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View Full Version : Tebow and Jesus

Old Tiger
05-17-2012, 11:18 AM

05-17-2012, 11:56 AM
Looks like both Cubby Tee Shirts AND Tebow garnered publicity out of this one, huh? Cubby Tee Shirts will sell more product, and Tebow will gain more notoriety for his beliefs, allbeit in the same genre of the tee-shirt maker. Perhaps Tebow has exercised more here than a cease and desist attempt??? I would say "YES" to that one, for sure.

05-17-2012, 01:23 PM
Cubby Tee Shirts site is down. I wonder if they took it down or if it was knocked off the net by too much traffic.


05-17-2012, 03:29 PM
Wasn't "Jesus and Tebow" a song by Confederate Railroad in the 90's?

05-17-2012, 10:02 PM
Site is back up... but no Tebow.

05-17-2012, 10:16 PM
I stand correcteed... Tebow in tthe National section.

Old Tiger
05-21-2012, 09:32 AM
For the Tebow backers, this is yet another reason why he is not likeable. If anyone has a claim here, it would be the Jets. It is absolutely no reference to Tebow whatsoever, unless he truly considers himself Jesus.

05-21-2012, 10:21 AM
For the Tebow backers, this is yet another reason why he is not likeable. If anyone has a claim here, it would be the Jets. It is absolutely no reference to Tebow whatsoever, unless he truly considers himself Jesus.

I agree this this is not a good move for Tebow and the shirt says nothing about him. I believe he/his lawyers are upset with how the shirt is being marketed. Here is the shirt "info:"

We're not generally fond of broadcasting our faith, or mixing sports and religion...but we're also not the kind of guys who would ever tell others how to worship/root/live, and if Tebowmania is any indication, there are millions who like to mix their Sunday pleasure and piety.

This Fall, Tim Tebow will be in the uniform of the New York Jets, potentially taking the Tebowing phenomenon to a whole new level.

Now that the NFL's most popular player has moved his pulpit from Denver to New York City, he'll no longer simply be delivering sermons from the mountains -- he'll have the attention of the world's premiere media market. Jets for Jesus! Whether his message -- or his playing skills -- will thrive under the bright lights of Gotham remains to be seen...but we know that a legion of believers will have faith in him. He's not just looking to cure lepers, but heal Gang Green!

This fun design is not officially endorsed by New York's backup quarterback or the Son of God, but plays off the themes of Tebow's faith and his new team - borrowing from the J-E-T-S to promote J-E-S-U-S, with a fish for a football, and "MY" replacing "NY" with a color scheme that will be familiar to Jets fans. We don't take sides on the field or in the hereafter -- we just try to make fans happy, and this shirt should fit Tebow followers to a tee. It's available in green, white or grey in sizes small through 4XL. (Other colors/sizes/styles available on request)

05-21-2012, 10:22 AM
But I think it is a stupid move on his part.