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03-31-2011, 04:54 PM
ran across this the other day and baffled even an old guy like me.....

long line into the bathroom at a sporting event, urinals AND potties have long lines, in the middle of all this, a wheelchair guy rolled up to the handicapped stall and started beating on the door and swearing at the guy inside the stall....the guy came out apologizing to the wheelchair fellow but explained that the stall was empty when he came in, but the guy in the chair told him "there's lots of empty handicapped parking outside, too, you wanna go park in those until a handicapped person drives up?"....

i know i've been guilty all my life of using the empty handicapped stall, i never considered it equivalent to using handicapped parking......the paraplegic in this case was very drunk and went overboard, but it made me think what might be right.....

my wife said she never saw it happen in the girls side, but didnt know what she would do, either.....

03-31-2011, 05:00 PM
I have never knowingly parked in a handicap spot. I've seen plenty of other able-bodied folks do it a lot, though.

Now, in the bathroom, I think the "urgency" factor has to be considered. I don't think anyone should be blamed if they use any available stall in lieu of having a terrible "accident".

03-31-2011, 05:05 PM
Sorry, that handicapped guy was obviously a drunk jerk with a chip on his shoulder. I've got a friend who is a quadriplegic and he would've told me to not treat him any differently than anyone else. I would've had a few choice words for the jerk and moved on. I will not ever use a handicap parking spot, however, unless I am transporting my friend and have a placard. That irks me when people do that, and I'm always hoping they get caught doing so. I wouldn't sweat it. If a stall isn't being used and you've got to make water, by all means use that stall.:D

03-31-2011, 05:18 PM
I'm glad you hit on this subject. Something similar has been bugging me for a long time.

I will preface this by saying that I not handicap-phobic or anti-handicap by any means. I am glad the American's With Disabilities Act was passed on July 26th, 1990. This allows all citizens the opportunity to travel and participate where they once could not.

My beef is that I think they overshot on how expansive it was. For example, you are required to allow for, I think, to 1:25. This number was probably arrived at based on 1:25 ratio of handicapped to able-bodied citizens. There are 2 problems with that: 1.) I don't think any where near "all" handicapped folks travel, and 2.) this presumes that all spaces will be filled by able bodied drivers. For example, walmart has 700 spaces, so you must have 28 spaces right up front for handicapped. When is the last time you saw walmart parking lott full; or handicapped folks using more than 5 spaces at a given time? Never. They just need to reduce the ratio.

My rant.

03-31-2011, 05:43 PM
Bull. That cat even has a chair he can sit in while the rest of us stand waiting. Further, we should all have the assistance of the metal bar for help in pushing. Handicapped parking is a different story. I won't park in a handicapped spot, but I'll happily dump my load in a handicapped stall.

03-31-2011, 05:46 PM
I like using the handicapped stalls. For one, they're usually alot cleaner. And, if I gotta do doodee, I like the spaciousness. I like to lean on those handle bars on the walls (whatever ya call em') Fell asleep once.....The other nice thing about these big stalls is you can pitch pennies against the wall! Or sometimes I'll roll little wads of TP and toss those....
I agree w/ H2Oboy. When you gotta go, you gotta go...pos yo no se....

03-31-2011, 05:56 PM
Courtesy flushes...more people should do it :mad:

03-31-2011, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Cam
I like using the handicapped stalls. For one, they're usually alot cleaner. And, if I gotta do doodee, I like the spaciousness. I like to lean on those handle bars on the walls (whatever ya call em') Fell asleep once.....The other nice thing about these big stalls is you can pitch pennies against the wall! Or sometimes I'll roll little wads of TP and toss those....
I agree w/ H2Oboy. When you gotta go, you gotta go...pos yo no se.... Yep! And I bet that seat would have been wet when his uncourteous arse hit it had he of been beating on the stall door with me in it.:D

03-31-2011, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
Courtesy flushes...more people should do it :mad: Drop one drown one. :clap:

03-31-2011, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
Courtesy flushes...more people should do it :mad:

Violate man law. Plus you run the risk of an unruly toilet splashing water all over you. If you stand to avoid the splash, the risk increases.

03-31-2011, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Violate man law. Plus you run the risk of an unruly toilet splashing water all over you. If you stand to avoid the splash, the risk increases.

Nonsense. Then it becomes like a bidet!:clap:

Someone should have told that handicapped guy to get to the back of the line. :rolleyes:

Sweetwater Red
03-31-2011, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
Courtesy flushes...more people should do it :mad:

No kidding! Don't sit there and stare at it. Flush it.

As far as HC stalls, I'll always use them if I have no other option. When it comes to rest rooms, I
get in/ out fast and I would have to be clueless of my surroundings if I didn't notice a HC
person nearing the mens restroom before I entered it.

