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View Full Version : Caldwell Score

09-20-2003, 12:03 AM
Caldwell beat Smithville 21-11 tonight! It's not a shut out but we will take it! Next game is 2 weeks from now at Hornet Field against Giddings!

09-20-2003, 12:38 AM
Hey gal. Yea, it was a win but barely. They weren't that fired up until waning minutes against a mediocre team which appeared to play its heart out despite losing. Hats off to them. If the Hornets expect the playoffs to be anything more than a distant pipedream, they better find receivers who know when to jump for a pass or look back more than a second too late to catch it.

Beating Smithville by fewer than 35 points is inexcusable. Whoever said they overheard Caldwell talking trash in class about blasting the likes of Smithville must have hit the bullseye.

I'm afraid they could have an humbling experience in two weeks vs. Giddings but the talent is there.

Whether they played half-motivated due to the starting quarterback being out or because they underestimated ANY team could result in a 4-6 season. Be careful.

<small>[ September 20, 2003, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: GoForIt ]</small>

09-20-2003, 02:40 AM
Caldwell did not play as bad as you may think JJ.

09-20-2003, 11:23 AM
Yes, in my opinion, the Hornets did not play up to their potential. Hats off to Smithville and their fans. They never gave up and the fans were behind them all the way. Hornet fans, well done in the noise department. We were loud and I think it help to fire up the team to pull this one out.

BTW, Smithville band, great show. :D :cool:

09-20-2003, 03:38 PM
Yep, Caldwell fans did make noise I admit. Good to see. I think it motivates everyone.

09-20-2003, 03:49 PM
How is it possible that this game was close. Someone enlighten me.

09-20-2003, 04:58 PM
How is it possible that this game was close. Someone enlighten me.Lots of penalties (whether good or bad calls).There was some questionable officiating. Also as I said earlier, Caldwell did not play to their full potential and Smithville never gave up. Let your guard down and they ran with it. They played their hearts out right down to the end.

09-20-2003, 05:18 PM
Never has a team said so much about Smithville. I know ya we lost but both teams won last night for just showing up. Smithville is coming back slowly but they are getting there. Good luck Caldwell. WHo is all in yalls district?.......and also Im Steven Rodriguez older brother i was kicked off the team for having a bad attitude the Head Coach said before homecoming last week. One day before the game. I only been back from basic training for 2 weeks and Im still trying to ajust to the civilian world but hey things happen for reason........and i have LOTS of heart i was on varsity for 2 years and this year he just kicked me off a Captin of the team didnt talk to me or anything just kicked me off. BUT im trying to get back on he doesnt let me BUT GOOOOOOOD GAME Caldwell and Great Class. Keep it up.......#44.........out

09-20-2003, 06:16 PM
Caldwell fans DO NOT yell I REPEAT THE FANS IN THE STANDS DOOOO NOOOOTTTT YELL.... yes us cheerleaders try to get them to yell but they DO NOT YELL....

09-20-2003, 07:04 PM
hornet_06 I was in those stands last nite and I heard alot of yelling from the fans. I agree, they do not usually get real loud, but last nite they were louder than I have heard for an away game in a long time. I and other band moms are always yelling as loud as we can for our team. Unfortunately, we are not always together in the stands at home games as we man the concession stands but we make up for it on away games. I am proud of all the fans last nite.

09-20-2003, 10:11 PM
Hornet_06.. where do you get off sayin the fans dont yell??? I am pretty sure while the band wasnt in the stands we could hear the FANS yell! Just b/c the cheerleaders might start something and the fans dont join in doesnt mean we dont yell. WE yell when its IMPORTANT! We yell when the TEAM needs US!! Thanx!

09-21-2003, 12:41 PM
Hornet_06, You should really evaluate what you think yelling is. Caldwell fans yelled and that helped pump the guys up. Sorry if the fans don't join in with the cheerleaders, but WE as FANS pipe up when we are needed. DON'T say that we don't b/c we do a better job than some others.

09-22-2003, 01:11 AM
Fb_gurl.. youre alright lol Thanx for the back up! I am sorry hornet_06 but when our boys need us we yell! I was told by one of the fans sitting in the stands at Smithville, after half time the band was down gettin talked to by our band director and the football players turned to try to get the band to start to yell and when they saw we werent there they had a look like..Where is the band.. so the moved down to the fans and the FANS got up and started yelling. Maybe you need to explain the the forum what you think yelling is.