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View Full Version : Need help for a school project

02-19-2011, 11:38 PM
I'm taking an Entrepreneurial Studies class and we are in groups of about 10. Basically what we are doing this entire semester is creating a business plan on a start up business that we have to pitch to the professor at the end.

My role is as the Marketing and Advertising director.

Our business will be a mobile food business that is set up outside of the Square here in San Marcos that will mostly cater to the drunk people leaving the square. Also it will be on campus near the quad during lunch time.

What I need your help on is this, what kind of promotional items do people like?


That's all I have come up with so far.

Also, anybody know the best way to market to college students?

There's some new things like placepunch which is an app that lets you check in and sends out a notice to people nearby to stop in. Also I figured some flyers and stuff like that around campus.

Radio and newspaper ads don't seem to have much use anymore.

This is all just a mythical business venture that we won't really start, but all of the business plan has to be legit.

Any help would be great.

02-20-2011, 01:04 AM
Believe it or not T-shirts are extremely popular among college students. Something about wearing a logo is catchy to students. Next time your on campus look at all the different shirts you see, I'd be willing for bet you see several logos of the local bars in town.

02-20-2011, 03:26 AM
Since your in San Marcos koozies and cups would probably go over pretty well. The t-shirt idea is not a bad idea but it depends on what your budget looks like....samples are always nice.

02-20-2011, 09:09 AM
Develop a phone app that let a person know when they are within a certain distance of you business (since it is mobile). When it sends the message where you are located it automatically gives the customer a discount or a special. This would be good for college students on a budget and who are always hungery.

02-20-2011, 11:51 AM
Marketing for a food truck huh. That sounds like a hoot. I would make sure to collaborate with the local hot spots. Get your company information on beer cups, koozies, and napkins. Make sure DJs are announcing that food and Advil will be available at the after-party in the parking lot. The social media aspect should be pretty obvious, but can't be overlooked because its probably the cheapest way of getting word out about the product.

02-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Centex that's basically what this placepunch is. Its in its beta stage right now but is similar to foursquare in which you can earn stuff or get coupons...stuff like that.

Facebook and twitter make it pretty easy to market to this group of people.

It'll be a sole proprietorship and hopefully deals can be found to keep start up costs around $10,000.