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View Full Version : aggie grads vs ut grads...

09-28-2011, 12:52 PM
i know im being a jerk by starting this thread, but ill do it respectfully, even if it probably doesnt end that way...now remember, my wife goes to a&m but is considering transfering grad school to ut due to their national superior ranking in her field, so were really middle of the road on that subject....but today has us scratching our heads....

the rep for union pacific was interviewing my wife again today when he got a call, my wife heard him say "no, we cant hire him" several times, then got off the phone in a huff....when she asked who they couldnt hire (i wouldnt have asked, but shes a gutsy girl) he said "oh, we have a complete freeze on hiring any ut grads"...my wife asked him if they were still trying to fill the 11 places they had and he said "yes, we anticipate filling all 11 spots here at a&m"....

before she left, she asked him what would have happened if she had already transferred grad schools to ut, and he said "you wouldnt have been interviewed or hired"....she asked if she could inquire why, he said they have years of studies in graduates sticking with up or leaving early after up invests in them (your fully vested in up's retirement after only 5 years) and the two worst universities in america from their records of graduate employees that stay with the company are university of texas and clemson, and up has a complete freeze on hiring anyone from either university, irregardless of grades or achievements.....

she told me that and you could have blown me over with a feather, because in her itemized field of engineering u of t is equally ranked with mit, a very prestigious honor....obviously many people want ut grads, i was just amazed that one of the best employers in the world have grads from there red lighted....

slpybear the bullfan
09-28-2011, 02:34 PM
Sounds like this is more of a Clemson and UT vs. Other schools thing. Actually, its a retention thing. Numerous companies I have worked with require contracts for grad students if they reimburse expenses, simply due to people who get the sheepskin paid for then bolt for a better offer.

Simply put, if lots of UT Grad students work for a company until they get their masters and then bolt for a better paying job, then UP may flag it as a non-hire. Seems straightforward to me.

09-28-2011, 05:27 PM
I would guess in the long run the UT grads would be better off. Ranked right up there with MIT is pretty impressive.

Saggy Aggie
09-28-2011, 05:32 PM
I would guess in the long run the UT grads would be better off. Ranked right up there with MIT is pretty impressive. A&M would be right up there as well. If UT has any advantage, it's a very minimal one.

aTm's national engineering ranks:

9 overall
1 Petroleum Engineering
2 Nuclear Engineering
5 Biological & Agricultural Engineering
6 Aerospace Engineering
6 Industrial & Systems Engineering
7 Civil Engineering
10 Mechanical Engineering

Rabid Cougar
09-28-2011, 06:03 PM
Both Clemson and UT are ORANGE.....also the color of UP's primary competitor... BNSF!

09-28-2011, 06:51 PM
very correct, but in the branch of structural, an off shoot of civil, ut is #3 and a&m is currently unranked, a ranking that is atypical for them over the years....weve spoken several time to the head of civil at a&m and hes got a 5 yr plan to restore that ...ut has far superior facilities at present for grad school structural training...they want her strictly for structural purposes, will take mit kids, stanford kids, but not the orange...(GREAT GREAT line, rapidcougar!!!)....

we were just counting our lucky stars that she hadnt taken ut up on their offer yet....still may after the hire....

09-28-2011, 11:02 PM
A&M would be right up there as well. If UT has any advantage, it's a very minimal one.

aTm's national engineering ranks:

9 overall
1 Petroleum Engineering
2 Nuclear Engineering
5 Biological & Agricultural Engineering
6 Aerospace Engineering
6 Industrial & Systems Engineering
7 Civil Engineering
10 Mechanical Engineering

What is the source of these rankings? I would like to see how other engineering schools rank.

09-28-2011, 11:06 PM
What is the source of these rankings? I would like to see how other engineering schools rank.

us news and world reports ranks them online, so does forbes....the rankings he has down match an engineering periodical my wife gets, i dont know if he got them from there or not...

Saggy Aggie
09-28-2011, 11:42 PM
us news and world reports ranks them online, so does forbes....the rankings he has down match an engineering periodical my wife gets, i dont know if he got them from there or not... I just pulled these off of A&M's website, but they're directly quoted from another source. not sure which. I can try to find out though.

09-29-2011, 05:32 PM
Have the utmost respect for the engineering programs of both ut and a&m but please don't confuse them with mit. The big dog of engineering is electrical. That is where mit graduates scientists. I know engineers from a&m and I'm positive they could not get through course 6 at mit.

