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Trench Warrior
12-14-2011, 01:54 PM
I can't get a good read on the guy. On one hand he seems like a pretty good guy, but there are so many rumors of his meddling in Austin with Case, and now his bashing of Cleveland with Colt. I want to like him, but I am hoping that he is not one of "those" dads. I know he wants his kids to be successful and do well, but at what point does it go over the line?

12-14-2011, 02:47 PM
I know a lot of coaches that have been on his staff and/ or coached against him and not one of them have had anything nice to say about him. I don't know him personally so I won't pass judgement, but every report I have ever got on him has not been very good!

12-14-2011, 03:04 PM
Why would you call him "one of those dads", what's up with colt

12-14-2011, 03:22 PM
I know a lot of coaches that have been on his staff and/ or coached against him and not one of them have had anything nice to say about him. I don't know him personally so I won't pass judgement, but every report I have ever got on him has not been very good!

I've heard this same thing. I also have questions about a guy that once his sons are done with HS does nothing but helicopter his sons careers and go on the speaking circuit and make tons of money talking about coaching his two sons in FB. It strikes me as someone that coached as a means to something; not a true passion for coaching and molding young men.

Trench Warrior
12-14-2011, 04:52 PM
Im talking about how when Colt takes a big hit (which I don't think was illegal), all of a sudden Brad McCoy has the nerve to go on a national radio station and criticize the coach. How many other parents of NFL players do you hear getting on to the big mean coach for not checking their son out. Come on, this is professional football. I will go ahead and make the assumption the those coaches, trainers, etc. probably know what they are doing. Just a thought. I know he is worried about his kid, and he has every right to do so, but what gives him the right to go and critique and organization. He doesn't have that much pull. If you got sick or hurt, would your parents call your boss and complain that he was being mean to you and could have done better. It's the same thing.

12-14-2011, 05:23 PM
Im talking about how when Colt takes a big hit (which I don't think was illegal), all of a sudden Brad McCoy has the nerve to go on a national radio station and criticize the coach. How many other parents of NFL players do you hear getting on to the big mean coach for not checking their son out. Come on, this is professional football. I will go ahead and make the assumption the those coaches, trainers, etc. probably know what they are doing. Just a thought. I know he is worried about his kid, and he has every right to do so, but what gives him the right to go and critique and organization. He doesn't have that much pull. If you got sick or hurt, would your parents call your boss and complain that he was being mean to you and could have done better. It's the same thing.

Sounds like he was right to be critical of the Browns. According to reports, they didn't administer the proper concussion tests before sending him back into the Steeler game. But I get what you're saying...

12-14-2011, 05:24 PM
Im talking about how when Colt takes a big hit (which I don't think was illegal), all of a sudden Brad McCoy has the nerve to go on a national radio station and criticize the coach. How many other parents of NFL players do you hear getting on to the big mean coach for not checking their son out. Come on, this is professional football. I will go ahead and make the assumption the those coaches, trainers, etc. probably know what they are doing. Just a thought. I know he is worried about his kid, and he has every right to do so, but what gives him the right to go and critique and organization. He doesn't have that much pull. If you got sick or hurt, would your parents call your boss and complain that he was being mean to you and could have done better. It's the same thing.

Wow, I hadn't realized he did all that. Hellicopter dad

Hey, I heard him and Bob Shipley might of been roomates once.

Old Tiger
12-14-2011, 05:35 PM
Some say he is mini-Marinovich

Trench Warrior
12-14-2011, 08:15 PM
Yeah, again I can understand why he was concerned after the fact. The trainers and team doctors said he showed no signs on the field of a concussion. He started showing an hour or so after the game. My problem is that Colt is not in pee wee football, and these are not amatuer medical staff or coaches. This is the NFL, and for some reason it drives me a little crazy that he thinks out of all the parents that have kids in the league that he's special enough to call the organization out. Too big for his britches. But from what others are saying it might just fit his MO. And I could just be blowing this all out of proportion, sorry.

12-14-2011, 08:50 PM
I can't get a good read on the guy. On one hand he seems like a pretty good guy, but there are so many rumors of his meddling in Austin with Case, and now his bashing of Cleveland with Colt. I want to like him, but I am hoping that he is not one of "those" dads. I know he wants his kids to be successful and do well, but at what point does it go over the line?

I don't understand why he had to say anything at all. Colt is a grown man.

