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View Full Version : Maintenance has been completed.

03-30-2012, 08:23 AM
The migration away from our current "main" server to a temporary server has been completed. I know this system isn't nearly as speedy/fast as OUR server, but just keep in mind that this is only temporary. I am about to leave to go retrieve our server from Houston, and will get it moved to our new datacenter in Dallas another day when I am able to take off a day of work.

There is no more scheduled downtime with this event. Thank you for your patience.

03-30-2012, 09:16 AM
The migration away from our current "main" server to a temporary server has been completed. I know this system isn't nearly as speedy/fast as OUR server, but just keep in mind that this is only temporary. I am about to leave to go retrieve our server from Houston, and will get it moved to our new datacenter in Dallas another day when I am able to take off a day of work.

There is no more scheduled downtime with this event. Thank you for your patience.

Thanks for taking your personal time to keep things going smoothly during the transition. Many board owners are not as considerate or caring as you are, admin. Thanks again for all you do for the poster community when needs arise, and on a regular ongoing basis. That's why you get the big bucks...:D