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View Full Version : Dumbest reason you ever got in a fight for....

11-03-2011, 11:38 AM
This topic was on an Austin radio sports talk show and the responses were sometimes hilarious!

Here's mine:
So here I was in 5th grade class minding my own business and doing my work assignment. I kept noticing all this gigglin' around me. So, I decided to find out what was up. Turns out everybody was reading a "love letter" that one of my buddies had written. It was written out to "Rita" from "me"! Well, Rita was considered the ugliest girl in school by all the cruel little guys. So, as the letter circulated around it ended up in the hands of my bestest best friend, a crazy Italian kid named Irvin. I reached over with my lightning quick hands and snatched it away. Well, Irvin made the first mistake of getting up off his desk to come and take it back. POW! I threw a right jab that caught him smack on the nose! He fell back into his desk, got up angry as hell and proceeded to take the biggest swing I'd ever seen!! Boom! Busted my lip in two places. After that, it was on. We were fightin' all over the room and knockin' down desks everywhere. Funniest thing about it was the 80 year old substitute we had that day trying to break us up!! Poor lady!!
The worst part about that fight: I lost my best friend that day and never spoke to him for two years until I moved away. We were both too proud & stupid to speak to each other I guess. So, Irvin Lutz (you SOB!...I kicked you ass!), if you're out there, I still love you man!!! And, Rita Holt, I never thought you were the ugliest girl in school!! Heck, I fought over you...well sorta!! And, I'll bet you turned out to be pretty darn hot!!....I must admit, you should've lost those glasses!!..whew, I just had to get that off my chest after all these years!!!

11-03-2011, 11:42 AM
Haha that's pretrial funny

11-03-2011, 11:48 AM
a friend and I had spent basically all of christmas break together...we would trade off one house for the other and honestly by the time school started back we were tired of each other...

So after working out in first day of off-season we were going to lunch and he decided to tackle me( I think he was trying to show someone else a form tackle) and knocked me into the mud...so I got up pissed and we fought..then went to lunch...some of the SR football players heard about it and egged us on to fight again, so we did three times, until finally caught and sent home...luckily we made up and he was a groomsmen in my wedding lol.

11-03-2011, 12:02 PM
Dumbest reason you ever got in a fight for?

A woman.

11-03-2011, 12:07 PM
i think the dumbest reason i got in a fight was over a stick of chewing gum.

11-03-2011, 12:13 PM
italian kid named Irvin Lutz... :spitlol:

11-03-2011, 12:16 PM
Dumbest reason you ever got in a fight for?

A woman.


11-03-2011, 12:19 PM

LOL. I should of walked away, been lot's cheaper:)

11-03-2011, 01:19 PM
italian kid named Irvin Lutz... :spitlol:

LOL...yeah, I always wondered bout that! He said he was Italian and did have the typical dark hair and skin....but dang, when I think of Lutz, I think maybe German, Austrian, or Swiss. Maybe he was a halfer & momma was Italian.....all I know was he was ugly!

11-03-2011, 01:42 PM
I guy didn't like an article I wrote in the newspaper-Was at dance in East Bernard and a guy attacked me from Wallis
He ended up being arrested

11-03-2011, 01:51 PM
I guy didn't like an article I wrote in the newspaper-Was at dance in East Bernard and a guy attacked me from Wallis
He ended up being arrested

iv been everywhere man.....but where the heck is Hungerford?

11-03-2011, 02:08 PM
dumb or not - you judge. Kid in HS was strapping with another kid - didn't know either one. Then all the sudden, a bunch of dudes jump in and start beating the tar out of the one. I jumped in, pulled a bunch of them off - they weren't that big. Before I knew it, surrounded by all those dudes, I pulled off. tossed my bag down, and said - let's go. Scared out of my mind, but wasn't going to back down. luckily teachers were moving in to break things up. So dumb for sticking my nose where it didn't belong, probably.

Ranger Mom
11-03-2011, 03:28 PM
LOL...yeah, I always wondered bout that! He said he was Italian and did have the typical dark hair and skin....but dang, when I think of Lutz, I think maybe German, Austrian, or Swiss. Maybe he was a halfer & momma was Italian.....all I know was he was ugly!