12-15-2011, 07:16 AM
Yeah, again I can understand why he was concerned after the fact. The trainers and team doctors said he showed no signs on the field of a concussion. He started showing an hour or so after the game. My problem is that Colt is not in pee wee football, and these are not amatuer medical staff or coaches. This is the NFL, and for some reason it drives me a little crazy that he thinks out of all the parents that have kids in the league that he's special enough to call the organization out. Too big for his britches. But from what others are saying it might just fit his MO. And I could just be blowing this all out of proportion, sorry.

Tell me more, I guess I've been under a rock and missed this.

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 09:37 AM
Just from reports and ESPN, he called out the Browns staff for not looking after Colt well enough. He said they should have done more and worried more about Colt's safety than getting him into the game. The Browns staff said that Colt wasn't showing signs of concussion, so they didn't check him. They we more interested in his hand, which he also hurt on the play. Afther the game is when he started to show signs of the concussion and he was looked at by team doctors and so on. This just seems like the normal thing in football. They are trying to win a game and were getting him back in. If he didn't show signs, why check him. Do they need to wrap his ankles too if he comes off the field with a hurt hand. Anyway, the next day he goes on national radio and puts out a statement basically saying the Browns failed to look well enough after his son. I like Colt, I just think dad needs to let him be a grown man, and play professional football. Brad just needs to sit and watch his son play, not be in the coaches grill about how he thinks things should be done.

12-15-2011, 09:40 AM
Just from reports and ESPN, he called out the Browns staff for not looking after Colt well enough. He said they should have done more and worried more about Colt's safety than getting him into the game. The Browns staff said that Colt wasn't showing signs of concussion, so they didn't check him. They we more interested in his hand, which he also hurt on the play. Afther the game is when he started to show signs of the concussion and he was looked at by team doctors and so on. This just seems like the normal thing in football. They are trying to win a game and were getting him back in. If he didn't show signs, why check him. Do they need to wrap his ankles too if he comes off the field with a hurt hand. Anyway, the next day he goes on national radio and puts out a statement basically saying the Browns failed to look well enough after his son. I like Colt, I just think dad needs to let him be a grown man, and play professional football. Brad just needs to sit and watch his son play, not be in the coaches grill about how he thinks things should be done.

But he is dad

12-15-2011, 09:46 AM
Just from reports and ESPN, he called out the Browns staff for not looking after Colt well enough. He said they should have done more and worried more about Colt's safety than getting him into the game. The Browns staff said that Colt wasn't showing signs of concussion, so they didn't check him. They we more interested in his hand, which he also hurt on the play. Afther the game is when he started to show signs of the concussion and he was looked at by team doctors and so on. This just seems like the normal thing in football. They are trying to win a game and were getting him back in. If he didn't show signs, why check him. Do they need to wrap his ankles too if he comes off the field with a hurt hand. Anyway, the next day he goes on national radio and puts out a statement basically saying the Browns failed to look well enough after his son. I like Colt, I just think dad needs to let him be a grown man, and play professional football. Brad just needs to sit and watch his son play, not be in the coaches grill about how he thinks things should be done.

But he is dad

Sounds like he is like Craig James. He just cares about his son.

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 10:04 AM
Yeah I get you he is dad, and he does have the right to be worried about Colt all he wants, my concern is that he thinks he has the right to go and call out the organization in the national forum. I don't think he has done anything to deserve that right. Maybe I am wrong. Again this isn't just a bunch of jokers playing the old pig skin. Colt is a professional and this is the NFL. He needs to support his son and watch him play. He is not the one making the decisions anymore. It's time to take a back seat.

12-15-2011, 10:06 AM
Yeah I get you he is dad, and he does have the right to be worried about Colt all he wants, my concern is that he thinks he has the right to go and call out the organization in the national forum. I don't think he has done anything to deserve that right. Maybe I am wrong. Again this isn't just a bunch of jokers playing the old pig skin. Colt is a professional and this is the NFL. He needs to support his son and watch him play. He is not the one making the decisions anymore. It's time to take a back seat.

But not only is he his dad, but his agent and life coach. he does this for a living.
not sure why folks don't understand

12-15-2011, 10:14 AM
But not only is he his dad, but his agent and life coach. he does this for a living.
not sure why folks don't understand

You can spin it any way you want to, but it boils down to the fact the HE wants, and craves, being in the spotlight. Period. Doesn't make him a bad person, just a very insecure one.

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 10:15 AM
I knew about the life coach, not about the agent. Brad made it a point to be way too public with the whole situation, and I take issue with that. Instead of being behind the scenes like an agent and life coach should be, he is throwing all this out front and center. He doesn't need to be heard anymore.

12-15-2011, 10:19 AM
but brad has been a coach and heck, his HS trainers probably could of diagnosed the problem. Besides, I heard he was roomates with Bob, and that makes him okay in my book.

