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View Full Version : Worst Football Practice memory

07-13-2012, 02:20 PM
The 2 day thread got me thinking - what was the worst most miserable practice folks faced? I'll start. We played Churchill in San Antonio, lost the game, but not by much. Coach next day said we gave up and that he would make sure we never gave up again. We had a 6 or 7 man sled and we drove it up and down the field for about an hour, then moved over to the headache rack (you know the one with steel bars at about belly high). Did that for about 30 minutes, then went over to the boards, and bear crawled for about 30 minutes to hit the dummy holders, then back to the sled for more drivng it up and down the field for the rest of practice. Finally, we had to run wind sprints with the rest of the team at the end. I think everyone puked, but we never gave up again in a game.
What's your worst practice memory?

07-13-2012, 03:07 PM
None, every practice was a day I got to play the greatest game ever... :D:D:D

07-13-2012, 04:24 PM
I got several: (all from 7th grade)
1) During one on one tackle drill, this little bitty kid (who was meaner than a hornet) got low on me and put his helmet right on my sternum. Knocked the wind outta me so bad my ass was even tryin' to help suck air back in!

2) I was sittin' in the weight room minding my own business. We were unsupervised at the time. Kids startin' messin' round. Someone flicked the lights on and off. Coach walked in and said, "Everybody line up!".....He was pissed!...Came back with his wooden paddle and proceeded to give all of us the most painful lick I've ever experienced. Still remember several kids cryin' it hurt so bad......As for me, I was cryin' and laughin' at the same time!!:crazy1:......

3) This next one was only a bad memory cause coaches didn't see it happen. I was the new kid in town from Houston with the long hair and such. The locals in S. Texas immediately took to hatin' on me. Just couldn't stand that I was gettin' all the little gals attention!..hehehe.....After one practice we were all walkin' back to the locker rooms. The coaches were ahead of us. All I heard was this voice, "Get em'!"......Crap! I turned to see three of the teams stars (MLB, QB, & RB) comin' at me!....I took off runnin'....the chase lasted about 100 yards until I jumped an irrigation ditch and ran into an orange grove!....Them boys gave up!....and that's why I wish the coaches had been watchin'.....I smoked their star players!.....They had a speed demon on their hands and didn't even know it......I swear that's the fastest 100 I've ever run!......Can you say runnin' skeered?......:spitlol:

Rabid Cougar
07-14-2012, 09:55 AM
Two a days Texas A&M 1984 Facing an enraged Ray Childress in a OL vs DL one on one with a ball carrier, and I was the ball carrier. A 300 pound OT Doug Williams had already beaten him ( Childress only weighted 270) as I ran into him and ran over him. DL Coach Register, who was about half Ray's height, was creaming at him for getting beat. Ray was screaming back at him, just because he could. This attracted Coach Sherrill's attention and he came walking down the field. He got to them and said "same people". The guys in front of me in the tackle dumby line looked back at me and handed me the ball. I took the ball and Sherrill said "hit". I saw Williams fly through the air and felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was lying on my back trying to catch my breath and Childress was screaming in my face. That moment was branded into my mind.

07-14-2012, 11:11 AM
Of course 2- a- days were tough and there are a few things that I remember all too well. I was the only freshman to make varsity waaay back in 1977 and the upper classmen were VERY unhappy about it. So, I routinely got knocked around and occasionally beat up but the worst thing that they did to me was putting Cramergesic Red Hot Ointment, http://soccer.epicsports.com/images/detail/12122/view.html in everything that I had. It went in my jock, helmet, shoulder pads, on my thigh pads, knee pads, etc...I mean everything. I got out on the field and it started kicking in and I started taking it all off. I went up to the pressbox and completely stripped down. Teh managers always kept towels and I used one to go back to the locker room and shower. It took a long time to get that gunk washed off too. Coach Stinson (HC) was pissed! He made the whole varsity run wind sprints for about 30 minutes. They must have run about 40 110's. After practice Coach Stinson took all of my gear and gave me new everything.The hazing didn't stop but did get better.
When I was a soph, I rushed for about 1500 yards and pretty well became "BMOC" but I never forgot the way that I had been treated. When the bullying started that year with underclassmen I pretty well put a stop to it...it DID take one a$$ kicking but after that, things smoothed right out ;)

07-14-2012, 11:50 AM
The "Bullpen" drill. I hated this one. All the backs & recievers had to do this one. The coach surrounded you with players and called their numbers consecutively. Your job was to shuck the oncoming player, many times a lineman or linebacker that outweighed you by 75-100 lbs, as quickly as possible. The only problem was everyone is in a circle around you, and the numbers are being called faster and faster. You eventually will get nailed and hammered by two players from opposite sides. I hated that drill, and I was one of the fastest ones on the team.

07-14-2012, 01:02 PM
8am practices during two-a-days. Grass was still wet and humid as :foul: with no breeze. 4pm practice was much better even though it was 110 there was always a breeze. Like another person said, still enjoyed every minute of it because it's the greatest game ever!

07-14-2012, 01:39 PM
Red ants and grass burrs. Unkowingly standing in a mound of red ants and getting eat up. Later that same day was having tackling drills and landed in a patch of grass burrs off the field. Underneath my forearms and palms of my hands were covered. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing.

07-14-2012, 01:40 PM
Not a bad memory, just laugh everytime I think of it. I was jusst out of college and at my first two-a- days as a coach. Our DC/OL had the boys doing board drills, asked one of the boys if he wanted to be O or D. The kid looked really nervous and threw-up right through his face mask all over the coaches shoes. Tears came to my eyes trying not to laugh out loud!

07-14-2012, 04:16 PM
Most practices sucked...

Only one that didn't was Thursdays walk through during athletic period.

07-14-2012, 11:30 PM
Any practice we had to run Burma Road. It's like running lines in basketball, but every five yard line and back to the goal line until you reached the other goal line. We didn't win many games, but we never got beat due to conditioning. :(

07-15-2012, 07:16 PM
My very first 2 a-day my soph year. That first morning, I had 3 eggs, sausage, toast and three glasses of ice cold WHOLE milk (fresh from our jersy cow). After the morning practice I must have drank two gallons of water. Since we lived out in the country, the coaches had agreed to drive me home since we only had one car. That first morning, the HC/AD was driving me home. When we got to the courthouse square, I threw up twice in his car. He stopped right in the middle of the road and made me get out until I finished. Needless to say, he never drove me home again (and I never ate breakfast before a 2 a-day again, in fact I never liked breakfast much again after that).