Do you have a facebook?? I typed in Irvin Lutz and it brought up one!! :)

11-03-2011, 03:33 PM
Do you have a facebook?? I typed in Irvin Lutz and it brought up one!! :)
Yeah, I found an Irvin Lutz, too! He says something about looking for a dude he went to school with so he can open up a can of whoopazz on him!:1popcorn: I'm not saying it's the same one, but he did say something about an ugly girl and a note......:eek:

11-03-2011, 06:32 PM
A friend and I went to town on a Saturday night looking to get lucky. Neither one of us did and we couldn't even find a fight so we pulled over in the bar ditch on the way home and fought each other. Pretty dang ignorant but we both loved to fight. Oh to be 18 again.

'Necks 2013-14
11-03-2011, 07:02 PM
In 7th grade I was the unfortunate recipient of a REALLY bad haircut soooo....I donned a really red ski cap and off to school I went. Then, in 3rd period PE class it happened. This little turd(all I remember is his name was Tim) grabbed the really red ski cap and revealed my axe-job of a haircut!! I picked up this fool and jammed him repeatedly into the lockers at the ultra-swank confines of the Freeport Intermediate school field house. Got licks and felt bad that I had done it after it was over. Good times 4 sure.

'Necks 2013-14
11-03-2011, 08:59 PM

11-03-2011, 09:51 PM
iv been everywhere man.....but where the heck is Hungerford?

Hungerford is about 6 or 7 miles northeast of Wharton of US 59.
It is the center of the universe for Brahman cattle with the most legendary/famous Brahman cattle ranches in Texas and the world.

Eagle 1
11-03-2011, 10:46 PM
You know, I honestly cant answer this question. I was usually too drunk to know why I was even fighting in the first place. :ack!:

'Necks 2013-14
11-04-2011, 06:54 AM
:clap: Been to that rodeo myself!!
You know, I honestly cant answer this question. I was usually too drunk to know why I was even fighting in the first place. :ack!:

11-04-2011, 08:45 AM
How about this one. Just wanted to see if I could whup our all-state middle linebacker. I was a cornerback/ reciever @ 5'10" 165. He was 6'1" 220. I lasted about one minute.

11-04-2011, 08:52 AM
Do you have a facebook?? I typed in Irvin Lutz and it brought up one!! :)

No kiddin'??...I'll have to check it out. It's probably him that big wuss!.....I still remember that day and looking at him during afternoon PE. He had red marks on his face I had a busted lip!....Hey, I'm ready to go again with him....I've been lookin' for a fight....my wife won't argue with me anymore and it's been building up.....

11-04-2011, 08:56 AM
Yeah, I found an Irvin Lutz, too! He says something about looking for a dude he went to school with so he can open up a can of whoopazz on him!:1popcorn: I'm not saying it's the same one, but he did say something about an ugly girl and a note......:eek:

Crap!!....maybe instead of looking for a fight and being macho-man I better go into hiding cause maybe he's like that crazy dude on "Billy Madison" and listening to Electric Light Orchestra and he's looking to kill everybody who pissed him off as a child and that was basically a run-on sentence........:eek:

11-04-2011, 10:13 AM
A friend and I went to town on a Saturday night looking to get lucky. Neither one of us did and we couldn't even find a fight so we pulled over in the bar ditch on the way home and fought each other. Pretty dang ignorant but we both loved to fight. Oh to be 18 again.

My best friend to this day is a kid that I used to fight after football practice over a girl. We fought so much we came to respect each other and got to be friends. After we got to be close friends, every weekend we would, in this order, pick up girls, if there were no girls willing to be picked up, we'd start a fight, if nobody wanted to fight we would fight each other. Yeah, I would love to be 18 again, too bobcat

11-04-2011, 10:40 AM
7th grade....after football practice, a band kid put his big baritone case down in the middle of the walkway going to the street where parents picked us up. One kid tried to move it and the band kid pulled the old "free country and I can put it wherever I want" thing. I went to pick it up and he hits me with his notebook on the back of my head. I looked back and my only instinct was to uppercut him. I broke 6 of his teeth and his lower jaw he had to sit out of band for about 6 weeks because they had to wire his jaw shut.