12-15-2011, 10:23 AM
I knew about the life coach, not about the agent. Brad made it a point to be way too public with the whole situation, and I take issue with that. Instead of being behind the scenes like an agent and life coach should be, he is throwing all this out front and center. He doesn't need to be heard anymore.

btw - not sure on the agent for sure. I just vaguely remember somethign about that

12-15-2011, 10:30 AM
But not only is he his dad, but his agent and life coach. he does this for a living.
not sure why folks don't understand

This made me laugh.

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 10:33 AM
You're right, he was a coach and should know better than to bash one before all the facts were out. And how are they supposed to diagnose something without any symptoms or signs of it. Are they just supposed to assume that he had a concussion. When he showed signs, and hour or so after the game, they diagnosed him. They did a good job at what they are supposed to do, and should not be thrown under the bus just because Brad says so.

12-15-2011, 10:36 AM
btw - not sure on the agent for sure. I just vaguely remember somethign about that

Royce, apparently not everyone appreciates your sarcasm and humor. I do, though. :wave:

12-15-2011, 10:38 AM
You're right, he was a coach and should know better than to bash one before all the facts were out. And how are they supposed to diagnose something without any symptoms or signs of it. Are they just supposed to assume that he had a concussion. When he showed signs, and hour or so after the game, they diagnosed him. They did a good job at what they are supposed to do, and should not be thrown under the bus just because Brad says so.

you mad?

12-15-2011, 10:39 AM
Royce, apparently not everyone appreciates your sarcasm and humor. I do, though. :wave:

Shhhh, isn't it time for your first glass of wine :stirpot:

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 10:48 AM
No no not mad at all. I actually want to like Brad. Like I said in the original post, I have heard some not so flattering things about him and was wondering if anyone else had. From the sound of it, he might just be like that. I don't necessarily like this situation, but I have been wrong about people before, so.

12-15-2011, 10:50 AM
No no not mad at all. I actually want to like Brad. Like I said in the original post, I have heard some not so flattering things about him and was wondering if anyone else had. From the sound of it, he might just be like that. I don't necessarily like this situation, but I have been wrong about people before, so.

I mean people hafta like him. His youngest is a stud UT QB. His oldest was the stud UT QB and now the future of the Browns. What's not to like about that pedigree. That family is bound for greatness in all things in life.

Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 10:53 AM
You know what...I think you're starting to turn me. I would like to now make a public apology for anything mean that I said to The Brad McCoy. I love you.

12-15-2011, 10:57 AM
You know what...I think you're starting to turn me. I would like to now make a public apology for anything mean that I said to The Brad McCoy. I love you.

Wait a sec!!! I'm starting to think your on to something.
Is brad really that good of a guy. Your agument is pretty convincing.


Trench Warrior
12-15-2011, 11:01 AM
He is a great guy.

12-15-2011, 11:02 AM
He is a great guy.

and him and bob were roomates, alegedly
I think even colt and jordan were too
what about the youngsters? IDK

12-15-2011, 12:12 PM
and him and bob were roomates, alegedly
I think even colt and jordan were too
what about the youngsters? IDK

I think they are as well. Could be wrong. Royce, I think it is high time for one of you famous movies regarding this subject.


12-15-2011, 01:08 PM
I think they are as well. Could be wrong. Royce, I think it is high time for one of you famous movies regarding this subject.


LOL, it has been a while. I'm just trying to get back in the swing of things. This would be a great topic. Craig James and Brad Mccoy chatting it up. Classic

12-15-2011, 03:08 PM
I heard that in the A&M game Colt's freshman year, when they carted Colt off on the stretcher, that the trainers had to restrain Brad, because he wanted to lay on the stretcher with him and hold his finger up too. Just sayin..... that's what I heard.

12-15-2011, 03:26 PM
I heard that in the A&M game Colt's freshman year, when they carted Colt off on the stretcher, that the trainers had to restrain Brad, because he wanted to lay on the stretcher with him and hold his finger up too. Just sayin..... that's what I heard.

Terrible but funny

Maybe terribly funny????

IDK bout some people.

12-15-2011, 03:30 PM
I still think he convinced Colt not to go back into the national championship game, have heard a ton of rumors surrounding it as well.

12-15-2011, 03:58 PM
I still think he convinced Colt not to go back into the national championship game, have heard a ton of rumors surrounding it as well.

As much as they annoy me, I don't know if I buy that. Reports immediately were that colt wanted to go in the whole time. If brad was convincing anyone that he shouldn't go back in, it may have been the coaches and training staff.

