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02-24-2003, 08:27 PM
Well if you thought ole PPHSFan falling to four stars was weird, just hide and watch me drop to ONE, but I am about to tell it like it is.

Although I consider my political beliefs to be just slightly right of Atila the Hun, and I am sure Genghis Khan has better Karma than I do, I want to go on record about how I feel about your First Amendment Rights.

I will be the first one to stand up and fight for your right to express yourself in almost any manner you see fit. And even though I may disagree with what you say, I still believe in your right to say it, but when you show dis-repect to our Stars and Stripes I feel that you have crossed a line. I don't believe that the Flag of our Country is a symbol of Democracy or Capitalism. I believe that our flag is a symbol of the Freedom that gives you the right to express yourself. If you don't agree with our leadership, you have the right to rally support for someone else in the next election and to cast your own vote. You also have the right to stand up and voice your opinion about just about anything you choose, as long as you do not use vulgar or obsene language in front of my children. But when you turn your back on the Flag of Our Country, or you Burn her in protest or because you think you "have the right", it is my humble opinion that you are a TRAITOR and do not deserve the freedoms that Men and Women have fought and Died for you to keep. Treason is the worst crime one can commit and if you wan't to turn your back on your Country, then please just leave, and take your bleeding heart flag burning friends with you. Oh by the way....that flag you turn your back on gives me the right to tell you exactly how I fell about your worthless ass.

<small>[ February 24, 2003, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

02-24-2003, 08:33 PM
What does this have to do with 3A football?

02-24-2003, 08:44 PM
thats tru and all...but really...what does that have to do w/ football...no offense or anything, just using my freedom of speech :)

Ranger Mom
02-24-2003, 08:47 PM
What does this have to do with 3A football?Keith7, what does a lot of what YOU say have to do with 3A football. I remember a very contraversial post you posted a couple of months ago that had nothing to do with football, but with the subject of abortion!!


02-24-2003, 09:51 PM
Preach it, Brother Double P!
My first vehicle was a '65 Ford F150, and when I bought it it had a bumper sticker that read "America: Love it or Leave it". I peeled it off and saved it when she finally died b/c I was pretty sure that those weren't made anymore. But, by gawd, I think it's about damn time to bring'em back! Im all for the 1st amendment, but it seems that the ones who practice it to the extreme have forgotten what it took to get that right; and it makes me sick.

Billy Boy
02-24-2003, 10:19 PM
What does this have to do with 3A football?Ya'll just don't get it do you.
Without this freedom and everyone who stood up for it you would not have football. And most of all this board to be able to say what you please. :)
Thanks PPSfan for bringing this to light.

02-24-2003, 11:09 PM
What do you young guys think it took for first generation German immigrants to enlist in the US Army and then go fight WWII against their native homeland? What do you think their reason was? We ALL owe an unpayable debt to those that fought and died for our nation's defense, and those that continue to do so today. PPHSfan is right, the Flag is a symbol of freedom. The red and white stripes stand for the blood that has been shed to preserve it.

02-24-2003, 11:53 PM
Ok I agree.. but this should be on a constitution supporters message board not a 3A football board

<small>[ February 24, 2003, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Keith7 ]</small>

02-25-2003, 12:27 AM
Maybe we should have political month during the off-season, kind of like black history month every Feb. The month of June might be good. That's after sports, except for that stuff the football QB's and receivers are doing in the summer. I am getting very fed up with anti-americanism. I am boycotting Hollywood right now. They just don't know it 'cause they never did get much of my money. I'm not smart enough to know how war with Iraq will play out, but I resent Hollywood types trying to tell me what to think.
They are the people I admire least in America.

02-25-2003, 12:31 AM
keith, you are totally missing the point of what pphs is saying. and you dont have any room to talk about not posting about 3a football, not every single post youve made has been about football. so dont start knocking someone else for expressing their respect and patriotism for our nation and those that have fought for the freedom you and i and everyone else here in this country so freely enjoy. thanks and have a great night.

