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View Full Version : Humor at an 8th grade game!

Old Cardinal
09-10-2003, 02:40 PM
Yesterday evening, I watched a good 8th grade contest. Coach Dwight Thacker, a salty ole one- armed Devil, with 37 years of Coaching experience was leading the troops. Well, he was giving instructions to a big kid, and one of the Dad's alarmed us in the stands, "Look that kid is going to thrown up on Coach Thacker. Well that kid kind of humped over a little, kind of like an old Persian long-haired cat fixing to up-chuck a big hair-ball. At the last second, Thacker, cut his speech, wheeled the kid around, to avoid a funny but embarassing moment!....We laughed big time in the stands...About 5 minutes later, Thacker, hollered at the kid to go back in the game and the kid said, "I'm sick at my stomach" to which Thacker screamed "Well, I am sick at my stomach too!"...I guess every boy that has played ball for the old One-Armed bandit; has some kind of story to tell. Coach Thacker plans to retire from Coaching next year-kind of an end-of-an-era....

<small>[ September 10, 2003, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Old Cardinal ]</small>

Ranger Mom
09-10-2003, 04:08 PM
That is funny!!

We have a foreign exchange student from Russia at Greenwood this year. He plays for the Freshman team. During 2-a-days ( 1-a-days for Fish)they were practicing a play and the coach noticed this kid laying down right in front of the center. The coach yelled at him, "Posha, what are you doing??" Posha rolled over and looked at him and said in his Russian accent, "I PUKE". The coach pulled him up and set him off to the side, and the team continued practicing.....about 5 yards away!! :D :D

09-10-2003, 10:52 PM
Coach Thacker is a character. All those junior high boys respect him. :D