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View Full Version : There were perves back then too....

06-10-2011, 04:12 PM
I'm gonna do this one with a run-on sentence:

That Weiner stuff reminded me of the time I was a little kid about 8 years old and my parents had taken me to a K-Mart and I asked if I could go look at the football magazines on the magazine racks cause I didn't want to be with them while they looked for clothes and stuff so they said OK but to be careful and to come right back in five minutes so I'm looking thru this magazine and I was flippin' thru the pages when suddenly right in the middle was a Polaroid shot someone had taken of himself from the waist down laying on a bed with a full blown erection so I took it out and went looking for my parents and when I found my mom in the ladies department I decided I better not show it to her so I asked where dad was and she told me he was in the sporting goods section looking at fishing stuff so I ran over and found him and showed him the picture and he got very upset and snatched it from my hand and asked me where I got it and I told him so he went looking for the manager to complain but only the assistant manager was there and he was pretty useless but did apologize but somehow I gotta feeling the picture belonged to him but I wasn't for sure somehow I think maybe this guy was Weiner's daddy or uncle or something but it doesn't matter anymore cause that was a long time ago and I hope that son of a bitch is dead now......