02-25-2003, 01:04 AM
Well, all i know is that the good ole' Aggies respect the freedoms we have, seeing that they originated as a military school.

darn them liberal folks down in t.u.(austin) :mad:

02-25-2003, 02:08 AM
Actually, A&M was simply a branch of the University of Texas that specialized in agriculture and mechanics.

<small>[ February 25, 2003, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: Jacket2000 ]</small>

02-25-2003, 08:01 AM
Young folks, remember this, the majority of the people on this planet have never tasted even the smallest of freedoms which most of you now take for granted. It doesn't matter what the format or forum is. Our flag is never out of place. Like PPHSfan, you should get angry when you see people dishonor the flag, anytime, anywhere.

02-25-2003, 08:41 AM
Also remember that when you see someone abusing their first amendment rights you have the right to invoke your second amendment rights. For those who do not know what the second amendment is all about, well, it's not about duck hunting. :D

02-25-2003, 08:44 AM
Double P, you are 100% correct. I am not only a military member, but also an American. People have the right to voice their opinions how ever they see fit, thanks to our constitution. But that does not make their actions correct. To see someone dishonor the flag or our country really tears at the heart of this American.

Now on a similar note, if anyone saw the Burnet Esprit De Corps half time show, for the last 2 years, really knows what patriotism is and should be. My hat goes off to them and to the band leaders. It also goes off to you, Double P, for standing proud and saying what many want to say, but don't.

Remember: one of the most beautiful sights you will see is a US Flag flying. People take this sight for granted everyday, but once it is taken away you will wish you would have payed more attention to it. Thanks to everyone that flies one in their yard, on their house, or in their business.

<small>[ February 25, 2003, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: BIG19 ]</small>

Billy Boy
02-25-2003, 09:33 AM
Here's to the Band of Brothers who walked the jungles of Southeast Asia. Some came home in body bags, some never came home, others came home to the burning of the flag, the boos and to name calling.

But we did this all for the freedom of SPEECH, the FLAG and AMERICA.

So when you ask what does this have to do with 3A Down Low and football. Ask yourself what have I done for the FLAG and my COUNTRY.

02-25-2003, 10:27 AM
Hopefully all you young people will some day come to realize that the Flag is YOU , and you are the flag. When someone disrespects the flag, they disrespect you and everything you stand for.

big daddy russ
02-25-2003, 01:40 PM
Actually, A&M was simply a branch of the University of Texas that specialized in agriculture and mechanics.
J2KTexas A&M, the state’s first public institution of higher education, was opened on Oct. 4, 1876 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. The school owes its origin to the Morrill Act of 1862, which established the nation’s land-grant college system.

-Pulled off TAMU's website. http://www.tamu.edu/00/data/about.html :D :D :D

big daddy russ
02-25-2003, 01:47 PM
Preach on, brother PPHS. Preach on, Billy Boy. Just because Americans didn't agree with what went on over in Vietman didn't mean they had to treat those soldiers with such disrespect. Looking back on it now, everyone realizes how wrong that was.

It looks like we might go through the same thing all over again thanks to all the idiots who make the first amendment look like a bad idea.

To anyone out there in the military... the folks down here in South Texas wish you nothing but the best. Should you go to war, we'll be waiting for your safe return.

Phil C
02-25-2003, 02:33 PM
I agree with most of what has been said. The Flag represents us and all those who have made sacrifices for us to have freedom today. If you disagree with the Iraq situation the thing to do is to write your congressman and President Bush and protest. If you want others involved then ask people that agree with you to write their congressman too and the President and let them know your views that way. Also vote for and support people that agree with you. But in my opinion showing disrespect to the flag is not the right way and an insult to those who have fought and died for the rights you have. I saw on ESPN last night where a girl basketball player turned her back on the flag on the playing of the National Anthem. If the soldiers in World War 2 had turned their back on the flag and not served their country (and some lost their lives) then that girl might not have been alive today to turn her back to the flag or play college basketball.

