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06-16-2011, 04:03 PM
Happened in junior high..more than once...For some reason, things were always said in the showers after football practice..
And to see two guys fightin' naked was horrible..especially when one guy would get the other guy in a leg lock around the head...those are things nightmares are made of...
I'm curious, did any of you lady downlowers experience any fights in the showers? :thinking:

Old LB
06-16-2011, 04:06 PM
Naked leg locks in the shower must be a Burnet thing, can't say I have ever heard of it before. :D

Seen a kid get his nose broke one time, thought he was going to bleed out before they could get it stopped.

06-16-2011, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Old LB
Naked leg locks in the shower must be a Burnet thing, can't say I have ever heard of it before. :D

Seen a kid get his nose broke one time, thought he was going to bleed out before they could get it stopped.

Dont be throwing no shower wrastlin on Burnet , Cam is an import Dawg.......

06-16-2011, 04:12 PM
LOL!! Greendawg is right, I'm an import from another part of Texas....

06-16-2011, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by greendawg84
Dont be throwing no shower wrastlin on Burnet , Cam is an import Dawg.......


06-16-2011, 05:16 PM
Had 2 guys get in a fight in the gym in Jr. High. the kid that got beat went crying to the biggest kid in 8th grade that could whip anyone he wanted cause he already did all his growing and was twice the size of every one else. by this time we were in the locker room and the big kid walked in and told the other guy I am gonna whip your butt for beating up my friend. He started to take off his shirt and by the time he got it over his head the other guy punched him in the nose while his shirt was over his face. Broke his nose and blood was every where.

06-16-2011, 07:40 PM
7th grade against livingston....dressing rooms were sorta behind the bleachers then and in the dark, came out of the locker to see the livingston bunch standing off to our guys as we were leaving the locker (who knows where coaches are).....someone in our group snuck back inside and picked up 8-10 weight collars, came back and passed them out to our guys, who all at once started throwing them in the dark....

livingston guys were hit in the faces, knocking teeth out, knocking a couple of guys out cold....they picked them up and returned the favor....before some parents got down there from the bleachers to stop things there were guys on both sides laid out all over...to this day it was the most ambulances ive ever seen in one place....wasnt a good memory....

06-16-2011, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Cam
Happened in junior high..more than once...For some reason, things were always said in the showers after football practice..
And to see two guys fightin' naked was horrible..especially when one guy would get the other guy in a leg lock around the head...those are things nightmares are made of...
I'm curious, did any of you lady downlowers experience any fights in the showers? :thinking:

saw one in the 8th grade, first yr of integration (68) so showering with other colors was a new thing anyway....two guys, white and black, got into a fight in the shower....not a big thing to me, what made me take notice was all the "signs of excitement" from some guys watching......some guys i thought were straight as an arrow, if you know what i mean....

i made note of which guys were enjoying this FAR too much, and gave them a wide birth over the next 4 yrs....youd be surprised how many of those outted themselves over the next few yrs.....:cool:

orange machine
06-17-2011, 01:41 AM
I went to school with a kid in high school that was always getting into fights. He was a big dude strong and mean when mad. The thing is he really wasn't that good at fighting but I never saw him lose a fight. This dude could take a punch like no other he would get hit right in the nose blood gushing and would keep going like nothing happend he would just out last the person he was fight and when the other dude got tired or hurt they got whooped bad. It's crazy I can remember watching him fight he wasn't fast with his fist but he threw bombs and when he connected it was over. Dude was a freak of nature when it came to pain stuff that would knock most of us out didn't bother him at all.

06-17-2011, 08:09 AM
Worst I had seen is one of my buddies right out of HS, 1 hit to the jaw of a guy yapping his jaw and knocked him out cold. I thought the guy was dead. We all went into panic mode. He ended up being fine but quite a bit wobbly.

BEAST, wanna elaborate on a few of yours, I've heard stories about you and your running buddies? Ya'll were a bit more rowdy than us:eek:

Saggy Aggie
06-17-2011, 10:29 AM
I saw a kid who was standing up against a brick wall get punched. There was nowhere for his face to go, so he just took it and it and it instantly broke his cheek bone. His face swole up like a softball and turned purple in a matter of about 20 seconds. It was brutal.

06-17-2011, 10:42 AM
I grew up with and was buddies with Randall "Tex" Cobb from 1st grade through college. He played football at ACU and then decided he wanted to be a professional boxer. He literally moved to Philadelphia and walked in Joe Frazier's gym and said here I am, turn me into a boxer. Within 5 yrs he beat Ken Norton, Ernie Shavers, and several others. He fought Larry Holmes for the title in 1980 or 81 and got the crap beat out of him for 15 rounds but never went down. Howard Cosell quit as a result of that fight. Anyway, through the years growing up I got to see some doozies involving him. The best one----- A local badass had made it known that he wanted some of Randall. Randall kicked his ass so bad, then made him take his clothes off and drove him to the mall and kicked him out in the parking lot. How bad would that be??? Turns out the guy hid under a car and finally got someones attention and went and got him a towel or something to cover up with. All this was in broad daylight.

06-17-2011, 10:52 AM
wasnt a fight but senior yr we were in a new high school, i was wandering the halls as was typical senior yr, stopped by the office and the secretary (a 2nd mom to me) asked me to run a note to a kid in auto shop....i knocked on the door, they opened and i told them i needed to see john mathis....

when they went to get them, i could see they were using a new frame machine they had to stretch out the frame on a car they were rebuilding...anyway, mathis comes to the door, takes the note, turns back around and takes one step before a cable broke on that machine, snapped back toward mathis in a blink of an eye and acted like a bullwhip, a one inch cable snapping right on his sack.....it dropped him out cold in a second, to the floor.....

his dad told me afterward that the cable actually exploded one of his testicles inside his sac, that there was nothing left to salvage, the other testicle must have been ok because he has 3 kids now (or a very obliging neighbor, one of the two)...but the thing i remember the most, besides that day and all the blood, is that when he finally got back to school before i graduated, he was constantly thumbing his finger down there and youd hear this clanking sound.....hed look at you and say "glass"......like he was proud of his souvenir.....i never caught that.....

06-17-2011, 10:57 AM
Probably a girl fight in junior high. Two girls had their claws in each other's hair and they were taking turns slamming heads into the brick walls of the school. The sound of a human head hitting brick is pretty sickening, but they were troopers and didn't stop until broken up.

Another one in sixth grade, well it wasn't really a fight, but a girl grabbed a piece of class out of a trash can and slashed another across the forehead. It put the blade jobs of wrestlers to shame. I don't think the girl ended up graduating with my class, but I know she carried that scar all the way through high school and probably even still today.

Eagle 1
06-17-2011, 11:45 AM
This not the worst fight I have seen in person, but there is a video on youtube where this black lady beats up this black guy who is drunk. Funniest video I have ever seen, but you will have to sign in on youtube to see it. :D
Just search: Drunk Dude vs. Mad Black Woman

06-17-2011, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
Worst I had seen is one of my buddies right out of HS, 1 hit to the jaw of a guy yapping his jaw and knocked him out cold. I thought the guy was dead. We all went into panic mode. He ended up being fine but quite a bit wobbly.

BEAST, wanna elaborate on a few of yours, I've heard stories about you and your running buddies? Ya'll were a bit more rowdy than us:eek:

I think Ill pass. Not real proud of some of that stuff. But you are right, it got nasty a bunch of times.