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View Full Version : Happy Easter!

04-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Happy Easter, Everyone!

Glorious day for all Christians everywhere....

Following are a couple of my Easter music favs.....



Hope none of the Easter Egg hunts for the little ones get rained out.

04-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Same from the Ville Happy Easter.

04-08-2012, 11:37 AM
Today is Resurrection Day for true Christians world-wide. Easter is a term derived from "Ishtar", a pagan holiday that celebrates fertility rites...hence the bunny rolling eggs. Many, many uneducated Christians across the globe are not aware that the Pagan Roman Catholic Church instituted this holiday celebration many centuries ago to counteract and mislead Christians celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. No where in the Bible is the term "Easter" written, and only the term "Ishstar", which means morning star. Who is referred to as the morning star, according to God's Word in the Bible??? Believe or not, there are Kenites and non-believers that have infiltrated the Church, and teach and act as relegious leaders in our world today, as well as in our past history. Wake up and smell the coffee, or better yet, study God's Word and learn what is true and what is not. Today, I am celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and shed his blood to allow us redemption of sin once and for all time, rising on the third day from the tomb to be seen and heard by others, as he so many times had said he would. In a spirtual body, he was our example of what Christians(Christ-like beings) can look forward to in an eternal spiritual body. To accept and believe Jesus Christ is the son of the one true God, that his message is one of Love and eternal life for your Soul and Spirit, and that through his shed blood believers are given the gift of eternal life when this flesh body returns to dust... this is the meaning of celebration for his defeat of death and resurrection for all that will believe. Amen.

04-08-2012, 11:53 AM
Happy Easter 3ADL!