02-25-2003, 02:42 PM
USAToday online is asking for opinions on this very topic on it's front page today. The following site gives you the opportunity to say what you said to hundreds of thousands of people. They are also requesting that you leave a name and daytime telepone number so that a USA Today reporter might call.

Phil C
02-25-2003, 05:06 PM
Now that the Western Allies are bombing Iraq get ready to see more protests similar to what the female college basketball player did. I wonder what she is going to do now that bombing has started.

02-25-2003, 06:34 PM
I saw a lot of protests during my early military days. I was stationed at Treasure Island in the middle of San Francisco Bay attached to the Naval Schools Command during the middle part of the VietNam War. I saw an awful lot of things in those protests that I did not agree with, particularily since my older brother had just been discharged from the Marines after being wounded in VietNam, leaving active service with a 50% disability. I saw people spit on returning soldiers and call them "baby killers" and many other undesirable names. All I can say is that there are some very sorry excuses for American Citizens in this nation. Hollywierd can say whatever they want, but they should remember the people's power to boycott their movies. I will die some day having never seen another Jane Fonda film, interview, or anything else she has anything to do with.

As for the young female basketball player, what do you bet she's in college on a government program?

<small>[ February 25, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

the claw
02-26-2003, 04:49 PM
How people can disrespect the flag that stands for their freedom is beyond me. I know several people who have served and are still serving in the military and to disrespect them and others who give their lives so we can be free is unacceptable.

Old Dog
02-26-2003, 05:10 PM
I can hardly stand what the young woman did, but I'm like PPHSfan, I will defend her right to do it. AIN'T THIS COUNTRY GREAT! Personally, I grew up with 2 school chums that never knew their fathers due to WW II, had cousins fight in Korea, lost friends in Vietnam and have kin preparing for the next one, but the young woman still has that right. She MUST somehow realize just how much spilled blood gives her that right to choose.

Chris Hart
02-26-2003, 06:00 PM
I know the young woman has that right to act as she did, but I would just like to ask her a question. The question would be if she feels that way about America, just where in the world would she rather be? Is there another country in the world as great as this one, I don't think so. I would gladly pitch in on airfare for her if there is another country she would rather be in. Why somebody would rather be anywhere than the United States is beyond me. It's times like these when I struggle to keep my testimony.

Old Dog
02-26-2003, 09:43 PM
Another aspect to consider......our enemies will use her demonstration for propaganda against us. I still think she is just a spoiled brat that has no earthly idea what a terrible thing she did! I too served my country and have a vested interest in her disrespectful actions!

02-26-2003, 09:58 PM
I personally can't stand what she is doing..but I am also not gonna let what she does bother me..all everyone is doing is enabling her and giving her exactly what she wants..and that is publicity....all the publicity she is getting is ridiculous...I just ignore her and anyone else who protests what is going on..

02-26-2003, 11:54 PM
this is why i dont care about who wins or loses when we play other teams, cuz when u get down to it....WE ARE ALL AMERICANS!!!!!!!!

02-27-2003, 01:06 AM
Matthew, I think it would probably bother you a little more if you were in the military, or had close relatives that lost their lives or became disabled during their military service. I personally don't even like to see the flag displayed improperly. It really doesn't belong on the seat of a pair of pants anymore than it belongs hung upside down. Now, I'm not one that thinks everyone should salute the flag when they see one, nor do I think it's important to put your hand over your heart during the national anthem, as long as you remove your hat and sing along. It is and always will be simply a matter of showing common respect. These things do bother us "old" guys a little more than they bother you "young-uns". Obviously, that young lady wouldn't be referred to as a "patriot", not by me anyway. wink

<small>[ February 27, 2003, 12:06 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

02-27-2003, 02:07 AM
66, Im right there with ya. My granddaddy and great uncle both fought in WWII(My uncle lost the bottom half of his leg), and everytime I see the flag displayed at a football game, I kinda swell up with pride. And I always have to stop myself from getting onto the kids that always talk or play during the national anthem. Of course it pisses me off that this girl did what she did, but, that flag also stands for the freedom she has to do that.

