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View Full Version : One Sports movie I would like to see

Phil C
05-06-2012, 08:22 PM
even if only in subtitles. Of course it is also a historical movie than sports.


Phil C
05-06-2012, 08:47 PM
This movie is most likely a propaganda type movie but I always like to watch them just to see the other side's point of view. But there was injustices on both sides. The German Actor Heinrich George was a victim of Russian occupation of Germany. He appeared in many movies including the great 1927 movie Metropolis and he was Grot the Guardian of the Heart Machine and represented the workers at near the movie of the end. He became a member of the Communist movie but when the Nazis came into power he was forced to make and star in Nazi propaganda type movies. When Russian took over part of Germany after WW2 he was arrested as a Nazi Collaborador and sent to a Russian Concentration camp where he died in 1946. The Russians said it was due to appendic failure but others feel it was starvation. An ironic end to a pro communist memeber.

Phil C
05-06-2012, 09:00 PM
Another movie I would like to see is a Nazi propaganda movie I once read about years ago. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the movie but even though it had pro nazi propaganda fortunately it was only a minor part of the movie. It was made in the late 1930s and takes place in WW1 in about 1916. A squardron of German soldiers are heading to the Western Front to the front lines where no doubt many of them will be killed. The train develops engine trouble and has to stop over in small German city where it will take several hours to fix. The commander receives a telegram stating that they have been informed the engine can be repaired in five hours but to keep his men on board to prevent desertation. The Commander knows that he will be shot if he disobeys but is sympathetic to the men and allows those that want to go out on the town but tells them to be back in 5 hours when the train will be prepared and leave. Some stay on board but others go around the town and have various adventures. One meets and falls in love with a girl while one sees his wife who lives in the city. Others get drunk and one wonders if they will make it back. Of course one meets with Jews in the obvious propaganda part who try to persuade him to desert. As the five hour deadline nears the soldiers return to the train some in groups some alone. Finally ther are three of them left and it just one doesn't make it back the commander knows he will be shot. As the engine starts to warm up one of them returns and a minute later another one. As the engine begins to pull out of the station the last one returns and runs and jumps aboard the moving train much to the cheers of the soldiers. The movie ends as the train movies toward the west to the war front.