09-29-2011, 05:45 PM
A&M would be right up there as well. If UT has any advantage, it's a very minimal one.

aTm's national engineering ranks:

9 overall
1 Petroleum Engineering
2 Nuclear Engineering
5 Biological & Agricultural Engineering
6 Aerospace Engineering
6 Industrial & Systems Engineering
7 Civil Engineering
10 Mechanical Engineering
Which would be the exact reason why im going to A&M to major in Petroleum Engineering

09-29-2011, 07:21 PM
Have the utmost respect for the engineering programs of both ut and a&m but please don't confuse them with mit. The big dog of engineering is electrical. That is where mit graduates scientists. I know engineers from a&m and I'm positive they could not get through course 6 at mit.

with all due respect to your input, she was accepted into mit, ga tech, stanford AND ut's grad schools, the letters of acceptance of which are hanging on our walls with pride....her field is structural, not electrical....but in that field, they want her badly and they are rated on par with ut, both rated #3 nationally (tie)....as for electrical being the big dog of engineering, i think youd find a huge argument with that as far as bio-med and chemical engineers are concerned....elecs have far less starting salaries than either of those i mentioned, and for good reason....

09-29-2011, 07:43 PM
LOL seems like UP is not up to BNSF standards!!! Here is just a tidbit of info I foraged for!!

Well it seems as though UP's core problem these days is that the management running the show simply does not care about its employees, public relations, or anything of that sort, just profit margins. BNSF unlike UP has a much better record for employee relations, as well as relations with Amtrak and the public. And the reason for this starts at the top with BNSF CEO Matt Rose. Matt is pouring millions into BNSF's infrastructure, something UP can't even dream of. The Transcon really exemplifies the way railroading can and should be today. Hundreds of train moving over Double Track CTC at high speeds in perfect harmony with passenger trains.

09-29-2011, 08:00 PM
LOL seems like UP is not up to BNSF standards!!! Here is just a tidbit of info I foraged for!!

Well it seems as though UP's core problem these days is that the management running the show simply does not care about its employees, public relations, or anything of that sort, just profit margins. BNSF unlike UP has a much better record for employee relations, as well as relations with Amtrak and the public. And the reason for this starts at the top with BNSF CEO Matt Rose. Matt is pouring millions into BNSF's infrastructure, something UP can't even dream of. The Transcon really exemplifies the way railroading can and should be today. Hundreds of train moving over Double Track CTC at high speeds in perfect harmony with passenger trains.

geez i appreciate that...she also has an offer from bnsf, theyre flying her up to ft worth next week....were trying to read all we can on them both...you read articles back and forth....their packages for her appear equal, bnsf is a little higher in salary, up is much higher on retirement benefits....but as far up not investing in intrastructure, the DOT, a govt branch, just confirmed a $500 million rail improvement thru the rockies, so that cant be so that they cant afford it or arent doing it...

the problem ive found with reading articles is i can show you articles promoting both sides, thats why were working so hard to ask people working at both....found out today a friend of ours has a son in montana with bnsf doing what she will be doing, so we have a phone interview with him next week....but listen, if you find more stuff, im so receptive it isnt funny, no matter which side they support or bad mouth....

(the deep deep reason i am leaning bnsf is they were purchased by berkshire hathaway)....

09-30-2011, 06:46 AM
congrats to her. i know you are proud.

09-30-2011, 07:15 AM
congrats to her. i know you are proud.

thank you so very much...i am indeed, and sorry i bug you folks so much about her...

Saggy Aggie
09-30-2011, 08:22 AM
As far as electrical being the big dog of engineering...... nuclear? Petroleum? Aerospace? Computer (and electrical are almost one in the same)?

Old Tiger
09-30-2011, 08:26 AM
LOL seems like UP is not up to BNSF standards!!! Here is just a tidbit of info I foraged for!!

Well it seems as though UP's core problem these days is that the management running the show simply does not care about its employees, public relations, or anything of that sort, just profit margins. BNSF unlike UP has a much better record for employee relations, as well as relations with Amtrak and the public. And the reason for this starts at the top with BNSF CEO Matt Rose. Matt is pouring millions into BNSF's infrastructure, something UP can't even dream of. The Transcon really exemplifies the way railroading can and should be today. Hundreds of train moving over Double Track CTC at high speeds in perfect harmony with passenger trains.UP has the same mentality of the "UT grad" stuff. IMO the UT grad usually wants to go onto to another job that will make more money. UP just wants as much money as they can get and they beat their own chest of how they are the best and everyone wants to be them and work for them because of that.

They'll even say all those words in the interview room.

09-30-2011, 08:31 AM
UP is hypocritical....they have the same mentality of the "UT grad" stuff. They want as much money as they can get and they beat their own chest of how they are the best and everyone wants to be them and work for them because of that.

They'll even say all those words in the interview room.

o..............k, you may be speaking nuggets of gold but ill admit i missed it....they said nothing like you said in the interview room....

09-30-2011, 08:34 AM
As far as electrical being the big dog of engineering...... nuclear? Petroleum? Aerospace? Computer (and electrical are almost one in the same)?

yea, i missed that one too.....a friend who just graduated cum laude with his masters signed with bp, starting salary $165,000....ive yet to hear of many ee's starting at half that....