02-27-2003, 05:55 AM
I heard on CNN that 90% are against going to war with Iraq.I don't think they did that poll down in South Texas cuz I think 90% of us down here are 100% behind the military.No we don't wanna see troops killed,but if military force is what it takes to get that SOB out of power,then so be it.GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE MEN AND WOMEN DEFENDING HER!!

Old Dog
02-27-2003, 12:15 PM
Bottom line....the young woman is using a very hurtful method to demonstrate her anti-war beliefs. She if fact opened two cans of worms!

02-27-2003, 12:38 PM
Actually I had an uncle who lost his life in Vietman...of course he died before I was born..my grandfatherr served durin WWII...what she does bothers me..but like I said I don't give her the pleasure of my attention..(like she cares LOL) I simply choose to ignore her because I feel the more attention she gets the longer she'll do it..if she wants to disagree with our policy on going to war that is fine..she has the right to do that becuase people before her gave their lives for her to have that right..but I don't think she should use her team or her sport to convey her political views..if she wants to protest she needs to get a sign, join a march, write her congressman or woman..

Old Dog
02-27-2003, 01:48 PM
Matthew, you are correct, we have worn this subject to a frazzle and I for one will heed your advice and shelve it!

02-27-2003, 02:02 PM
I agree, and it p***** me off to see a role model do something like that. America should turn it's back on her. That is total disrespect to everone who died so she could enjoy the freedoms she has.

02-27-2003, 02:18 PM
http://http://cloud.prohosting.com/~phatso99/ images/american-flag.gif

<small>[ February 27, 2003, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: whtfbplaya ]</small>

Mad Dawg 20/20
02-27-2003, 04:46 PM
Even though I support our President and this Administration, Presidents and their Administrations come and go but our counrty survives because of the strong foundation set throughout the years.
What does this have to do with high school sports? Well, I thank GOD every day that I can sit at a sporting event in this country and all I have to worry about is if they have enough Jalapenos for my hotdog.

Bleeding Purple & Gold

02-27-2003, 09:21 PM
I agree, I'm a flag waving, red-blooded like most of the rest of you. However to correct PPHS statement on treason earlier I have to say this. Treason- the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or to personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family (Webster's Online Dictionary). Disrespecting the flag while perhaps discpicable in our eyes says nothing about treason for the person committing it. Also if you think about it many of you might have disrespected the flag in some way i.e. talking during the national anthem and such. Besides another thing I don't like about this post is how some of the older guys are saying you young people this and that. Though many of us younguns haven't seen a full all out war you don't have to tell us what freedom is. That's dumb I'm sure everyone is aware or at least everyone who has half a brain is aware of the sacrifices made for this country. All your acts of seniority do is cause some division in the conversation as you put up an age class distinction. Rather than telling young people what "they should know" why don't you offer your experiences with a little less condescending sentiment. Other than that I think it is wrong for people to disrespect the flag but they have just as much right ot disrespect it as I do to respect with all of my heart.

02-27-2003, 09:45 PM
If you had read my comments in the correct light, according to what I said, I think you would see that they were indeed benefits from my experience. It's not my fault if you took them wrong. wink

Billy Boy
02-27-2003, 10:09 PM
Age class distinction oh you mean generation gap. Same gap I had with my parents generation and the same gap your children will have with your generation. wink

02-27-2003, 11:02 PM
can someone pleez bring me up to dat about this "YOUNG WOMAN" that everybody is talkin about?????

02-28-2003, 07:26 AM
Check the previous page for Phil C.'s comment. He describes the case fairly well. wink

03-01-2003, 12:36 AM
hey thanx Sinton66, :) i saw everybody talkin about it so i scanned the posts but couldnt find it, but now i have thanx....and by the way THATS BS what that girl did!!!! :mad: