowout breather though.

Rice is not even on Needville's level this year, they have had good teams in the past but not this year. Needville being 3A will have more numbers as far as players , Rice will not.

09-18-2012, 08:53 AM
Don't get me wrong. Hallettsville is pretty salty, but if we played 10 times, we win 8 of them. That game was ours. We had more superior athletes on each side of the ball. Just a bad night for the 'Dogs. Period. The Brahmas will go far in the 2A playoffs and will easily defeat Edna IMO. Again, IMO, Yoakum will be the better team in their final two non-district games, no doubt, but if that leads to wins is anybody's guess. I just know what Yoakum has and I know what the Bulldogs are capable of. These are 16-18 year old young men we're talking about and it's totally upon them to decide the outcome of every game. We can sit here and type back and forth, make predictions and all that crap, but it comes down to the play between the lines on Friday night. Yes, I'm a homer and will back my 'Dogs 110% no matter what. And if someone out there beats us hands down, I will stand up and pat that team on the back and let them know they're the better team that night. The Bulldogs went 6-4 last year and only two of those losses were against teams that were just better than us, hands down (Gonzales and Sam Houston). We may have lost to Hallettsville and we may lose down the road, but as I see it right now, we should hold our own against every single team from here on out with a legitimate shot at beating everybody. Again, that's just this homers opinion. Just remember-- you heard it here first!

If you truly had "more superior athletes on each side of the ball," then you should not have lost by 2. Period. Of course you are going to build up how great the Brahmas are now, if you didn't after Yoakum just lost to them, then how good could Yoakum really be right? Just so you know, if Yoakum is the better team, they will win. I was going to write more, but this is just TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO homer.

Oh and fyi, about the most annoying thing I hear so many people say, "The better team lost." How in the hell does the better team seem to lose so often in football? Answer: HOMERS!

09-18-2012, 09:07 AM
If you truly had "more superior athletes on each side of the ball," then you should not have lost by 2. Period. Of course you are going to build up how great the Brahmas are now, if you didn't after Yoakum just lost to them, then how good could Yoakum really be right? Just so you know, if Yoakum is the better team, they will win. I was going to write more, but this is just TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO homer.

Oh and fyi, about the most annoying thing I hear so many people say, "The better team lost." How in the hell does the better team seem to lose so often in football? Answer: HOMERS!

I agree with your last statement. Football is the best sport for the better team generally wins. Yes, it can happen that a team has a off night, or that a official may blow a call that cost a game once a year, but football in general the best team almost always wins. In basketball, it is very subjective and officials can make a huge difference. It is also easier for a basketball stud to have a off night shooting, than a football stud to not be able to break a tackle from one friday to the next (unless the defense is better which means better). In baseball it is all dependent on who is pitching for each team, and batting is even more unpredictable than shooting baskets. The great thing about football is that generally the best team wins, atleast much more than basketball or baseball.

09-18-2012, 11:28 AM
If you truly had "more superior athletes on each side of the ball," then you should not have lost by 2. Period. Of course you are going to build up how great the Brahmas are now, if you didn't after Yoakum just lost to them, then how good could Yoakum really be right? Just so you know, if Yoakum is the better team, they will win. I was going to write more, but this is just TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO homer.

Oh and fyi, about the most annoying thing I hear so many people say, "The better team lost." How in the hell does the better team seem to lose so often in football? Answer: HOMERS!

Not sure your calling me a homer or not. Of course I am. But, I normally call it like I see it. I have not made a prediction yet in the Edna game. Those come on Weds evenings by me. Last week, I will say I made a mistake and went against my better judgment and picked Yoakum to win, when I knew we very well might lose due to our preparation going into the game. I know we totally respect Edna, as always.

I assume you've seen the H'V/Ykm game video already cowboyfan99? Pretty simple to see why they won. They made the play's, we didn't. We gave them a freebie 7 points on yet another fumble returned, for a 70 yard TD return, as we were into H'V territory in the 3Q. We had a whooping 30 yards of offense in the first half, to their nearly 200. Pretty simple, they outplayed us in the first half. But, when you drill a pass on several occasions, to our wide open playmaking receiver, 5 yards short, in the dirt on curl routes, those kill drives, and force punts. We had too many 3 and outs.

I'd say if we played this H'V team 10 times, they'd win half currently with all the players we are playing. They are very talented. They could beat a couple of our district foes as well. Thus, I think that's why they stay away from 2A schools. H'V/Edna could beat some of these 4A schools others have scheduled. On the other hand, yes---Yoakum is very talented. More so then in recent year's. But, we just have not clicked this year, other than Sinton game. So, that is not very good. Like Edna, we are playing numerous kid's to try and garner some depth heading into district. Seeing how this is going, appears we must play 6, 7 players both ways come district, and take our chances, they hold up late in the 4th quarter, when most of the games will be decided IMO. We just don't have the numbers to do anything else. We play those not as talented come district, we will be out of it come late in the game. I think we have developed some descent back up O-liners, that could spell them starters going both ways a couple series per game come district. These guy's need to be addressed and informed, you will be expected to be going both ways. There is a drop off in production, when they are not in there on both side's of the ball. Watch it first hand on HUDL. That said, those informed that are expected to go both ways, need to make sure over the next 25 day's, they get their butt in shape, and take some pride, ownership in doing this.

Curious, what happened to the old 100 yard sprints at the end of practices? Do any other schools run wind sprints anymore at the end of their practices? We kinda have a 40 yard run (some jog it) session across the field, maybe 3 of them. Yet to see a player vomit. Damn, we always ended practice with hackers back in the day. Guess that's old school and not allowed by the UIL anymore. But, I'd take those 6, 7 players who will be expected to play both ways, and have them sprinting 10 or more, 100 yard gassers. We have 25 days before we travel to Smithville to open district. Increasing our running and getting these players expected to play both way's, fully prepared and in game shape would be my primary mission.

I know, I know--who cares what I say. LOL. I have no say. It's just a observation from someone that see's 85% of the Bulldog practices. Only way we make the playoffs, is becoming better in shape than our opponents. They have us out numbered player wise. Seen each week, several key player's, who seem gassed, or minor booboo's, take themselves out the game. You play with booboo bumps and bruises. You sit if your injured. No bone sticking out, get out there and battle to the end is my attitude. Big difference from hurting and injured. The kid's don't fully understand that. Especially in crunch time, like needing a game winning stop or a game winning drive and score.

09-18-2012, 11:46 AM
I agree with your last statement. Football is the best sport for the better team generally wins. Yes, it can happen that a team has a off night, or that a official may blow a call that cost a game once a year, but football in general the best team almost always wins. In basketball, it is very subjective and officials can make a huge difference. It is also easier for a basketball stud to have a off night shooting, than a football stud to not be able to break a tackle from one friday to the next (unless the defense is better which means better). In baseball it is all dependent on who is pitching for each team, and batting is even more unpredictable than shooting baskets. The great thing about football is that generally the best team wins, atleast much more than basketball or baseball.

I concur, and the best team won this past Friday. Staff and players know that. H'V kicked our teeth in. Film study, showed the routine play's, missed blocking assignment's we didn't make, or the boneheaded plays we did make, that could of won the game for us.

09-18-2012, 11:59 AM
I concur, and the best team won this past Friday. Staff and players know that. H'V kicked our teeth in. Film study, showed the routine play's, missed blocking assignment's we didn't make, or the boneheaded plays we did make, that could of won the game for us.

Haha, I wasn't calling you a homer. Not in the sense that you put blinders on. Obviously, being a fan of Edna, I'm a homer for Edna. There are many ways to win/lose a game. All of which contribute to one team being better than another. For instance, in your last game, had the late hit not happend you guys would've likely won. Discipline is as much a part of a winning team as is skill. Especially when you are playing a team that is talented as well.

As far as the Edna/Yoakum game. I expect it to be a close one as always that I think either team could win. If it does happened to go one sided, I would have to think that it would be in favor of Yoakum. Our offense is starting to come around and we have a lot of weapons, so we will score some points. However, our defense has a whole lot of work to do and is very suspect. If our defense isn't ironed out by district opener against Hempstead, ouch..........Oh, I have not seen the film on the Yoakum/H'ville. Just an average joe fan with no connections.

09-19-2012, 01:44 AM
Loved the novel by YT. LOL :) Got the stats in on Edna and cowboyfan99 is right about the Pokes defense. Last in the district, allowing almost 400 ypg. But they do lead the district with 6 INT's as a sophomore kids has 3 of them. Also heard that Edna does possess some speed on offense and that we can't let them get to the edge. So the over/under in this one should be about 60. But, everytime someone expects a high scoring affair, usually the opposite happens. I will make another prediction after watching tomorrow's practice, but the vibes I'm getting from some of the players is better than last week. I really think we take care of business this week.

