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07-11-2012, 09:39 AM
No more of those old school 2-a-days.


Rabid Cougar
07-11-2012, 10:54 AM
No more of those old school 2-a-days.


Basically the same as the NCAA's rules for D1 universities.

07-11-2012, 11:28 AM
When are we going to buy tutu's and fairy shoes, this is football.

Gone Fishing
07-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Things have changed and probably for the good, But our coaches in the early to mid 70's tried to kill us. I believe it, kill us! lol...

07-11-2012, 12:11 PM
Yeah....2-a-days have been a thing of the past for my wife and I too.....ever since havin' kids as a matter of factly!!!!!!!!!....heck, even one-a-days are hard these days....that darn weenie dog of ours will just sit at the foot of the bed wonderin' what all the fuss is about!...darn dog even once came and placed it's squeaky toy between my butt cheeks!..."I ain't got time to play dammit!!"..:crazy1::blush:

But seriously, as hot as our days seem to be gettin'.....I'm OK with it. Our boys either go early mornin' for several hours or late afternoon......

07-11-2012, 12:14 PM
Things have changed and probably for the good, But our coaches in the early to mid 70's tried to kill us. I believe it, kill us! lol...

Reminds me of that now infamous quote "that which does not kill us makes us stronger."

07-11-2012, 01:17 PM
Back in the day, it was just as hot (air temperature wise), and we did not get the benefit of cool water and other supplements to help rehydrate. Just a piece of PVC with holes drilled in it connected to the water hose from the field. One of the things I think the UIL overlooks here is the influence of turf fields on heat retention that these boys practice on. Us old timers played on natural grass, and many schools now days play and practice on artificial turf. Heat retention in those fields adds anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees (from some studies I looked at). Combine that with the fact that most teens these days don't get out in the heat until its time to practice football (even with early morning conditioning), then chances increase for heat stress. I'm all for caution, but it needs to be mixed with some thought process about why it seems to be occurring more. All my summer jobs prior to football season were in the heat so when two a days rolled around, the heat wasn't so much an issue as us "larger linemen" were just plain out of shape!

07-11-2012, 01:29 PM
Or drink'in out of the irrigation sprinkler at the fields. 6 quarts of air for every 1 quart of water.

07-11-2012, 01:32 PM
The two hours of hang out / recovery time will now push the second practice at least an hour later...a second practice starting at 11:00 and going until 1:00 is safer than from high noon to 2:00.

orange machine
07-11-2012, 02:11 PM
Yeah....2-a-days have been a thing of the past for my wife and I too.....ever since havin' kids as a matter of factly!!!!!!!!!....heck, even one-a-days are hard these days....that darn weenie dog of ours will just sit at the foot of the bed wonderin' what all the fuss is about!...darn dog even once came and placed it's squeaky toy between my butt cheeks!..."I ain't got time to play dammit!!"..:crazy1::blush:

But seriously, as hot as our days seem to be gettin'.....I'm OK with it. Our boys either go early mornin' for several hours or late afternoon......

Did i really just read all that information that should have stayed tucked away somewhere in your body. Freakin gross LOL

07-11-2012, 02:22 PM
Did i really just read all that information that should have stayed tucked away somewhere in your body. Freakin gross LOL

well OM...I am Cam....and like my wife saids, I got no couth!......you been drinkin' lots of water OM? At least 8 8-ounce glasses a day are ya?........I'm just keepin' an eye on you my kidney stone brother!!.......I'm overdue for my bi-annual stone....should be comin' any day now.......don't matter what or how much I drink, my kidneys are still pissed and will insist on punishing me!!..:thmbdwn:

orange machine
07-11-2012, 02:31 PM
well OM...I am Cam....and like my wife saids, I got no couth!......you been drinkin' lots of water OM? At least 8 8-ounce glasses a day are ya?........I'm just keepin' an eye on you my kidney stone brother!!.......I'm overdue for my bi-annual stone....should be comin' any day now.......don't matter what or how much I drink, my kidneys are still pissed and will insist on punishing me!!..:thmbdwn:

LOL mine seem to be doing pretty good, the DR. put me on some meds for uric acid since my uric acid level was slightly elevated.

Old Tiger
07-11-2012, 02:43 PM
You don't have to have 2 a days like you used to because now days kids are on year around work out routines that keep them in shape.

Aesculus gilmus
07-11-2012, 02:56 PM
You don't have to have 2 a days like you used to because now days kids are on year around work out routines that keep them in shape.

I remember one year in particular. Our ninth grade coach nearly killed us with the never-ending practices. By game time on Thursday nights, we were exhausted. We had left it all on the field - the practice field.

Old Tiger
07-11-2012, 02:59 PM
I remember one year in particular. Our ninth grade coach nearly killed us with the never-ending practices. By game time on Thursday nights, we were exhausted. We had left it all on the field - the practice field.Practice...you're talking about practice...not a game!

