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Saggy Aggie
03-08-2011, 02:46 PM
using my car to blow money. :/

6 parking tickets ($190.00)

towed twice ($237.60)

Locked my keys in my car ($120.00)

2 tickets today for 50 in a 40 and inspection ($289.00 + defensive driving, or $409.00)

Basically, I'm an idiot. Not that you guys didn't already know that.

03-08-2011, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
using my car to blow money. :/

6 parking tickets ($190.00)

towed twice ($237.60)

Locked my keys in my car ($120.00)

2 tickets today for 50 in a 40 and inspection ($289.00 + defensive driving, or $409.00)

LOL, this reminds me of being in College. What a butt kicking:mad:

03-08-2011, 02:54 PM
Can you explain why you are doing this? I am curious to know why. I haven't had a ticket in over 25 years (who know, I might get one today) but it seems a tad silly to get that many in such a short time.

You didn't include the cost increase in your insurance.

03-08-2011, 02:57 PM
:eek: Come visit Brownwood this weekend and support our local Economy! :D

03-08-2011, 02:59 PM
The only ticket I've ever got was for expired insurance. I was 17, and got pulled over for going 70 in a 65 (it was at night). Sue me. I was driving a small car and going downhill. Its only natural that I accelarated. The DPS was going to let me off for that, but then I presented an expired insurance form, EVEN THOUGH I was insured but had forgotten to put the new form in my car. Never again. Now I keep copies of that stuff in every car I drive and in my wallet. :mad:

Saggy Aggie
03-08-2011, 03:02 PM
The parking tickets are a combination of things. A&M has weird policies about where you can park and when. It took me a while to figure them out.

Several times I was in the right place at the right time, but you have to have some valid A&M parking pass to do it, and I had let a friend borrow mine. I parked there without thinking, then relaized after I got the ticket, that I had done nothing wrong other than forgetting my pass. I got towed once because of that.

The 2nd towing happened when I went to my friends' apt complex. I didnt know there was visitor parking and neither did he (because he doesnt have a car). I got towed there.

The keys in my car was just an honest mistake. I was rearranging stuff in my trunk and set my keys down in there. Closed it. Nothing I could do about that.

Today the speeding ticket was the first time I've ever gotten pulled over in 4+years of driving. 50 in a 40 because I simply just wasn't watching my speed carefully. Once he stopped me, he cited me for having an expired inspection (which I have already tried to take care of).

I took the car to the dealership to try to get the data port fixed (there was a short within the port so the car couldn't get inspected.) They told me at the DEALERSHIP that I was screwed and they couldn't help me. I took it to a family friend and he fixed the short. I then took it to get inspected and there was 1 emissions problem. I was only home for the weekend and at that time I needed to come back to school. Since I now know what's wrong, I planned on getting it inspected this weekend when I went back home during spring break. :/

Saggy Aggie
03-08-2011, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
Can you explain why you are doing this? I am curious to know why. I haven't had a ticket in over 25 years (who know, I might get one today) but it seems a tad silly to get that many in such a short time.

You didn't include the cost increase in your insurance. I thought the defensive driving would cover that?

big daddy russ
03-08-2011, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
Can you explain why you are doing this? I am curious to know why. I haven't had a ticket in over 25 years (who know, I might get one today) but it seems a tad silly to get that many in such a short time.

You didn't include the cost increase in your insurance.
My mom's had three driving tickets in almost 40 years of driving. One back in the Panhandle when she was in college in the early 70's. Two during the five years my brother and I lived in College Station. She's never lived in CS, only visited.

Saggy, I feel your pain. I understand the tow Nazis that live there. I understand the confusing parking right off Northgate, Southgate, Westgate, and everywhere else with any access to a popular attraction whatsoever.

I also did some research in college as to how they built Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater after the voters voted down the bond. Four words: "Click it or ticket."

Down with the man!!! Haha.

03-08-2011, 03:40 PM
I've had one ticket for turning right on red. There was a tree which partially obstructed the sign, and I just flat out missed that it was there. I complained about the tree, which was then cut down a month or two later. I imagine that cops had used it as a hotspot for some time until they got too many complaints about the tree.

The other two times I've been pulled over, the cop didn't know what the heck he was talking about. The first time was for turning left on red on a one-way street, which the cop went ballistic over saying how dangerous it was and stuff and how the only place he'd ever heard it legalized was at the town square. He went back to his car for a while (presumably got on the phone with dispatch or something), then came back and handed me my license and told me to have a nice day and walked away.

