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05-17-2011, 03:07 PM
Anybody ever have them in college or any other time?

Just got a call that the water bill hasn't been paid in months, and he still owes me for like 3 months of electricity bills but his family has plenty of money and he blows it all on beer and other things of that sort

Ranger Mom
05-17-2011, 03:11 PM
My first husband was a crappy roommate!!!:mad:

05-17-2011, 03:16 PM
It just pisses me off that he has the money to pay me and I tell him all the time but he ends up going to the square or ending up on mars...

05-17-2011, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Anybody ever have them in college or any other time?

Just got a call that the water bill hasn't been paid in months, and he still owes me for like 3 months of electricity bills but his family has plenty of money and he blows it all on beer and other things of that sort

Show him your Louisville Slugger-34 held upright (don't rest it on your shoulder and keep your hand up and in, Ump :D) in your right hand, and hold out the other palm-side up and ask---"Do you choose the left or the right hand. You have 10 seconds to decide."

05-17-2011, 03:44 PM
I had a roommate when I first moved to Dallas. Anyway, this dude had a lousy habit of pickin' his nose and flickin' em on the carpet.....and we didn't have a vacuum cleaner! Anyway, didn't last long....I got married shortly after......

05-17-2011, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Cam
I had a roommate when I first moved to Dallas............ Anyway, this dude ................I got married shortly after......

:eek: :eek: :eek:
I think some of the words got lost in Translation:doh: Can you re-post

05-17-2011, 04:15 PM
Let's see:

Freshman year: Had 3 roommates that moved out after 2 months and I had the entire 4 bedroom to myself...wasn't bad at all

Sophomore year: Had 3 roommates all were potheads but bills always got paid and we had some badA WiiBowling tournaments

Junior year: Had 2 roommates at the beginning, 1 I already knew and one that just kept to himself for the most part. Then after christmas this guy from spain moved in and I hated him. He always ate all my food and wouldn't wash dishes and drank my whiskey and I never talked to the guy...he also had a white mini van lol

This year: Living with the same guy I knew already but he can't get his ish together.

Not sure what I'll do for my last semester in the fall but a one bedroom is too dang expensive and I'd get bored

Old Tiger
05-17-2011, 04:19 PM
I think it could honestly be worse for you from what you informed me about him this past weekend.

05-17-2011, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I think some of the words got lost in Translation:doh: Can you re-post

nah...I have a headache...I'm goin' home.....

Old Tiger
05-17-2011, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Cam
I had a roommate when I first moved to Dallas. Anyway, this dude had a lousy habit of pickin' his nose and flickin' em on the carpet.....and we didn't have a vacuum cleaner! Anyway, didn't last long....I got married shortly after...... So it sounds like you are the alleged "roommate" in your story and your wife is the reason it didn't last long.

AP Panther Fan
05-17-2011, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
Let's see:

Freshman year: Had 3 roommates that moved out after 2 months and I had the entire 4 bedroom to myself...wasn't bad at all

Sophomore year: Had 3 roommates all were potheads but bills always got paid and we had some badA WiiBowling tournaments

Junior year: Had 2 roommates at the beginning,

Lol...have you ever considered that you might be the crappy roommate? ;):D

05-17-2011, 05:37 PM
I would look for three more pot-heads.

05-17-2011, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
Lol...have you ever considered that you might be the crappy roommate? ;):D

Psh I take care of my stuff...sucks that all the bills are in my name except for the water...and you see that didn't get paid lol

05-17-2011, 05:55 PM
Coach tried to stick me with the biggest tool you will ever meet this summer.

05-17-2011, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Coach tried to stick me with the biggest tool you will ever meet this summer.

i figured living with the two biggest tools in nacogdoches county would cancel each other out

05-17-2011, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Coach tried to stick me with the biggest tool you will ever meet this summer.

No homo

05-17-2011, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by BaseballUmp
No homo Ah that didn't really work.

Saggy Aggie
05-17-2011, 07:06 PM
Freshman year i lived in the dorms and my roommate was a friend from HS. We got along well other than him being dirty and me being clean. However, he would clean up if he knew i was gonna be having people over. Better than average roommate, I'd say with the only negative being his dirtiness.

This year I moved off campus and got a 4 bedroom apt with 3 friends. All 3 pay their bills on time. 1 is a pothead and kinda dirty and doesnt really pick up after himself (although he has gotten better). 1 is a gamer and kinda stays to himself a lot but at least he's clean. the other is great except he hits on my ex gfs, which isnt cool.

All in all... its not bad. We throw some pretty legit parties. We all get along. the bills get paid. It's a pretty good living arrangement.

