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11-09-2011, 11:01 AM
If he were to have received a Bowl ring for every bowl he WON...he would have 24 bowl rings including two National Championship Rings...holy crap!

How long ago did they start giving rings to the losing team as well? Think he just tossed them in the trash?

11-09-2011, 08:26 PM
It's complete BS they're making him retire like this.

11-09-2011, 08:38 PM
It's complete BS they're making him retire like this.

It is complete BS he allowed what happen to be sweppe under a rug

11-09-2011, 08:39 PM
It is complete BS he allowed what happen to be sweppe under a rug


11-10-2011, 07:32 AM
It is complete BS he allowed what happen to be sweppe under a rug

He reported it to his superiors. What else is there?

11-10-2011, 08:08 AM
He reported it to his superiors. What else is there? Preventing him from being associated with the program, not being directly involved with a "charity" that provided him access to more young boys, going to directly to the police when nothing was done by school admin, and beating his a$$ all come to mind. Paterno had a duty...actually we ALL have a duty...to protect children and he failed to do so. A man in such a position of power and authority as he was could have and should have made darn sure he did everything possible to prevent any harm to defenseless children. It sounds as though he made an obligatory report to admin, washed his hands of it and CHOSE to turn away from an uncomfortable situation with his friend at the expense of young boys. Any and everyone who had knowledge of what this pervert was doing should at the very least lose their job. These boys lost their innocence and so much more.

11-10-2011, 08:57 AM
Preventing him from being associated with the program, not being directly involved with a "charity" that provided him access to more young boys, going to directly to the police when nothing was done by school admin, and beating his a$$ all come to mind. Paterno had a duty...actually we ALL have a duty...to protect children and he failed to do so. A man in such a position of power and authority as he was could have and should have made darn sure he did everything possible to prevent any harm to defenseless children. It sounds as though he made an obligatory report to admin, washed his hands of it and CHOSE to turn away from an uncomfortable situation with his friend at the expense of young boys. Any and everyone who had knowledge of what this pervert was doing should at the very least lose their job. These boys lost their innocence and so much more.

I say jail time! By burying knowledge they all allowed and enabled it to continue. If I was the parent of a victim or a victim myself i would OWN Penn State University!


11-10-2011, 01:09 PM
What everybody seems to be missing here is that Joe Paterno is not at fault, he followed the appropriate chain of command and told the athletic director who chose to do nothing. Also if they want to play that game, why is the graduate assistant who told Paterno still at Penn State, shouldnt he be fired as well?? Did he not do the same thing that Paterno did? If anything he should be reprimanded worse because he actually saw one of the incidents, but nobody wants to talk about all that. They're more worried about trying to destroy the legacy of the greatest coach in college football history who devoted 61 years of his life to that school and enriching that program and the students of that school. You people that continually degrade him and not the other people who knew but were not reprimanded disgust me.

11-10-2011, 02:06 PM
I didn't know the full story, sorry. I thought he was the one that brought it out after the board had ignored him.

11-10-2011, 03:30 PM
People really need to read the grand jury indictment before they make comments lol

11-10-2011, 03:58 PM

This thread is about Paterno, so Paterno's role is what I addressed. For the record, I do think the GA was wrong, as well as every single other person who failed to do their part to try to protect other children from harm.

Also, I find it unthinkable that anyone would think it's appropriate to continue to facilitate a predator's access to children, just because the proper chain of command was followed. If that disgusts you, then so be it.

the genious
11-10-2011, 04:18 PM
I say jail time! By burying knowledge they all allowed and enabled it to continue. If I was the parent of a victim or a victim myself i would OWN Penn State University!


O yeah lock a 80+ year old man up.. There's an idea... That's ridiculous..... The man who deserves to go to jail will spend a long time there!

11-10-2011, 04:36 PM
O yeah lock a 80+ year old man up.. There's an idea... That's ridiculous..... The man who deserves to go to jail will spend a long time there!


11-10-2011, 04:41 PM
What everybody seems to be missing here is that Joe Paterno is not at fault, he followed the appropriate chain of command and told the athletic director who chose to do nothing. Also if they want to play that game, why is the graduate assistant who told Paterno still at Penn State, shouldnt he be fired as well?? Did he not do the same thing that Paterno did? If anything he should be reprimanded worse because he actually saw one of the incidents, but nobody wants to talk about all that. They're more worried about trying to destroy the legacy of the greatest coach in college football history who devoted 61 years of his life to that school and enriching that program and the students of that school. You people that continually degrade him and not the other people who knew but were not reprimanded disgust me.

Should have been reported to the police and CPS period, no excuses, we are talking about an institution of higher learning, and a quality one at that, no one in the chain is that stupid, there is no excuse not to report this to the the authority with jurisdiction!

raider red 2000
11-10-2011, 05:07 PM
Should have been reported to the police and CPS period, no excuses, we are talking about an institution of higher learning, and a quality one at that, no one in the chain is that stupid, there is no excuse not to report this to the the authority with jurisdiction!

the GA should have reported it to CPS and the cops. My understanding is what Jow Pa had was 2nd hand knowledge so then it is not required to be reported to CPS.

the GA should be delt with criminally- not sure what the punishment is.

11-10-2011, 05:25 PM
the GA should have reported it to CPS and the cops. My understanding is what Jow Pa had was 2nd hand knowledge so then it is not required to be reported to CPS.

the GA should be delt with criminally- not sure what the punishment is. I guess I expect that most people would go beyond what is "required" when a child has been violated and other children are at risk.

I agree that the GA should face criminal charges.

11-10-2011, 07:46 PM
I guess I expect that most people would go beyond what is "required" when a child has been violated and other children are at risk.

I agree that the GA should face criminal charges.With you on this. I would have made the Police aware of it if it was 5th hand information. They all tried to cover it up. What is most sickening is the GA will be coaching from the press box Saturday. Why is he not in jail for failing to report a crime and fired from his job?

11-10-2011, 07:59 PM
As I asked on the other thread...how many more boys were raped AFTER Paterno knew he was a predator?