But seriously when I was in school I could run all day(mainly because I had to from bs'n around in practice)

07-11-2012, 06:28 PM
I'm a firm believer as long as you're properly hydrated the heat is not a problem, during Desert Storm we were forced to hydrate several times a day with very little heat related injuries. However it's probably a good idea overall for high school football. I like tradition and believe in hard work, but as I look back when I was in high school I seem to think it was kind of primitive the way our two a day practices were ran.

07-12-2012, 10:12 AM
When are we going to buy tutu's and fairy shoes, this is football.

It seems that atleast one kid dies every year in two a days and that's one too many. If they have to get rid of it to prevent that i'm all for it. Old school thinking isn't always the best as we've found out with concussions.

07-12-2012, 10:41 AM

My South Texas football coaches practiced 5 of these 7 on us daily in the early 70s

Gone Fishing
07-12-2012, 12:25 PM

My South Texas football coaches practiced 5 of these 7 on us daily in the early 70s

We may have had the same coach Ogg.

07-12-2012, 01:16 PM
Here is a link to some interesting info :


Agree - 1 death is one too many. Question is, does the approach the UIL is taking solve the problem? I guess time will tell as we head into another August prep time.

07-12-2012, 01:56 PM
First day of practice and the first day in pads are the danger days. Dallas Morning News in the mid 90s interviewed the national leading medical authority on heat related deaths associated with football. He stated that heat related deaths during the previous 20 years almost exclusively happened on those two days. I think it ran after a kid from Dallas Carter died on the first day of practice.

07-13-2012, 08:43 AM
Things have changed and probably for the good, But our coaches in the early to mid 70's tried to kill us. I believe it, kill us! lol...

Try the 60's when we walked to school bare feeted in the snow, up hill both ways...you did not get water...made you tough & I was an official blocking dummy.

07-13-2012, 09:14 AM
Yeah....2-a-days have been a thing of the past for my wife and I too.....ever since havin' kids as a matter of factly!!!!!!!!!....heck, even one-a-days are hard these days....that darn weenie dog of ours will just sit at the foot of the bed wonderin' what all the fuss is about!...darn dog even once came and placed it's squeaky toy between my butt cheeks!..."I ain't got time to play dammit!!"..:crazy1::blush:

But seriously, as hot as our days seem to be gettin'.....I'm OK with it. Our boys either go early mornin' for several hours or late afternoon......

Great story Cam! But one question: Why the heck haven't you removed that damn squeaky toy yet?????

07-13-2012, 09:30 AM
Great story Cam! But one question: Why the heck haven't you removed that damn squeaky toy yet?????

....Two reasons Farmer:
1) That squeaky toy has been a life saver when walkin' the dog....that dachshund follows me everywhere when I take her for walks....no leash needed!
2) It's a wonderful exercise tool....you should see my beautifully shaped ass now!!.....:D

Go Farmersville!!

07-13-2012, 11:59 AM
Great story Cam! But one question: Why the heck haven't you removed that damn squeaky toy yet?????

I think Cam just likes to whistle while he works.

07-13-2012, 12:00 PM
TMI - you got a boy playing at BHS this year?

07-13-2012, 12:54 PM
Yea, BB in the 60`s water "gave you cramps". So no water breaks during morning or evening practice. At our old practice field, that was condemned years ago because of a cotton defoliation plant in the area, we would sneak drinks by scooping up a handfull of water. That tainted water probably saved us. Don`t think anyone had heat stroke. Now problems from the water, can`t say for sure.

07-13-2012, 12:57 PM
I graduated high school in 1973, so our Jr. High and High School football practices in South Texas back then were absolutely some of the hottest in the country in August. Practically ALL of the players took salt tablets daily before and after each practice...a coaching staff requirement, lol. And ONE water break per practice. I guess we were lucky we didn't have any major strokes that occured. I guess it was because we all worked all summer in the heat with summer jobs that got us acclimated to the rotissierie conditions. I doubt that today's teen athlete would be able to sustain what that era of training put us through. It was brutal.

07-13-2012, 01:41 PM
I graduated high school in 1973, so our Jr. High and High School football practices in South Texas back then were absolutely some of the hottest in the country in August. Practically ALL of the players took salt tablets daily before and after each practice...a coaching staff requirement, lol. And ONE water break per practice. I guess we were lucky we didn't have any major strokes that occured. I guess it was because we all worked all summer in the heat with summer jobs that got us acclimated to the rotissierie conditions. I doubt that today's teen athlete would be able to sustain what that era of training put us through. It was brutal.

yep - graduated in 83, south Texas near San Antonio. Humidty and heat were brutal. Outdoor summer Jobs helped with acclimation. None of it was fun, but it got me and others used to the heat. Just hated that two mile run in between 2 adays with the coach driving behind us (fat boys) honking his horn telling us to move it. Salt tablets made me ill, so I skipped those. I try to impress on my boy that he needs to get out, do work during the heat, take breaks and get used to it so its not such a shock once the actual practices begin. I think many of todays young athletes are likley more physically fit than we might have been back then, due to off season workouts, but they simply are not acclimated to the heat because they go work out, then go straight to the AC afterwards.