09-19-2012, 08:24 AM
Don't think we'll stay with QB if he struggles again this Friday. We need to know what the backup can do in a game anyways, should this happen to us in district. Both threw well Mon/Tuesday. Maybe we will use both regardless? They both offer a different look, and might cause some issue's to a defense. I'd like to know if backup can handle it should something happen to Chase. If not, I recall TJ being a very productive QB for a year or two. Plus, he's a prototype tall QB with wheels. Of course, get Tre' back, all fall's into place. But, if he don't return, plan B need's to be ready come district time.

Chase don't need to be a stud at QB, just get the ball into Keith, TJ, Timmy, Blake and Reagan's hands on the routine routes. They'll make things happen after the catch.

I see Tre' running and throwing. So, appears his hand is healing nicely.

09-19-2012, 09:30 AM
Loved the novel by YT. LOL :) Got the stats in on Edna and cowboyfan99 is right about the Pokes defense. Last in the district, allowing almost 400 ypg. But they do lead the district with 6 INT's as a sophomore kids has 3 of them. Also heard that Edna does possess some speed on offense and that we can't let them get to the edge. So the over/under in this one should be about 60. But, everytime someone expects a high scoring affair, usually the opposite happens. I will make another prediction after watching tomorrow's practice, but the vibes I'm getting from some of the players is better than last week. I really think we take care of business this week.

About 300 of those 400 ypg have come from big plays. If the D can learn to stop those, our takeaways should go up. Its like they play 2 downs great then completely take a play off. They have to start making teams try to sustain drives against them. Our offense has a lot of weapons and one oops can easily be a TD of our own. Have a few guys on the offense that are pretty fast. Our special teams is pretty solid this year. Coverage is good on punt and kickoff and our kickoff return is usually pretty good. Punt return is about average. Anyway, our offense and special teams are both in a good place this early in the season, but the defense really has to step it up.

09-19-2012, 10:28 AM
About 300 of those 400 ypg have come from big plays. If the D can learn to stop those, our takeaways should go up. Its like they play 2 downs great then completely take a play off. They have to start making teams try to sustain drives against them. Our offense has a lot of weapons and one oops can easily be a TD of our own. Have a few guys on the offense that are pretty fast. Our special teams is pretty solid this year. Coverage is good on punt and kickoff and our kickoff return is usually pretty good. Punt return is about average. Anyway, our offense and special teams are both in a good place this early in the season, but the defense really has to step it up.

Good point CF99. We have some of the same issues as ya'll. Our D-line can't get a push, and pressure QB. Our secondary is our strongest part of our team. I agree, I don't see either team kicking to the other's deep man on punt's or KO. Both teams guys can go to the house in a hurry. Last week, we did too much East/West returning, which is something we have not done all year. And, our returns suffered from it.

09-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Good point CF99. We have some of the same issues as ya'll. Our D-line can't get a push, and pressure QB. Our secondary is our strongest part of our team. I agree, I don't see either team kicking to the other's deep man on punt's or KO. Both teams guys can go to the house in a hurry. Last week, we did too much East/West returning, which is something we have not done all year. And, our returns suffered from it.

Well, our problem isn't as much as the D-line and they have gotten pressure on the QB. Linebackers have struggled staying home on misdirection and not sticking to their assignments on options. At least that is the appearance from the stands. Corners take an all or nothing approach to pass defense at times. Meaning they go for the pick and if they mistime the jump or w/e, it can result in a very big completition and/or TD. Again, these are just my observations from the stands and there very well may be more going on than that. Just from what I've seen, the problems we are currently having are very fixable. We have the athletes, just need the understanding.

09-19-2012, 05:01 PM
Cowboys need to be a little more relentless then the dawgs, finish a little harder then the dawgs, and hit them in the mouth just a little harder then they hit us...a couple of turnovers going out way may help as well. One thing for sure, everyone likes our shade of blue better then that dull blue they wear.

09-19-2012, 06:47 PM
Great week in preparation. Best thus far this year. Nice they understand they will generally perform the way they prepare and practice. Dogs fully aware of Edna speed and they must contain it from getting around the corners on the CB's. Cowboy Stadium not a friendly place to play at I admit. Remember some slobber-knockers over there over the decades. Great town, great fan base and great athletes.

That said. Yoakum goes on a business trip to Jackson County and bring's back the "W".

Yoakum Dull Blue - 41
Edna Pretty Blue - 13

09-19-2012, 07:56 PM
Great week in preparation. Best thus far this year. Nice they understand they will generally perform the way they prepare and practice. Dogs fully aware of Edna speed and they must contain it from getting around the corners on the CB's. Cowboy Stadium not a friendly place to play at I admit. Remember some slobber-knockers over there over the decades. Great town, great fan base and great athletes.