Next year, the pothead and the one that hits on my exs are living there with me again. The gamer told us before we signed the lease he had already planned to live with other people jr year so hes moving out. We took a while deciding who was gonna replace him and my apt complex went ahead and put someone random in there before we decided which one so we got screwed in that deal. I hope he isn't bad.

Anyways, all in all... a bit more dirty than I'd like from 2 of my 4 roommates, but not anything terrible.

05-17-2011, 08:01 PM
Yea last year me and my roommate got put with like a 45 year old black guy former marine. When we were moving stuff in he was there as well and we just shook it off as "hey we have a black roommate and that must be his dad" He came back a few hours later and introduced himself. Then as he went back to get more stuff, we went to the front office and asked if there was any way we could change apts so we moved all of our stuff from the 1st to the 3rd floor of the same building in about 30 minutes before the guy got back. Then later that night I lost in bp and had to write a letter and tape it to his door. lol fun times

05-17-2011, 08:03 PM
My best friend in college and roomate for four years didn't have me as a roomate first. His first dorm assignment roomate was the guy next door known only as "Sticky Dan". Now legend holds that the reason he had the name Sticky Dan was because in two semesters nobody on the 3rd floor had ever seen Sticky Dan take a shower. Sticky was a massive guy about 6'4" and 260 pounds. When my future roomate/friend entered Sticky's room as a freshman, sticky was sitting in the window and he flicked a cigarette butt at him (smoking was prohibited in the dorms) and told my friend that there was a list of rules that he had better abide by on the table. At this time, Sticky was wearing a white t-shirt with the words F...you penciled with a sharpie and he had a large spiked dog collar around his neck. Needless to say, my roomate did an about face and promptly asked for another roomate.

Interestingly Sticky Dan's next roomate assignment was a 25 year old guy who had just finished six years in the Army and was getting his college payed for by the army. He was a really nice guy, tough as nails, and did not take anything off of anybody. He went on to win the campus "tough man" fighting contest for two consecutive years. Needless to say, when Sticky showed this guy the rules list...he promptly told Ole Stick where he could shove that list and the two never had a problem. By the way, Sticky stopped smoking in the room that semester. Sticky was a national merit scholar and maintained a 4.0 grade point average...Go figure!

3 and out
05-17-2011, 09:29 PM
Summer before senior year I had a great housemate - he was on an all weed diet to lose weight and kept his stash of acid in the fridge.
Senior year first semesterI had a great housemate that left abruptly at the end of semester. It wasn't until I got phone bill and found out he had rang up almost $400 of gay 1-900 phone calls. Never got repaid.
Senior year second semester had a great housemate that was too lazy to walk across house to bathroom. He used gatorade bottles to urinate in. It wasn't until it was time for me to move out and clean house (2 weeks after he went to England) that I found over 30 gatorade bottles full of urine. He still owes me almost $300 for rent and bills!

Saggy Aggie
05-17-2011, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by 3 and out
Summer before senior year I had a great housemate - he was on an all weed diet to lose weight and kept his stash of acid in the fridge.
Senior year first semesterI had a great housemate that left abruptly at the end of semester. It wasn't until I got phone bill and found out he had rang up almost $400 of gay 1-900 phone calls. Never got repaid.
Senior year second semester had a great housemate that was too lazy to walk across house to bathroom. He used gatorade bottles to urinate in. It wasn't until it was time for me to move out and clean house (2 weeks after he went to England) that I found over 30 gatorade bottles full of urine. He still owes me almost $300 for rent and bills! LOL that's 3 awesome roommate stories

05-17-2011, 11:45 PM
My roommate that was from spain ended up buying an electric grill, mini fridge, microwave, blender and did everything in his room. Lol he even had a party in his room right now while we were having our own party in the living room and the rest of the party. We could hear him making margaritas lol

05-17-2011, 11:54 PM
My first roommate was on of my best friends from college. He was a neat freak and i was a little messy. We butted heads and got into it a couple of times over the stupidest things. I regret now that we didnt get along as we should have, but i also put the blame on the crappy room we had to live in.

My second roommate was a black kid and he lived with me for one day then left. But he did leave a nice watch that me and ev tried to pawn.

My third roommate told me he hated God. He was a sick guitarist. And the night he stayed with me he stood up on the tanle and got the end of the broomstick and repeatedly hit the ceiling to quiet the ppl above us. He left the next day.

My 3rd roommate was EV. We lived together the rest of the way.

When we moved into our apt. we had a roommate that was on the baseball team. We never saw him bc he was always gone to Houston to see his gf. He flunked out then we had the apt to ourself the rest of the year.

Our next roommate is a huge douche bag. He hangs out with kids that are 16 and 17 years old. Complete tool. Ev and I enjoy laughing and making fun at him. If any of you have seen Animal House, he is Flounder.