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View Full Version : Early Risers

04-23-2012, 05:54 AM
I'm working over here in Nashville, and it sure breaks day early here. We are close to the Central Time Zone/Eastern Time Zone border. I'll be back to Texas the middle of May and it will be like I'm used to. I've been here for months, and let me tell ya I just can't wait to get back to Texas. Oh, it's pretty nice here, and these folks live pretty damn good over here. But it ain't TEXAS, and you just can't take Texas out of your heart if you are a native Texan.

04-23-2012, 06:18 AM
My dad lives in Spring Hill, just outside of Nashville. At least if your aren't in Texas, you are somewhere beautiful.

04-23-2012, 08:46 AM
I've never been to Nashville but always wanted to go.
As far a early rising goes it is kind of weird that on the weekdays when I need to get up for work the alarm goes off at 5:30 and I can barely manage to drag my butt out of the bed. Yet on Saturdays when I'm going fishing i set the alarm for 5:00 am and the last two Saturdays in a row I am wide awake at 4:00am....................... The mind is funny thing!

04-23-2012, 11:47 AM
I spent six months (jan-jun) in Millington, Tn. when I was in the USMC in the late 80's, Millington itself wasn't much to see but the surrounding areas were absolutely beautiful. I've always thought if I couldn't live in Texas, my other two choices would be Tennessee or Missouri.