View Full Version : Women dominance over men study

04-27-2011, 03:50 PM
In a recent study at Cornell University, it was determined that women feel a stronger dominance over their mate if they can flatulate louder than them. The sound quality was also a determining factor with the lower pitch tones having more of a subliminal effect on a woman's mind as well as an intimidation effect for a man. Smell was not a consideration in the study and not considered important. So fellas, if your lady has got you wrapped around her pinky (or more bluntly, got you by the balls), you may want to pay closer attention to her actions and take up arms if you know what I mean. Now I know why my wife likes to prop one leg on a stool while she stands in front of a mirror doing her makeup in the morning! Them suckers can get pretty loud with that technique. Usually wakes me up....and all this time I thought she was just more comfortable standing that way.....but in reality, she was establishing her dominance...Now I know why she always has the final say!.....I am totally intimidated and didn't even know it..........

04-27-2011, 04:02 PM
Men are such total wimps now days...WIMPS