Old Tiger
09-30-2011, 08:34 AM
o..............k, you may be speaking nuggets of gold but ill admit i missed it....they said nothing like you said in the interview room....Must of had different experiences....after they said those things they went in depth of how the government had to borrow money from them for the social security make ups and stuff like that. And that's how awesome their retirement is(that they have so much money in it that the government can borrow from that and their employees still get the same retirement without any loss).

09-30-2011, 08:57 AM
Must of had different experiences....after they said those things they went in depth of how the government had to borrow money from them for the social security make ups and stuff like that. And that's how awesome their retirement is(that they have so much money in it that the government can borrow from that and their employees still get the same retirement without any loss).

your right, they did say that....its not the first time ive heard the difference between ut grads and aggie grads in the workfforce....after obama got elected he sent his secretary of education (and chet edwards when he was in office) met with selected aggies and professors from each school at a&m (my wife was an invitee with her grade point)....in that meeting the SOE presented a map of texas loaded with hundreds of blue dots with 4 or 5 red dots scattered across the state...he then said "the blue dots on this map represent an a&m graduate that had stuck with the teaching profession for at least 5 yrs, the red dots represent the texas school, ut, with second largest population of graduates remaining in teaching for at least 5 yrs, what are you guys doing so much different to have this much better results in the workforce?"

they bounced ideas off each other, my wife was asked to come speak in washington with her ideas but she declined for school work...whether it says good about the aggies or bad about ut, or vice versa, theres just a lot of tangible proof that, for whatever reason, when aggies graduate, they stick when they get a job better than most all universities, not just ut....

she has her theories about it, i have mine...mine arent nearly as "uplifting" as hers are....lol

Old Tiger
09-30-2011, 09:41 AM
your right, they did say that....its not the first time ive heard the difference between ut grads and aggie grads in the workfforce....after obama got elected he sent his secretary of education (and chet edwards when he was in office) met with selected aggies and professors from each school at a&m (my wife was an invitee with her grade point)....in that meeting the SOE presented a map of texas loaded with hundreds of blue dots with 4 or 5 red dots scattered across the state...he then said "the blue dots on this map represent an a&m graduate that had stuck with the teaching profession for at least 5 yrs, the red dots represent the texas school, ut, with second largest population of graduates remaining in teaching for at least 5 yrs, what are you guys doing so much different to have this much better results in the workforce?"

they bounced ideas off each other, my wife was asked to come speak in washington with her ideas but she declined for school work...whether it says good about the aggies or bad about ut, or vice versa, theres just a lot of tangible proof that, for whatever reason, when aggies graduate, they stick when they get a job better than most all universities, not just ut....

she has her theories about it, i have mine...mine arent nearly as "uplifting" as hers are....lol
I think a lot of UT grads leave the state of Texas more so than Aggie grads which could be the cause for the issue in Texas. I think that is also a reason that Texas has more of a national following due to grads going to work in other parts of the country. Texas wages generally tend to rank near the bottom compared to most states.

That is just a theory.

09-30-2011, 09:48 AM
electrical has always been considered the most difficult engineering field and carries the most prestige. nuclear, aerospace, chemical sound good but not considered as difficult. civil is below the others. electrical engineering and computer science is the flagship degree at mit and mit is the flagship engineering school on this planet. they offer no academic scholarships nor do they award honors upon graduation. will let you figure out why. if you are chasing money, maybe you should find another degree. that 165k that was quoted is extreme to say the least. maybe trojandad can understand it this way. if engineering was football, ee would be like carthage and civil would be like coldspring. both good degrees, just not the same.

09-30-2011, 10:12 AM
electrical has always been considered the most difficult engineering field and carries the most prestige. nuclear, aerospace, chemical sound good but not considered as difficult. civil is below the others. electrical engineering and computer science is the flagship degree at mit and mit is the flagship engineering school on this planet. they offer no academic scholarships nor do they award honors upon graduation. will let you figure out why. if you are chasing money, maybe you should find another degree. that 165k that was quoted is extreme to say the least. maybe trojandad can understand it this way. if engineering was football, ee would be like carthage and civil would be like coldspring. both good degrees, just not the same.

i could argue many points on that but the one i absolutely know is incorrect cause im looking at it is the point of mit only giving out scholarships because they sent her information and request to apply for 3....and while you may feel they are the best (which ive always thought before) us news and world report respectfully diagrees with you in particular fields of engineering, including my wifes chosen field of structural which mit is tied with ut for 3rd nationally, stanford being the leader...

