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09-28-2003, 10:41 PM
Member Rated:
posted September 28, 2003 10:37 PM
For those of you who participated in the debate "If you were the coach, what would you do?" this is the article I can see as possible under the fact senerio presented. Remember this is for fun and is not intended to make fun of anyone. I could not use every statement presented, but I hope I presented both sides od the issue fairly. I also hope everyone also found this debate and the resulting article a little educational. The first Article posted is an article which would probably been written if the coached had won the game.


With Neverwonaplayoffgames advance to the Semi-final round of the playoff’s the jinx that has been haunting our town has finally ended. Mathmatician Playtheodds, father of one of this years captains Joe Playtheodds stated that in the past everytime we had a good team we were just unlucky and had to face one of the biggest schools in the state. With the separation of the playoffs into 2 divisions the odds were made more equal.

Although our season ended last Friday to Notasgoodasus in an unexpected and disappointing loss, our kids played their hearts out. Coach Zeke could have used Senior and three year letterman Jim Blackandwhitenogrey and inside linebacker Thinkofotherpeople, but he refused to blame anyone for the loss.
Coach Zeke was obviously referring to the contraversey that started immediately after Neverwonaplayoffgame’s loss to Biggestschool in our last district game. In that game coach Zeke played his second string the entire game. His explanation for his actions was that the game meant nothing, Neverwonaplayoffgame had already won district, and every starter had sprains, bumps, and bruises that he wanted to give time to heal. He also stated that he didn’t want to risk injury to his starters. Although Most of the town accepted coach Zeke’s explanation, the controversy exploded when Preacher Blackandwhitenogrey wrote a letter to the editor claiming that his son had overheard the coaches talking. Blackandwhitenogrey claimed that the coaches really played the subs in the game against Biggestschool so they could advance in Division2 of the playoff’s instead of Division 1. If Neverwonaplayoffgame had beaten Biggestschool in that game we would have finished the season as the largest school and would have played the harder schedule of Division 1.
When this letter reached our neighbors to the south, Leftoutofthrplayoffs the town’s coaches and fans became furious. Coach Old Dog stated: “ any coach who goes for anything but the win should be fired. Our kids don’t see enough integrity as it is. The coaches should have shown some and done the right thing.” Coach The Old One stated that it is rare that he comes across another coach with the experience of Coach Zeke that is so stupid. He futher stated: “Anyone associated with this sport should feel the same way. There was no question here, None(he should have played to win).” Coach Seasick4 stated: “It was ridiculous of them to even think about. . .how stupid.” Coach xir8tor was less critical, but still did not give his approval of our coahing staff. He stated”Personally I can see resting needed starters due to injuries, bumps, bruises; but would be hesitant to lay out first stringers just for an easier schedule.”
Coach Zeke acknowledged that he saw the situation and the easier schedule of division 2 and the tough schedule of division 1 were discussed. He also admitted that the strategist in him probably influenced his decision to give his second team the benefit of a lot of playing time in that last district game. He supported his decission by stating: “It was a legal maneuver, and in my opinion honorable to give your team the best chance to win a state title.”Coach dog92 wasn’t as diplomatic and accused those who disagreed with the decision to play the subs of being dishonest in their feelings. He stated: “These guys should be honest. They are letting thir morals get in the way of their true feelings. In their heart they know they would have put their team in a situation where their team would go deeper in the playoffs.”
When confronted by this statement, Preacher Blackandwhitenogrey became outraged and stated he was starting a petition asking for the discharge of the entire coaching staff. “I dare him questioning our convictions. He’s the one with no morals and should be fired. The entire coaching staff should be fired.” Blackandwhitenogrey’s son then quit the team in protest. Phycologist Thinkofotherpeople also expressed strong feelings that what our coaches did to the kids of Leftoutoftheplayoffs was cruel and her son also quit in protest.
Parents of the team captains, however have always supported the coaches decision. Local Businessman, Don’tpassthebuck said that is absurd: “The only way a team can be sure of a playoff spot is to win enough games where the outcome is not in some other teams control. Our coaches owe their loyality to our kids, not theirs. We’re the ones who pay their salary not them.” Attorney Ifitslegalitsok and Mathmatician Playtheodds see nothing wrong with the coaches decision and firmly believe that it was the only decision they should have made. “This was our kids senior year and their last chance to win state. We would have had no chance to beat Superpowerhouse in the first game of Division 1, but was the favorite to win Division 2. It was the only decision that made any sense.”
Many people opposed to our coaches’ decision predicted that by teaching our kids to loss rather than win that we would be beat anyway in Division 2 and point to our loss to Notasgoodasus as proof. Although many of the players expressed disappointment that their coaches did not believe in them enough to let them try to beat Team Superpowerhouse, they claimed that this had no effect on their play. We didn’t win district by not being competitors and we’re not going to let something like that effect our play they all stated. In addition we elected our captains because we thought of them as the leaders of our team and they totally supported our coaches’ decision.
Superintentant Standbyyourcoach stated that he was very proud of our coaching staff. “When we hired these guys, we knew we were hiring very smart and realistic men. They assured me they would end our Jinx and they did, We can now change the name of our town.” When confronted with the issue of whether or not intentionally losing a game just to get an easier schedule was wrong he stated “These people have a right to their opinion, but I’m not going to get into an argument about what is right or wrong. Attorney Ifitslegalitsok assures me that there is no rule requiring a coach to try to win every game. The coaching staff decided it was best for the team to play their second team that entire game and they have a right to their opinion.”
What I say is put this controversy behind us and THINK ABOUT NEXT YEAR. Congradulations to our 2003 REGIONAL CHAMPS.

Member Rated:
posted September 28, 2003 10:37 PM

<small>[ September 29, 2003, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: PAINTBALL ]</small>

09-30-2003, 07:49 PM
To understand these articles you should first read the post "If you were the coach, what would you do"

If anyone feels their true feelings were not expressed in this mock article, please feel free to state why. If anyone wishes to add some quotes that they feel will better support their position, please feel free to do so.

If anyone wants to jump in now please feel free to add their post.