11-04-2011, 11:30 AM
In 8th grade was my first real fight. I could scrap with the best of them but thought fighting was ignorance at its best. I always tried to work it out. This time, there wasn't a choice.

Aransas Pass, 1986, arm pit of the Gulf Coast IMO. I was a quick, strong athletic kid about average size. It was first period one morning at school when a big lineman on the football team, I played RB and DB, had made his first and last mistake with me.

He and I hung out in the same groups, but for some reason, he always had this chip on his shoulder about me. I got along with almost everyone and I guess he was envious. He spouted off something stupid in class that morning that made everyone laugh that was directed at me. I blew it off. Next was a comment about my sister then about my mom. I still blew it off... just ignorance. But, by the time the class was over, it had escilated and the whole class had already decided that there would be a fight that day. Damn ignorant teenagers! As the day went on everyone was talking about the fight between me and this guy that went by Bubba.

Last period athletics... It was set, fight in the ally behind the school between me and Bubba. Bell rings, butterflies are so big I can hardly keep my muscles from quivering. It wasn't that I was scared of this kid, just feared the unknown of what was about to happen. The unknown in that he might have pulled others into a planned sabitage against me. I opened the door to walk outside and the entire school was pouring out of every door in every building running towards the ally. I was about shart in my pants. I quickly thought, this is rediculous... a fight set up because of some stupid meaningless comment in first period class. Now the entire school is expecting the fight of the year in the back ally. It was the big strong OL vs the quick RB. I immediatly made a sharp left around the bus barn thinking, I'll just get in the open and it won't happen. As I made the turn, Bubba found me... I kept walking on and then I hear him holler, "HEY... where are you going?? Why didn't you head to the ally?? Are you scared??” I could hear his footsteps getting closer on the potted gravel parking lot. Without hesitation or even turning to see how close he was to me, I made a quick 180 degrees and popped him in the nose. He charged me grabbing my shirt and putting me in a head lock. He was going to ram my head into the side of a truck. I got out of it and pushed him into it instead. He turned around and I landed another hard pop in the nose. By this time, the whole school was around and he had been popped in the nose twice, bloody and stunned. He then tried to kick at me, I pulled his foot up and he went to the ground hard. I jumped on top him faster than he could react and started whaling away and until he started crying enough, enough. Someone yelled the cops were coming so we scattered.

After that day, Bubba and I never spoke again and no one challenged me to another silly fight. It’s funny how eager we are as people to see a fight over the stupidest things. Fun times!

11-04-2011, 12:41 PM
Once, playing golf, I sliced one into a cow pasture along side the fairway. While I was in the pasture looking for my ball, a lady was there as well, looking for her ball from the adjacent fairway. I happened to notice one of the cows acting funny, so I lifted the cows tail to see a golf ball lodged firmly in the cows rear. I called the lady over, lifted the tail and said "Does this look like yours"?

She hit me in the throat with her 9 iron. Fight over.

'Necks 2013-14
11-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Once, playing golf, I sliced one into a cow pasture along side the fairway. While I was in the pasture looking for my ball, a lady was there as well, looking for her ball from the adjacent fairway. I happened to notice one of the cows acting funny, so I lifted the cows tail to see a golf ball lodged firmly in the cows rear. I called the lady over, lifted the tail and said "Does this look like yours"?

She hit me in the throat with her 9 iron. Fight over.:spitlol: Literally ROTFLMAO!!

11-04-2011, 06:01 PM
My best friend to this day is a kid that I used to fight after football practice over a girl. We fought so much we came to respect each other and got to be friends. After we got to be close friends, every weekend we would, in this order, pick up girls, if there were no girls willing to be picked up, we'd start a fight, if nobody wanted to fight we would fight each other. Yeah, I would love to be 18 again, too bobcatGood times!:clap::clap::clap:Your name isn't Buddy is it? LOL