That said. Yoakum goes on a business trip to Jackson County and bring's back the "W".

Yoakum Dull Blue - 41
Edna Pretty Blue - 13

Yeah, Edna isn't preparing at all. Have no clue what they need to do against Yoakum. Thus I understand the basis for your 41-13.

I find it funny how so many people go with the "we are prepared," "we know what to do to beat the other team," etc. reasoning. You do realize that the other teams are doing the exact same thing right? You also realize that Edna does have a lot of athletes as well? Yeah I agree that our defense is suspect and the 41 by Yoakum may not be a stretch, but to think Edna will only get 13 is. I don't see Yoakum holding Edna under 30 in Cowboy Stadium.

09-19-2012, 09:13 PM
Yeah, Edna isn't preparing at all. Have no clue what they need to do against Yoakum. Thus I understand the basis for your 41-13.

I find it funny how so many people go with the "we are prepared," "we know what to do to beat the other team," etc. reasoning. You do realize that the other teams are doing the exact same thing right? You also realize that Edna does have a lot of athletes as well? Yeah I agree that our defense is suspect and the 41 by Yoakum may not be a stretch, but to think Edna will only get 13 is. I don't see Yoakum holding Edna under 30 in Cowboy Stadium.

Trust me, I didn't mean to imply Edna wasn't preparing. I know better. I'm aware they have 26 seniors on board. Edna averages 296.3 YPG (186.6 on the ground, and 109.7 via the air). They have picked off 6 passes this year and sophomore DeOntar Jones has three of them picks. The senior tailback tandem of Tyler Kucera (6'1", 186) and DaQuan Cantu (5'5", 165) are solid runners, along with Dominic Gosson (5'8", 168) and junior QB Austin Kelley (6'0", 163) can just flat out fly and make things happen. Best group I'd say we faced to date. And trust me, we will avoid kicking it to Kucera if possible. Kid is amazing.

So yes, we are fully aware Edna is prepared, and I didn't imply they were not. I was just noting, Yoakum is in my prior post. Cause last Friday, we stunk it up and wasn't prepared for a good H'V team. Big boost getting our 2 D-line players back from injury this Friday will help us try and contain all that Cowboy speed. Snot will be flying in this one.

Yoakum has won 12 of the L15 against Edna and lead the overall series 35-25-1. Should be a good one.

09-19-2012, 11:35 PM
Yeah, you didn't want to imply the cowboys weren't preparing but you are predicting to beat us by 30?
Just remember we've beat you 2 out of the last 3, and now you are going to beat us by 30?
Well, bring it on.

09-19-2012, 11:37 PM
PS. ...when was the last time you beat anyone by 30? Guess you think we are the worst team you've played in years.

09-20-2012, 05:49 AM
PS. ...when was the last time you beat anyone by 30? Guess you think we are the worst team you've played in years.

It was 5 or 6 games back, in 2012 vs. Pleasanton, 50-7 against who I thought was by far the best throwing QB in district. And no, I consider Edna actually one of the better teams we have played. If Yoakum comes out throwing the ball in the dirt on short to mid range routes, and not get it in the playmakers hands, I can also see this score more like 14-13, anyone's game. Just think we will have our best game to date, and will finally click as we are capable of doing. Trust me, no dis-respect intended.

We are not Goliad or Needville and those long TD's, and easy marching up and down the field at will, not gonna happen here I assure you. We have something to prove to ourselves, no one else.

GATA Yoakum!!!!!!!

09-20-2012, 06:07 AM
For you Yoakum fan's. Appears our super soph Tre' Hights takes to the practice field this coming Monday. His finger rehab has gone well, pin's removed and he is very close to returning, and partaking in his first varsity contest. Be nice to see him play the homecoming game some next week to get his feet a little wet. Then, get a week off (Yoakum's OPEN) to see how his finger feels, before we travel to the tough Smithville town, and open district play. Damn sure will need all hand's on deck for that crucial district opener. Hard place to play at, and it will be nice having 2 week's to get a solid game plan in order.

09-20-2012, 06:18 AM
we've beat you 2 out of the last 3, Well, bring it on.

