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View Full Version : Remembering Hurricane Carla

09-10-2011, 10:48 AM
Post your memories of Hurricane Carla

I was 7 years old and living in Hungeford-6 miles north of Wharton--My grandfather had a grocery store and I remember boarding up the windows on that Saturday night If i remember right

The next day we drove to Plum, which is about 8 miles from La Grange and stayed with some relatives. The house was filled with over 20 other people seems like. My grandfather's cousin had an old saloon beer joint and I remember going there and playing pool. The place was packed.

Carla moved right over the area the next day. The wind and rain were terrible but we survived. Besides having a restroom in the house, They also had an outhouse outside.

When we got back to Hungerford (Forgot what day that was) there was minimial damage with a tree that had fallen down in our yard. Our small wooden house was intact--I remember us having to make up the days we lost for missing school/

Also remember driving to Matagordam about 20 miles from Bay City, It was a disaster area.

Old Dog
09-12-2011, 10:59 PM
I sure do recall Carla. She toppled several big oaks in and around Burnet. Pretty far up the map for a hurricane.