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View Full Version : Week Zero and an Off Week , A Good Strategy?

01-19-2003, 10:58 AM
La Grange has traditionally begun the season on week zero to gain an off week between the pre-district and district season. There are several advantages and disadvantages in this strategy: the team plays the first game after only three weeks of practice and two scrimmages (they have lost this game the past three years although Bay City and Yoakum are real tough to beat anytime); on the other hand the pre-season doesn't count, it is only preparation for the real important games in district so it doesn't matter; players heal before the district play in an off week; however, players can lose their "edge" in and off week; a bye week falling just after grades means a player who becomes ineligeable only misses 2 games not three in district play; but momentum is important for a team going into district play and a bye disrupts the focus and intensity of the entire team.
Personally I like the bye week for all the advantages above. I am interested in your opinions so please let yourself be heard. :)

01-19-2003, 12:09 PM
In Bridge City we almost had a bye week. Thanks to weather we had our game from the previous week moved to the next week taking away our bye week. We weren't really looking forward to a full 5 week full of "monday" practices. Those weeks make you better, but they also make you extremely exhausted and bored without a friday night to play on.

01-19-2003, 04:11 PM
I dont like bye weeks. I think the only time it's beneficial is if you're coming off of a loss. Otherwise, it takes away alot of momentum and since you can only have half the practice time, it can make the team lose their focus.

01-19-2003, 04:31 PM
Bye weeks can be very useful.. You get an extra week to practice for the crucial 1st district win, and you can get over injurys before going in to district.. I think they can actually help pick up momentum