It's know to a player, coach, fan-- your success against us past 3 years. I think Coach Kornegay would very much like to even the series badly, while he's been at the helm. Noticed the mid-night candles have been burning late at the fieldhouse this week. He might even wear his new head gear for this one.:doh:

09-20-2012, 04:40 PM
With my busy schedule this week, I didn't get a chance to catch a practice this week, but I trust YT's judgement. I've talked to some of the boys, however, and they seemed focused at the task at hand. I too think Edna will bring their "A" game as will Yoakum, so I'm going to say it's a closer game than I predicted earlier this week. Yoakum will be the tougher team in the 4th quarter and win by a couple TDs, 38-26.

09-20-2012, 09:03 PM
Edna Freshman - 28
Yoakum - 15

Yoakum JV - 29
Edna - 6

09-21-2012, 12:21 AM
The only way you see another QB on Friday night is if Hermes gets hurt...God forbid. Coaches saddle their horse and ride it to the bitter end. That being said...Yoakum has the better athletes and should win 28-14.

09-21-2012, 01:45 PM
yoakum wins this one.

09-21-2012, 03:51 PM
Going with Yoakum by 7.

09-21-2012, 03:52 PM
Safe travels dawg fans...Jackson County's finest like to sit at the border, so take your time.
Here is an article from the Victoria Advocate about DeOntae Jones, younger bro of our best defender, who is out until district. They are related to kam Jones...they are ballers


EDNA - DeRodrick Jones wasn't sure what to expect from his younger brother.

DeRodrick Jones broke a bone in his foot during a preseason practice and DeOntae Jones moved from rover to replace his brother at free safety.

"I told him to keep working hard and he had to know what to do," said DeRodrick, a senior. "He had to do the best he could. He's shown me a lot. He impressed me a lot."

DeOntae, a sophomore, has filled in admirably, intercepting an area-leading three passes while helping Edna get off to a 2-1 start heading into Friday night's game against Yoakum (2-1) at Cowboy Memorial Stadium.

"The first game I was nervous," DeOntae admitted. "I just tried to play hard and do the little things right."

DeOntae Jones moved up to the varsity late last season and played running back in the fourth quarter of Edna's final district game against Hempstead.

But he had never played a varsity down on defense until he took the field for the Cowboys' season opener against Needville.

"The one thing I noticed was they have some big players," DeOntae said. "I have to stay mentally focused on every play."

Edna coach Mike Pierce has been pleased with the younger Jones' performance.

"He's been a very pleasant surprise back there at free safety," Pierce said. "He's done really well, especially as a sophomore. He's really stepped up and done a great job for us back there."

DeOntae Jones intercepted two passes in the Edna's 56-0 loss to Refugio.

He returned an interception 33 yards for a touchdown in the fourth quarter to seal the Cowboys' 41-28 win over Goliad last week.

"I was reading the quarterback," DeOntae said. "I was playing back deep and I could see everything."

Pierce has witnessed some of what he expected from the Edna defense.

But he knows the Cowboys have to eliminate some critical breakdowns to reach their potential.

"We're playing well, but we're not being consistent," Pierce said. "We'll play really well and then we'll give up a big play. That happened a lot in the Refugio game. We played well three or four plays and then we'd allow a big play. Some of that is technique work. We've been working on that a lot."

Yoakum coach Brent Kornegay has been impressed by what he's seen of DeOntae Jones and his teammates.

"He's a good athlete," Kornegay said. "They have some kids who can run and he's one of them."

The Cowboys are hoping to get DeRodrick Jones back for the start of District 14-2A, Division I play.

Pierce is looking forward to having the brothers on the field at the same time.

"We're going to find a place for DeOntae to play on defense," he said. "When we get our free safety back, we're going to have to move him somewhere."

NOTES• Yoakum started the season with wins over Columbus and Sinton before losing to Hallettsville, a district opponent of Edna, last week. "I'd like to see more consistency," Kornegay said. "We did some good things and then have a turnover at the most inopportune time."

gobbler grad
09-21-2012, 04:38 PM
Cowboys win in the end...

09-21-2012, 08:39 PM
Yoakum 7 Edna 0 at half. Our d is looking much better. We stop the fumbles and we have a good chance to pick up a win. Edna gets the ball to start the 2nd half. Oh, one of our fumbles was a bad handoff 2nd and goal on the 1. The other was on about the 15.

09-21-2012, 10:54 PM
Yoakum 7 Edna 0 at half. Our d is looking much better. We stop the fumbles and we have a good chance to pick up a win. Edna gets the ball to start the 2nd half. Oh, one of our fumbles was a bad handoff 2nd and goal on the 1. The other was on about the 15.

