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05-13-2011, 07:49 AM
Facebook Photos Land 11 Athletes Lengthy Suspensions (http://rivals.yahoo.com/highschool/blog/prep_rally/post/Facebook-photos-land-11-athletes-lengthy-suspens?urn=highschool-wp2010)

Old LB
05-13-2011, 07:55 AM
This is the policy used in Brownwood and I do not have a problem with it. Despite the fact that everyone thinks we can't live without athletics it is not essential to the education process.

05-13-2011, 08:11 AM
Very much disagree. A "conserned parent" submits this material. What if this parent is doing this so that their son/daughter gets more playing time. Also, I have never liked it when schools/coach's whatever start trying to punish kids for what they did away from school or not at a school function. Where do you draw the line there?

05-13-2011, 08:13 AM
I agree with a moral clause for athlete's. They are representing a larger crowd than just themselves.

On a side note, maybe it was just the way the article was wrote, but why did the concern parent not take the pics to the police. This isn't a school matter. It's a criminal matter.

05-13-2011, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by bolshavik
Very much disagree. A "conserned parent" submits this material. What if this parent is doing this so that their son/daughter gets more playing time. Also, I have never liked it when schools/coach's whatever start trying to punish kids for what they did away from school or not at a school function. Where do you draw the line there?

I agree. Away from school or a shool function, they can't be punished. That is the parent's job!

05-13-2011, 08:21 AM
What if the cans or bottles were empty and it is just kids horsing around and taking pics to appear cool? What if the pics are rigged which is very easy with computers now days. I just think it is a pandora's box and is something that is hard to police. Also, what happens to regular students that aren't in extra curricular activities? What is their punishment??

Also the police would laugh and do absolutely 0

05-13-2011, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Lucky2Coach
I agree. Away from school or a shool function, they can't be punished. That is the parent's job!

You are right and one the one hand you hear educators beeching how "we gotta play the role of the parent" While at the same time creating situations where you are trying to play the role of a parent.

05-13-2011, 08:30 AM
In this particular incident, I disagree.

"While Melrose athletes sign on to act by the guidelines set forth in Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association rules in participation forms submitted at the start of each athletic season, there is no standard set of procedures governing how to discipline actions that come off school ground, outside of school hours. That was the case with all the photos procured by the school administration, yet the Melrose ISD still felt empowered to act based on the illicit substances present in the photos shared on social media."

If there is no standard procedure and the student athletes never signed a school policy stating such actions would have a negative consequence from school related activities and they were not caught in the act and disciplined by law enforcement, then I don't feel the school should have any right to suspend them.

I feel it is up to law enforcement and the PARENTS to be responsible for discipline.

But, if it is school policy to punish acts off campus and each student athlete signs that policy then suspend away.

By the way, for some of you knuckleheads, I'm not saying that underaged drinking should go unpunished nor do I condone it. I just believe that what is done off of school property and not with a school related activity, then the school shouldn't have a say so in punishment of the individual.

05-13-2011, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by poisoned10
In this particular incident, I disagree.

"While Melrose athletes sign on to act by the guidelines set forth in Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association rules in participation forms submitted at the start of each athletic season, there is no standard set of procedures governing how to discipline actions that come off school ground, outside of school hours. That was the case with all the photos procured by the school administration, yet the Melrose ISD still felt empowered to act based on the illicit substances present in the photos shared on social media."

If there is no standard procedure and the student athletes never signed a school policy stating such actions would have a negative consequence from school related activities and they were not caught in the act and disciplined by law enforcement, then I don't feel the school should have any right to suspend them.

I feel it is up to law enforcement and the PARENTS to be responsible for discipline.

But, if it is school policy to punish acts off campus and each student athlete signs that policy then suspend away.

By the way, for some of you knuckleheads, I'm not saying that underaged drinking should go unpunished nor do I condone it. I just believe that what is done off of school property and not with a school related activity, then the school shouldn't have a say so in punishment of the individual.

Good points

Ernest T Bass
05-13-2011, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by poisoned10
In this particular incident, I disagree.

"While Melrose athletes sign on to act by the guidelines set forth in Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association rules in participation forms submitted at the start of each athletic season, there is no standard set of procedures governing how to discipline actions that come off school ground, outside of school hours. That was the case with all the photos procured by the school administration, yet the Melrose ISD still felt empowered to act based on the illicit substances present in the photos shared on social media."

If there is no standard procedure and the student athletes never signed a school policy stating such actions would have a negative consequence from school related activities and they were not caught in the act and disciplined by law enforcement, then I don't feel the school should have any right to suspend them.

I feel it is up to law enforcement and the PARENTS to be responsible for discipline.

But, if it is school policy to punish acts off campus and each student athlete signs that policy then suspend away.

By the way, for some of you knuckleheads, I'm not saying that underaged drinking should go unpunished nor do I condone it. I just believe that what is done off of school property and not with a school related activity, then the school shouldn't have a say so in punishment of the individual.

I agree. This is lack of foresight on the part of the HC for not creating an athletic code of conduct and setting clear expectations for this kind of thing.

05-13-2011, 09:16 AM
I hear yeah and I feel what happens off campus/after hours on their own time is the responsibility of the parents (good luck) and law enforcement if necessary.....but here s one for yah...if a minor receives a citation for minor in possesion or some thing to that sort.......should a district make it policy to punished the the minor...from extra curriculars?

and I have heard of kids getting ticketed for MIP's for just being at the site where alcohol was....and have even spoked to kids that have gotten ticketed for having empty beer cans near them.

I have even had kids I coached suspended for citations of minor in possession/or comsumption they received in the summer.

you know Bolshevik......it's not that I want to play the part of the parent in discipling...but that s what the rules are sometimes.

about the article if the parent was so concern why go to the school or even law enforcement....why not go directly to the parents of the kids............go figure.

05-13-2011, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by NastySlot
I hear yeah and I feel what happens off campus/after hours on their own time is the responsibility of the parents (good luck) and law enforcement if necessary.....but here s one for yah...if a minor receives a citation for minor in possesion or some thing to that sort.......should a district make it policy to punished the the minor...from extra curriculars?

and I have heard of kids getting ticketed for MIP's for just being at the site where alcohol was....and have even spoked to kids that have gotten ticketed for having empty beer cans near them.

I have even had kids I coached suspended for citations of minor in possession/or comsumption they received in the summer.

you know Bolshevik......it's not that I want to play the part of the parent in discipling...but that s what the rules are sometimes.

about the article if the parent was so concern why go to the school or even law enforcement....why not go directly to the parents of the kids............go figure.

So if a star athlete holds up a convenience store after school hours, he/she shouldn't be punished by the school/athletic department? No different from underage drinking. Both are illegal activities.

05-13-2011, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
So if a star athlete holds up a convenience store after school hours, he/she shouldn't be punished by the school/athletic department? No different from underage drinking. Both are illegal activities.

yeah I would think this is a little bit different...a ticket or citation isn't going to be involved with a robbery.......with your thinking I guess driving without a license, without insurance and even speeding would all be on the same line as robbery and murder.

the kid holding up a convenience(if caught and esp. if convicted) has a little more to worry about in his life than whether not he can play.

i don't condone underage drinking or any activities illegal....and I wish in our world as coaches and teachers we didn't have to worry about kids...doing things illegal.....but we do....I just enforce the rules and codes handed down by admin. and school board.

05-13-2011, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by NastySlot
yeah I would think this is a little bit different...a ticket or citation isn't going to be involved with a robbery.......with your thinking I guess driving without a license, without insurance and even speeding would all be on the same line as robbery and murder.

the kid holding up a convenience(if caught and esp. if convicted) has a little more to worry about in his life than whether not he can play.

i don't condone underage drinking or any activities illegal....and I wish in our world as coaches and teachers we didn't have to worry about kids...doing things illegal.....but we do....I just enforce the rules and codes handed down by admin. and school board.

Boy, talk about ignoring the subject. All I asked was, by your logic, should schools and athletics ignore ALL illegal activity. When I was a youngster, if you were caught with alcohol and the coaches found out, you got in big trouble. If you got caught robbing a convenience store, you went to jail. Either way, athletics were out at least for a while. Difference is, for the most part, "kids" were held responsible for their illegal activities. The fact that the legal penalties differ for the two offenses makes little difference. Robbery and murder carry different penalties but both get you jail time (or worse).

05-13-2011, 11:03 AM
All I see is a great teaching opportunity being wasted. It started with the meddling parent that turned in the kids, and then continued with the school admin, who as usual is more interested in appearances rather than a solution that might actually take some effort. The school is there to educate these young people, yet their first response was to punish rather than educate. Tells me a lot more about how poorly the school operates, rather than how serious they are about some code. The code is only as good as the manner in which it is used. If it’s used simply as a tool for doling out punishment, it’s being administered by fools, rather than professional educators trying to do their jobs to be best of their abilities.