The other time, I had gotten off work and was driving through DFW airport on my way home when a cop pulled me over for going "51 in a 35". Since that was my regular route to work, I knew good and well that the road didn't go down to 35 for a few hundred more feet ahead. He let me go with a "warning", but admitted that he actually pulled me over because "it was really late at night and I thought you might have been drinking because not many cars are on this route this time of night." That one still baffles me. And sure enough, on my way home from work the next night, I looked at the speed limit sign, and sure enough, it was 50.

03-08-2011, 04:03 PM
get you some AAA...wouldve paid for itself with the keys being locked in the car, plus if your car ever breaks down you can tow for free (up to a certain distance depending on your membership level), also they will help you change your tire if you have a blow out (might not need it but if your somewhere you dont konw in the middle of the night it is useful).....other stuff like hotel discounts but anyway, just a thought...

if you brought your car to get inspected and you failed you shouldve gotten a form that said you brought it in and failed and you have X amount of days to get it up to code and re-inspected...if you show that to the cop your not supposed to get a ticket for it unless if you waited past the 2 weeks or whatever it is they give you...

Old Tiger
03-08-2011, 04:06 PM
your screen name is fitting

03-08-2011, 04:22 PM
Let's see...

Ran a red light and got my picture taken...dad wasn't too thrilled about getting that picture in the mail

Rolled through a stop sign at 4 in the morning and asked the cop if he wanted jack in the box tacos...not my finest moment to say the least

Had another unfortunate event 5 days after my 21st and you can guess how/where I spent the next 32 hours...

Got towed from Trails at Wolfpen Creek

Basically, this is why I no longer visit College Station anymore

Saggy Aggie
03-08-2011, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by sahen
get you some AAA...wouldve paid for itself with the keys being locked in the car, plus if your car ever breaks down you can tow for free (up to a certain distance depending on your membership level), also they will help you change your tire if you have a blow out (might not need it but if your somewhere you dont konw in the middle of the night it is useful).....other stuff like hotel discounts but anyway, just a thought...

if you brought your car to get inspected and you failed you shouldve gotten a form that said you brought it in and failed and you have X amount of days to get it up to code and re-inspected...if you show that to the cop your not supposed to get a ticket for it unless if you waited past the 2 weeks or whatever it is they give you... I didn't take it to an official inspection place.

I went to the the dealership to try fix the data port. They couldnt help me. I took it to a family friend (mechanic) and he fixed the short. Ran the codes on the data port and it brought back 1 emissions code which would cause my car to fail. At that time, I needed to go back to A&M, so he assured me that we'd take care of it like 2 weeks later when I came back home for spring break (which is in 2 days), so i never got that official inspection but I did have the paper from the dealership and I explained my situation and he still didn't care and didn't cut me any slack. I was nice as possible and accommodating and honest and he still just wrote me 2 tickets. I can understand the speeding, but I was hoping he'd at least give me a warning for the inspection. :/

03-09-2011, 12:29 AM
Wow thats sucks.

No tickets for me...yet. I did once get pulled over for going 55 in a 30 my senior year but me and the cop ended up talking more about my car rather than me speeding.

03-09-2011, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Saggy Aggie
using my car to blow money. :/

6 parking tickets ($190.00)

towed twice ($237.60)

Locked my keys in my car ($120.00)

2 tickets today for 50 in a 40 and inspection ($289.00 + defensive driving, or $409.00)

Basically, I'm an idiot. Not that you guys didn't already know that.

Some companies will not hire you if you have more than one ticket in the pass 3 years.

03-09-2011, 08:50 AM
One speeding ticket in Sweetwater 1982 and one warning for speeding driving back from Brady three years ago.

Ranger Mom
03-09-2011, 10:21 AM
1 ticket for speeding in a school zone (that they decided to make a school zone during Christmas holidays....and just stuck a school zone sign up....no flashing lights, just a sign amid the other 47 signs ...yes, I counted them, on that half mile stretch of road!!:mad: )

That was 13 years ago, took defensive driving to keep it off my record since that was the ONLY ticket I have ever received!!!

Saggy Aggie
03-09-2011, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Some companies will not hire you if you have more than one ticket in the pass 3 years. Moving violations?

Because this is the first moving violation I've ever gotten.