12-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Brad is a very good guy, Like any head coach, there are certainly athletes and parents that did not like his choices and coaching, but I know the man personally as well as all three of his sons very well and I can promise you that he is a class act. That said, I can't begin to understand how he is able to make SportsCenter and the national media. Why does anyone really care what a parent of an NFL player has to say? I'm also kind of with the earlier post that said Colt is a grown man, let him handle his own problems. by the way, I liked him a whole lot more when we played for the State Championship than i did the year before when we were 3-7.

12-15-2011, 04:33 PM
Brad is a very good guy, Like any head coach, there are certainly athletes and parents that did not like his choices and coaching, but I know the man personally as well as all three of his sons very well and I can promise you that he is a class act. That said, I can't begin to understand how he is able to make SportsCenter and the national media. Why does anyone really care what a parent of an NFL player has to say? I'm also kind of with the earlier post that said Colt is a grown man, let him handle his own problems. by the way, I liked him a whole lot more when we played for the State Championship than i did the year before when we were 3-7.

I have never heard he was not a good guy..I have heard from coaches they feel he self promotes to much and has an agenda

12-15-2011, 04:35 PM
He would probably be a really good head coach without a son in the program. and yes, he definitely tried to promote his kids #'s in HS. That is a common denominator you will get everywhere he has coached.

12-15-2011, 04:37 PM
You people... How many of you actually know Brad? How many of you actually know his kids? You are very ready to condemn him based on second, third and who knows what hand rumor and inuendo. I've known the McCoys since 1990. Brad is a very intense guy. He does rub some people the wrong way. Everyone I ever talked to that actually worked with him or played under him respected him. They may not all be best friends with him, but they all respected him. He is a very strong Christian... period. He loves and supports his kids and wants the best for them. Just as I would as a father.
Harrison needs to be suspended for the rest of the season. Guy is a thug. Are you serious that you think that was not an illegal hit? Really? Watch it again. This is his 6th offense. Boot him.

12-15-2011, 05:06 PM
He would probably be a really good head coach without a son in the program. and yes, he definitely tried to promote his kids #'s in HS. That is a common denominator you will get everywhere he has coached.

Check his record when he didn't have a kid playing. Hamlin, San Saba, Jim Ned (before Colt). My problem is that he promoted his kids at the expense of some other kids. The Stancell kid in Graham is the first to come to mind.

12-16-2011, 09:04 AM
LMAO, unexpectedly this thread is getting better. I might read it again

12-16-2011, 10:31 AM
You people... How many of you actually know Brad? How many of you actually know his kids? You are very ready to condemn him based on second, third and who knows what hand rumor and inuendo. I've known the McCoys since 1990. Brad is a very intense guy. He does rub some people the wrong way. Everyone I ever talked to that actually worked with him or played under him respected him. They may not all be best friends with him, but they all respected him. He is a very strong Christian... period. He loves and supports his kids and wants the best for them. Just as I would as a father.
Harrison needs to be suspended for the rest of the season. Guy is a thug. Are you serious that you think that was not an illegal hit? Really? Watch it again. This is his 6th offense. Boot him.

But knowing someone personally just puts the blinders on what outside people think of someone. You can't be objective. By this right I think others might have a better opinion. What say you?

12-16-2011, 02:01 PM
But knowing someone personally just puts the blinders on what outside people think of someone. You can't be objective. By this right I think others might have a better opinion. What say you?Just because I know someone I have blinders on? Didn't say we were best buds... I'm not a huge McCoy fan--I just think he is a very upstanding and honest guy who gets a bad rap for supporting his sons (who are pretty darned decent players and people also).

12-16-2011, 02:14 PM
Just because I know someone I have blinders on? Didn't say we were best buds... I'm not a huge McCoy fan--I just think he is a very upstanding and honest guy who gets a bad rap for supporting his sons (who are pretty darned decent players and people also).

Whoa!!! don't go around calling them decent so fast. For crying out loud Colt's wife said she heard of extra benefits to players. If she knew, I bet both those boys and dad knew.

Rabid Cougar
12-17-2011, 05:05 PM
Don't know either person but Colt is a grown man. Daddy needs to tend his own business... And IF either of the McCoys had another last name and father wasn't a football coach neither would be or have been in Austin, the young one for sure.

12-17-2011, 06:31 PM
Debra McCoy must be a good influence on her sons.

12-18-2011, 09:44 AM
Debra McCoy must be a good influence on her sons.Post pics and I'll be the judge

12-18-2011, 05:44 PM
Debra is pretty hot! Also no bogey72 you hit it, Stansell was 2x the qb that Casey was as a freshmen. Cost a pretty good team a chance to play for a while. That class of kids and parents hate McCoy.