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02-17-2011, 03:09 PM
One of my all-time favorite "bad habits" that I witnessed came from my TI days in Dallas. Our janitor, Pedro, who by the way was the happiest man on the planet. (always whistling while he worked). Anyway, Pedro was a big burly fella who loved to chat. Especially with the ladies! I remember this incident:
A co-worker called me to come quickly. So, I got up and we both snuck our heads around our Herman Miller walls and waited patiently while trying not to be detected. About 25 yards away down the hall was Pedro talkin' to one of our hot-shot engineers. And yes, she was a lady. Finally, it happened! Pedro cracked some kind of joke (which he always did), then began to laugh out loud. This was the moment we were hoping for! You see, Pedro had this habit of grabbing his crotch, making adjustments, and repeating the procedure whenever he laughed! Damnest thing I've ever seen. Of course, it made people standing or sitting in front of him very uncomfortable. Especially the gals. It was hilarious to witness and his act quickly became known as "The Legend of Pedro". Maybe all that crotch grabbin' was the key to his happiness....man, I loved that guy....
Anyone out there got any bad habits?:eek:

02-17-2011, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Cam
One of my all-time favorite "bad habits" that I witnessed came from my TI days in Dallas. Our janitor, Pedro, who by the way was the happiest man on the planet. (always whistling while he worked). Anyway, Pedro was a big burly fella who loved to chat. Especially with the ladies! I remember this incident:
A co-worker called me to come quickly. So, I got up and we both snuck our heads around our Herman Miller walls and waited patiently while trying not to be detected. About 25 yards away down the hall was Pedro talkin' to one of our hot-shot engineers. And yes, she was a lady. Finally, it happened! Pedro cracked some kind of joke (which he always did), then began to laugh out loud. This was the moment we were hoping for! You see, Pedro had this habit of grabbing his crotch, making adjustments, and repeating the procedure whenever he laughed! Damnest thing I've ever seen. Of course, it made people standing or sitting in front of him very uncomfortable. Especially the gals. It was hilarious to witness and his act quickly became known as "The Legend of Pedro". Maybe all that crotch grabbin' was the key to his happiness....man, I loved that guy....
Anyone out there got any bad habits?:eek:
Wow, I worked at TI South Bldg up until last year. Ok, carry on.

02-17-2011, 03:16 PM
3ADownlow at work is my bad habit...............

02-17-2011, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
3ADownlow at work is my bad habit...............

I hear you :)

02-17-2011, 04:19 PM
Quoting posts is obviously bad. :D

02-17-2011, 04:22 PM
Cam, between this thread and the other one you posted, I'd say you work with some interesting folks...:eek: :ack!:

02-17-2011, 04:56 PM
Drinking. I'll think about breakin that tomorrow since my better half is at Goody Goody's right now. In case you do not know Goody Goody's: Inside tour of Goody Goodys (http://www.goodygoody.com/VirtualTour.aspx)

AP Panther Fan
02-17-2011, 05:04 PM
I, of course, have no bad habits;)

however, a co-worker does this crazy thing....she will be talking and either during or at the end of her sentences she says "off of it". She does not even know she is saying it and it in no way fits in with the context of her conversation. I once counted how many times she did it and it was like 8 or 9 times. I now have a hard time comprehending what she is saying because I am so busy counting. Craziest thing I have ever heard. She also has a nervous eye twitch thing she does, so I think it must be related.

Not funny like the Pedro story....just weird.

02-17-2011, 05:59 PM
I grab my genitals anytime i talk to a female

02-17-2011, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
I, of course, have no bad habits;)

however, a co-worker does this crazy thing....she will be talking and either during or at the end of her sentences she says "off of it". She does not even know she is saying it and it in no way fits in with the context of her conversation. I once counted how many times she did it and it was like 8 or 9 times. I now have a hard time comprehending what she is saying because I am so busy counting. Craziest thing I have ever heard. She also has a nervous eye twitch thing she does, so I think it must be related.

Not funny like the Pedro story....just weird. That cracked me up!! :clap:

02-17-2011, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by DavidWooderson
I grab my genitals anytime i talk to a female

I have the opposite problem - they grab mine.

02-18-2011, 03:39 AM
When someone that works for me comes to me with a "problem", as soon as they begin to speak I know what the entire sentence coming out of their pie hole is going to be. My superior brain processes this information, forms an answer, and sends a signal to my Own pie hole, which engages and answers the question, usually before said person reaches their third syllable.

This in turn hurts their "feelings", and then I have to spend the rest of the day calling them Sally the Sissy from Mississippi.

02-18-2011, 08:58 AM
I used to cuss like crazy.

That is until about 2 or 3 weeks ago when I decided I could help better myself by not doing that anymore. Since then, I think I can count on 1 hand how many I've said.

And I feel good about myself for doing that.