07-13-2012, 01:50 PM
Played 6man ball in West Texas in the late 70's and between our morning workout and evening workout most of the boys would have to go haul hay, move pipe or some other job on the farm...

07-13-2012, 03:09 PM
TMI - you got a boy playing at BHS this year?

No panfan.....but I do have an incoming 7th grader and he'll be my last one.....middle school ball is alot of fun for sure....

07-13-2012, 03:24 PM
No panfan.....but I do have an incoming 7th grader and he'll be my last one.....middle school ball is alot of fun for sure....

Enjoyed 8th grade, by then the coaches and players seemed to click. 7th grade, at least here was a cluster. Enjoy! Looking forward to playing ya'll this season, along with the new, old teams Brownwood and Gatesville.

07-13-2012, 03:52 PM
....Two reasons Farmer:
1) That squeaky toy has been a life saver when walkin' the dog....that dachshund follows me everywhere when I take her for walks....no leash needed!
2) It's a wonderful exercise tool....you should see my beautifully shaped ass now!!.....:D

Go Farmersville!! That's got to make it hard to sneak up on someone? :thinking:

1st and goal
07-15-2012, 07:30 AM
Played 6man ball in West Texas in the late 70's and between our morning workout and evening workout most of the boys would have to go haul hay, move pipe or some other job on the farm...

Yep, loading and hauling hay was probably the best "acclimator" job IMO. Nowadays, hardly anyone makes squarebales.

My family didn't even have A/C in our home until 1974 when I was 14.

07-15-2012, 01:14 PM
First day of practice and the first day in pads are the danger days. Dallas Morning News in the mid 90s interviewed the national leading medical authority on heat related deaths associated with football. He stated that heat related deaths during the previous 20 years almost exclusively happened on those two days. I think it ran after a kid from Dallas Carter died on the first day of practice.

That was in 2004

07-15-2012, 08:39 PM
I graduated high school in 1973, so our Jr. High and High School football practices in South Texas back then were absolutely some of the hottest in the country in August. Practically ALL of the players took salt tablets daily before and after each practice...a coaching staff requirement, lol. And ONE water break per practice. I guess we were lucky we didn't have any major strokes that occured. I guess it was because we all worked all summer in the heat with summer jobs that got us acclimated to the rotissierie conditions. I doubt that today's teen athlete would be able to sustain what that era of training put us through. It was brutal.

I graduated in 1973 as well, dude, you guys got a water break? Wow, hahahahah.

Tell me what school you played for.

07-15-2012, 09:35 PM
That was in 2004
Thanks. Article ran in August 2004 a few days after the player died.

07-16-2012, 11:49 PM
In the 1970's, 4A was the largest classification. I played for the Goliad Tigers. Back then, we were 2A and were in the Top Ten my senior season. We sustained key injuries late in the season, myself included, and lost our bi-district game. Back then, there was only the district champ against other district champs for the playoffs. We had a pretty good team, not good enough to overcome the losses of key Sr. starters come crunch time.

07-17-2012, 07:45 AM
I graduated high school in 1973, so our Jr. High and High School football practices in South Texas back then were absolutely some of the hottest in the country in August. Practically ALL of the players took salt tablets daily before and after each practice...a coaching staff requirement, lol. And ONE water break per practice. I guess we were lucky we didn't have any major strokes that occured. I guess it was because we all worked all summer in the heat with summer jobs that got us acclimated to the rotissierie conditions. I doubt that today's teen athlete would be able to sustain what that era of training put us through. It was brutal.

Regal you hit the nail on the head. Remember when guys. We would be out on our bikes or running around loose all day all summer. I would hall hay in the mornin then go to the pool in the afternoon the back to the hay after it started cooliin down. We were used to the heat. Shoot. We just had a swamp cooler in the house. No central air. We thought that was great. Get home and turn on the swamp cooler and it would drop from 99 to 79 or 80. Great stuff.

07-17-2012, 09:40 AM
Regal you hit the nail on the head. Remember when guys. We would be out on our bikes or running around loose all day all summer. I would hall hay in the mornin then go to the pool in the afternoon the back to the hay after it started cooliin down. We were used to the heat. Shoot. We just had a swamp cooler in the house. No central air. We thought that was great. Get home and turn on the swamp cooler and it would drop from 99 to 79 or 80. Great stuff.

I'm from Corpus and couldn't use water coolers, they added to the humidity and increased mold. So we used just used fans and sweated all day/night. My father bought our first ac unit when I was a junior in high school. When you never had it you don't miss it (ac). Heat and humidity at football practice seemed just as bad in the morning as evening.

If it rained the South Texas clay dirt never really seemed to absorb moisture well so we had plenty of stagnate water to get tackled in on our practice field.

Fun days.