03-31-2011, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Nonsense. Then it becomes like a bidet!:clap:

Not if the swill splashes all over your pants. :doh:

03-31-2011, 08:17 PM
Just because you're not in a wheelchair doesn't mean you're disabled. There are legit people out there who have other disabilities who can walk, just many not walk long distances. One of my best friends since I was little (he grew up in Denton, lived next door to my MeeMaw) has a form of Muscular Dystrophy. His spine is slightly curved outward and he doesn't have the strength that normal people do.....BUT he knows more about sports than anyone I've ever met. He can sit there and dissect a football game, basketball game, baseball game, hockey, whatever better than most of the coaches I've ever met.....ANYWAY that's besides the point. He always gets awkward stares (all of the time) but especially when he parks, because he parks in the handicapped spots (at times). Of course then he gets numb nuts like me who gets mad at him when he doesn't park in them. I'm like, "Come on man, you have a handicapped placcard, use it!" and he always says, "why use it when I can park a couple of spots over or one row over, there may be someone who really needs the spot come after us....plus you can walk long distances, you should be happy you have the ability"

As for the the handicapped stall in the bathroom, I've never heard of that. And according to Larry the Cable Guy "the crippled stool is the Cadillac of the poopin' stools"

03-31-2011, 08:59 PM
Stalls are for all. But what I think is a little silly, and I've seen it on more than one occasion. Christmas season at the mall. The wheelchair folks having to wait in line for the elevator when the escalator is forty feet away? That's retarded.

Tired ole Bobcat
03-31-2011, 10:35 PM
What do you do when you go into a restroom that has one urinal and one stall that is equpped for the handicaped? Do you or dont you use the stall if the urinal is occupied and you gotta go?

03-31-2011, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Not if the swill splashes all over your pants. :doh:

I actually prefer the power flushers. This way you know everything goes down right away.

Never had my swill splash up that far. Sounds like you have a story to tell.:thinking: :D

03-31-2011, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Tired ole Bobcat
What do you do when you go into a restroom that has one urinal and one stall that is equpped for the handicaped? Do you or dont you use the stall if the urinal is occupied and you gotta go?

You always go with the un-occupied stall. I thought this was common sense. :nerd:

04-01-2011, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I actually prefer the power flushers. This way you know everything goes down right away.

Never had my swill splash up that far. Sounds like you have a story to tell.:thinking: :D

Guess I just deal with unruly toilets is all. :doh:

04-01-2011, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Tired ole Bobcat
What do you do when you go into a restroom that has one urinal and one stall that is equpped for the handicaped? Do you or dont you use the stall if the urinal is occupied and you gotta go?

Ask the urinal guy to move a little bit and make room!!! :D :D

WHAT? I thought those urinals were meant for two...:( :(

Ranger Mom
04-01-2011, 08:35 AM
As a grandmother of 2....one who is potty training and one who is potty trained, but gets into EVERYTHING.....I prefer the bigger stalls myself. It is a tight squeeze trying to get a kid on a potty, wipe them, get them down, pull their pants up, etc. if you are in a 4 X 2 box.

Rabid Cougar
04-01-2011, 09:57 AM
Handicap stalls are made availible so that the handicapped can ALSO utilize them. They are first come, first serve. The same for the ramps, elevators and other facilties designed to make public buildings and such accessible. They are NOT exclusive!

Parking Spaces are the only facilty specifically protected by law to be utilized by the handicap.

I would have told the dude to pound sand and get in line like everyone else.

04-01-2011, 11:00 AM
The guy was way out of line. A handy cap stall is not reserved for just the handycaped. It is there so that one who is handycaped can go . I have seen several ONE stall bathrooms and the ONE stall is handycap accessible. It does not mean that you can only use it if your handycaped. Its not like a parking spot. The guy should have straightened him out. somebody needs too because Im sure it will happen over and over again..

04-01-2011, 11:05 AM
This is an absolute no win situation.

This HC guy is out of line. the HC stall isn't a reserved throne. Having said that, if you friend would of comfronted him, set him in his place etc.....he would of looked like a tool for being mean to a handicapped person.

The only way to handle this situation is to say sorry and walk on.

Rabid Cougar
04-01-2011, 11:15 AM
Handicap stalls are made availible so that the handicapped can ALSO utilize them. They are first come, first serve. The same for the ramps, elevators and other facilties designed to make public buildings and such accessible. They are NOT exclusive!

Parking Spaces are the only facilty specifically protected by law to be utilized by the handicap.

I would have told the dude to pound sand and

04-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by RoyceTTU
This is an absolute no win situation.

This HC guy is out of line. the HC stall isn't a reserved throne. Having said that, if you friend would of comfronted him, set him in his place etc.....he would of looked like a tool for being mean to a handicapped person.

The only way to handle this situation is to say sorry and walk on.

my thought was the disabled should go to the head of the line for the handicapped stall, but it never crossed my mind to leave the stall empty when it could be used by able bodies.....