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View Full Version : Happy Black Friday!!!

11-25-2011, 12:53 AM
but I think I would rather watch paint dry.

11-25-2011, 09:29 AM
Despite being old enough to know better, my son-in-law and I went to Wal Mart last night for the midnight black Friday electronics sale. I have never done something like this before but thought I was patient enough to get through it without getting too upset. It started when the people coming in could not get past the lines for the registers because no one would make a small opening between baskets. Finally one couple asked a "lady" to allow them through, which she did but stated loudly that "If I let one in twenty will follow". I just looked at her and said "It's not like you're going anywhere". Her answer was "Yeah but I'm already in line and you're not". Proceeding to another part of the store, I heard a loud conversation and another "lady" was yelling at a clerk because they ran out of some item before she got one. A police officer came up, asked her to be quiet, which of course had no effect, and the large "gentleman" behind her began arguing with the policeman, who promptly started yelling back then told the "gentleman" to leave the store. He did, but I wondered what the policeman would have done should the "gentlman" simply refused.

It didn't get any better and our trip for one item took over 2 hours. Next time I'll pay full price!

11-25-2011, 11:51 AM
You are lucky you didnt get pepper sprayed....


LH Panther Mom
11-25-2011, 05:09 PM
I lucked out and my dear husband made the Wally World trip last night, so I didn't have to. He got both things he went for. Now if I/we can just find what one of the sons wants at a reasonable price.

11-25-2011, 08:49 PM
I went to Walmart in Rockdale at around 10 this morning and got what I wanted. No lines no fuss. In and out in 10 minutes lol