Well, guess I shouldn't have mentioned the fumbles. Can't fumble that many times and win. The one right after our No. 6 pulled off a pretty amazing run to pick up the first down on the bad snap on the punt was just sickening. Yoakum 21 Edna 14 final.

09-21-2012, 10:55 PM
Yoakum wins 21-14
Although I like the effort my Cowboys gave, we made way too many mistakes to win against a good team. One fumble on a botched snap at the dawgs one, another at the dawgs 15 or so, and 3 or 4 near mid field. Plus some killer penalties.

Yoakum looked OK. I mean no disrespect as they won fair and square, but I guarantee you both coaching staffs are trying to figure out how to play better, a lot better. It was a hard fought, hard hitting game and the difference was Yoakum's ability to throw deep against one on one coverage where they had a huge advantage in size and skill....but other then that, pretty sloppy play by both teams, IMO.
Dawgs QB throws that ball up for grabs like that against Gonzales or Giddings and he'll be chasing DBs all game.
Cowboys keep up the fumbles and we may not win another game.
Yoakum gets the W, but I don't think either team walks away too happy.

09-21-2012, 11:21 PM
Yoakum wins 21-14
Although I like the effort my Cowboys gave, we made way too many mistakes to win against a good team. One fumble on a botched snap at the dawgs one, another at the dawgs 15 or so, and 3 or 4 near mid field. Plus some killer penalties.

Yoakum looked OK. I mean no disrespect as they won fair and square, but I guarantee you both coaching staffs are trying to figure out how to play better, a lot better. It was a hard fought, hard hitting game and the difference was Yoakum's ability to throw deep against one on one coverage where they had a huge advantage in size and skill....but other then that, pretty sloppy play by both teams, IMO.
Dawgs QB throws that ball up for grabs like that against Gonzales or Giddings and he'll be chasing DBs all game.
Cowboys keep up the fumbles and we may not win another game.
Yoakum gets the W, but I don't think either team walks away too happy.

Well said, another stinker.

09-21-2012, 11:32 PM
Skeeters bad in Edna. Lord, ate us alive. Not a single one last night at the SV games. Here, ran out of spray before half.

09-22-2012, 01:16 AM
Skeeters bad in Edna. Lord, ate us alive. Not a single one last night at the SV games. Here, ran out of spray before half.

Yeah, that just started. We haven't had a problem for a while. Guess it was all the rain recently.

09-22-2012, 05:27 AM
Must give a "that-a-boy-girl" to the Edna Marching Band. Great performance. Our game might of stunk, but your band was awesome.

09-22-2012, 05:48 AM
Good morning, YT. Congrats on the win for the Bulldogs. A win is a win. It's a long season and every positive has an effect. Besides, you can work on what needs to be improved and still got the win.

09-22-2012, 12:18 PM
Good morning, YT. Congrats on the win for the Bulldogs. A win is a win. It's a long season and every positive has an effect. Besides, you can work on what needs to be improved and still got the win.

Morning RE, and true that to your post. Too many routine dropped balls last night. We need to learn how to succeed while being held all night too. Never know the type of crews we will encounter on the road this year. It's a ugly "W", which I guess is better than a loss, in games like this.

We have one more tune up game, at home next Friday, our Homecoming contest vs. Rice Consolidated. Then a week off, before traveling to the tough Smithville confines, to open district. The games that really only matter. Rice and their Coach Dumont, would love nothing more then beat the chit out of us, for his team to gain confidence heading into their district play. We better be prepared, cause I see a war type game here.

09-22-2012, 01:31 PM
Yoakum wins 21-14
Although I like the effort my Cowboys gave, we made way too many mistakes to win against a good team. One fumble on a botched snap at the dawgs one, another at the dawgs 15 or so, and 3 or 4 near mid field. Plus some killer penalties.

Yoakum looked OK. I mean no disrespect as they won fair and square, but I guarantee you both coaching staffs are trying to figure out how to play better, a lot better. It was a hard fought, hard hitting game and the difference was Yoakum's ability to throw deep against one on one coverage where they had a huge advantage in size and skill....but other then that, pretty sloppy play by both teams, IMO.
Dawgs QB throws that ball up for grabs like that against Gonzales or Giddings and he'll be chasing DBs all game.
Cowboys keep up the fumbles and we may not win another game.
Yoakum gets the W, but I don't think either team walks away too happy.

I couldn't have said it better myself...we have one more non-district game before a bye week. There still appears to be a lot of work to do. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...has to have the coaching staff scratching their collective heads

09-22-2012, 01:33 PM
That drill team was awesome too...miss the days that Yoakum had that type of participation in the Band program