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View Full Version : Kennedale punks vandalize Alvarado's stadium

10-28-2001, 09:48 AM
Dear Punks,
Not very smart, guys. You're playing against a better team with better tradition and more motivation (consecutive losses to your mediocre program (thank God Cunningham is gone)), and you do something dumb like desecrating our field, field house, and press box? What were you thinking?
I know what you're thinking now. Neither one of the Bridgewaters suck like you asserted in your spray painted message on our field house. You are clearly stupid, so I have no doubt that you will be caught and punished.
We will fix the damage you've done to our property. Maybe we'll still be in the same classification next year so you can come down and see our stadium when the renovations are completed. We'll have more seating, a new press box, and new concession stands and restrooms to go along with our new field turf and play clocks. It will be awesome. Unfortunately, we will probably be 4A because our community is growing so rapidly. Kennedale would probably grow, too, if it had something to offer besides porn shops, auto salvage yards, and punks like you.

10-28-2001, 11:09 AM

The action taken by the "punks" was embarrasing, disgusting, and disgraceful. But, it is unfair to characterize all of the Kennedale people by the actions of a few knuckleheads. Hopefully, the law enforcement officials will take the proper steps necessary to apprehend and prosecute the "punks". There were no football players involved in this incident and that is an undeniable FACT. The extra incentive that this was supposed to have provided is really overblown. When the ball was teed up it did not have any effect on the outcome of the game. Congratulations are in order to Alvarado. It is my belief that you are worthy of your #9 ranking in the 3A state poll. My question is, if you are the #9 ranked team then what is Kennedale? Be honest!!

10-28-2001, 12:04 PM
I in no way meant to impugn all the people of Kennedale, the vast majority of whom are fine, upstanding citizens. The folks there have to be pretty good folks to have had Terry Horton as KISD superintendent a few years back. He's as good as they come. But you gotta admit the town is covered up with junk yards and topless clubs.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the game Friday because I was driving to Fayetteville to watch my beloved Hogs. I don't know if we deserve our #9 ranking or not. I've yet to see our boys play a complete game. Our passing game is nonexistant. Our secondary has been prone to giving up big plays. We have considerable talent and size, but not much speed. I believe if we get it all together, we'll cause problems for a lot of teams in region 1 in the playoffs. But Everman will win the d1 championship.

10-29-2001, 06:07 PM
alvarado, are you talkin about the fayetville that has the power plants and the good fishing?

10-30-2001, 11:21 AM
I'm talking about Fayetteville, Arkansas, home of the Arkansas Razorbacks. That's God's country up there. But so is D/FW. I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as quickly as I could.