09-30-2011, 10:17 AM
I think a lot of UT grads leave the state of Texas more so than Aggie grads which could be the cause for the issue in Texas. I think that is also a reason that Texas has more of a national following due to grads going to work in other parts of the country. Texas wages generally tend to rank near the bottom compared to most states.

That is just a theory.

i didnt explain it well, its not that more stayed instate, its more stayed with their jobs instate for at least 5 yrs....DOE wanted to know why a&m could get their graduates to stay with a job for 5 yrs when ut's (as well as all other state colleges, not picking on ut, they were at least second) grads taking jobs instate were gone before 5 yrs...

the "sticking with a job" was my relating point to what the up guy said on the phone.....

Saggy Aggie
09-30-2011, 10:47 AM
electrical has always been considered the most difficult engineering field and carries the most prestige. nuclear, aerospace, chemical sound good but not considered as difficult. civil is below the others. electrical engineering and computer science is the flagship degree at mit and mit is the flagship engineering school on this planet. they offer no academic scholarships nor do they award honors upon graduation. will let you figure out why. if you are chasing money, maybe you should find another degree. that 165k that was quoted is extreme to say the least. maybe trojandad can understand it this way. if engineering was football, ee would be like carthage and civil would be like coldspring. both good degrees, just not the same. I'll agree that electrical is probably the most difficult, but not substantially more difficult. The only branch that is clearly easier is civil, which is why base pay and demand in civil is so much lower. No one is trying to compare civil and electrical in difficulty, but many other types of engineering rival ee in difficulty.

09-30-2011, 10:53 AM
I'll agree that electrical is probably the most difficult, but not substantially more difficult. The only branch that is clearly easier is civil, which is why base pay and demand in civil is so much lower. No one is trying to compare civil and electrical in difficulty, but many other types of engineering rival ee in difficulty.

your absolutely right that civil is not as difficult, but the professor over EE at a&m spoke last year to the asce group and mentioned two fields, bio med and chemical, that he would not even attempt, im sure he was being gracious and making them feel good, but we personally know some of the worlds dumbest stumps getting out of a&m with ee's just because daddy bought it for them and they could enter the family ee business, so i reserve the right to agree on the difficulty in comparison....

Saggy Aggie
09-30-2011, 10:59 AM
your absolutely right that civil is not as difficult, but the professor over EE at a&m spoke last year to the asce group and mentioned two fields, bio med and chemical, that he would not even attempt, im sure he was being gracious and making them feel good, but we personally know some of the worlds dumbest stumps getting out of a&m with ee's just because daddy bought it for them and they could enter the family ee business, so i reserve the right to agree on the difficulty in comparison.... I'm not worth a damn at electrical to begin with, so I would never try it.... BUT some of the smartest Indians I know are in ee, and they're having a hell of a time with it. EE isn't a degree for those who can't cut it. I'm not sure who you know that was dumb and got an ee degree, because I don't know how that works. I'm just saying ee is a great degree, but let's not make it seem as if other degrees are worthless in comparison.

09-30-2011, 01:12 PM
it may have changed but at one time the only scholarships were from outside sources such as mcdermott scholarship. the school itself didn't give out any academic scholarships but they could award scholarships from other sources. every kid there is exceptional so there is no way to give academic scholarships. they have to find a scholarship that fits you. example would be if you were a child of an alum from japan and they had an endowment. grant money may be available based on financial need.
i don't know, maybe i'm different, but i think i would prefer a degree from mit over any other school, including a&m, in any field. i'm really only familiar with the ee program.

09-30-2011, 01:21 PM
I think I can answer this question as to why Ags stay at a job when Horns dont. I cant and will never be able to prove it, nor with the Horns ever admit it. In a nutshell, Ags are more loyal. Loyal to each other and loyal to those who helped them(game em a job). And in a large number or cases, Ags hire Ags. So it makes sense to stay hooked up.


09-30-2011, 03:11 PM
i don't know, maybe i'm different, but i think i would prefer a degree from mit over any other school, including a&m, in any field. i'm really only familiar with the ee program.

im with you, thats why she has their acceptance letter framed and hung on our wall....

Saggy Aggie
09-30-2011, 04:31 PM
it may have changed but at one time the only scholarships were from outside sources such as mcdermott scholarship. the school itself didn't give out any academic scholarships but they could award scholarships from other sources. every kid there is exceptional so there is no way to give academic scholarships. they have to find a scholarship that fits you. example would be if you were a child of an alum from japan and they had an endowment. grant money may be available based on financial need.
i don't know, maybe i'm different, but i think i would prefer a degree from mit over any other school, including a&m, in any field. i'm really only familiar with the ee program. Obviously a degree from MIT would be great and more prestigious than almost any other degree from a different Univ.

I'm just saying, you're bias towards ee. I'm not referring to the univ vs univ thing. More of degree vs degree.

And we were talking about tamu/ut degrees, not sure how we got on MIT?