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View Full Version : Downtime scheduled for Friday 3/30/12

03-27-2012, 02:41 PM
Hi Everyone,
I will be pulling the server offline as we prepare to move our server to another colocation host. The cost associated with colocating at our current facility has nearly tripled our monthly cost and is sitting at nearly $260/mo. We can't continue to ask our members to keep eating the cost that high, so we'll move to a temporary server with our same host, and then will be moving to a new datacenter in Dallas. This will require me to take 2 separate days off to do this, so please bear with us over the next few weeks as there will be additional downtime once everything is back up and running.

I plan on keeping the downtime to a minimum, and having everything transferred over to the new temporary server in less than 2 hours. This move will require me to make DNS changes, so it is possible that the website be unavailable for a longer period as the DNS changes propagate through the internet.

During the scheduled downtime, you will be sent to the 3ADL Chat Room.

Once everything is settled down, we can look into adding the mobile version of our forum.