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View Full Version : A really fun experience at the UT game

11-21-2011, 01:27 PM
Saturday nights game was alot of fun. Thanks to my nephew (who works for Fox Sports), I got to take my 12 year old into places most don't get to see. We got our "TV Passes" which gave us access to just about anywhere, and our first stop were the two huge FOX trailers where all the action takes place (man, talk about alot of equipment...TV monitors everywhere). Everybody was really nice and they showed us how it all works. From there, we went thru the tunnel that leads you to the field. And there's where we ran into the Longhorn dance squad. I tried to get my boy to pose with a couple of em', but he was just too shy! The field was busy with photogs, crew, security, and alot of dudes wearing brown jackets...not sure what their function was. Seems like all they did was socialize with each other.
Anyway, we hung out next to BEVO. Took some pics with him. But we soon learned that we needed to move on. Turns out BEVO wasn't feelin' too good! Every once in awhile, we'd get this horrendous odor from BEVO's stomach. Yep, he had an upset stomach. Probably nervous about the game! At the half, it was up to the 8th floor to watch the halftime show from the pressbox. And of course, to look for the food cause I knew pressboxes always have free food! It was steak and chicken fajitas, rice and beans, nachos, etc. (beat the hell out of those $4 hotdogs!)
It was interesting to see armed security officers escort in order, the Longhorn coaching staff, then the Kansas St. coaching staff. Guess they don't want them coming out at the same time and coming face to face... And man, were they in a hurry to get to their respective locker rooms. Security doesn't mess around and makes anybody get the hell out of the way of these guys. You would think they were escorting the President of the United States! Halftime show was impressive. The Longhorn band looked very precise from up there. At the start of the 3rd quarter, we sat next to the National TV broadcast room where commentator Charles Davis & his sidekick were. We could hear the commentators play-by-play, then we'd see the play on the big screen monitor. It was kinda annoying hearing the play and waiting for it on TV. About a 10 second delay.
My kid had a great time and I got to act like I was somebody important!..lol....Shoot, I even told Charles Davis to fix his tie!! If you ever get a chance to take your kid on a tour like this, by all means do it! It was pretty cool! :)

11-21-2011, 01:32 PM
It sounds like you both had a great time! Those memories are priceless!:D